First whitethroats of the year for me on the mound early this morning. Not seen or heard any skylark this year. Magpie, carrion crow, jay, wren, robin and chiffchaff also seen. Little grebe, coot, moorhen and canada goose on the pond adjacent to the railway track.
Woodcock spooked by dog down by the pond adjacent to the railway track at 07:30 today. Also 2 tufted duck, 6 mallard, 2 Canada geese, little grebe and moorhen on the pond. Heron flew over.
7/1/24 Some sightings from 9 to 10,30 this morning 2 Stonechat, male and female 2 Song Thrush singing 1 Reed Bunting 6 Wren 9 Tufted Duck, 2 Mute Swan and c70 Canada Geese on Sheldon Pool
10/11/2023 some sightings from 10 until 11 this morning
2 Stonechat 1 Reed Bunting 1 Chiffchaff 1 Kingfisher Bullfinch heard 1 Jay 1 Goldeneye on Sheldon Pool 8 Tufted Duck on Sheldon Pool, 1 on Moss Lane Pool 2 Little Grebe Teal heard on Mockridge Pool
Kingfisher flew across the pond adjacent to the railwy track at 07:00 this morning. The little grebe stillmhave 3 young. Great spotted woodpecker in the trees at the head of the pond. Single mallard duck and pair of coots also present. This pond is full beyond capacity at the moment as the outflow pipe is almost blocked.
The Mute Swan family mentioned below have relocated to the pond in the traffic island opposite the Travelodge. Quite a trek for a young family along a busy stretch of road. I could only see 6 cygnets this morning.
2 Stonechat 1 Reed Bunting 2 Bullfinch 1 Jay 2 Common Gull (possibly a new record here for me) on a partly frozen Sheldon Pool with a Herring Gull and c35 Black-headed Gull 2 Mute Swan
2 moorhen on the tree lined pool and 4 coot on the open pond at 08:00 today. There has been 2 little grebe on the open pond but not visible today. 3 ring necked parakeet over the top of the mound.
2 Stonechat 2 Goldcrest 1 Buzzard 1 kestrel 1 Reed Bunting 2 Snipe 1 Bullfinch a few Meadow Pipit heard, 1 seen 2 Little Grebe on Moss Lane Pool, 1 on Sheldon Pool 3 Tufted Duck on Sheldon Pool
Five teal, five coot, moorhen, two little grebe and single canada goose on the ponds near the railway track today. Grey heron and cormorant flew over. Several jackdaw, carrion crow, wood pigeon, wren around the mound. All seen between 07:30 and 08:30 today.
Not been much around since June but today there were two Whinchat at the eastern end of the mound in an isolated Broom bush where there were also 2 Reed Buntings and a Wren. Not much else seen 1 Kestrel 2 Jay 5 Swallow over 1 Chiffchaff, Long-tailed Tit and Bullfinch heard.
If anyone was wondering about the lack of posts since April it is because shortly after the 17th April post a photographer was seen out in the middle of the mound well away from the tracks, presumably staking out a Grasshopper Warbler on territory. So from now on there will be no more posts from me during the breeding season. In any case it's likely this site will be built on in the near future. There has been a lot of survey work going on this summer, the area is earmarked for industrial development.
Two great spotted woodpecker this morning (a first for me here). Two pairs of coot with one and three young, little grebe, grey heron and mallard on the pond adjacent to the railway track.
A Superb Parrot was calling from trees next to Benny Lane Pool this morning. There have been single flyover Ring-necked Parakeets on 2 recent visits, first records for me from here.
Went to pick up a lawnmower at Argos Snipe this afternoon so took Lucas for a little walk around the pond and up the path on to the hill.
Of note - As Simon mentions below definitely plenty of Willow Warbler around. few seen, hard to put a number to them. - 5 Chiffchaff - 1 Blackcap - 1 Sand Martin flying around - 1m Reed Bunting - 2 Stock Dove - 1 Greenfinch - Great Spotted Woodpecker heard only - 2 Mute Swan - 1 Muscovy Duck
2 possibly 3 Grasshopper Warblers on the centre area. Also bizarre occurance of a Curlew on the mound, calling occasionally throughout my visit. I didn't see the bird so there is the possibility of something mimicking the call but it was spot on and in isolation. Otherwise similar to previous post with addition of a couple more Whitethroat.
To add to Simon's list, 4 coot, little grebe, moorhen and mallard (m) on the open pond. 2 coot and moorhen on the tree surrounded pool near the railway track. My first swallow of the year on the top.
3 coot, 2 little grebe, 2 Canada geese and 3 mallard (2m) on the open pond adjacent to the railway track. Most surprising was a swan walking along the top path adjacent to Rayner Lane. Blue ring starts 4D but unsure of the rest and don't know how to post photo.
4 teal on the tree lined pond, little grebe, 2 coot, 2 Canada geese on the open pond this morning. Reed bunting and skylark on the top. Pair of pheasant flushed from the grass on the top.
2 little grebe present on the pond adjacent to the railway track this afternoon. Also 2 kestrel giving spectacular aerial display over the mound for around a minute before heading off high to the east.
Some additional sightings from those mentioned below. Male Stonechat briefly on the centre of the mound, probably same bird as earlier this year, now attaining adult plumage. 4 Skylark 2 Stock Dove landed on the mound 3 Meadow Pipit 1 Kestrel Moss Lane Pool had 2 Little Grebe, 2 Coot, 2 Moorhen and 7 Mallard. 2 Mute Swan and 10 Tufted Duck were on Sheldon Pool. 17 Tufted Duck were on this pool earlier in February. 3 male Reed Buntings were seen using the feeders near the picnic table recently.
Woodcock (possibly 2) on the mound this morning, 2 snipe. Little grebe and 2 coot on the open pond, 2 coot, moorhen and 7 mallard (6m) on the wooded pond. Skylark on the top area.
8 mallard (6m, 2f)and 1 coot on the tree lined pond and 6 tufted duck (4m, 2f), 2 coot, 1 little grebe and 1 moorhen on the open pond adjacent to the railway track on the mound this morning. Water depth increasing on both ponds.
8 mallard (6m, 2f), 2 tufted duck (1m,1f), 2 coot, 1moorhen and 1 little grebe on the open pond and 2 coot on the tree lined pod adjacent to the railway track on the mound this morning. There is more water in these ponds than I have ever sen before. Also 2 skylark briefly singing high up in the wind and rain.
Three teal (2m, 1f), moorhen and a fleeting glimpse of a kingfisher on the wooded pool adjacent to the railway track at the far side of the mound. Little grebe and two coot on the open pond.