Lower Res: Mallard 1 M Coot 1 Moorhen 1 Black-headed Gull 22 initially, increasing to 34 before departing south after about 15 minutes, with Common Gull 1 adult winter
Upper Res: Mallard 1 M Goosander 2 - M & F Tufted Duck 7- 5M 2 F Coot 2 Moorhen 2
"Little Sea"/"Cow Bath"; Mallard 1 M Canada Goose 3
Also Blue Tit Magpie Wood Pigeon Robin 2 minimum at 'feeding station'; others heard around the site Great Tit 2 minimum at 'feeding station'; others heard around the site Treecreeper 1 at 'feeding station' (providing best view ever as it appeared around a trunk about 3 feet from me, froze, then flew past low passing inches from my left elbow). Coal Tit 2 at 'feeding station'; others heard around the site Nuthatch 2 at 'feeding station' Dunnock 2 at 'feeding station' Goldcrest 1 Wren 1 Long-tailed Tit minimum 6 in one party seen, heard elsewhere on site. Carrion Crow Great Spotted Woodpecker 1 Blackbird several around site
12/01/25 12.20 - 14.20 New year, same dull, damp weather for my Webs. Top section icy, just to make things interesting. Made up for the ice making the Webs boring I suppose.
Lower Res: 99.9% frozen right up to the stream inflow and outflow Black-headed Gull 2 on the ice.
Upper Res: 99.9% froze. Again just the inflow and outflow areas of clear water Black-headed Gull 12 came down on the ice but didn't stay long. Moorhen 1 heard
Little Sea/Cow Bath completely frozen
Also: Goldfinch flock in larches etc up on Waterworks Road Magpie Jackdaw inc c100 over Huddersfield Road Wood Pigeon Carrion Crow Coal Tit 2 Jay 1 Great Tit 2 Blackbird 3 Common Buzzard 1 down at treetop level over the Upper Reservoir Robin -only a couple seen Wren 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker 1 heard Treecreeper 1 Long-tailed Tit 6 Redwing 1
A return home via Lees Brook for Dipper and Grey Wagtail confirmed that the Mallard were all on the stretch by the Bull's Head as usual in freezing weather 25M 15F
Lower Res: Mallard 7 - 5 M 'guarding' 2 F Moorhen 2 Coot 1 heard Black-headed Gull 1, which departed south as I was moving on, later 6 over as I left the site
Cow Bath/Little Sea Mallard 2 - looked like a pair
Also: Robin 3 seen and quite a lot of subsong around the site Jackdaw 6 scattered around the site Carrion Crow 8 scattered around the site Wood Pigeon 3 Magpie 3 individual sightings Long-tailed Tit 2 seen, several heard around the site Wren 1 Blackbird 6 minimum (4M 2F/juv) Nuthatch 1 heard in a couple of locations Great Tit 2 minimum Goldcrest 1 Blue Tit - several heard Kestrel 2 hunting the fields along Brighton Rd on the east side of the site. The nearer one was female/juvenile Dunnock 1 seen
Upper Res: Mallard 10 - 3 F 7 M Tufted Duck 2 - 1M 1F Coot 2 Moorhen 3 - 2 adults, 1 with juvenile in tow Little Grebe 1
Also Robin 4 inc 2 in a mixed flock in the willows in the valley of the feeder stream to the Upper Res which also contained Willow Warbler 6 Chiffchaff 2 Goldcrest 1 Great Tit 1 Long-tailed Tit 2 (minimum) Wren 1
Bullfinch 8 in a group on the upper east side of the same valley in bramble and hawthorn. Magpie 1 Carrion Crow 2 Jackdaw 2 Blackbird 1 Robins, Blue Tits and Great Tits calling at various points around the circuit.
Upper Res: Coot 1 Moorhen 5 including 2 large sub-adults Little Grebe 7 - 3 adults each with a large chick, plus 1 adult on its' own Mallard 6 all eclipse Tufted Duck 4 2M 2F/juv
Also: Magpie Carrion Crow Wood Pigeon Wren 1 seen several heard Blackbird 4 seen, all males, several heard Goldfinch 1 Bullfinch 6 feeding in a Rowan at the back of the water treatment works wood Robin several heard Long-tailed Tit ditto Willow Warbler 1 contact calling
19/07/2024 11.55- 14.15. Not the best time or day for this, but away at the weekend for a family event, so doing the WEBs early
Lower Res: Mallard 12 - all in eclipse - 2 M still just showing some head colouration Moorhen 1, possibly 2
Upper Res: Mallard 9 - all distant. Tufted Duck 4 - 3M 1F Little Grebe 5 - 2 adults close together each feeding a chick, 1 bird on the other side of the res. Coot 4 - 2 adults and 2 sub-adults (slimmer with smaller forehead patches) Moorhen 3 adults.
Also: Blue Tit - several heard Great Tit - several heard 1 M seen Robin - several in sub-song 1 seen Chiffchaff 1 singing Willow Warbler 1 heard brief burst of song Blackcap 1 singing Wren several heard - contact calls and 1 seen Blackbird 1 singing Song Thrush 1 singing. Included a bit of Little Grebe wickering' and got a reply from one of the grebes! Also doing Oystercatcher flight calls and what sounded like Marsh Frog! Magpie 4 Jackdaw 2 Carrion Crow 4 Wood Pigeon Goldfinch 7- charm of 6 and a single singing male Dunnock 1 Swallow 20 - gathering on the wires around one of the farms, included the local group of 6. Lapwing C 100 (average of 3 counts!) resting as a scattered flock on the hillside at the northwest end of the valley. Grey Heron 1 being chased off from someone's fish pond in Top O' the Meadows by the sound of it. Greenfinch 1 singing.
Upper Reservoir; Mallard 8 3F 5M(some moulting into eclipse) Coot 5 - 2adult- 3 chicks Moorhen 1 Little Grebe 2 - 1 in breeding plumage, the other looked uniformly brown on the back and head in all lights and at all angles.
Golden Steps: Grey Wagtail 3 - adult female and 2 juveniles
Also Robin 1 seen at least 2 more singing in cover Chiffchaff 2 singing, at opposite ends of the valley, Jackdaw Great Tit several heard Lesser Black-backed Gull 1 overhead Chaffinch 2 singing in different well-spaced locations Wood Pigeon Willow Warbler 2 - 1 heard singing while another bird was seen foraging. Blackbird 3/4 singing in various areas simultaneously. Blackcap 1 singing from cover Magpie Wren 2 singing, 1 seen Coal Tit group of 3 minimum, including at least 1 juvenile (most in silhouette in a pine tree) Swallow 2 together around the Cow Bath/Little Sea
Upper res: Canada Goose 8 all adult. Mallard 1 M Little Grebe 3 Adults Coot 2 Moorhen 3 Swallow -1 bathing
Little Sea/Cow Bath Mallard 2 - possibly the pair from the Golden Steps. Shortly after they were recorded they took off with another adult male and there seemed to be some sort of aerial pursuit back towards the Lower Reservoir and then away north
Other sightings: Blackbird Chiffchaff 3 heard Wren - heard only Linnet - calling in flight Great Tit 3 around 'feeding station', several more heard Jackdaw Magpie Wood Pigeon Blue Tit Goldfinch Blackcap 1 heard Dunnock Willow Warbler Long-Tailed Tit Starling - regular flights from the eastern sheep pastures with food and back C 12 Swallow 3 around the reservoir end of Green Lane Great Spotted Woodpecker
Lower Res: Goosander 1 M - commuted between the reservoirs Canada Goose 2 a pair Mallard 2 MM Moorhen 2 Coot 4
Upper Res: Goosander 1 M -moved up from the Lower Res, headed back down then turned back, circled once and away SSE. Coot 2 (1N) Moorhen 1 Little Grebe 3 minimum, possibly 5 - 2 in full breeding plumage seen at once, with a 3rd bird still with some vestiges of winter plumage. It or another similar was chased off from one area a couple of times by a breeding plumage bird, but not while I had a full view of the res to locate the other two birds. Grey Heron 1 rose from the reservoir and away east, as I was walking up the valley.
Golden Steps. Grey Wagtail 1 M
Also Great Tit - several S: 3 at 'feeding station' Jackdaw Robin - inc 2 courtship feeding on Holgate St. Several S 1 at 'feeding station' Greenfinch 1 s Chiffchaff - 3 heard around the site Blue Tit inc 3 in some sort of territory/courtship pursuit Chaffinch 1 M seen Wren -s Carrion Crow Magpie Wood Pigeon Willow Warbler 1 S Blackbird.
10/03/2024 11.30-13.00 Damp rather than raining with a very cold wind. Most sensible creatures were in cover, keeping out of the wind!
Lower Res: Canada Goose - 4 - two pairs. Both flew to horse pastures at the top of the valley at around 11.50 Mallard 4 - all drakes Coot 1 Moorhen 1
Upper Res: Shoveler 2 - a pair. (an infrequent record here - edit -in fact so infrequent that this is the first time I've recorded them in at least a couple of decades of Webs surveys) Tufted Duck 3 - 2M 1F Coot 2 Moorhen 1 Little Grebe 2 - still in winter plumage Black-headed Gull 3 Pied Wagtail 1 flyover - heard only
Top pastures: Herring Gull - 3 second winter birds
Sheep fields east of Lower Reservoir: Black-headed Gull - 9
Golden Steps: Grey Wagtail 1 winter plumage male
Also: Blue Tit 1 seen, several heard Great Tit 2 seen, several heard Blackbird 2 males seen Nuthatch 1 heard only Wood Pigeon 10 in total - mostly round the car park at the end of Holgate St. Robin 1 seen, several heard Carrion Crow c.8 Magpie 3 Long-tailed Tit 2 Goldcrest 2 - 1 seen, the other heard calling back to the seen bird as they foraged
-- Edited by Mike Chorley on Thursday 14th of March 2024 04:28:40 PM
11/02/2024 12.10 - 14.05 Cold, clear, then clouding over.
Lower Res: Mallard 4 - 2male, 2 females Moorhen 3 Coot 2 Little Grebe 1 - first record (for me) on the Lower Res. Black-headed Gull 66 - flock flushed by someone throwing fish bait before I could check to see if there was anything else among the quite distant flock.
Upper Res: Mallard 2 - M & F Coot 3 - 2 together and a 3rd up on the banking Moorhen 1 Little Grebe 2 Black-headed Gull 1 brief visit, possibly looking to steal from the Little Grebes
Cow Bath/Little Sea Mallard 4 - 3 males 1 female - pair with a couple of intruding males. The pair stayed, the two other males moved off
Also Lesser Black-backed Gull c30 over the top fields at the north end Little Egret 1 -Horse pastures on the east side Wood Pigeon Song Thrush 4 - 1 singing on Holgate Street - 1/2 with Redwing north end of west side path - 1 in eastern horse fields Blue Tit Robin Great Tit Carrion Crow Magpie Pheasant -heard only Redwing 25 in trees along the north end of the west side path - some communal singing Mistle Thrush party of 5 feeding in eastern horse fields Great Spotted Woodpecker 1 heard
-- Edited by Mike Chorley on Sunday 18th of February 2024 10:14:41 AM
14/01/2024 12.05 - 13.55 Cold but bright, apart from when the band of sleety rain went through.
Lower Reservoir: 97% frozen. Just the inflow area and a small area in front of the two hardy fishermen on the N.E. pegs open Black-headed Gull 9 < 12 as I moved on, all on the ice
Upper Reservoir: 60% frozen. Open water from the inflow to halfway along the east bank and just round onto the west. Mallard 2 a pair* Tufted Duck 1 M Coot 2 Moorhen 2 Little Grebe 3 minimum Black-headed Gull 12 < to 38 as 26 birds dropped in just before the sleety rain passed through. Interesting that the local Carrion Crows were joining in the food chases. It's usually the gulls harassing the Little Grebes (unsuccessfully) Common Gull 5 all adult winter birds.
Also: Jackdaw Carrion Crow 6 Magpie Wood Pigeon Robin 2 seen, several heard Great Tit 2 seen around the 'feeding station', 1 in the mature copse, several more heard Sparrowhawk 1 F over Holgate Street Nuthatch 1 (at least) - feeding station Dunnock 1 - feeding station Coal Tit 2 minimum - feeding station. Not sure if it was 2 birds caching food while they could or 3, given the speed they were coming in. Chaffinch 1 M Bullfinch 2 calling - flyover M Pheasant 1 heard Goldfinch 1 heard Great Spotted Woodpecker 1 called & brief drumming
* came home via Lees Brook to tick off Dipper for the year and there were 27 M and 9 F Mallards just above the small weir at The Bull's Head on Greenacres Road. Will be interesting to see if they're still there when/if numbers pick up on the reservoirs.
Upper Res: Tufted Duck 2 1M 1F Coot 2 Moorhen 3 Little Grebe 2 Black-headed Gull 3 Common Gull 2
I think this is the first visit on which I've not recorded any Mallard. My Webs will probably confirm that or not. I'm assuming it's too early for them to be all off in the undergrowth nesting, as there was still displaying going on at Martin Mere the day before, so unless they've all died of avian flu somewhere the only other possibility is that they've moved en masse down the hill to the weir by The Bull. Usually a few stay for the pickings from visiting families, even in the harshest winters.
Just checked the Webs Data back to 1990 and there's always been at least 1 around, even in the nesting season.
Jackdaw c60 Robin 1 seen, several in sub-song Magpie Long-tailed Tit c 6 Carrion Crow 12 in the eastern sheep fields Bullfinch 2 heard only Blue Tit 1 seen, several heard Great Tit 2
-- Edited by Mike Chorley on Friday 22nd of December 2023 03:44:33 PM
19/11/2023 11.35 - 12.50 Soggy paddle round a very quiet site, the Slough of Despond on the east side having swollen to the Great Grimpen Mire. Luckily the few Hounds I met were all flesh and blood. Most totals are minima, as most birds were, sensibly, well under cover!
Upper Res: Tufted Duck 1 male Little Grebe 2 Coot 2 Moorhen 2 Grey Heron 1 flew in to the small willow carr at the north end. Black-headed Gull 3 - 2 on the res, possibly re-locating from the Lower Res and 1 fly-over
Also Long-tailed Tit - 2 seen more heard Carrion Crow 3 ditto Jackdaw 6 ditto Great Tit 2 ditto Magpie 1 ditto Wood Pigeon 2 Bullfinch 1 flight silhouette i.d. from call Blackbird 1 male Wren 2 heard at once in very different locations
Lower Res: Mallard 2 males Coot 1 - still associating with the Mallard Black-headed Gull 5
Upper Res: Mallard 5- 4M 1 F Little Grebe 4 Moorhen 9 Coot 3
Also: Robin Magpie Blackbird Dunnock Wren Blue Tit Jay Great Tit Treecreeper 2 at 'feeding station' Coal Tit Redpoll 1 in flight over 'feeding station' Bullfinch 2 in flight Jackdaw 6 - horse pastures west side Carrion Crow 22 ditto Long-tailed Tit party of c 24
16/09/2023 - 11.20 - 13.50 surprisingly cold and windy for what was supposed to be the 'better' day of last weekend! Definitely had an effect on both human and other animal life around the site.
Lower Res: Mallard 10 Coot 1
Upper Res: Mallard 3 inc 1M Coot 3 Little Grebe 4 all winter plumage (so possibly more individual birds but that was the maximum in view at any one time) Moorhen 5 - 3 adult, 2 sub adult (see above re Grebes) Black-headed Gull 6 Herring Gull 1 1st winter (this or another later caused the gulls up on the pastures to depart when it took off with a bulky black item in its' beak and was pursued by some of the flock)
Horse pastures western side Herring Gull 1 1st Winter (see above) Lesser Black-backed Gull 2 adult - the birds whose pursuit brought the whole flock up Common Gull 5 Black-headed Gull 18 (possibly including the 6 above) feeding across the pastures with Jackdaw 30 Carrion Crow 3 Magpie 3 (also 5 around 'feeding station' earlier) Wood Pigeon 7 - earlier 6 around the car park at the Golden Steps
Also Wren 2 heard only - Holgate Street and mature conifers SE of Upper Res Coal Tit 5 - 4 Holgate St. conifers, 1 unofficial feeding station Robin 1 seen - feeding station, several heard Nuthatch 1 -feeding station Great Tit 1 - feeding station Bullfinch 1 heard only, along top west side path Starling 40-60 in sheep fields to east of reservoirs - initial flock of 40 on wires near lowest farm not settling to feed on rowan berries. Returning later I saw around 20 still there and a flock of more than 30 came up from higher ground Mistle Thrush 1 (Goldcrest 2 seen Chiffchaff 1S Long-tailed Tit -several heard in this mixed flock in the small mature wooded area on the east side between the two reservoirs Blue Tit 2 seen Chaffinch 1 M seen ) Dunnock 1
Lower Res: Coot 1 hanging out with Mallard 20 all in eclipse Moorhen 1 juvenile
Upper Res: Mallard 9 Tufted Duck 2 M & F Moorhen 13 - 3 adults and what looked like 6 juveniles (very brown) and 4 sub-adults (much darker tones when with the juveniles so probably 2 broods) Coot 4 - 3 adults, one with a well-developed chick(presumably the fuzzball seen on last month's visit) Little Grebe 4 - 3 breeding plumage birds, 1 in juv/winter plumage Black-headed Gull 5 Lesser Black-backed Gull 1
The pastures on the east side of the valley had been cut, so 18 Black-headed Gulls had gathered to work through the cut vegetation. Resting in the horse pasture on the western side Black-headed Gull 54 Common Gull 26
Lesser Black-backed Gulls - 3 noisily over the middle of the valley.
Also: Jackdaw Coal Tit contact calls on Holgate Street, 1 seen at unofficial feeding station higher up the valley Magpie Robin - lots of sub-song but only one seen - again around the unofficial 'feeding station' Nuthatch 1 over, 2 seen on regular nest tree (juv pursuing adult for food) Sparrowhawk over Long-tailed Tit 4 at 'feeding station', several in bushes along the east side later. Great Tit 3 at 'feeding station' then birds heard in the mature trees on the east side Goldcrest 1 'feeding station' Blackbird 1 'feeding station' Jay 1 around 'feeding station' Treecreeper Willow Warbler 1 juv seen (very yellow) contact calls heard elsewhere Great Spotted Woodpecker heard only Bullfinch 1 heard only Goldfinch several heard in tops of mature wood Starling 15 together in the sheep fields on the east side Swallow 4 around the farm Lapwing 3 south and east over the east side of the valley, just before Roebuck Lane. First I've recorded here since June 2022.
09/07/2023 - 10.55-13.55 sunny with some cloud and a breeze.
Lower Res: Mallard 14 - all in eclipse. 12 still showing vestiges of male plumage Moorhen 3 - 1adult, 2 juveniles Coot 2 adults Black-headed Gull 1
Upper Res: Mallard 7 -all eclipse, 1 male Tufted Duck 3 males. Coot 3 min - 1 adult, 1 adult with juvenile. Possible 3rd adult appeared on east bank later Moorhen 4 - 2 adults, 1 with juvenile, 1 with very small chick (black fuzzball) Little Grebe <12 - 3 adults seen, each with 2 large chicks, and there were up to 3 adults appearing on their own, including a two in territorial display, but the third trio of adult and chicks was only seen once, briefly, before disappearing under overhanging branches, so the adult could have been one of the territorial birds. Black-headed Gull 1 -possibly the bird from the lower res as only 1 other gull (a fly-over Lesser Blackback was seen all visit) Kingfisher 1 seem briefly twice as it flew between trees at the north end. Grey Wagtail 1 seen flying north over the res and landed on the spit
Golden Steps: Grey Wagtail 2 juveniles in inflow channel at the top -possibly including one seen in the nearby RSPB compound earlier
Also: Magpie Jackdaw inc up to 20 in trees on the west shore of the Upper Res - not the same trees where there have been groups in previous summers. Nuthatch 1 calling in trees along Holgate Street Wood Pigeon Robin at least one already in sub-song, several more still in full song around the site Blue Tit Chiffchaff 4- 1 singing on the east side of the Upper Res while another was foraging on the west side, 2 singing at each other on the east side of the Lower Res. Chaffinch 1 S Coal Tit adult and juvenile heard and partially seen on Holgate St. Great Tit inc 1 checking out possible hand-outs at the unofficial feeding station lol. Blackcap brief snatches of song heard at a couple of sites. Long-tailed Tit - 3/4 minimum Swallow 6 around the lowest farm buildings on the east side Song Thrush 1 S Blackbird 3 inc 1 singing. Wren 1 in alarm.
Lower Res: Coot 5 - 2 adults and 3 large young Mallard 12 - 10 eclipse males 2 female/juvenile birds Canada Goose 1 Grey Heron 1 - adult bird making use of a fishing peg created within the small reedbed.
Upper Res: Mallard 2 - 1M 1F Moorhen 1 adult Coot 2/3 1 adult, 1 large chick, possibly 2nd adult present but only ever one bird seen at a time. Little Grebe 3 - all adults, pair and single bird in territorial display/fight. The fight was eventually broken up by the adult Coot.
Golden Steps: Grey Wagtail 2 - flypast -either 2 juveniles or juvenile in pursuit of female.
Also: Jackdaw, including around a dozen in the canopy at the north end of the western path. Wood Pigeon Chiffchaff 2 S the bird at the southern end seen Blackbird 1 male seen, several S Song Thrush 1 S (heard only) Magpie Carrion Crow Wren 5 min - 1 S on Holgate Street, adult and at least 3 young in one of the Bramble patches Robin 1 seen, several S Blue Tit 2 seen, several calling Jay 1 possibly 2 Blackcap 1 male S (in duet with one of the Blackbirds) Willow Warbler 1 S Swallow 1 drinking from Upper Res,prob 1 of the 2 around lowest farm buildings on east side. Pheasant 1 M Goldfinch 2 seen, 1 S Long-tailed Tit group heard but not seen in Rhododendrons
Upper Res: Mallard 1 - drake - possibly from the lower res Coot 8 - 2 adults 6 fuzzball chicks Moorhen - 1 Little Grebe 4 - 2 pairs
Cow Bath/ Little Sea Mallard 2 - a pair
Golden Steps: Grey Wagtail - female collecting insects
Also: Wood Pigeon Jackdaw Magpie Carrion Crow Robin 9 minimum mostly S Blackbird 6 minimum 4 S Wren 7 minimum 5 S Chiffchaff 4 S (heard only) Willow Warbler 2 S (heard only) Song Thrush 1 S (heard only) Blue Tit 5 Great Tit 4 inc 1f/juv wing-shiver food solicitation display Sparrowhawk 1 - male Nuthatch 1 N Swallow 2 feeding/bathing Upper Res then around lowest farm buildings - being re-roofed so may not nest this year House Martin 1 Bulfinch 1 male seen, it or another heard calling Pheasant 1 male Reed Bunting 2 heard only S in Junctus stands Starling 3 - 2 adult 1 juv Long-Tailed Tit - 6 family group
23/04/2023 11.00 - 13.30 dull and dry again but felt different to last Sunday. seemed to be more birds, for starters. Maybe because I got there before most of the fishermen, dog-swimmers and free-range pooches
Upper Res: Canada Goose 1 Greylag Goose 1 flew over then turned back SE Tufted Duck 2 a pair Coot 2 1N Moorhen 1 Little Grebe 2 - courtship feeding.
Cow bath was quiet as there was some unofficial pond dipping going on. Probably accounts for the odd number of Canada Geese on the Lower Res, and maybe the lack of egrets
Golden Steps: Mallard 2 a pair.
Also: Robin 4 seen and at least 8 heard Singing around the site (12?) Wren 3 seen, one with nesting material and 2+ more singing, with another alarm calling (6) Song Thrush 1 S (heard only) Jackdaw Chiffchaff 6 minimum, all S in more or less the same locations as last week Willow Warbler 2 minimum, S regularly in both of last week's locations, possible 3rd. Blackbird 7, inc 1 Female Mistle Thrush 1 Wood Pigeon Magpie Blue Tit 6 minimum Carrion Crow Great Tit 3 seen, more heard calling & S Chaffinch 1 M seen, 2 heard singing Nuthatch 3 1 calling at the unofficial feeding station, then a pair in the old wood, with the M 'on duty' Swallow 6 over Upper Res, later a pair seen around the lowest farm. Long Tailed Tit 4 pair and 2 singles Linnet 1 flyover calling above top horse fields Pheasant 1 M Pied Wagtail 1 M Cow Bath horse paddock Blackcap 1 S in old wood Bullfinch 1 heard only old wood Grey Wagtail,1 calling flying upstream behind the RSPCA centre
Lower Res: initially birdless but 3 drake Mallard were seen in flight towards the end of my circuit and a second check at 14.50 revealed Mallard 2 drakes Coot 1 heard
Upper Res: Tufted Duck 1M 1f -a pair Coot 2 - 1 N Little Grebe 1 seen, second one heard, as first bird headed to a secluded spot on the banking Moorhen 1 Grey Heron 1 - 2CY
Cow Bath/Little Sea Canada Goose 2 - a pair Mallard 1 M and in the adjoining horse paddock Little Egret 1
Golden Steps: Grey Wagtail 2 - not a pair, as the Male was chasing off the other, female-type bird
Also: Robin 7 minimum, all S Blackbird 8 males, 6 singing Great Tit 1 S (heard only) Blue Tit 4 Song Thrush 1 heard only S Jackdaw 10 Willow Warbler 1 poss. 2 S - a couple of bursts of song, in two locations, 1 directly north of the other, so possibly a bird passing through as no bird seen or heard when those locations reached. Possibly intimidated by all the Chiffchaffs 6 minimum, all singing, in locations from Holgate Street to the top of the valley. Carrion Crow 6 Wren 2 - 1 Holgate St S one on wall en route to Cow Bath, silent. Magpie 6 Nuthatch 1 poss. 2 1 seen by usual nest site, another bird heard in the patch of mature woodland where a second pair were prospecting nest sites last month. Great Spotted Woodpecker 1 over Bullfinch 1F Blackcap 1F in hawthorns by viewpoint Chaffinch 1 M Swallow 1 over the Cow Bath/Little Sea Greenfinch 2 (minimum) Lesser Black-backed Gull 1 over Huddersfield Rd as I was leaving the site.
12/03/23 12.25 - 14.25 Warm SW wind, mostly clear of snow except where the path goes round the top of the upper res, where there were remains of accumulations between 10 and 15 inches deep.
Lower Res: Coot 2 Moorhen 2 seen, 1 heard (but not at the same time) Black-headed Gull 27 Grey Wagtail heard only (flight call) along the inflow feeder.
Upper Res: Little Grebe 1 Moorhen 1 Coot 2 Mallard 8 - a flotilla of 7 males following 1 female, with one of the males 'escorting ' her Teal 1 male Tufted Duck 8 - 5 males and 3 females. Record count for me here. They seemed to be split between 2 males and females, and a male & female plus a spare male which was being chased off all the time.
Also: Robin 3 minimum -2 Holgate St (S) and 1 S in old wood (again with snatches of Song Thrush in its' song) Great Tit 9 minimum - 3 Holgate Street, 3 unofficial feeding area and 3 singles Magpie Starling 9 - 1 Holgate Street, 8 over NW Wren 1 Goldfinch 3 -all heard only Nuthatch 5/6 - 1 heard only Holgate St, pair seen with nesting material (N) near usual nest site and a second pair investigating a potential site on the other side of the valley Blue Tit 7 throughout the site Wood Pigeon. Blackbird 7 all males Bullfinch 1 heard only Coal Tit 1 Mistle Thrush 1 singing and alarm call Jackdaw c 60 mostly around Holgate Street and Waterworks Road
18/02/2023 - 11.40 -14.20 Less busy than I expected
Lower Res: Canada Goose 4 - 2 pairs Goosander 4 - 3 M 1 f all four birds took off from the northern( inflow) end shortly after I arrived but one of the males circled back and returned to their original area. Coot 2 Moorhen 1 heard only Black-headed Gull 18 initially < 34 with Common Gull 1
Upper Res: Tufted Duck 2 a pair Coot 2 Moorhen 2 Little Grebe 1 Teal 1 M - bit of a rarity here, despite suitable habitat, seen briefly at the northern end of the res. Disappeared during the distraction of someone doing his Wim Hoff Jr. act, so checked for again later from the other side . No luck but a bonus of Little Egret 1 seen briefly but well, fishing along the back of one of the reed stands. Site and borough tick
Also: Starling single 'singing' on Holgate Street, then 8 in flight over the Upper res, more heard around the site Goldfinch 14 min 2 (at least) singing on Holgate St. 12 in larches in the area between the two reservoirs Robin 5 min 2 seen in wood behind the new treatment plant, 5 heard singing at different locations around the site. Jackdaw C 60 . Some birds around the site at various times, but a movement of c60 east to west along Huddersfield Rd around 2 p.m. Wood Pigeon seen in ones and twos in various locations. Blue Tit 4 1S Long-tailed Tit 7 min 1 heard Holgate St, min 3 pairs seen around the site. Bullfinch 2 heard calling at once Magpie ones and twos around the site Great Tit 11 min Several calling and at least 3, probably 5, around the unofficial feeding station. Several more seen around other parts of the site. Not seen so many in ages. They must have Sundays off Great Spotted Woodpecker 1 heard Blackbird 2 males Wren 1 - bathing in stream from under viewpoint. Kestrel 1 Female over eastern sheep fields Song Thrush 1 heard
11/12/22 11.00-13.15 Site was just beyond the northern edge of this morning's cloud cover, so initially cold but bright, then cooler as the cloud edged north. Quiet, if you ignored the clay pigeon massacre over to the east, except when I went to put out food at one of the unofficial feeding stations. Then the world, their wives and dogs crashed and fog-horned in from all directions! " I luv coming here to enjoy the peace and quite"
Lower Res: 99% iced over Mallard 2 - M & F in the small area at the north end where the stream flows in. Couldn't find any more when viewing from the north end. Very low count for a first 'icing over' Moorhen 4 - Family group? very close together on the stone edge of the outfall down to the Golden Steps Black-headed Gull 30 minimum - group of c 40 were on the ice as I arrived but flushed before I got a clear view to count. Eventually up to 30 were back on the ice but still very easily disturbed by just seeing humans/dogs. Initial group held a minimum Common Gull 2 adult winter but these were not among the birds who returned
Upper Res: 98% iced over Little Grebe 1 winter plumage bird diving and ice-breaking in the small area of open water where the streams feed in from the north Moorhen 1 heard, somewhere below the lookout. In a bad winter they sometimes climb the bushes next to the lookout to feed Black-headed Gull 2 - 1 present when I arrived, a second appeared to come up from the Lower Res. 2 gulls kept leaving and re-appearing as I walked round from the outfall to the lookout.
Checked the stream in the north west horse pastures and the various in=flow channels including round to the "Cow Bath" (100% frozen) but no Snipe, Water Rail etc.
A group of 4 male Blackbirds and 2 Redwing were feeding in the leaf litter of the small clump of trees at the junction of Church St East and Huddersfield Rd. at 10.55. When I passed back at 13.20 they had been replaced by a Mistle Thrush.
Also Feral Pigeon 6 Wood Pigeon 8 - scattered throughout the site Black-headed Gull 6 scavenging at the junction of Culvert St/Holgate St. Probably form the initial Lower Res flock Carrion Crow 8 sightings around the site Jackdaw 6 over, mostly as singles Bullfinch 1 heard at various points around the site Blue Tit c8 Great Spotted Woodpecker 1 Jay 1 heard Holgate St Magpie c9 - group of 6 together on NW side of Upper Res. 1 on Holgate St seemed to be tracking a Grey Squirrel with food. The squirrel was not happy! Long-tailed Tit 10 minimum. A party of 10 were counted across the east side access road to the new treatment works. Groups of 2 and 3 were seen elsewhere Blackbird 2 males seen Siskin 12 feeding in alders and larch along the east-west bridal path between the reservoirs , in company with Goldfinch 2 - possible the same party seen around the horse paddocks on the east side of the reservoirs, but also in the area Meadow Pipit 1 minimum seen/heard. Only the 2 Goldfinch could be picked out in the small flock flitting about Great Tit 2 seen at feeding point, others heard Robin 6 - 2 at feeding point, 2 on Golden Steps, 1 Holgate St, 1 top pastures Nuthatch 1 at feeding point Coal Tit 1 at feeding point Dunnock 2 1 at feeding point 1 top pastures in the hedge Lesser Black-backed Gull 2 over top pastures Kestrel 1 immature female - perched, 3/4 back on, with fluffed up feathers and no clear mask 'tear' had me hoping for something 'different' for the day. Wren none seen, several heard, noticeably mostly after noon.
13/11/2022 11.45-13.55 Just caught the first flush of dog walkers following the Remembrance Services. Fairly quiet though, with just a few fishermen on the Lower Res. Getting busy as I was leaving.
Lower res: Mallard 7 - 5M 2F -surprisingly low. None detected lurking under the overhanding willows. Coot 1 Moorhen 3 - 2 adults and 1 immature Black-headed Gull 26
Upper Reservoir Tufted Duck 3 all males Coot 2 Moorhen 1 Little Grebe 3 - maximum number seen together on the surface at any one time. Black-headed Gull 28 < 40 some birds obviously commuting up from the Lower Res for the afternoon bathe and loaf, others dropping in from elsewhere. Among them Common Gull 4 adult winter birds. Grey Wagtail 1 male at outflow
Also: Starling 10 minimum Culvert St Magpie Jackdaw Carrion Crow Nuthatch 3 minimum - 2 birds around Culvert St/Holgate St: at least 1 near the regular breeding site at the upper end of the valley Robin 6 - 3 subsong, others seen silent birds Blackbird 5 minimum, inc 3 first winter Long-tailed Tit 2 x? at least 4 sightings around the site, but only ever of pairs, no sign of the usual family party/small flock usual at this time of year Wren 4 minimum, alarm calls and brief trills in several other spots Great Tit 2 at the ad hoc feeding station, 3 more sightings of individuals Coal Tit 1 Blue Tit 3 minimum Pheasant 1 M Wood pigeon Dunnock 2 Chaffinch 2 -1 male seen Greenfinch 1 seen singing Song Thrush 1 Treecreeper 2 - NOT flying down to the bottom of the tree each time they moved location - little rebels! Goldcrest 1 M Siskin 1 heard only Great Spotted Woodpecker 1 heard only.
Lower Res: Mallard 24 - predominantly M, some shadowing/guarding going on. Moorhen 3 - 2 adult 1 immature Black-headed Gull 17 Pied Wagtail flight call over
Upper Res: Tufted Duck 1 M Coot 2 Little Grebe 5 - 2 adults (breeding plumage) in different locations, 1 with 2 immatures, the other with a singleton. Black-headed Gull 7 - only one bird trying and failing badly to rob the grebes of their catches this visit.
A few Lesser Black-backed Gulls over the eastern fields along Roebuck Lane
Also: Wren 3 minimum - 1 seen Robin 4 minimum - 2 seen Blackbird 2 M Jackdaw Magpie Woodpigeon Carrion Crow Nuthatch 3 - pair in usual area and another seen along Holgate Street Great tit 2 Long-tailed Tit 5 Blue Tit 1 Bullfinch 1 heard only Common Buzzard 2 moving south and east mobbed by Jackdaws, Carrion Crows and Lesser Black-backed Gulls Hobby 1 immature bird through west to east over the top pastures. Pheasant 3 - 2M 1F, flushed from channel beside the path to the "Cow bath/Little Sea"
Lower Res: Mallard 13 Moorhen 5 - 1 adult & 1 juvenile X 2 (opposite sides of res) plus 1 adult further back Grey Heron 1 right down by the unused fishing pegs. A second reported to have been flushed a little before my arrival Black-headed Gull 1
Upper Res: Mallard 2 Tufted Duck 3 -1M 2 juveniles Moorhen 2 adults Coot 3 - 2 adults, 1 1st W Little Grebe 8 - 3 adult(summer plumage), 5 non-breeding plumage birds, one of which was a begging juvenile. Grey Heron 1 (probably the bird from the Lower Res) a bird was heard twice, calling as if in flight, but not seen through the trees. Black-headed Gull 16
Also: Magpie Starling Robin C10 minimum of 4 in sub-song Wren 3 - 1 seen, 2 heard Willow Warbler 2 - 1 contact-calling Holgate Street, 2nd at top end of the res Coal Tit 2 Woodpigeon 10 together in the car park, C 10 in horse pastures Pied Wagtail 1 heard Long-tailed Tit 2 seen, 5 more calling as part of 1 party Blue Tit 1 seen plus contact calls Sparrowhawk 1 F circling Great Tit 3 minimum Nuthatch 1 Chaffinch 1 Dunnock 1 Jackdaw 6/7 in top pastures Carrion Crow 6 top pastures Chiffchaff 2 - 1 singing in trees along the eastern feeder to the top res, 1 in reeds along channel to 'Cow Bath' contact calling. Swallow 4 through east of the reservoirs near the dung heap.
and a flotilla of Labradors launched into everything by a woman with a ball-chucker and a large supply of balls (along with no consideration of anyone or anything else) to the consternation of wildfowl, other dogs and humans alike I've thought for a while that councils and others managing public access water bodies should make an effort to actually provide a specific facility for dog walkers, especially given the rising temperatures, but I'd have no quarrel with all of them banning this individual!
Top Res: Mallard 2 (possibly more in cover) Moorhen 5 - 3 Adult, 2 juvenile Coot 3 -2 Adult, juvenile Little Grebe c 8 - 3 adult, 5 juvenile Canada Goose 3 Grey Heron 1 Black-headed Gull 18
Top Horse Pastures Black-headed Gull 11 (no movement between reservoirs and pastures noted) Lesser Black-backed Gull 4 Herring Gull 3 Common Gull 2 Magpie c6 Carrion Crow 6 Jackdaw 8 plus about 60 in fields along the east side of the reservoirs all suddenly flushed by something (possibly a woman with a ball-thrower)
Also; Blue Tit, Robin, Wren, Wood Pigeon, heard along Holgate Street Goldcrest 1 seen, 2 heard along there
Blackbird 1 Chaffinch 3 Great Tit 2 Long-tailed Tit c10 all at the unofficial feeding place along the upper west path
Swallows min 10 at the farm en route to the 'Cow Bath'
Blackcap, Blue Tit, Wren, Long-tailed Tits, Old Wooded area
and another that got away. While I was "pishing" the Long-Tailed Tit group on the west path, I heard a hard short unfamiliar call, repeated twice, and a small thrush/large warbler size bird flew up onto a bare branch. Got one good view in the bins(left profile and 3/4 side& back view in an upright posture) before it dropped. Long straight pale bill, with a slight nail; gingery crest, a bit scruffy; pale line between that and the rest of the upper parts plumage which was a reddish-brown, apart from a pale patch in the secondaries. Suggestion of a pale breast as it dipped to drop. Never saw the legs or underparts and for some reason the eye failed to register - but I don't think there was an eye-ring. When it flew up I was thinking/hoping Redstart, but the back and upper tail were the same colour (a trick of the bright sunlight?). I can't find a match in either Collins or the Harris/Tucker/Vinicombe Macmillan guide that deals with 'difficult' ID's. I was reminded of illustrations of Hippolais warblers (but it was too russet) and the features don't quite fit juvenile Redstart, 1st winter Whitethroat or first winter Blackcap. Would be interested to hear if it rings any bells for anyone; enquiries among friends drawn a blank so far.
17/07/22 10.05- 13.05 Set out early with the intention of being back before the cloud cover drifted off, but the curiosity of strangers and a chance meeting with some long-unseen regulars meant that even the mad dogs had gone inside by the time I was walking home! I think it's the first time I've seen the top section of the Golden Steps completely dry. Climate change? what climate change?
Lower Res: Coot 4 - 2 adults with a small chick (fuzzball) and a young bird, Mallard 20 - 2 large ducklings, 1 male still in full plumage, the rest in eclipse. Moorhen 1
connecting stream: Grey Wagtail 1 juvenile
Upper Res: Mallard 7- all eclipse Moorhen 3- 2 Adult 1 juvenile Coot 4- 2 Adult and 2 small chicks Black-headed Gull 3<17 a bathing group gradually dropping in Grey Heron 1 adult Little Grebe 8 -2 adults with 6 fuzzball chicks
Swift 5 over the Upper Res: with at least one skimming to drink/bathe.
Also Jackdaw C60. Some heard along Holgate Street, the majority in the horse pastures at the north end of the site Carrion Crow 8 around the site, mostly in the horse pastures Wood Pigeon Several around the site. They're far more cautious here than they are in my local park Chiffchaff 1/2 1 still in song, possibly very mobile. Coal Tit 1 heard Holgate Street Wren 3 minimum, 1 singing on Holgate Street, 1 on west side of Lower Res, 1 juvenile (possibly with adult) above the wooden footbridge at the north end of the site Magpie 8/9 about the site Blue Tit 1 contact calling Great Tit 2 calling Long-Tailed Tit 2 heard Robin 14 - at least 9 juveniles and 2 adults seen along the path on the west side of the Lower Res, 1 adult singing on Holgate Street, 1 very worn bird at a feeding site along the upper part of the west path, and 1 adult in the mature conifers between the reservoirs Willow Warbler 1 contact calling Chaffinch 2 Nuthatch 1 Greenfinch 1 Goldfinch 2 Blackbird 1 male seen, 1 singing in another location, 1 juvenile Dunnock 2 Swallow 12 feeding over the reservoirs initially, then dispersed with 4 around the farm en route to the Cow Bath. Hobby/predator call given and a Falcon - 1 - passed low south along the east side of the Lower Reservoir fields. Probably a Hobby, but seen in virtual silhouette and puzzlingly had something long, thin and rigid trailing behind it. Too stiff for jesses(?) but it seems late for nesting material and if it was green vegetation for an existing nest, it was a definite fail! Herring Gull 1 adult on the Academy roof.
19/06/22 11.25-13.55 Cloudy Generally very quiet, dog walkers and dog-swimmers almost outnumbering species seen and certainly more fishermen than birds around the Lower Reservoir
Upper Res: Mallard 2 eclipse adults Black-headed Gull 1 Coot 1 Adult being very territorial with Tufted Duck 2 M
Golden Steps: Grey Wagtail 2 - 1 Adult M, 1 Juv
Also Mallard 2 eclipse adults Black-headed Gull 1 Jackdaw - c40 some on Holgate Street, the rest in woodland to the west of the Upper Reservoir. Seemed to be gathering for some sort of communal activity in either the pines or rowans . The only thing I could clearly see was bill rubbing. Cleaning or getting some sort of secretion from the tree to use for cleaning their feathers, like raptors bringing fresh branches to a nest? Robin - Several heard, 2 adults and 1 independent juvenile seen Chiffchaff 2 S Long-tailed Tit party heard but not seen Holgate Street pines Song Thrush 2 S, one seems to have picked up odd snatches of Nightingale song from somewhere! Blue Tit contact calls in several areas but no birds clearly seen Great Tit ditto Wren several calling, 1 S Blackbird 2 S -different locations, 1 M seen collecting food in the feeder channel to the Cow Bath pond Mistle Thrush 3 - Adult being pursued by 2 juveniles Willow Warbler 1 S Magpie C8 mostly in top Horse Pastures Carrion Crow 6 - 2 interacting with the Holgate Street Jackdaws, the rest in the upper pastures. Wood Pigeon 6 seen Swallow 1<4 1 bird seen working the meadows to the east of the reservoirs, 2 or possibly 3 more arrived on one of many mini weather fronts passing over Bullfinch 2 Swift c6 2 seen distantly over Roebuck Lane hawking one of the mini fronts, 4 seen later directly overhead just west of the Lower Reservoir Lesser Black-backed Gull - 2 seen with the Swifts over Roebuck Lane. Starling 6, feeding in field by the Cow Bath, at least one flying off with food Linnet 2 same location Pied Wagtail 2 on walls same location Garden Warbler 1 S
15/05/22 10.25 - 12.45 Breeze, light rain at times but pleasant.
Overflow tanks for the old pumping station (now RSPCA centre) Grey Wagtail 2 - Male at around 10.35 alarm calling at a Magpie. Female on guard duty at 12.40
Lower Res: Mallard 3 - 2M, one paired up with a female Coot 4 - pair with 2 young chicks -black fuzzball stage Grey Heron 1 adult - hunched down in the private fishing club compound.
Upper Res: Canada Goose 1 Coot 2 - 1N Moorhen 1 Mallard 2 M & F appeared/arrived later when I came back to check on calls from a Grey Heron (not located). Possibly the pair from the Lower Res.
Cow Bath Grey Heron 1 - 2nd summer bird, initially feeding in the supply channel (with attendant Carrion Crow) then spooked and flew to the pond where it was picking tiny items off Iris leaves and the surface. Spooked again later and flew back towards the main reservoirs, harassed by the crow, before landing in fields to the east of the Lower Res and wandering off among the Cow Parsley. As on my last visit, it and the crow were probably the source of the calls mentioned earlier.
Also: Blackbird 4 minimum 2 males singing against each other at either end of the site, Blue Tit Feral Pigeon Jackdaw Carrion Crow Chiffchaff C6 - based on locations of singing birds with at least a couple of birds singing simultaneously from different directions at several points around the site Wood Pigeon Great Tit 4 Magpie Bullfinch 2 brief flight views as a pair crossed the path - juv in food pursuit of adult? Song Thrush 2 minimum, again on song. 1 seen Willow Warbler 3 S Coal Tit 2 - pair collecting food - v low buzzing contact (alarm?) call as they worked through some birches Robin 2 seen, C4 in song Starling 18+ - a party of this number flew together across the valley, but there were lots of individual flights of birds with food east to west, plus returns. Garden Warbler 1 S Blackcap 2 S Wren 2 - 1 seen, 1 singing in a different location. Swallow 2 initially feeding/drinking from the upper res, then around the lowest farm buildings on the east side of the site. Goldfinch 2- 1 upper horse pastures, 1 by the lowest farm Long-tailed Tit 1 seen, several heard, mature wood
Best was a male Wheatear above Top of the Meadow farm. Also Swallow, 2 Meadow Pipit, 6 Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, Blackcap, 3 Bullfinch, 2 Jay, 2 Song Thrush.
Lower Res: Mallard 2 Males Canada Goose 2 a pair Coot 1 Moorhen 2 later 6 Mallard inc at least 1 Female flew up from the reservoir heading north. 2 dropped onto the Upper Reservoir while the others circled N (where one Male veered away) then E before dropping back down onto the Lower Res. One of the males appeared to be trying to force the female down. Courtship pursuit flight? A short time later a Female flew noisily from the Lower Res heading south.
Upper Res: Canada Goose 2 a pair Little Grebe 1
Cow Bath pond Canada Goose 2 a pair Grey Heron 1 landed briefly, then flew up the rushy inflow towards Top O' The Meadows, still pursed by a Carrion Crow Grey Wagtail 1 male briefly
A fourth pair of Canada Geese around the small pond/rushy area in the middle of the horse paddocks N of the Upper Res
Also: Song Thrush 3 - 1 singing Holgate Street/Culvert Street, 1 singing W side of Upper Res, 1 in mature copse E of Lower Res Chiffchaff 3 min 1 singing Holgate Street/Culvert St, 2 singing at each other to W of Upper Res. Great Tit 3 min seen or heard at different locations around the site Wren 4 min seen or heard around the site (3 s) Robin 6 seen 3 heard Willow Warbler 6 heard at various points around the site, minimum of 3 birds Blackcap 3 minimum heard singing Chaffinch 2 seen 4 heard singing Blackbird 1 heard singing Jay 2 seen ( one mewing call, Holgate St) Long-Tailed Tit 2 pairs seen, one pair near location of probable nest site Blue Tit 2 seen, several heard contact or alarm calling around site Kestrel 1 seen over Upper Res Great Spotted Woodpecker Female seen W of Upper Res, then flew SE Goldfinch 1 singing Lapwing 1 display flight over sheep fields to east of Lower Res. (Chris H p.m.) Lesser Black-backed Gull 2 flew south and landed at the S end of the sheep fields - possible cause of Lapwing's display, as there was no response to any of the frequent corvid activity Skylark 1 singing above the sheep fields Sparrowhawk 1 SW over sheep fields, mobbed by Meadow Pipit 1
20/03/22 - 10.50 - 13.20 Sunny, "fair weather cloud" and a cold easterly breeze. Quiet apart from the constant gunfire from the range. Good to see that the area has been made safe for the public but not 'tidied'. Lots of trunks in situ and new brush/log piles. Looks slightly "scoured" but just about enough ground cover left for nesting birds.
Lower Res: Mallard 4 - 1m initially, then when I called back later hearing Black-headed Gulls calling, 3 more had appeared (see Upper Res:) Canada Goose 4 - 1 definite pair (display and cop in the middle of the res) other two birds together in SW corner being fed. The second pair looked similar in size, whereas the male in the mating pair was definitely larger. Coot 2 probably a pair Black-headed Gull 2 over the outfall end feeding from the surface from about 12.40 to 13.05
Upper Res: Mallard 4 - 2 males together asleep by the spit (possibly the associating males on the Lower Res later) and 2 which flew through from either the willow carr or the back pool. Tufted Duck 2 M & F probably a pair Little Grebe 2 both in winter plumage but feeding in the same area Coot 2 Grey Heron 1 - Breeding plumage adult preening on the spit. After about 15 mins (11.35) seen to fly south low over the res and outfall. 5 mins later a bird returned the same way, circled up from the centre of the res and headed west. After another few minutes it or another came back to land on the spit. 30 mins later a bird flew south, spiralled up around the Huddersfield Road area and headed SW - roughly the direction of Alexandra Park, Oldham. About 5 mins before I left a bird was flying in from the SW just above tree top height but lost to view as it got over the outfall of the Lower Res.
Also. Magpie 8 mostly paired Jackdaw C60 - groups of around 20 counted at Huddersfield Road/Culvert Street junction, top horse pasture and S E sheep fields. No sign of movement between these areas Robin C10 - 4 birds seen the rest heard singing from various points around the site (3 together Holgate Street area) Carrion Crow 10 mostly paired around the site. Chaffinch 2 - 1 Singing Holgate Street, 1 calling in conifer stand around the new waterworks building Wood Pigeon C40 - 30 in top horse pastures, the rest in pairs around the site Blue Tit 6 seen (max 3 together) several calling around the site Great Tit 4 seen (2 together) at least 4 calling at different locations Song Thrush 1 heard in song to east of school sports area Bullfinch 1 heard calling on east side of Lower Res, later moved south to east of school Coal Tit 2 Nuthatch 1 Long- tailed Tit 4 - 2 calling between the reservoirs (inc predator alarm calls) 2 with nest material (feathers) on west side of Upper Res Mistle Thrush 2 - alarm calling in same area as Long-tailed Tits Kestrel 1/2 - bird over wooded area between reservoirs (silhouette) it or another flew west to east over the Upper Res mobbed, briefly, by a Carrion Crow Blackbird 2 males Jay 1 Wren 2 - 1 heard on bank of stream above Upper Res, 1 seen by car park below Lower Res. Great Spotted Woodpecker 2 - initially bickering in woods North of Upper Res, then female seen in mature copse as male was drumming, calling and alarm calling(? very loud version of usual call) nearby. Chiffchaff 2 in mature copse, singing at each other, 1 seen Lesser Black-backed Gull 3 over 2 NE then 1 Goldfinch 1 heard Redpoll 1 seen (first sighting here for a while) Redwing 1 see Moorhen 1 seen on the paved channel to the red pool.
19/02/22 13.25 - 14.25 The forecast suggested today would be the better day of the weekend; shame it took so long to turn nice! With the treacherousness of some slopes and the depth of some of the streams and pools - sorry footpaths - if tomorrow is no different to today it will still be worse after the melt. "The Slough of Despond" aka the bridleway on the east side of the Upper Res needs much better draining....or the crown of the path to be consistent so it doesn't suddenly stop being the highest part mid puddle!
Lower Res: Mallard 6 - all males Canada Goose 2 - a pair Black-headed Gull 18 <22
Top Res: Mallard 1 male possibly flown up from the Lower Res as it came in low through the gap in the trees. Otherwise deserted, even when not curtained with snow. Nothing in the now visible SE corner, where things usually lurk in bad weather
The rest of very little else Starling 43 in trees at the s end of Holgate Street Magpie 6 1 Holgate Street, 2 west side Upper Res, 1 horse pastures, 1 old copse, 1 Golden Steps Jay 1 over Holgate Street with food Song Thrush 1 S (briefly) Holgate Street Bullfinch 1 calling Holgate Street Wood Pigeon 6 4 Holgate Street, 2 eastern pastures Wren 1 western birches Great Tit 3 1 coming to temporary feeding station, 2 along the eastern (original) overflow from the Upper Res Blue Tit 1 temporary feeding station Robin 1 ditto Nuthatch 1 ditto Blackbird 2 1 west side Upper Res 1 eastern overflow Carrion Crow 2 1 horse pastures 1 old copse
plus 40 Jackdaw which flew north up Strine Dale from the junction of Culvert Street and Huddersfield Road as I came down
-- Edited by Mike Chorley on Saturday 19th of February 2022 05:29:35 PM
18/01/22 11.00-13.20 Beautiful day (and much quieter than on Sundays......well fewer people, not necessarily "quieter")
Started well with a sub adult Grey Heron flying over Huddersfield Road to land on the roof of Waterhead Academy. The local gulls were not impressed!
Lower Res (95% iced over) Black-headed Gull 28 (12 initially, more joining as I was counting) Canada Goose 4 definitely 1 pair, the other 2 "loosely associating" Mallard 10 9 males Moorhen 1 Muscovy Duck 1
Upper Res (2/3rds covered with thin ice - strong enough to support the gulls....but definitely not Bez!) Mallard 6 4 males Canada Goose 2 a pair Tufted Duck 1 male Moorhen 1 Little Grebe 2 - 1 winter plumage (possibly 1st winter) the other darker and showing (retaining?) the chestnut nape of a breeding adult. Common Gull c22 - mostly adults. Black-headed Gull 84 Numbers were building as I arrived, with birds coming in to bathe, possibly including the birds from the lower reservoir. I'd done a basic head count and was just rechecking on the Common Gulls when a male Sparrowhawk flew over and flushed the lot. They all headed south, possibly onto the Lower Res, then about 15 mins later as I was watching the Little Grebes from the (now cleared!) viewpoint 42 Black-headed Gulls returned.
Also: Magpie Carrion Crow Wood Pigeon Jackdaw Great Tit Chaffinch Coal Tit 2 - one on Holgate Street, 1 near the Upper Reservoir Sparrowhawk 2 - the male which flushed the gulls and an earlier female, harassed by a Carrion Crow Blue Tit Robin Long-tailed Tit Mistle Thrush 2 in eastern fields below the farm on Green Lane, with Redwing 10 Blackbird 1
19/12/2021 11.35-13.50 Bright, clear, chilly, slightly damp (still some frost in sheltered spots) but definitely beautiful day.
Lower Reservoir: Mallard 2 (a pair) Coot 1 Moorhen 5 Black-headed Gull 30 mostly plunge-feeding around an unoccupied fishing peg just into the reed bed, outcompeting a Muscovy Duck 1
Upper Res: Mallard 1 (with the pair on the bottom reservoir, this is the lowest record I can remember for the species here, even when pairs are away from the water incubating. No sign of any lying up on the side of the Lower res either) Canada Goose 2 (a pair) Coot 1 Moorhen 1 Little Grebe 3, one still in summer plumage Common Gull 6 3xjuv/1stW (mantles still mottled) 2x2ndW 1 adult W mixed in with Black-headed Gull 20 initially, but birds arriving/departing from the lower res during my observations. Various attempts to harass the Little Grebes but none successful. Like Tony's Coot (cf General Discussion thread) the Grebes are lurking under the willows or slipping off to the other end of the reservoir while the gulls aren't paying attention. Everything paid attention during the flyover by a Grey Heron 1 sub adult disappeared into the trees in the north east corner where there are two shallow pools
Goosander 1 Drake coming over the trees by the RSPCA compound at the end of Holgate Street may have come from the reservoirs.
Also: Mistle Thrush 1 singing at the junction of Culvert Street and Huddersfield Road (another, later, back towards the Huddersfield Rd/Ripponden Road junction. Blue Tit, 2 seen more heard Wren 2 singing Holgate Street Nuthatch 1 heard Holgate Street Starling 3 heard -poplars, Culvert St Magpie c 12 around the site Wood Pigeon c6 mostly perched in cover, 2 feeding top pastures Robin 1 S Holgate Street, 1 near Upper Res, 1 Old Wood. Bullfinch 1 heard Holgate Street Long-tailed Tit 4 Great Tit 2 Coal Tit 1 Rook 3 feeding in top pastures with Jackdaw 20 and Carrion Crow 6 Siskin heard King George VI Memorial Woodland Jay 2 heard behind RSPCA compound Sparrowhawk 1 male low over RSPCA compound Goldfinch C4 1 over the top pastures C3 more sensibly in the conifer hedges on Culvert Street.
Upper Re: Mallard 2 (a pair) Moorhen 1 Little Grebe 6 1 summer plumage adult being followed by a post -humbug chick, another summer-plumage adult at the other end of the reservoir was driving away two winter-plumage/sub adult birds (possibly last month's pair of juveniles). Just as I was leaving another winter-plumage/sub adult bird was in view as well. Black-headed Gull 5<15. Initially 5 birds on the reservoir, rising to 15 with most birds coming in low as if moving up from the Lower Reservoir. One of the initial 5 was attempting to steal fish from the Little Grebes and several more joined in, with at least one bird plunging its' head underwater as the Grebes dived. Might have a negative effect on future broods for the Grebes, Coots and Moorhens when they have small chicks on the water. Common Gull 1 - came in with the gulls from the Lower Reservoir.
Golden Steps Grey Wagtail 1
Upper horse paddocks were very quiet, possibly because of the strong winds. Carrion Crow 3 Wood Pigeon 6 Common Gull 4 Starling flock beyond the fence on the skyline to the west, C 30 birds showing as the birds were disturbed, probably larger number
Also: Robin 1 seen, several heard Magpie c 1O -singles and pairs Blue Tit 1 seen with other tits, several more heard Great Tit 2 seen more heard Long-tailed Tit 6 minimum, probably more. Bullfinch 1 heard Kestrel 1 male Blackbird 1 Nuthatch 1 Wren 2 heard
Bonus bird was a single Fieldfare fly past on Huddersfield Road as I started to walk home.
Top Res: Little Grebe 4 2 Adults, one being pestered by 2 'post-humbug' chicks. First evidence of breeding this summer Moorhen 1 Adult Tufted Duck 3 Males Mallard 12 flew in, probably from the group on the lower res. Canada Goose 39 a party of 32 down near the outlet, with the other 7 on the spit at the inflow. Unlike the main group, none of the latter took any interest when the young family turned up with bread. Joining in the feeding frenzy were Black-headed Gull 27
Also: Long-tailed Tit at least 2 roving parties, mostly heard in the canopy rather than seen, along with Great Tit and Blue Tit. Robin more heard than seen (2), with one doing a very odd call/subsong. A 'churp' like version of the usual 'tacking' contact call, but several run together. Not quite the sound of someone cracking their knuckles but that rhythm. Magpie Wood Pigeon Carrion Crow Jackdaw Pheasant 1 Wren 2 heard Willow Warbler 1 heard (contact calls) Jay 1 heard Bullfinch 1 heard Black-headed Gull C 40 scattered through the horse pastures above the top reservoir Common Gull C 10, mostly a resting group Lesser Black-backed Gull 1 Adult.
Lower Res: Mallard 25 Moorhen 1 Coot 1 Black-headed Gull 1 Grey Wagtail 2 1 adult being pursued by 1 juvenile around the reservoir
Upper Res; Tufted Duck 1 eclipse male Coot 2 Moorhen 1 Little Grebe 1 partial summer plumage adult Black-headed Gull 9 Grey Wagtail 1 juvenile probably the bird from the Lower Reservoir.
also: Wren several heard Blue Tit several heard Jackdaw several Magpie 10 minimum, around the upper parts of the valley Robin 2 seen - full and partial song heard from various point around the site (not quite into sub-song yet) Jay 2 seen together in woods by Golden Steps, 1 heard around the Upper Reservoir later Sparrowhawk 1 female across at tree top height east to west, "announced" by Long-tailed Tit distinct alarm calls (min 3) and mobbed by Swallows 6, which had been feeding over the centre of the valley a few minutes before. Probably part of the group of 8 seen towards Sholver and the 15 on wires at the unoccupied(?) farm, where at least a few were being fed by 2 birds. Three broods of the same pair with the older chicks still around or most just a passing group drawn by the dung heap? Lesser Black-backed Gull 2 over (that's a 100% increase in fly-over birds from last month) Carrion Crow 15, some of which joined with a couple of Black-headed gulls to mob the/a Sparrowhawk when it appeared higher over the valley heading NW -> S Bullfinch 2 foraging pair Goldfinch c15, 2 of which were perched on the dead twigs of a tree at the north end of the Upper Reservoir to the annoyance of a Great Spotted Woodpecker 1 f "chipping" at the Goldfinches and eventually pecking towards the second when it wouldn't fly off. Later heard in three other locations. Canada Geese flock of 45 flew east - west into fields just to the south of Sholver but passed out of sight before being seen to settle Starling C 60 congregating on the telegraph wires by the swallows' farm and raiding a rowan by the path to the "Cow Bath". Some of the juveniles spooked by passing swallows. Willow Warbler 1 contact calls heard
Amused to watch the mixed breed flock of sheep in the eastern fields high tail it like naughty kids not wanting to come in for their tea to the furthest end of the pastures when they heard the whistles instructing "Ernie" to round up the group in the adjacent field. Having successfully penned those One Man (on sticks?) and His Dog moved on to the rest with the dog and larger flock circling the fields at some distance from the man. Not sure if the sheep where were they were supposed to be or diagonally as far away as possible when I moved on
22/08/21 12.15 - 14.30 Very quiet in terms of both birds and people - numbers and noise.
Lower res: Mallard 18 inc 1 duck with 4 large youngsters Moorhen 1 Coot 1 Black-headed Gull 1
Upper Reservoir Mallard 3, one of them showing that one of the white farmyard ducks had successfully passed on some of it's genes Moorhen 4 Coot 2 Little Grebe 2 Black-headed Gull C 14, birds coming and going from a loafing party up in the horse pastures comprising Black-headed Gull 54 (at time of observation, unfortunately the loafing and bathing parties couldn't be seen at the same time) Common Gull 15 (none of the Common Gulls were seen to bathe)
Also: Coal Tit 1 seen, others heard Wood Pigeon Willow Warbler 1 juvenile seen, contact calls heard at several locations. Chiffchaff 1 S Long-tailed Tit - 3 at least, foraging together Bullfinch 2/3 2 calling together east of the Lower Reservoir, another called earlier across the valley Blue Tit 1 seen, contact calls heard in several locations Nuthatch 2/3 2 calling near regular nest site, 1 heard lower down the valley later Lesser Black-backed Gull 1 over Sparrowhawk 1 F seen circling over the horse pastures then away west. Carrion Crow C 20 around the site Jackdaw C 30 around the site Magpie several, inc one juvenile bird. Swallow 10/11 A single bird feeding on a passing weather front may have been the single bird at the old farm, where 9 others were together on the wires. Starling 1 at the farm Goldfinch 20 minimum.
Upper Reservoir: Coot 1 Moorhen 1 Grey Heron 1 (probably same bird seen in inflow to lower res, but not seen to relocate Mallard 4 Little Grebe 2 Black-headed Gull 27
Also: Robin 1 singing, 1 subsong, several juveniles contact calling. Wren 1 seen 2 hidden singers, several scolding Jackdaw 4 initially then c60 over from the east, beyond Roebuck Lane Blue Tit 2 seen contact calls from several points around the site Great Tit Calls heard from several locations Chiffchaff 1 singing still from birch wood to east of Lower Reservoir Willow Warbler contact calls from probably 2 individuals around the site. Long-tailed Tit contact calls from several individuals in dense undergrowth Nuthatch 1 calling around usual breeding area Magpie, c 8 dispersed and mobile around the site Carrion Crow 6 dispersed inc 1 in sun-bathing stupor. Swallow 1, initially, hawking over the top reservoir, then C30 on wires at the unnamed farm NE of the new pumping/filtration station. Predator call and mobbing response but couldn't see a trigger Song Thrush 1 singing - woodland by Golden Steps Great Spotted Woodpecker 1 calling in the mature copse east of Lower Reservoir.
13/06/21 10.25- 12.00 Fairly busy, which probably reduced numbers seen/heard, although even the Upper Reservoir, despite being undisturbed, was quiet.
Lower Reservoir: Mallard 13 males
Upper Reservoir: Mallard 2 a pair Coot 2 Moorhen 1 Little Grebe 1
Also Great Tit several calling Robin 2 seen, including a very dark, possibly melanic bird, as I couldn't pick up any red when it was flitting about. Several more heard singing. Blue Tit several calling inc contact calls Blackbird several singing Willow Warbler 2 minimum singing, some contact calls Jay Blackcap 2 minimum singing Chiffchaff 1 singing Nuthatch alarm/contact calls near known nest site Carrion Crow Magpie Jackdaw good numbers around the site, especially in the fields to the east Starlings ditto Magpie Swallow 2 a pair at a probable nest site. Greenfinch 1 singing Whitethroat 1 singing Skylark 1 distant possibly along Brighton Road (but not THAT distant)