Walking down Sandhill Ln towards Clough End, an oystercatchers was heard calling excitedly, and duly appeared over the rise to my left - with a peregrine 5 feet behind it! They matched each other dodge for dodge until dropping below a ridge far to my right. The peregrine reappeared 10 seconds later without any prey, so I presume it was just practicing (it appeared to be a juvenile female), and continued South.
Was doing an insect patrol around Larkhill/Brown Low before the sun did a runner, so I was glad to hear the noise of excited tree sparrows, which turned out to be a family of 4-6. As this is probably the last area for them in the county east of Stockport, I'd been a little worried as I hadn't seen or heard one for over a month. This first party was in the 'Homestead' garden, which is the next property up the path from 'Larkhill'. There were also birds in Larkhill's garden, and at least 1 on Smithy Lane, so more than one pair probably involved.
For info, earlier I had walked up to Coombes Edge (see relevant thread) and whilst on the top I heard a single Cuckoo call from the direction of the small pools down below the Edge. This is not very far from the Ludworth patch as the Cuckoo flies, so it might be worth keeping one's ears open.
A redstart was singing from Brown Low mid p.m. (but only while the sun was out). 4-5 whitethroats were scattered around my route (which did not go beyond Smithy Ln), redpoll, linnet, buzzard and 2 ravens were other birds worth looking at.
Can anyone advise where Id have a chance of seeing crossbills in this vicinity? Thank you!
These Crossbills were reported early March this year. See posts under Derbyshire/Rowarth and Surrounds for info. In the actual Ludworth area I have twice recorded them in the small stand of conifers at Hillside Farm but they are Ludworth rarities.
Thank you both for the information, its much appreciated. I suspected it might be the spot you describe - I spent a windy half an hour or so up there today before reading these posts, predictably with no luck!
Hi Julian - it was me you saw at Intakes Farm. The ring ouzels seem to have moved on now too, unless Ive just been unlucky when Ive been up.
Thanks - there are some coniferous plantations and recent records of sightings but Im not sure which coniferous area specifically!
I think we met you up at Intakes Farm and pointed out your first Ring Ouzel - we'd been up looking for crossbills ouselves. They were reported at the small stands of trees visible on the skyline up at the top of cown edge, but haven't now been seen there for several weeks now I understand
In two visits, we had a flash of something that might have been a crossbill, and heard something that was probably a crossbill, but that's as good as it got for us - nothing definitive.
I think they were also later reported over near Crowden in the Longdendale valley
Can anyone advise where Id have a chance of seeing crossbills in this vicinity? Thank you!
I'm not aware of any records for that area, its not really typical habitat for that species
Crossbills have been recorded here but generally are rare fly overs but I understand they have on the rare occasion been seen on the conifers on Sandhill Lane next to the farm, I've never seen them there and I go regularly to this site, there were a few a few months ago up on Cown Edge which is the ridge up the footpath from Gun Road up past the picking rods, there are conifers up there, there was a single bird up there last year that I saw on about two occasions but they are not resident here either.
A nice sunny stroll around this morning 07:30 - 09:30am
Amongst the numerous Chiffchaffs, Willow Warblers, Skylarks and Lapwings were also :
2 Redpoll 1 Tree Sparrow 4 Wheatear 3 Whitethroat 2 Reed Bunting 1 Jay 1 Swift (first of the year) 6 Swallow 3 Pheasant (1m, 2f) Possible Garden Warbler heard by Cloughend Farm, but no sighting.
I bumped into Mr. Adderley in the quarry moments after he had seen the Osprey. Definitely a case of "should've been 'ere five minutes ago" !!
p.m. 2.30-4.30 (met John Rayner). Sightings which were not recorded by Mark or Ray, or were of greater number.
1 garden warbler singing from opposite Clough End Farm (no grasshopper, though); 5 curlew (at same time), pr. stonechat, pr tree sparrow, 1 raven, 2 golden plover flew in from the East (raising the pulse for a few seconds), one of which was a blinding full breeding plumaged male. Watching the whitethroats was interesting as one flew at the other bird, which was hiding in a bush, a few times. Both looked like males, so I presume it was trying to drive it away.
-- Edited by Andy Bissitt on Saturday 1st of May 2021 08:43:39 PM
-- Edited by Andy Bissitt on Saturday 1st of May 2021 10:07:39 PM
1 Reeling Grasshopper Warbler in-between Cloughend and April Cottage 5 Swallow 3 Wheatear 3 Curlew Lots of Willow Warblers in song joined by a few Chiffchaff Double figures of Skylark and Meadow Pipit Linnet and Redpoll both heard
Called up to Ludworth this morning hoping for a Grasshopper Warbler that had been present the last few days, sadly a no show while I was there.
Several Curlew, Skylark and Meadow Pipit Chiffchaff and Willow Warblers aplenty 2 Whitethroat around the quarry pool Singles of Linnet, Tree Sparrow and Buzzard
There was a small flock of about a dozen starlings yesterday doing exactly what you describe at the top of the slope. Almost certainly your mystery birds.
Hello, Im wondering if anyone can help me out. Im not as experienced in bird watching as some of you (36 and have only started doing it seriously the past two or three years). Ive been following the ring ouzels and have had a sighting of both the males and females (see my earlier post below). Yesterday, I went up to the field opposite the kennels and observed a mystery flock of about 14 birds, which were roughly blackbird size and shape. They kept moving as one from a tree next to Intakes Farm to feed on the ground at the top of the ridge - then back to the tree. My binos werent strong enough to really see details of plumage but I dont think they were ouzels. Whata a good guess as to what they might have been - fieldfares? Thrushes? Thanks!
Can I just say - I had a lump in my throat reading that Tony. Top Man.
-- Edited by Rob Creek on Monday 19th of April 2021 11:03:52 PM
It was a fabulous morning for him Rob, we couldn't have planned it any better and he has told his carer all about it and his mate who is 97 next and still goes fishing in the summer, what a generation totally inspiring.
We have had some "magic moments" over the years, I may even post some!!!
Damn, was up there at a similar time John but couldnt spot any ring ouzels. I did see loads of willow warblers and chiffchaffs, some wheatears in the ouzel field, a stonechat pair in the quarry and a kestrel up close near Brownlow.
After our visit on Saturday, Caths dad was keen to see the Ring Ouzel as he had not seen any for over forty years. We had to plan this visit carefully as he is 92 years young this year, hence the very late start!
We pulled up by the cattery at 09.30 and two female Ring Ouzel were easily seen by John immediately, job done or so he thought?
Five minutes later we were walking slowly along a track to find some Golden Plover a bird he had not seen in summer plumage for too long. Very soon he was looking through the scope at several obliging birds. On the way back to the car two Curlew noisely flew overhead he was a little pleased to say the least.
Finally we pulled over to find him a Skylark and as if to order one appeared directly over the top of us. A pair of Stonechat put in an appearance. It was a great hour or so for all three of us.
It was fabulous to give him something back as he introduced me to birding in Mallorca, Ludworth Moor does remind me of Boquer minus the Blue Rock Thrush but the Ring Ouzel are easily on par.....
The Picking Rods also lie on the boundary. In fact they are an ancient boundary marker. Looking SW from the PR there is a drystone wall running SW, which forms the boundary. Derbyshire is on the left, GM on the right.
Apologies for bringing disappointment Tony but these Ouzels (assuming they were is the usual field) are in Derbyshire. See Pete Hines map posted on 12th April.
Cheers, John.
Edit: They occasionally perch on the drystone wall opposite Hillside Farm entrance, which is the Derbyshire/GM boundary.
Thanks John, I totally missed Petes map and used my old OS map this morning dated 2005!
On checking where the Golden Plovers were it looks like they are actually in GM as they were by the Rods. Am I right on this ?
-- Edited by John Rayner on Saturday 17th of April 2021 11:56:59 AM
-- Edited by Tony Koziol on Saturday 17th of April 2021 12:25:01 PM
Started off looking for Ring Ouzels with no success. Walked up pathway to Robin Hoods Picking Rods. Found circa 250 Golden Plover in the field on the right just past the Rods. These birds clearly in Derbyshire. Carried on walking back towards Gun Road via Pistol Farm then eventually found 7 Ring Ouzel (4 m) viewed from Gun Road toward the Cattery in a field off Sandhill Lane by the disused Intakes Farm. These are our first Ring Ouzels in Greater Manchester - well worth the early start.
Apologies for bringing disappointment Tony but these Ouzels (assuming they were is the usual field) are in Derbyshire. See Pete Hines map posted on 12th April.
Cheers, John.
Edit: They occasionally perch on the drystone wall opposite Hillside Farm entrance, which is the Derbyshire/GM boundary.
-- Edited by John Rayner on Saturday 17th of April 2021 11:56:59 AM
A nice wander round in the sunshine this morning, 07:30 - 10:00.
5 Ring Ouzels (4m, 1f) in the usual field. They were hanging around at the far end by Intakes Farm (still there when I got back Mark). At least 7 Wheatears in the same area.
Started off looking for Ring Ouzels with no success. Walked up pathway to Robin Hoods Picking Rods. Found circa 250 Golden Plover in the field on the right just past the Rods. These birds clearly in Derbyshire. Carried on walking back towards Gun Road via Pistol Farm then eventually found 7 Ring Ouzel (4 m) viewed from Gun Road toward the Cattery in a field off Sandhill Lane by the disused Intakes Farm. These are our first Ring Ouzels in Greater Manchester - well worth the early start.
We had a walk up to Coombes Edge yesterday evening.
As we approached the Picking Rods on our return, we were treated to the splendid site of 200 Golden Plovers, almost 'murmurating' like Starlings in a sunset sky.
They eventually landed in the field on the Derbyshire side of the Picking Rods path, but had spent some time displaying in GM airspace.
Popped up on the tandem at lunch and stopped for a picnic (cold) to see the Ouzels - spotted two females and one male, bumped into Phil who said he'd seen three males and one female at the same time. Also a few wheatears around.
Raven overhead as we cycled from the kennels to picking rods track. Two curlew in the field next to Pistol farm
Good to meet you both this afternoon
Walk over from Moor End Rd to Glossop Rd produced
3M & 1F Ring Ouzel
6 Wheatear
1 Stonechat
1 Buzzard
2 Curlew seen with others calling
2 Pheasant
6 Pied & 2 White Wagtails
Plenty of Lapwing & Skylarks dotted about but no obvious sign of Golden Plover
Willow Warbler calling
& spent half an hour watching a sheep give birth to 2 lambs in the field near the Picking Rods - one thing to see it on TV but to see it at close quarters was an amazing experience.
-- Edited by Phil Panton on Tuesday 13th of April 2021 11:19:18 PM
Popped up on the tandem at lunch and stopped for a picnic (cold) to see the Ouzels - spotted two females and one male, bumped into Phil who said he'd seen three males and one female at the same time. Also a few wheatears around.
Raven overhead as we cycled from the kennels to picking rods track. Two curlew in the field next to Pistol farm
I had 6 Ouzels (4m, 2f. Others had more). 10 Wheatears and a Fieldfare with Ouzels. Willow Warbler and Chiffchaffs singing. 2 Ravens. c200 Golden Plover. 2 Tree Sparrows April Cottage. Skylarks soaring and 2 Curlews bubbling. Loads of Lapwings, 2 Buzzards, 2 Reed Buntings and a female Bullfinch.