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Post Info TOPIC: Moses Gate.C.P.

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RE: Moses Gate.C.P.

Mute Swan with green ring CDY6 at moses last eve.


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Ruddy Shelduck on main lake between 2pm and 3pm today it did venture onto the bank but stood on one leg.





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Mediterranean Gull present this evening 10th April at 18:20 to 19:10pm photographs attached
1 Greylag Goose

Cheers Steven


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Just been down and the bird is not wearing any rings was stood on the bank with the Mute Swans 



Graeme Robertson


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Originally posted today by Alan Flavell:

10.00 to 11.30a.m.

Ruddy Shelduck on main lake, didn't come ashore while I was there so couldn't see if it was ringed.

Alan Flavell.




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10.00a.m. to 11.30a.m.

Ruddy Shelduck on main lake, it didn't come ashore while I was there so couldn't see if it was ringed.

A. Flavell

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Early morning,

59 Mute Swan
3 Goosander
2 Oystercatcher
2 Pochard
58 Tufted Duck
3 Great Crested Grebe
a blue ringed Black-headed Gull 2F46, ringed here in 2013 has been to Copenhagen and back in 2015, seen here twice in last couple of weeks.

Smith's Lodge

2 Oystercatcher
2 Goosander
6 Tufted Duck
4 Mute Swan

-- Edited by Simon Warford on Sunday 13th of March 2016 08:05:51 PM


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This morning,

Adult Mediterranean Gull, moulting into breeding plumage. Also -

1 drake Pochard
48 Tufted Duck
82 Mute Swan (including blue ringed birds 4BUN, 4BHB, 4ASA, HN4, CL6, BY6, BN6, BL6, BJ6, 4BDZ, 4BDC, 4ACY and 4APN)
71 Coot
110 Mallard


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from Thursday Coot with a newly made nest.


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4 pochard 70 mute swans, grey wagtail, 2 siskin, heron, dipper, cormorant, goosander.


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23 Goosander on Crompton Lodges today, the increase in numbers no doubt a result of the severe flooding on the River Croal. The river has burst its banks and the car park area is flooded, resulting in the site being closed.


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3 Shoveler
9 Goosander
65 Mute Swan
34 Tufted Duck
2 Pochard
68 Mallard
172 Coot
2 Great Crested Grebe
2 Kingfisher
1 Dipper
5 Siskin

-- Edited by Simon Warford on Sunday 13th of December 2015 09:14:47 PM


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17 November 2015 - 10.30 to 11.00am


Whooper Swan - 2 adult, 1 juvenile

Pochard - 4m

Grey Wagtail - 1

Goldcrest - 3




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2 Pochard, Gadwall 40 Tufted Ducks, Kingfisher 3 Cormorant, 3 Heron Pied Wagtail, Goldcrest, Bullfinch and a flock of 12 Siskin.


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Male Gadwall, Heron, 6 Cormorants, Great Spotted woodpecker, Flock of Long Tailed Tits and Treecreeper.


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58 Mute Swans, 2 Blackcap male, 3 Coal Tit Heron. Wigeon Female, Goldcrest.


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dipper 30 tufted ducks 64 Mute Swans 2 Cororant, Swallow, Sand Martin, Heron, Yellow Wagtail, Great Crested Grebe 2 adult 4 Juv.


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Fairly quiet, Heron, Cormorant, 72 Mute Swans, Great Creste Grebe with two fledged chicks, and 100 Swift


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reed warbler this am


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2 Cormorant 6 singing Blackcap, Kingfisher, 2 Great Crested Grebe, 2 Grey Wagtail.


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100 Swift, Nuthatch, 54 MuteSwan, 2 Tufted Duck, 2 Great Crested Grebe, Goldcrest, several Blackcap, Grey Wagtail, Cormorant, Heron, Great Spotted Woodpecker and as very curious double flowered water aven..


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Tghis AM three Blackcap, Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler, Common Gull, Pied Wagtail, Mandarin Duck 52 Mute Swan,. 2 Tuffted Duck Sparrowhawk, Nuthatch, Swallow House and Sand Martin, and Goldcrest

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Tuesday 28th of April 2015 09:50:51 AM


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fairly quite with 70 mute swans, 61 tufted duck, 2 great crested grebes and one singing chiffchaff.


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62 Mute Swan 85 Tufted Duck, Kingfisher, 2 Oystercatcher, 6 Goosander, Singing Goldcrest, Nuthatch 6 Pied Wagtail, Jay and heard a Buzzard.


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2 Pochard, Great Spotted Woodpecker, 60 Mute Swan 3 Goosander 1 Treecreeper, 60 Tufted Duck, Lesser Black Backed Gull Common Gull Herring Gull


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2 Pochard 1 Gadwall, Great Spotted Woodpecker, 61 Mute Swan 2 Goosander and up to 9 Goldcrest in a squabbling flock. Also a Canada Goose with a White Darvic Ring UlA

-- Edited by Ian Boote on Monday 2nd of March 2015 07:51:28 PM


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2 pochard, 1 goldcrest, 3 goosander, Male Gadwall, Male Shoveler, Redwing heron, grey wagtail, heard Dipper, Coot nest buildinmg but Mute Swan given up


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Male Shoveler, 3 Goosander (2F 1M,) 2 Pochard (M F) Mute Swan building nest and first Crocus in flower


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12.20-12.45 on main lake only .... 17.2.15

MEDITERRANEAN GULL ! (Full breeding plumage)
Black headed gulls (lots)
Common gulls
Herring gulls
Lesser black backed gull
Tufted ducks
Mute swans
Canada geese
Ferel pigeons

-- Edited by DAVID KENNEDY on Tuesday 17th of February 2015 01:27:45 PM


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Male Gadwall, Male Shoveler, 3 Gosander (2F 1M, 60 MuteSwans, 3 Goldcrest, Female Sparrowhawk, Nuthatch, Pied Wagtail, and the Pinkfooted Goose. This last was injured when first seen with a broken leg. It was recovered to some degree last week and today was walking fully weight bearing eating and flying and giving very close poses for photos. A stonker of a honker.


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Unringed Pink footed goose on the main res today

Did you see it? It was small and brown and flew that way.........................

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2 pochard, 2 kingfisher, 2 goldcrest, 2 treecreeper 6 goosander, heron, grey wagtail, nuthatch, Moorhen continually attacked by two coots near site of an old nest.


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Pink Footed Goose, Wigeon x 2 Pochard several, Goosander x 2, Mute Swan x 65 Coal Tit, Treecreeper, Goldcrest x 2


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Went to Darcy lever gravelpits today within the country park birds seen
On the river
Mallard 8
Black headed gull10
Goosander m1 f2
Cormorant 1
Moorhen 2

Gravel pits
Fieldfare 15
Magpie 12
Blackbird 4
Woodpigeon 4
Robin 4
Wren 2
Blue tit 6

b. hooley

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Lodges mainly frozen but about were the pair pf pochard, 6 goosander, 2 cormorant and a nuthatch.


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Pair Pochard, Gadwall, Pair Goosander, Pinkfooted Goose, Kingfisher, Two Treecreepers, Goldcrest, Nuthatch, Redwings, Goldfinchs, Heron, Long Tailed Tits 75 Mute Swans and heard Ringed Necked Parakeet but could not locate.

-- Edited by Ian Boote on Friday 16th of January 2015 05:14:36 PM


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several goosander, male mandarin, nuthatch and lots of long tailed tits. Also butterbur and Catkins in flower.


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My first visit to the site today 2pm - 3.30pm

Main Lodge nearest to car park held:

38 Mute Swans
48 Canada Geese
21 Mallards
44 Coots
c150 Black-Headed Gulls
4 Lesser Black-Backed Gulls
1 Common Gull (a nice surprise)
2 Moorhens
13 Tufted Ducks

The fishing pond to the left of the main loge held:

21 Mallards
6 Coots
c40 Black-Headed Gulls
2 Canada Geese
9 Tufted Ducks
1 Moorhen

The back fishing pond held:

4 Coots
24 Black-Headed Gulls
8 Mallards
2 Tufted Ducks

The River viewed from the car park:

2 Mute Swans
4 Mallards
1 Moorhen
2 Black-Headed Gulls
Kingfisher heard

Also a few Carrion Crows, Magpies and usual tits and robins


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Rather quiet with 50 Mute Swans, 5 Goosander, 4 Cormorant, Little Grebe on River Heron, a Redwing and a Treecreeper.


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Water levels very high on top lodge and have been for weeks. 12 Goosander 2 Trecreeper, Nuthatch, Goldcrest, Coal Tit, Long Tailed Tits, Grey Wagtail, Cormorant and a Heron.

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Friday 28th of November 2014 11:47:21 AM


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48 Mute Swans 8 Goosander, 4 Pochard, Great Crested Grebe Female Sparrowhawk, Cormorant, Treecreeper, Goldcrest, Heron and Long TailedTits.

-- Edited by Ian Boote on Friday 21st of November 2014 09:40:59 AM


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6 goosander female goldeneye, mandarin male, great crested grebe and little grebe


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4 Pochard, 4 Goosander and Nuthatch.

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Friday 31st of October 2014 10:09:31 AM


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55 Mute Swan, 34 Tufted Duck, Kingfisher, 3 Goosander, Cormorant, male Mandarin Duck, 5 Siskin and Grey Wagtail.


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10 Goosander 8 Cormorant, Heron, Great Crested Grebe, fly over Raven, and Long Tailed Tits.


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55 Mute Swans 30 Tufted Ducks, 6 Cormorants, & Goosander, Heron, White Wagtail, Coal Tit, and Gold Crest


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71Mute Swans (Including 4 Cygnets) 2 Grety Wagtails, Dipper, Singing Chiffchaff, 2 Nuthatches, Cormorant, Juv Great Crested Grebe, lots of Long Tailed Tits and a fly over Raven.


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93 Mute Swans, Nuthatch, Heron, Great Crested Grebes, and a Little Grebe


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Great Spotted Woodpecker, Nuthatch, Juv Blackcap, flock of Long-tailed Tits 66 Mute Swan and 4 cygnets as well.


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79 Swans including 3 cygnets, plenty of coot families, Great Crested Grebe, Nuthatch, Swifts, Grey and Pied Wagtail, Chiffchaff, Blackcap and usuals. The boardwalk path the wood is closed but it is not clear whether it is being repaired or ripped up as the foot bridges were deconstructed several weeks ago with little further acton taken.

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