1 Stonechat, female, unusually at the far side of the site near Moss Lane Pool 4 Skylark up and singing 6+ Reed Bunting, some singing 1 Little Grebe on MLP 1 Kestrel 6 Meadow Pipit 3 Lapwing on fields over on Littlemoss pair of Teal on Mockridge Pool 4 Tufted Duck on Sheldon Pool Didn't see any Swans on any of the pools, an adult pair were on Mockridge Pool early last week. Mockridge and Sheldon Pools are still flooded out as they have been most of the winter, maybe why the Swans are only occasional visitors at the moment. The back pools are nearly back down to their usual water levels.
the 2 mute swans are a different pair- male 4BVL ZY8876, female unringed lake had numerous canada geese, mallards and tufted ducks plus 40+ black headed gulls, very busy
3, possibly 4 Stonechat on the mound 1 Reed Bunting Couple of Meadow Pipit 1 Kestrel 1 Grey Heron 9 Lapwing flying over Both Mute Swans back on Sheldon Pool 8 maybe 9 Tufted Duck also on Sheldon 2 Song Thrushes singing after sunset.
WEBS count 16/11/19 with Emily Mason, university graduate 32 mallard 2 moorhen 2 tufted duck 42 canada goose 19 black headed gull 1 hybrid duck mute swan cygnetshave moved on again, hopefully adult pair will come back shortly
1 Whinchat (juv) 1 Stonechat (male) 1 Kestrel 1 Sparrowhawk 1 Buzzard 5 Meadow Pipit 3 Chiffchaff 1 Reed Bunting c10 Goldfinch 1 Bullfinch 1 Chaffinch over On Moss Lane Pool 2 Little Grebe 3 Coot (1 juv) 2 Moorhen 1 Heron Didn't see any swans on the back pools
On Moss Lane and Benny Lane pools 1 Kingfisher 2 Little Grebe 2 Mute Swan, adult male 4BVL and the cygnet, couldn't see the adult female. 5 Coot including 1 Juv, 1 Mallard 1 Heron
26/8/19 from noon, fairly quiet which is usually the case in the afternoons.
1 Wheatear 1 Whitethroat Plenty of Chiffchaff calling, 1 singing 2 Little Grebe 5 Mute Swan, adult pair on Sheldon, pair with cygnet on Moss Lane Pool 2 Kestrel 1 Sparrowhawk
Ahh that's sad. The back lake ones have too. Thanks
Hi Rachel
The back lake (Moss Lane Pool) Swans are still there. They are often out of sight, tucked into the bank at the narrow end of the pool.
Regarding the Sheldon Swans, 5 of last years young have been almost permanent on Audenshaw Reservoirs since the end of March. On Friday evening there were 6 immature and 2 adults, so possibly most of the family were together again.
Has anyone seen our swan pair on the main lake- Lord Sheldon? I've not seen for about a month. Tried pond by mockridge, pond behind The Village and pond opposite Sheldon on the triangle between all the main roads- nothing. Thanks
Some sightings from this morning with Simon Ghilks
Little Grebe Reed Bunting - at least seven singing and a young bird seen Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, Blackcap and Whitethroat - birds of each species seen and heard Lesser Whitethroat - heard singing near the railway, may have been just off site
19/6/19 Some sightings from today around midday and early Sunday 16th
A Grasshopper Warbler was reeling briefly today but more sustained on Sunday and visible for a time in the centre of the mound. 6 Blackcap singing along Moss Lane Plenty of Whitethroat all around some juveniles being attended by adults. 3 Willow Warbler singing. 2 Chiffchaff singing. Lots of Reed Bunting singing, 1 juvenile seen. 8+ Skylark 1 Kestrel 3 Little Grebe A pair of Mute Swans had 6 cygnets on the back pools on 25th May, they only have one left now. Swift, Swallow and House Martin over.
Quick stop for a listen from the car at the wonderfully tangled, overgrown and partially flooded portion of land to the east of the M60 adjacent to Ashton Cricket Club
Sedge Warbler, Whitethroat, Chiffchaff, Blackcap and Willow Warbler all heard singing also Reed Bunting, Wren, Blackbird, Song Thrush and Moorhen in the area.
On the 11th a Grasshopper Warbler was reeling from the area of the mound near the corner of Rayner Lane and Moss Lane, lots of other warblers heard and seen on an early morning visit. 6+ Whitethroat 4 Willow Warbler 3 Chiffchaff 4 Blackcap Also 3 Swift over Kestrel 2 Bullfinch 2 Song Thrush 5+ Reed Bunting 2 Skylark singing and a well grown and independent juvenile Blackbird
1 Grasshopper Warbler reeling and visible in the middle of the mound, 5 Willow Warbler 1 Blackcap 3 Chiffchaff 2 Whitethroat 6+ Reed Bunting 5+ Skylark 3 Song Thrush Little Grebe 4 Teal Kestrel Buzzard
Sheldon Pool 5 Mute Swan, 3 of last years young still present. 3 Tufted Duck 1 Grey Heron washing a large frog it had caught prior to consuming
Around the mound Double figures of Skylark and Reed Bunting 20+ Carrion Crow 10+ Magpie 1 Kestrel 3 Little Grebe on back pools Mute Swan pair on back pools 3 Song Thrush singing A few Meadow Pipit heard
A Kingfisher was hunting from an overhanging branch on Sheldon Pool at around 10am. It was at the corner nearest the car park and tram stop. 3 Kestrel. 1 Stonechat. 4 drake Teal displaying to a lone female on the narrow back pool (Benny Lane Pool). Singles of Little Grebe, Tufted Duck, Mallard, Coot and Moorhen on Moss Lane Pool. 12+ Wren, all very vocal this morning. Flock of 6 Bullfinch. 10+ Meadow Pipit. 2 Redwing over.
Also forgot to mention a male Pheasant was seen in the middle of the mound on the 5th November.
Sheldon Pool Mute Swan pair still have all 8 cygnets, the Moss Lane Pool pair are still there with their remaining cygnet. Moss Lane Pool 1 kingfisher 4 Coot including 2 juveniles 1 juvenile Moorhen Above and around the Mound 2 Buzzard 3 Kestrel 1 Peregrine, adult circling over Littlemoss farm land, eventually drifted off north. 4 Reed Bunting 2 Jay 1 Chiffchaff 50+ Goldfinch Swallow, Sand and House Martin hawking all around the mound and taking water from Moss Lane Pool.
On my last visit on Thursday there were min 3 Whitethroat, 4 Chiffchaff and heard a couple of Willow Warblers attempting a bit of singing.
That's great news Rachael, had me worried there for a while. Some info on the "Moss Lane Pool" pair from Steve Christmas, the female was ringed as an adult at Moses Gate, Farnworth during November 2013. Metal ring ZY7141.
Sheldon Pool Mute Swan brood still at 8 but I didn't see the adult male. 2 broods of Mallard.
Not much bird activity on or around the mound 2 Willow Warbler, Blackcap singing, Sedge Warbler singing, Bullfinch heard, few Goldfinch 1 Reed Bunting c15 Swallow few House Martin 1 Swift 1 Sparrowhawk 3 Kestrel including 2 juveniles.
Moss Lane Pool Mute Swan pair still with their remaining cygnet. Coots have recently hatched 5 young
Bit of info from Steve Christmas regarding the male Mute Swan from the pair on the back pools, it was ringed as a cygnet on Sale Water Park in October 2015. Darvic 4BVL.
Sheldon Pool Pair of Mute Swans still with their 8 cygnets Grey Heron Coot Mallard
On the mound area
Pair of Mute Swans on back pool with one cygnet Grey Heron Moorhen 3 Sand Martin 4 House Martin 6+ Swallow 2+ Swift Whitethroat family Kestrel Also present Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler, Reed Bunting, Blackcap
Sheldon Swans still have all 8 cygnets, another pair of Mute Swans nested on the back pools and they have now hatched 2 young. Coot with a small chick on the back pools as well as a couple of well grown juvenile Moorhen. Also around the mound A few Skylarks Couple of Whitethroat 3 Reed Bunting A Willow Warbler gave a short burst of song 2 House Martin 4 Swallow 2 Swift high over 1 Kestrel fly over Linnets 3 broods of calling Great Tit spread out around the perimeter and thought I heard a Meadow Pipit flight call.
A Canada Goose family living dangerously on Bank Holiday Sunday! Luckily, no trams were imminent, and the drivers on the relatively quiet dual carriageway were vigilant, and they were able to cross safely. They seemed to be heading for the grass verge by the car park at Office Depot or Screwfix... As if there wasn't plenty of grass at their own side of the road!
-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Wednesday 30th of May 2018 01:53:12 PM