They're not quite as rare as you might think Bill and the last one I saw was in Nanquidno Valley, Cornwall several Octobers ago. Fortunately it gave good, prolonged views as obviously, thoughts turn to rarer species when you initially can't place its identification. I dont think I've ever heard of one being caught though and as you rightly say, it's indeed extremely interesting
Putative juvenile swallow x house martin hybrid caught and ringed today. Underparts like a washed-out swallow, legs dark and unfeathered. Upperparts dark blue with whitish rump with a few dark flecks. Tail with medium fork, uniform dark blue and no tail spots.
What a surprise that capture must have been Steve! I've tried a quick trawl of the internet and looked through a few books to see if I can find anything on these two species interbreeding but as yet have drawn a blank. Your record sounds like the subject of an interesting article for the 2012 GM County Bird Report to me!
Putative juvenile swallow x house martin hybrid caught and ringed today. Underparts like a washed-out swallow, legs dark and unfeathered. Upperparts dark blue with whitish rump with a few dark flecks. Tail with medium fork, uniform dark blue and no tail spots.
Late post for yesterday morning. All sightings from the cow field opposite Bridgwater school.
6 house Martin 12 swift Singing whitethroat Kestrel hunting Sparrowhawk soaring House sparrows collecting food Siskin over Moorhen and Canada geese heard No sign of the coots that attempted to breed here last year
11-12.30 Filtration lagoons 2xreed warbler 1xbullfinch 3xreed bunting 3xtufted ducks 2xblue tits 1xcoot 1xmoorhen Along the canal 4xmagpie 2xchaffinch 1xgarden warbler Delph 2xmute swans 1xmoorhen with 2 chicks 1xheron (who had half an eye on the chicks) Mum sent them off into cover. Cheers Jay
Finally a migrant to get excited about in the form of a Worsley MEGA - a Male Cuckoo. Located in the woods about 100 yards away to the West from the Filtration Lagoons (Botany Bay woods?). It was flying from tree to tree deep in the woods away from me and I initially thought it was a male sparrowhawk, but when I finally caught up with it, it revealed itself. Good, if brief, views down to 25 yards. It never made a sound before, during and after I saw it, so it was a great stroke of luck that I found it.
Also seen in and around the Lagoons:
2 Grey Partridge A pair of Gadwall were in a small pool in the sheep field. Reed and Sedge Warbler Chiffchaff Willow Warbler Whitethroat 8 Lapwing c.20 swift 7 swallow 4 Buzzard Male Kestrel Yellowhammer Long Tailed Tit family party 2 Coal tit searching for insects Cormorant and a few Lesser Black Backed gull over.
The woods held:
2 Great Spotted Woodpecker Nuthatch nest 3 Coot and 3 Mute Swans by the delph - the pair by the nest and surprisingly TBY on the other side of the road bridge, tucked up on the bank only a stone's throw away from the nest. Perhaps an 'out of sight, out of mind' approach taken by the pair
Another mooch this evening 6.45 - 8.45pm. Not many spring migrants seen unfortunately but still nice to be out.
Filtration Lagoons:
4 Sedge Warbler Willow Warbler 2 Canada Geese flew in at dusk.
Surrounding farmland:
17 Grey Partridge - at least 6 individual pairs and a lone bird At least 20 lapwing on territory 5 pheasant - 3f+2m 2 Kestrel 2 Oystercatcher - one feeding and one over 5 Yellowhammer 5 singing Whitethroat all along the same 50 yards c.10 Stock Dove 2 Swallow feeding round the farmhouse Blackcap heard
Worsley Woods 6 Nuthatch 2 Great spotted woodpeckers Coal tit and lots of Blue, Great and Long tailed tits including one Blue with a deformed beak, it looked like the top part of the beak was curved and 3 times longer than the bottom part. 3 Chiffchaffs singing 2 Blackcaps 2 Willow warblers 3 Jays Sparrowhawk 2 Tufted duck 6 Teal 3 Snipe 3 Coot 2 Grey wagtails Kingfisher Grey Heron, Curlew and Cormorant over.
Delph area 2 Mute swans with the male VU4 defending the site against a pair of Canada geese. Moorhens with 5 tiny chicks
Filtration lagoons 6 Bullfinch Willow warbler Chiffchaff 5 Reed buntings 2 Yellowhammers Tree sparrow 4 pairs of Canada geese 4 Teal 2 Tufted duck 2 Stock dove Lapwing and 2 Buzzards over
I went early this morning to the woods to listen to the Dawn chorus. It was Brilliant
A mammoth walk this morning unfortunately didn't turn up anything too interesting but 49 species were still seen even with notable omissions of sparrowhawk, treecreeper, blackcap and greenfinch among others.
6.45am - 12.00pm
3 pairs of tufted duck 11 teal (5 males and 6 females) A high count of 5 snipe, though on my return there were less birds but in different places. 2 stock dove pairs fighting over a tree Nuthatch were everywhere 5 Great Spotted Woodpeckers (including drumming males and fighting females) I waited around for ages by the old Lesser Spotted Woodpecker haunts but to no avail I also heard a Tawny Owl last night in the woods, but despite a ruthless grilling of all the likely looking trees in the surrounding area from where it called it failed to show.
The Mute Swan pair of VU4 and LJX showing well Moorhen still on nest Single Grey Wagtail Song thrush collecting nesting material
Filtration Lagoons and Surrounds:
2 Canada Geese that flew West, followed by a third later on Comorant over North Pied Wagtail A pair of Grey Partridge 2 Linnet 6 Yellowhammers Singing Skylark 8 lapwing, including many displaying 2 Jay flew over 4 Chiffchaff Buzzard 2 Bullfinch
Wildlife in the appropiate section (Alive and Dead!)
A single Willow Warbler singing alongside the Bridgewater canal just past Boothstown 1300hrs today. This is about a week earlier than the usual arrival dates for this species. Also numerous Chiffchaff singing.
-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Tuesday 27th of March 2012 08:37:46 AM
The mention of 'scout camp middlewood' got me reminising of my cub scout days (30ish years ago!) and a weekend camping there. I remember seeing and hearing the distinctive call of a Woodcock roding over the campsite on a still, warm spring evening. Are the still there?
singing male blackcap and 2 singing chiffchaff in trees round car parks at scout camp middle wood this morning also 4 buzzard soaring over garden centre c.1.30pm
A quick walk through the woods this evening 5.00-5.30 The feeder stream to the dam was almost non existant, but the water level on the dam was still fairly high
The dam held:
7 tufted ducks (5 males) 15 teal were visible, including a male that was missing the lateral white stripe A single snipe was feeding confidently A mute swan with a blue darvic ring was present - though it was unreadable as its foot was tucked in.
Also in the woods were:
Chaffinch 2 male Great Spotted Woodpecker Nuthatch Mistle thrush
The Delph
2 mute swan, including one with a darvic ring that read VU4, the other was sat down. A grey heron was catching fish A moorhen was sitting on a nest 3 stock dove were in the trees
-- Edited by Joey Eccles on Tuesday 13th of March 2012 08:27:44 PM
-- Edited by Joey Eccles on Wednesday 14th of March 2012 03:34:59 PM
11.00 till 13.30 ish In the woods 2xGS Woodpeckers 6xNuthatch 2xSongthrush Usual Tits 10xChaffinch 6xRobin Corvids Everywhere 40plus flock of Redwing 2xJay On the Dam 10xTeal 2xMute Swan 1xHeron 4xMallard No access to the Filtration Lagoons. Path gated off (worsley end) some type of work going on involving a mini digger Cheers Jay
Filtratration lagoons Early afternoon Cootx2 Moorhenx2 Big Raptor probably a Buzzard No kingfisher at the Delph Nice to meet Louise on the way home. Cheers Jay
Filtration lagoons 13.00-14.30 Bumped into the maintenance man(Birder himself) Works the patch every Week or so between him and his son, absolutely no problem with Birders on the lagoon. Sounds has though he had a better day than me. Moorhen cootx2 Flushed Sparrowhawk On the canal path Goldfinchx2 Long tailed titx2 Single Jay No kingfisher at the Delph Cheers Jay.
-- Edited by Jason Dulhanty on Wednesday 25th of January 2012 03:28:52 PM
Friday 13/01/12 13.00-15.00 Hoping to stumble across the kingfisher(guess what) 4xHeron 6xSnipe 6xTeal Mallardsx2 Moorhen Jayx2 Nuthatchx3 Great spotted woodpeckerx4 Various Tits all over Magpiesxloads Crowsxloads Chaffinchesxloads Goldfinch Robinx4 Single noisy wren Small flock of Redwing near Roe Green pond Cheers Jay.
I had a walk round the woods this afternoon, stopped by the Delph on the way, no sign of a kingfisher.
In the wood Treecreeper (my first, and I got a photo) Blue tits Great tits Longtailed tits Coal tit Jay Chaffinch around 50 Woodpidgeon
on the dam around 10 teal 2 swans I assume Mute 6 Heron
on the way back to the car I had another look in the Delph and there it was on the branched in the water, (first since I was a child, got a couple of decent head on pics, I moved to try and get a side on pic but it was disturbed and flew into the bushes.
quick edit to say the woods are overrun with Grey Squirrels, nearly everytime I say movement it was on of them.
-- Edited by Louise Aspden on Thursday 12th of January 2012 04:27:55 PM
At 9am this morning what sounded like at least 1 whooper swan flew low over my house. Unfortunately I was too slow to see it, and having little experience with the species I can't be 100% sure. It will be interesting to see if one turns up elsewhere in the county.
12.15pm A quick look at the Delph on the way back home from the mosses turned up a Kingfisher which was perched on a branch near the tunnel entrance in the far corner and a Grey wagtail
A minimum of 22 teal at the dam 5 snipe on show 4 heron - including 3 that flew in together Water Rail calling from the marsh, frustratingly close to the fence! 30+ redwing 5 mistle thrush 30 strong chaffinch flock 2 great spotted woodpecker 100s of wood pigeon heading West
2 canada geese and a kingfisher by the delph
Filtration lagoons:
Female shoveler inadvertently flushed c.100 pink footed geese over at 9.03am heading South East Lots of gulls over including a few greater black backed all heading East 70+ Jackdaw were flying about 55 black headed gull in the farmers field water rail calling
And nice to see Mo Farah running in the woods on yesterdays BBC Sports Personality Of The Year Preview