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Post Info TOPIC: stretford tip/meadows

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RE: stretford tip/meadows

Male and Female Bullfinch


Goldcrest x 4


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A walk around the perimeter -
Long -tail tit 10.
Jay 3.
From the Middle Hill -
Sparrowhawk 1.
Kestrel 1m.
Meadow pipit 2 heard only.
A very quiet afternoon.


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Path by side of basketball court -
Sparrowhawk 1.
Willow warbler 1.
Long-tail tit c20.
Blue tit c15.
Great tit 4.
Bullfinch 1 .
Main tip -
Kestrel 2 (pair) .
Reed bunting 2 .
Chiffchaff 1 heard singing .


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Late post for Monday 15.09.16
1 - 3pm ...
(Very hot, most things staying in cover.)
Chifchaff 1
Kestrel 1 on pylon adj. M60, then 2 Kestrel together over tip.
Lots of Woodpigeon over.
Magpie only 1 supprisingly .
And on the way back heard I heard a Common Buzzard calling with a very short
"Meow" , flying fairly low which was joined by another which seemed to start a display....flying high and then diving (with wings in), and pulling up with legs stretched out several times.
These two were joined by another as they gained height, then another and finally a fifth bird. They circled high and finally dissappeard .
After that show I decided to leave the tip only hearing a few Long-tail tits on the way back.
At least the paths over the tip were nice and dry , also lots of bramble in berry....mmmm.


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Morning visit after dropping my car at the nearby garage.

1 hobby, over
1 garden warbler
1 spotted flycatcher
1 grasshopper warbler, heard & then showed well
1 sedge warbler
17 whitethroat
8 blackcap
5 chiffchaff
4 willow warbler
8 reed bunting
7 bullfinch
2 swallow
11 swift
2 buzzard
1 kestrel
1 sparrowhawk with an unfortunate bird in its talons.
1 pheasant
2 great spotted woodpecker
Plus goldfinch, greenfinch.

-- Edited by steven burke on Saturday 14th of May 2016 10:22:34 PM


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Late report for Thursday 5th May 5-7pm

1 Grasshopper Warbler showed briefly, but well on the south side of the meadows by the cycle route. Reeling only just audible over the traffic from the motorway.
1 Grey Partridge
3-4 Whitethroat
2 Reed Bunting
2 Chiffchaff
1 Buzzard being mobbed by crows
1 Long-Tailed Tit
1 House Sparrow flycatching from the top of brambles
Plenty of Goldfinches


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Grasshopper Warbler reeling and showing well in brambles at the top of the hill
Blackcap 3
Whitethroat 3
Reed Bunting 1
Kestrel 1
Buzzard 1
Sparrowhawk 1


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Excellent news about the forthcoming maps .
Ps. My avatar was phone-scoped to the right of middle/kestrel hill (with the cricket club to the right ) in the dip . They seem to favour that area for hunting .


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I'm in the process of making a series of Mersey Valley maps for birds & butterflies. I'll have a go at the Stretford & Urmston ones, then, and I'm happy to adopt Middle Hill. I call it Kestrel Hill.


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No map as I know of, but I enter from the Poplar rd. entrance then walk slightly uphill...Walking across the small flat top you come to a substantial dip and incline to another mini hilltop with a large concrete manhole cover on it. (Motor way to your left ) this is what I call the "middle hill" as it again tappers down (with the cricket club to the right) eventually to the garden centre entrance to the tip.
As the little hilltop is nearly central to the tip I refer to it as that, as some birders I know ask for directions / locations and there aren't too many features on there. It would be a good thing if someone did a map as it might encourage more birders to visit the location.


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Late post for Monday 2nd May

Around 830-1000 with Chris Chandler

A fairly quick spin round the site hoping to hear or see Grasshopper Warbler. No sign at all, it was pretty breezy but seemed sheltered enough at the bottom of the site near the cricket ground. We saw plenty of Whitethroat but other than Dunnock and Meadow Pipit that was about it.


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The Middle hill ? 

I approach the Meadows via Kickerty brook over the motorway footbridge, Has anyone done a map of the meadows ?

Shrike was an excellent find well done Peter Reeves..

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A quick visit this afternoon.
Stonechat 1 m (on the middle hill at first) .
Whitethroat 2.
Reed Bunting 4.
Blackcap 4 (3m, 1f) in clearing between St.Matthews school Poplar rd. and the tip.
Goldfinch 3.


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evening visit.

2 grasshopper warblers in different areas, both seen but one eventually showing really well down to about 15ft.
3 chiffchaff
2 blackcap
1 whitethroat
2 swallow
5 linnet
4 reed bunting
2 stock dove
1 kestrel
2 pheasant


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phillipskelly wrote:

From 7.15am until 1pm.
Spotted Flycatcher 1 .
Grasshopper Warbler 2 (1 seen , another heard in different location ) .
Bullfinch 1 m.
Reed Bunting 8 (5m , 3f)
Meadow Pipit 2 heard .
Greenfinch 1 heard .
Buzzard 1 over Urmston lane boundary .
Long-tail Tit 4.
Dunnock 4 (2 pair ).
Lapwing 1 over M 60 .
Cormorant 1 over heading south.
Chiffchaff 1 seen and 2 heard.

Go on then, I'll bite.
The Spotted flycatcher seems a phenomenally early record Phil.
What were the circumstances here?


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pm visit

Linnet 1
Stock Dove 7
Pheasant 3
Kestrel 1

Updated birding videos on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/c/PeteHinesbirding

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From 7.15am until 1pm.
Spotted Flycatcher 1 .
Grasshopper Warbler 2 (1 seen , another heard in different location ) .
Bullfinch 1 m.
Reed Bunting 8 (5m , 3f)
Meadow Pipit 2 heard .
Greenfinch 1 heard .
Buzzard 1 over Urmston lane boundary .
Long-tail Tit 4.
Dunnock 4 (2 pair ).
Lapwing 1 over M 60 .
Cormorant 1 over heading south.
Chiffchaff 1 seen and 2 heard.


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Grasshopper Warbler 1
Common Whitethroat 3
Raven 2
Sparrowhawk 1
Buzzard 1

Updated birding videos on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/c/PeteHinesbirding

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No further sign of the Great Grey Shrike so far this morning.

Yesterday the bird was in the area adjacent to the M60 close to the footbridge that crosses it from the meadows.

Info and images of the bird thanks to Peter Reeves


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A Great Grey Shrike was seen and photographed here on Sunday morning (yesterday). Further details will be posted as and when I have them.


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Quick scan as I passed through on my bike;
- Stonechat (1) male
- Buzzard (2)
- Kestrel (1)


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No short- eared owl but Raven on pylon at Bradley lane .
Also seen -
Goldfinch 20
Meadow Pipit 5 heard
Long-tail Tit 10
Jay 2
Didn't do a full circuit and didn't come across the usual grey partridges ,
I just walked around the central hill checking for Short-eared owl .


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This afternoon - distant and brief view of a small flock of
aprox. 20 Goldfinch.
Longtail tit flocks x2 of 8 and 10 birds.
Common Buzzard 1.
Grey Partridge 4.
Redwing c 10 .
Meadow Pipit 4 .
Starling c 200 in a mini - murmeration around a pylon adj. M60.
Bullfinch 1 heard .
Plus several Robins , wrens and magpies about.


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The clearing s/o St. Matthews school basket ball crt. and the wooded area of the tip between 11 - 12.30pm. . . . Blue tit 13 . . . Gt. tit 6 . Goldfinch 5 . Chiffchaff 1 Blackbird 3 juv. Blackcap 3m + 1f + 3 juv . Reedbunting 1 . Mistle thrush 1. Long-tail tit 9. Bullfinch 1 heard. From 12.30pm on the rest of the tip. Long-tail tit c10. Goldfinch flock of 67 juveniles and 1 adult . Spent a lot of time just watching the the goldfinch feeding on the thistle seed heads.


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In addition to my last post - I used the Poplar rd. entrance to the tip . (Off the A56 Chester rd. ) And turned left at the Solidago Canadensis and Basketball court.


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From 11- 2 pm. . Between the wooded boundary of the tip and St. Matthews primary school in a clearing containing elder, hawthorn, willow and lots of rosebay willow herb and a bit of bramble: a mixed flock consisting of . . . Longtail tit x c20. Chiffchaff x 2 . . Bullfinch x 1 m. Great tit x 4 . Blackcap x 2 . . And a bird glimpsed in a small dead hawthorn which might have been a garden warbler but not sure. . . I waited about 30mins and all the birds (as above) returned . But the one in the hawthorn was a Spotted Flycatcher ! ! and this time I had my scope on the tree just in case, and nearly got it phone- scoped . Elsewhere on the tip there was only :- Common Buzzard x 1 . Jay x 2 . Grey partridge x4 . . . Chiffchaff x 2 heard on the perimiter . Also c 50 Goldfinch feeding on thistle seeds .


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A short mooch on the tip today (which looked really good with waist high grasses and lots of thistle in seed). . . . Not much seen or heard except . .. . Buzzard x1 over. Sparrowhawk spiraling high above and aprox Goldfinch x 50 moving around the sycamore and scrub oak trees (inc. at least 10 young picking insects off the oak ).


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Chiffchaff x3. Whitethroat x 5. Reedbunting x 3. Swift x 2. Grey partridge x3. Pheasant 5 heard +1flushed. Cormorant x 2 over . Greenfinch x 2 . Lapwing x1 over. Blackcap x 2 . Sedge warbler x 2 .


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Nick Hilton wrote:

Number of ways;
Drive down to the bottom of Newcroft Road, park up and take the cinder track left (east).
Drive down to the bottom of Lesley Road, park up near the cricket ground, follow the track round the ground and onto the old tip site.
If public transport, bus down the A56, get off near Stretford Tip (Household Waste Recycling Centre), find footpath adjacent that leads onto old tip site.
Google earth it, you will clearly see the tracks and the bridge Tim refers to. Good luck.

NB I've only ever cycled there. It's off route 62 - the Trans Pennine Trail. They have been closing this stretch which is being tarmacced (more than you'll find on any roads!) but it's open for the weekend. Cycle from Chorlton Ees


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RE: stretford tip

Number of ways;
Drive down to the bottom of Newcroft Road, park up and take the cinder track left (east).
Drive down to the bottom of Lesley Road, park up near the cricket ground, follow the track round the ground and onto the old tip site.
If public transport, bus down the A56, get off near Stretford Tip (Household Waste Recycling Centre), find footpath adjacent that leads onto old tip site.
Google earth it, you will clearly see the tracks and the bridge Tim refers to. Good luck.


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Hi I have never been to the tip and would quite like the see the whinchat. Please could someone tell me how I would be able to see it? Also how do I get access to it and where is it?

-- Edited by Joel Tragen on Friday 1st of May 2015 04:03:26 PM


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Male Whinchat still present 3.55pm today near the bridge over the motorway. A splendidly bright bird


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Male Whinchat and two Wheatears present this afternoon.

Info thanks to Tony O'Mahony


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1 Kestrel hunting
1 Buzzard, hounded by a couple of Magpies - then by what looked like a Sparrowhawk (didn't have bins with me to be sure)
5 Meadow Pipit
7 Goldfinch
2 Wood Pigeon


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2 chiffchaffs
c20 swifts
3 swallows
3 greenfinches
1 skylark
5 goldfinches, over
5 reed buntings plus 4 juveniles
4 whitethroats plus 5 juveniles
2 kestrels

info thanks to phil Kelly.


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this afternoon..

4 chiffchaffs
2 skylarks
1 blackcap
2 greenfinches
1 kestrel
4 reed buntings
5 whitethroats
3 pheasants
4 linnets
2 long tailed tits
2 wheatears

info thanks to phil Kelly.


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Grasshopper Warbler, Chiffchaff, willowarbler, linnet, skylarks, meadow pipits and a little grebe on a nearby pool and some new plants including Crataegus laevigata, known as the midland hawthorn in flower.


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1 kestrel
1 buzzard
8 meadow pipit
3 skylark
2 mistle thrush
4 great tit
1 wren
3 dunnock
4 mallard
5 woodpigeon
5 greenfinch
1 linnet

info thanks to phil Kelly.


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1 kestrel
1 buzzard
2 meadow pipits, another 5 heard
3 greenfinches
1 dunnock
3 skylarks

info thanks to phil Kelly.


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post for yesterday 16/3/13

c50 meadow pipit
9 reed bunting
2 great spotted woodpecker
2 mallard
10 goldfinch
1 redwing
across the m60...
1 sparrowhawk
13 lapwing

info thanks to phil Kelly.


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24/01/13 1300 2 Raven flying south


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late post for yesterday 15th april. 12-2pm

1 sparrowhawk
3 swallows
4 mallards
1 dunnock
2 kestrels (1 on m60 lamp column)
4 chiffchaffs
2 buzzards
1 robin
1 long tailed tit
1 skylark
4 buzzards seen over carrington.

info thanks to phil kelly.


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19.02.12 (Poplar Road entrance)

Long-tailed Tit 5
Coal tit 1
Great Tit 5
Blue Tit 4
Greenfinch 4
Bullfinch 1m
Jay 1
Mistle Thrush 1

Main tip-

Skylark 5
Meadow Pipit c20
Reed Bunting 1
Dunnock 3

Info thanks to Phil Kelly

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Monday 20th of February 2012 01:52:46 PM


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Today around midday:

Greenfinch 5
Reed Bunting 14
Skylark 6
Whitethroat 11
Linnet 7
Chiffchaff 1
Grasshopper Warbler 1
Sparrowhawk 1
Swallow 2

Info thanks to Phil Kelly


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3rd April 2010:

Greenfinch 1
Chaffinch 1
Mistle Thrush 1
Chiffchaff 2
Reed Bunting 4
Skylark 4
Heron (over ) 1
Linnet 1 f
Kestrel 1 f
Buzzard (over ) 1

Info thanks to Phil Kelly


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Saturday 12th March:

Kestrel 2
Reed Bunting 5
Goldfinch 5
Greenfinch 3
Buzzard (over ) 1
Skylark 5
Meadow Pipit 24
Long-tailed Tit 4
Fieldfare 10 (in the adjacent cricket club)

Info thanks to Phil Kelly


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Originally posted by Judith Smith, 07.11.10 at 8:35pm:

Lesley Rd end - a Water Rail on the little stream and 2 Buzzards (a tetrad with no records at all so far, so paid it a visit today - 27 species in total)


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Went for a good walk round this afternoon in the vain attempt to spot a waxwing or two on the many berry trees and bushes, alas no luck, in fact there is a distinct lack of most varieties of anything on here at the moment other than hse sparrow, wood pidgeon and still not seen but heard goldcrest.


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still as quiet as ever on here although there seem to be several chaffinch around the new open area of the goldcrest habitat, there are signs the goldcrest have returned but not sure if they now just visit and move away for the night .

First afternoon off in ages and to my annoyance from 12.30 to 2.30 the whole fields were being cut up by a gang of five lads taking turns on an offroad motorbike, no wonder it's quiet.

-- Edited by brandon mulhern on Tuesday 21st of September 2010 10:40:22 PM


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Been very quiet over the last fortnight here, this week has seen a little more activity but nothing special other than now 3 confirmed skylark juveniles active mainly around the edges of the paths munching on the many insects about at the moment. Very easy to get close without knowing it as the grass is so long.

Still some linnet around showing some probable breeding behaviour (taking food back to a bramble bush), may be a second brood for this year, I'll keep my eyes out for confirmation. Several greenfinch and house sparrow in their normal place, although the recent work on the area has impacted on their little haven as the paths have been widened and several of the bramble bushes are now gone.

Still not sure where the goldcrest are, several goldcrest calls near the allotments but too limited to get a good spot to exact whereabouts, but one thing is for sure they're not where they were!

The work on the drains has cleared a very long stretch of the edge of the wooded area and is pretty much 400metres long give or take a metre or so. Areas i never had access to before are now wide open. It has been covered with a soft mix of pebbles and cement but is still soft underfoot so maybe things can grow back over time.

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