Uncountable number of different gulls, lots of mallards, coots, and moorhens. Some tufted ducks. Arriving at the lakes here was incredible. I've never seen so many swans in one place and there were tons of other birds on the main lake. Quite the sight! My first time seeing Shoveler. Was very exciting :)
-- Edited by Kev Jin on Tuesday 12th of January 2021 06:52:28 PM
Visited here yesterday.What a mess.All the walkways are badly broken or under water. The visitor centre has been closed for years and is now in a state of disrepair Bolton council should be ashamed.Rant over.Birds as follows: Feral Pigeon x 100+ Great Crested Grebe x 1 Cormorant x 6 Grey Heron x 1 Mute Swan x 42 Gadwall x 4 Canada Goose x 50 + Mallard x 26 Shoveler x 1 Tufted duck x 20 Moorhen x 6 Coot x 60+ Black Headed Gull x lots Herring Gull x 8 Lesser Black Backed Gull x 3 Wren x 1 Robin x
As well as the usual large amounts of Coots, Canada Geese, swans, mallards, wood pigeons, feral pigeons,and black headed gulls, common gulls and magpies
-- Edited by Bryan Deighton on Sunday 26th of July 2020 08:26:28 AM
A short visit in line with a local round trip from Elton...
Highlights here include.....
Treecreeper Nuthatch Long tailed tits 2 Jay's that gave a mimic calls of a buzzard and not only fooled me but also the birds on the lodge which all panicked.
2 real Buzzards coming back along the canal
Which bird is ideal for keeping cakes in? I asked. The answer: a Bun-tin.
The pink footed goose is still on the main lodge. It may appear it could have escapped from a collection somewhere, but I couldn't see any rings on its feet and my friend reports the same when he has seen it out of the water (which also confirms the previous post). So, it's origins remain a mystery.
Other birds on the lodge include:
Great crested grebe Lesser black backed gulls.
Grey wagtail heard in the river. Nuthatches, reed buntings calling and the other usual stuff seen/heard
-- Edited by Richard Thew on Wednesday 15th of May 2019 08:58:07 PM
Which bird is ideal for keeping cakes in? I asked. The answer: a Bun-tin.
Its been there a while it seems, as I shot a video of it earlier this year with the Canada geese out of the water with no leg ring (I will check the video date once home).
I can confirm that there is a very unusually tame pink footed goose on the main lodge. I couldn't check to see if he had any rings on as he stayed in the water. Also a shoveler drake gave excellent views!!
Which bird is ideal for keeping cakes in? I asked. The answer: a Bun-tin.
Water Rail showing very well on the small reedy pool by Rock Hall yesterday also 1 Shoveler, 11 Goosander, 2 Dipper, 140 Coot, 56 Tufted Duck and 69 Herring Gulls. Both colour ringed Black-headed Gulls (2F46 and 2F49) present for there 7th winter here.
First port of call this morning on the Bolton bird race
7 Gadwall 2 Shoveler 5 Pochard 2 displaying Dippers on the river 30 Siskin Tree Creeper Great Spotted Woodpecker Nuthatch
Also 2F46 was back amongst the other Black-headed Gulls
-- Edited by Simon Johnson on Sunday 6th of January 2019 07:50:36 PM
A few interesting things to note yesterday afternoon after a canceled outing....... again!
2 buzzards circulating over and one was briefly close. Goldcrest Treecreeper Nuthatches My friend reports 2 gadwalls Redwings About 100 blackheaded gulls- fewer than my last visit with no common or larger gulls seen.
Which bird is ideal for keeping cakes in? I asked. The answer: a Bun-tin.
Late post from yesterday; To have a change of scene - for a breif visit. Highlights as follows.....
Plenty of juvenile black headed gulls Juvenile Little grebe Great crested grebe Nuthatch Treecreepers were heard Lesser black backed gulls Herring gulls White faced tufted ducks 3 sparrowhawks (2 juveniles + 1 adult) Plus a few other usual bits and bobs
Which bird is ideal for keeping cakes in? I asked. The answer: a Bun-tin.
lesser Black Backed Gull Herring Gull 7 Pochard, Goosander, 2 Nuthatch (Roch Hall and Behind main lodge) Sparrowhawk, Several Siskin in with some Goldfinches.
-- Edited by Ian Boote on Sunday 11th of February 2018 12:44:52 PM
-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Sunday 11th of February 2018 01:29:07 PM
Pochard were 5 drake with 3 female Shoveler 2 Cormorant 1 immature briefly Common gulls about 5 Amongst the black headed gulls, one had a 95% full black head Lesser black backed gulls in various stages at around a dozen
Which bird is ideal for keeping cakes in? I asked. The answer: a Bun-tin.
44 Mute Swan 4 Goosander, 6 Willow Warbler, 6 Blackcap 3 Grey Wagtail, Treecreeper, Sedge Warbler, Jay, Common Gull, Goldcrest, several Chiffchaff, Dipper, close up view of Buzzard, Nuthatch, Swallow Sand Martin and at least two House Martin.
Today, of interest, two colour ringed Black-headed Gulls present (2F46 and 2F49), both ringed here in Jan 2013, with 2F49 breeding in Poland last year. Also 75+ Lesser Black-backed Gulls, 7 Goosander, 4 Shoveler and Little Grebe still present.
The blue colour ringed (2F46) Black-headed Gull is back for another winter, having been seen in Copenhagen again over the Summer. Also the Wigeon, Shoveler and 2 Pochard still present today.