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Post Info TOPIC: Longshaw Common

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Longshaw Common

Birds at Chair Wood today included 20 Goldcrest, 11 Coal Tit, 3 Siskin and 26 Skylark on adjacent farmland

-- Edited by dave broome on Saturday 8th of October 2016 09:55:31 PM


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10 Waxwings over Longshaw this morning, flew towards Billinge Hill.

Info thanks to Peter Alker


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after Orrell water park i spent half an hour walking around the ploughed field between park road and chair wood
Lapwing 7
Oystercatcher 2
Black headed gull 200+
Common gull at least 5
Pied Wagtail 6
Mistle Thrush 3
Yellowhammer 5(3m 2f)
Common Buzzard 1 over moss wood
disappointed to not see any Skylarks but will try again soon

-- Edited by paul burke on Monday 26th of March 2012 11:01:54 PM


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Crossbill late morning in flight on west side of Chair Wood, in direction of Billinge Hill/Billinge Plants (also a small flock of possible Crossbill over a copse just west of Chair Wood near farmsteads)

several Siskin heard overhead
in the woodland: 6 Goldcrest, 7 Coal Tit, 2 Treecreeper
2 Kestrel, 2 Sparrowhawk
14 Skylark and 3 Yellowhammer on stubble at Park Road

male Stonechat on field boundary between north end of Chair Wood and Island Dam, flycatching from Hawthorn


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29 Skylark on stubble at Park Road today
Great Spotted Woodpecker moving between Chair Wood and Orrell Water Park


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Whitethroat today in hedge off Park Road, 2 Goldcrest Chair Wood


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50+ Swallows feeding low over Barley fields at Park Road this evening, the majority juveniles - a cracking sight in the evening sun
Chair Wood: family party of Jay, fledged Chiffchaff, singing Goldcrest


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Park Road
15 Jackdaws in stubble field
sadly no Corn Buntings



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Sunday 24 October 2010

1 Brambling over Chair Wood this morning.


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48 Skylark on stubble fields along Park Road this morning plus 6 Yellowhammer and 14 Grey Partridge

6 Goldcrest, 3 Coal Tit and Treecreeper in Chair Wood


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1 singing Corn Bunting in Barley fields at the Winstanley Road end of Park Road this morning

100+ House Martin and 75+ Swallows feeding very low over the crops


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Island Dam
Pr G C Grebe looks to be second nest failure this year according to anglers i spoke to
Pr Coot with young
8 Mallard
1 Reed Warbler singing
3 Chiffchaff
pr of Wrens with young
Owl box not being used
1 Buzzard over Chair Wood

Cheers Jimmy


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6 Coal Tit and 1 Goldcrest at Chair Wood today, 1 Skylark overhead and 19 Lapwing flew SW


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4/11/09 Early afternoon

1 Stonechat (m) on wires near Island Dam
1 Buzzard over Chair Wood
1 Snipe over
1 Kestrel
8 Yellowhammer
5 Coal Tit
flock of c110 Chaffinch feeding in stubble field
flock of c40 Skylark off Park Road.


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RE: Longshaw, Billinge

2 Buzzard, 120 Chaffinch and 39 Skylark on fields at Park Road this morning


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1 Corn Bunting nr to Chair Wood this afternoonsmile.gif

Cheers Jimmy


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Today 28/10/09
100+ Fieldfare flying around but never seen to land
12 Skylarks
30 Redwings
25 Collared Doves
1 Coal Tit

Chair Wood
2 Buzzards
3 Goldcrests

Moss Wood
2 Buzzards

Cheers Jimmy


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17/10/09 Late morning

With Mr Broome & Mr Thorpe (jnr):

1 Buzzard over Chair Wood
11 Grey Partridge
6 Yellowhammer
45+ Fieldfare >NW (with Redwing)
1 Grey Wagtail
30+ Skylark
1 Great Spotted Woodpecker
1 Kestrel
2 Common Gull
Small numbers of Meadow Pipit, Chaffinch, Goldfinch, Greenfinch and Song Thrush
1 Dunnock >N


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105 Fieldfare on a ploughed field by Chair Wood this morning


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Longshaw Common

Chair Wood this a.m. - 4 Siskin in flight over wood, 7 Bullfinch (flock of adults with fledged juvs), 5 Goldcrest, 9 Linnet in adjacent field, 3 Grey Wagtails flying towards Island Dam, 2 Buzzard, 2 Kestrel

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Sunday 1st of November 2009 03:25:12 PM

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