I took the opportunity today for a walk along the R Mersey from the B5095 Cheadle Bridge, eastwards past Burnage Rugby Club and Mersey Vale Nature Park, up to the M60 bridge and back. Twenty six species, in the 1hr 40min mooch, lengthened by a stop at the always excellent coffee & cake van by the south end of Vale Road (important to support a small local enterprise ). 5 Goosander, all in the vicinity of the weir 101 Mallard, presumably included displacement from frozen waters elsewhere? 6 Moorhen 10 Cormorant on a pylon 3 Grey Heron min 56 Black-headed Gull around the water treatment works and feeding at Burnage RUFC 5 Common Gull, feeding at Burnage RUFC and over the water treatment works 8 Woodpigeon, mostly feeding on the bankings close to the edge of the river, as though the recently receded high water level had either exposed or deposited a food source 1 Kingfisher just downstream of the weir 2 Ring-necked Parakeet 1 Meadow Pipit over 1 Grey Wagtail 3 Wren 6 Robin 2 Song Thrush, inc 1 with no tail feathers feeding on a sandbank beneath riverside Willows 11 Blackbird, foraging soft sandy ground close to the river and 2 making the most of manure heaps by the stables 1 Redwing 2 Goldcrest 10 Long-tailed Tit 1 Blue Tit 5 Great Tit 4 Starling 12 Magpie 22 Carrion Crow, mostly feeding on the snowy/frozen playing fields around Burnage RUFC and Parr Wood pitches 5 Goldfinch 1 Greenfinch
3 Dippers at the Pyramid at about 10am this morning, then 2 Kingfishers at the motorway bridge 10 minutes later, 1 looked like a juvenile bird from a brief perched view, they were very excitable and flighty
A quick walk down to the River Mersey this morning to try to pick up the Sand Martins has me looking at around twenty birds going about there business over the river on a glorious morning a Song Thrush goes through its melodies high in a Sycamore and a female Grey Wagtail is busy by the edge of the river alas I must get some work done now.
A mid-afternoon walk from Vale Farm to the Rugby Club in bright and breezy weather.
1 Whitethroat singing on this side of the river at the Acorns 1 Treecreeper on Patch Island 1 Common Sandpiper on the stony bit of bank opposite Patch Island. A yeartick for me, and apparently the 4th time I have seen one here in the first week of May...one for the stats fans there...
Great birds up on the Mersey Vale embankment - see the other thread
Walking down to the Garlic Bend: Whitethroat across the river opposite the Acorns at the Stockport end of the meadow. None to be seen in previous spots either on the embankments or by the pond 20 plus Sand Martins around the colony. I saw around 30 birds yesterday evening (Fri 28th) so they must have been feeding somewhere else the other night 6 Goosander, 2 males and 4 females 5 Mandarins, all male birds, preening and loafing in a group on the bank. This feels significant in terms of numbers building in the area, I've never seen more than a couple together before
Whilst fishing this morning watched an awesome female Sparrowhawk in the trees by the pond off Craig Road. As she flew around the Magpies vanished in a split second.
Several Moorhen on the pond along with a mixed tit flock (after the Sparrowhawk disappeared).
My WeBS count today along the river from the Mersey Vale Nature Park area to the A34 Kingsway Bridge. Highlights being 1 Kingfisher flying upstream at the weir, 1 Dipper in the shallows at Patch Island and 1 at Cheadle Bridge. Also 9 Goosanders, Heron, Cormorant, Grey Wagtail and a Sparrowhawk causing a bit of trouble in the area.
Yesterday evening 13/09/22 I had my first walk along the river at Burnage Rugby Club for a while
Some activity around the pond at the Garlic Bend, a Chiffchaff busily feeding along with Goldfinches and Great Tits etc. 2 Goosander on the river and also a Mallard diving frequently which I'm not sure I've seen before, or can't remember probably! 1 Dipper and 1 Grey Wagtail at Cheadle Bridge - my first Dipper sighting since the spring/early summer
First for me today seeing 3 Kingfisher flying together under Geoff's bridge. For more sightings of a single bird flying down and upstream in next half hour. Grey Wagtail, woodpigeon, Wren and Chiffchaff seen whilst hanging about looking at the Kingfisher.
1 adult Dipper feeding a juvenile this evening at Cheadle Bridge. Plenty of Sand Martin burrows in play, with fingers well crossed for some success this year. Kingfisher seen yesterday evening (Sunday 22/05)
Common Sandpiper again this evening on the river at around 630pm, at the foot of the Sand Martin colony. One seen on April 19th, is this the same bird? Also Dipper at the bridge
Had another try for Lesser Whitethroat where Simon has described, but again no joy. I did however see one at the junction of paths near the horrible new path, where some wooden acorns have been put in as seats. It did go across to ETW side but was back a bit later in same place and bushes against industrial estate fence.
Also a Swallow (poss 2) with Sand Martins over the river at Vale farm. Kingfisher, Goosander and Dipper seen flying along river and a pair of Mandarin Ducks near rugby club. Single Drake seen also.
Lesser Whitethroat singing again this evening, on the embankment overlooking Vale Farm. Brilliant views in the lovely sunshine. Whitethroat singing where Paul described along the back of Craig Road. A highly pleasant hour with lots of other small birds showing well
A quick walk through Mersey Vale and then along the river this morning. Best was a Lesser Whitethroat singing on the old railway embankment by the bench. Also several Blackcap and Chiffchaff. No Whitethroats and no Willow Warblers heard on this side of the river, although I heard one that would have been around the ETW on the inaccessible side. Also what looked like an Alba Wagtail on the river, but I think it got chased off by the local black-backed ones
-- Edited by Simon Gough on Sunday 24th of April 2022 12:48:26 PM
This evening around 6pm along the river at Burnage Rugby Club
10-12 Sand Martins - first sighting this year, 5th of April in 2020 as a comparison 1 Common Sandpiper 2 Dipper at Cheadle Bridge Blackcaps by the pond and generally lots of singing birds
Around 18.00 this evening, a quick walk in the lovely sunshine
Mandarin pair at Cheadle Bridge Kingfisher heading towards Didsbury, first one I've seen for months, very nice Sparrowhawk up from the ground by the water's edge opposite the Waterside Active Grey and Pied Wagtails in their now annual battle for territory on the river bank
Single Dipper showing well both on the river bank and dabbling/swimming about in the river from the stoney islands in the centre of the river, viewed from Broad Oak Lane
-- Edited by Mike Crawley on Monday 21st of March 2022 03:36:57 PM
The two Dippers at Cheadle Bridge were putting on quite a display today - chasing each other under the bridge - looked like pre-nuptial behaviour. Also several Chiffchaff singing.
No sign of the Glossy Ibis this morning around Longsight Lane. 62 Redwing, 7 Fieldfare and 6 Mistle Thrush feeding at Manchester RUFC, 2 Lesser Redpoll, 2 Siskin and 15 Goldfinch also there
13.30-14.30. No sign of the Glossy Ibis in various fields around Longsight Lane. Also tried the Handforth Dean fishing pools the other side of the A555 without luck
I arrived on site late, due to being out with a mate all morning on a guided tour of his patch and self-finding an Iceland Gull for our efforts (see Sandbach thread). Didn't get there until c.2.15pm.
After parking I went down to the far field where, as Connor says, the Glossy Ibis was pretty distant but showing well from the metal gate. I set up and digiscoped it at distance and then had to move to let a couple of photographers leave. Myself and one other birder there took our eyes off the ibis and when we looked back it had disappeared. I was convinced it was down in a wet 'dip'in the field but after a while I walked down to check for the new arrival birders who hadn't had it yet and it wasn't there!! It must have flown off c.2,45pm and presumably away from us as we would have seen it if it had come towards and over us.
I talked to the wife of the first person who reported it on Insta and they had been watching it for 4 days, and, as has been said before, she said the local who told them about it had seen it in the field for the last 2 weeks
So every chance it will be there tomorrow as it left of its own accord and no-one got too close to it. A very distant slightly cropped digiscoped shot attached.
Nice lunchtime trip to see the Glossy Ibis! Arrived at about 12.20pm to be told it had flown off from the field by the main road some 20 minute earlier. Another 5 minutes passed and a birder came up to me to kindly let me know it was now in the field at the end of Longsight Lane. Followed the lane round to the left and the Glossy Ibis was feeding in the field by the metal gate with a stile, off to the right-hand side. More distant than earlier, but very pleased to see it. Was still present in this field when I left at 12.45.