Bottom Res: Mallard 16 -13 M, 3 F Canada Goose 2 (a pair) Moorhen 1 White Domestic Duck 4 Black-headed Gull 12
Apart from the gulls everything was sheltering in the sort section at the north end inflow, with some birds in the waterside vegetation
Top Res: Mallard 15 - 12 M 3 F Goosander 4 1 M 3 F Little Grebe 1 - last seen heading for the inflow stream
When I could see across through the snow flurries there didn't seem to be any Goosanders or other wildfowl resting up along the south shore of the reservoir as usual.
Not much else to be seen. The usual Goldfinches in the larches between Holgate Street and Waterworks Road. Also here 4 Wood pigeon 1 Carrion Crow 1 Magpie (3 more seen higher up the valley) Blue Tit - heard here and around the valley Robin - ditto Wren 1 heard Blackbird 1 heard.
Bottom Res: Canada Goose 2 (pair) Goosander 4 2 x m&f appeared to be actively fishing but I didn't see any make a catch Mallard 24 Domestic Duck 4 Moorhen 3 Black-headed Gull 11
Top Res: Goosander 19 - a loafing flotilla all gathered in the sheltered SE corner only 7 males here, so the influx from last month is all females. Mallard 14 Tufted Duck 5 -all males Moorhen 1
Also Jackdaw 40 in the trees on Huddersfield Road by the turning down to the reservoir Goldfinch C20 in the trees between Holgate St. and Waterworks Road; 2 wandered up to the top reservoir, which is unusual for them. Carrion Crow Great Tit Magpie Wood Pigeon Long-tailed Tit 4 minimum with Blue Tit 2 and Treecreeper 1 Blackbird 1 Collared Dove 2
Top Res: Mallard 40 Goosander 18 (by far the highest total I know of for here and a fine sight in the afternoon sun - even split of adult males & red-heads. It should be interesting if they stay long enough to start pairing up) Black-headed Gull 12 (with a few more over) Grey Heron 1 Moorhen 1 The water level was quite low and this, combined with the number of large water birds, may account for the absence of Little Grebes. They often headed up the inflow streams in the marsh when there were larger numbers of gulls here.
Very quiet, except for a noisy flock of Goldfinch in the trees between Holgate Street and Waterworks Road. Jackdaw Carrion Crow Magpie Wood Pigeon Wren 2 heard Robin 1 Bullfinch 2 Blackbird
Top Res: Little Grebe 2 Moorhen 2 Grey Heron 1 Mallard 13 Goosander 2 (1 red head and a partially moulted male - still a lot of red on the head. First time I can remember seeing this species here at the start of winter - usually a February visitor) Black-headed Gull 8
Also Robin Wren 1 Great Tit Blue Tit Long-tailed Tit Starling Magpie Jackdaw Carrion Crow Wood Pigeon Goldcrest 2 Blackbird Grey Wagtail 1 male on the all-weather pitch at the academy
Top Res: Little Grebe 1 Grey Heron 1 Coot 1 Black-headed Gull 3
Very quiet, except for the fusillade coming from somewhere east of The Roebuck! As Mr. Rigby reported at Castleshaw, cold and windy, with even the gulls having difficulty with cross winds on the top reservoir.
Jackdaw Magpie Carrion Crow Wood Pigeon Lesser Black-backed Gull 1 over Black-headed Gull c6 in cow pasture Goldfinch small flock heard only Bullfinch 1 poss 2 birds heard only Greenfinch small group heard only Robin Blue Tit 4/5 - more heard Long-tailed Tit 2 -more heard Great Tit 2 minimum Coal Tit 1 Sparrowhawk 1
Top reservoir: Mallard 4 Little Grebe 3 including 1 humbug-headed juvenile Moorhen 2 adults Coot 1 adult
Also: Jackdaws Robins 1 in sub song and several contact calling throughout the area Blue Tits Great Tits Wood Pigeons Long-tailed Tits Magpies Jay 1 heard Chiffchaff 1 min - a bird giving brief snatches of song with contact calls in the same general area later Wren 1 heard Carrion Crows Swallows maximum of 6 overhead heading roughly NE - possibly the young birds from a nearby breeding site still fattening up Goldcrest 2
Bottom Reservoir: Mallard 30 - all in eclipse- but still a group of 8 sticking closely together as they foraged Moorhen 1 juv.
Top Reservoir: Mallard 9 minimum - 4 more birds flew in but may have come from the bottom reservoir, as the line of sight from the viewpoint is now obscured ( as is most of the view!) Tufted Duck 5 - 2M Little Grebe 2(minimum) 1 adult & 1 independent juv., with just a few head stripes left Coot 5 2 adults 3 juvs of various sizes Moorhen 4 2 adults & 2 juvs - one of which kept wandering perilously close to... Grey Heron 1 immature Black-headed Gull 3 (minimum) with probably 5 or 6 birds coming to bathe during the count period.
Not much else about.
Jackdaw -several Magpie 3 (minimum) Wood Pigeon - several Willow Warbler 2 - 1 contact calling, 1 singing! Chiffchaff 1 incessantly contact calling in the canopy above a Grey Squirrel Robin 3 juveniles 1 seen, 2 more calling nearby Bullfinch 1(heard) contact calling Long-tailed & Blue Tits contact calling but all deep in the vegetation. Wren 3 heard Swallow group of 7 hawking over the fields above the top reservoir, with 4 more passing through together with House Martin 2
Bottom Re: Mallard 18 inc. a tight flotilla of what looked like fairly mature ducklings. They were certainly operating like a brood and seemed slightly smaller than the adult females on the water. Canada Goose 1
Top Res: Mallard 8 including 2 downy ducklings Coot 6 - 4 adults, 2 on opposite sides of the reservoir each with an attendant fluff ball chick Moorhen 2 - Adult and chick in the junctus at the north end. Little Grebe 4 2 adults, 2 chicks, both well past the humbug stage. No sign of any other adults. Tufted Duck 1 male
Also: Jackdaw Woodpigeon Robin 4S Wren 4S Magpie Blue Tit at least 2 juveniles seen, others heard Blackbird 2S Willow Warbler 4 min - 2S 2 more seen foraging in a different area at the same time, plus contact calls lower down the valley Chiffchaff 1S Swallow 4min 4 together over the Green Lane fields, 2 earlier over the Top Res and horse/Highland Cattle pastures. Song Thrush 1S Skylark 1 non-singing bird seen on one of the stone walls before it dropped into one of the silage fields.
Despite getting an earlier than usual start still got caught half way round in a good soaking despite waterproofs. It was heavy enough to stop the bird song. Paddled on anyway when it abated a bit - the top and east side paths need the same drainage features which are working well on the west side path.
Bottom Res: Grey Heron 1 Canada Goose 1 Moorhen 1 with nesting material Coot 2 Mallard 3 No sign of the Embden Geese again this visit
Top Res: Coot 4 (2 pairs) Moorhen 4 (pair with small chick and a singleton at the dam end) Little Grebe 1 or 2. No more than one bird seen at any one time, but a glimpse of something diving on the west side was too soon after a bird headed south on the east side. Couldn't get decent views of all of the south bank when a bird was heard whickering just before the heavens opened.
Also: Blackbird -several singing Song Thrush 1 s Robin several s Blackcap 4 s (min) Willow Warbler 4 s + 2 others with food Chiffchaff 3 s Wren 2 s Jackdaw Carrion Crow Magpie Wood Pigeon Swallow 1 bathing Top Res.
Bottom Res: Mallard 7 6M 1F Moorhen 1 Coot 2 1(N) Canada Goose 1 again on one of the fishing pegs No sign of the Embden Geese
Top Res: Coot 4 Moorhen 1 Little Grebe 2(min) initially no sign, which wasn't surprising given the number of people hanging out at the outflow. After a 20 wait 1bird was seen in the SE corner at the same time as a bird called in the NW corner. Later scan from the opposite side produced 2 birds out on the water.
Also: Carrion Crow Magpie Jay 1 Jackdaw Wood Pigeon Blackbird several (S) Chiffchaff 2 (min S) Willow Warbler 4 (min S) - As usual, the Chiffchaff were all around the lower reservoir, the Willow Warblers throughout the valley. Swallow 3 Dunnock Blackcap 3 (S) Coal Tit 1 Wren Long-tailed Tit Bullfinch Starling
Bottom Res: Coot 2 Moorhen 2 Mallard 5(m) Canada Goose 3 (pair at the outflow, single bird by one of the top pegs) Embden Goose 2
and a fisherman who thought that one of the Embden Geese nearly being entangled by one of his casts was d" BIRD'S fault
Top Res: Coot 4 Moorhen 1 Little Grebe 3 Mallard 3(m) Tufted Duck 4 (a pair at either end of the res) Grey Heron 1 Dipper 1 flew north over the reservoir in the general direction of Bishop's Park
Golden Steps: Grey Wagtail 2 (pair on the old overflow channel by the bridge)
River Medlock (Lowbrook Lane) Dipper 1
Of the rest Robins (s) were again the most conspicuous, at least from their song, almost drowning out Blackbird (s) Great Tit (s) Wren (s) Chiffchaff (s at least 1 -probably doing a circuit as there was never a response from elsewhere in the valley) Goldcrest (s) Magpie Carrion Crow Jackdaw inc. a pair with nesting material Jay 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker 1 heard calling Long-tailed Tit Goldfinch (s) Chaffinch Blue Tit.
-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Sunday 3rd of April 2016 05:11:29 PM
12.15-13.45 Pleasant walk with a continuous soundtrack of Robin song, including 2 males having a sing-off on either side of one of the side tracks. They didn't even miss a note as I passed between them. . Background support from Blackbirds, Great Tits, and, from time to time, a chorus of Jackdaws.
Bottom Res: Canada Goose pair at outflow Embden Goose 2 at inflow Mallard 3 (2M) Moorhen 1
Top Res: Moorhen 1 Mallard 1pair Coot 3 Little Grebe 3 - pair and a spare.
Plus: Blue Tit Carrion Crow Wood Pigeon Goldfinch Magpie Dunnock Bullfinch 1M (s) Coal Tit 2 minimum Goldcrest 2 minimum Treecreeper Mallard drake up in the horse pastures - looked like he was 'on duty' Black-headed Gull 1 flyover. As landfill sites close I wonder if gulls will eventually become more costal species again?
As I was leaving c100 Jackdaws came up from somewhere towards Bishop's Park and headed off towards Lydgate
Top res: Mallard 8 Tufted Duck 1M Goosander 6 (2M) Coot 4 Moorhen 1 Little Grebe 2 (1 in summer plumage, some courtship going on) Black-headed Gull 8 Kingfisher 1 (also apparently one at Castleshaw yesterday, according to a lady at the viewpoint)
Golden Steps: Grey Wagtail 1M
also: Jackdaw Sparrowhawk 1m (early) 1F (2 hrs later) Goldfinch Woodpigeon Blue Tit Robin Dunnock Magpie Carrion Crow Great Tit Long-tailed Tit Chaffinch Kestrel 1M Blackbird 3M 1F
Fairly quiet, unsurprisingly, apart from the Goldfinches on Holgate Street. How so few birds manage to make so much noise..
Bottom Res:
99%frozen. In the open water at the inflow:
Embden Goose 2
Black-headed Gull 2
Mallard 8 (possibly the birds from the Top Reservoir moving down to warmer limes. Their neighbours have all moved to the stream between Huddersfield Rd. and Greenacres Rd. (40 birds)
Top Res:
97% frozen
Coot 2
Little Grebe 1 - first time I've recorded a bird here in January.
Goldfinch c12
Magpie c12
Great Tit 4
Wood Pigeon 10
Robin 6
Carrion Crow 3
Blue Tit 5
Blackbird 6
Bullfinch 2 min.
Wren 2
Goldcrest 1 heard
House Sparrow - several heard in conifers at reservoir end of Holgate Street.
Great Spotted Woodpecker 1 heard near the Top reservoir, then later 1 bird seen flying into the Holgate St. conifers, with a similar sized bird with buff-coloured wing patches behind it
-- Edited by Mike Chorley on Sunday 17th of January 2016 06:26:56 PM
Top Res: Mallard 8 Tufted Duck 2 (m & f) Coot 4 Little Grebe 1 (if the weather stays this mild it will be interesting to see if it over-winters) Black-headed Gull 2 - ones and twos drifting overhead throughout the visit, but no sign of any large gulls at all
Also: Magpie 2 Goldfinch Blackbird - several males & females Jay 1(heard only) Blue Tit Great Tit Long-tailed Tit - party of 8 Goldcrest 3 (minimum) 2 working through the conifers along the western edge of the Bottom Res, 1 with the party of Long-tailed Tits Robin 4+ Jackdaw flyover party of 40, other individuals calling around the area Carrion Crow 4 (minimum) Wood Pigeon 2(!) Wren Sparrowhawk Cracking views of a male perched in the larches beside Golden Steps. Starling 1 cunningly positioned so that the terminal bud of its' perch was just showing at the right point of its' silhouette - but the bubbling Curlew calls rather gave the game away
12.20 - 14.00
Bottom res:
Mallard 28
Embden Goose 2
Moorhen 1
Black-headed Gull 25
Top res:
Mallard 15
Tufted Duck 1f
Little Grebe 1
Coot 5
Moorhen 2 (1 adult, 1 juv)
Grey Heron 1
Black-headed Gull 1 on res, 3 more over.
Carrion Crow
Great Spotted Woodpecker (heard only)
Goldfinch c8 but managed to sound like a much bigger flock!
Song Thrush 1
Blackbird c6
Long-tailed Tit 10+ (2+ Golden Steps, 8+ Viewpoint)
Wood Pigeon
Wren 2
Sparrowhawk 1
Bullfinch 1(heard only)
Great Tit 1
Blue Tit 1 with 2nd lot of Long-tailed Tits
Jackdaw 30
Pheasant 1m - an uncommon bird up here, probably escaping the fusillade across the valley!
Robin - several, including at least one pair disputing the top horse fields!
Pink-footed Goose - heard only from the top of the valley: at least 2 birds, sounding to be heading south on the west side
Mistle Thrush 1
Goldcrest 3
Bulldog discovering the water's deeper than it looks on the ducks - 1! Luckily his owner was there to drag him out - once said owner had decided that his dog was more important than his jacket. The dog had gone under twice by this point!
Top Res: Mallard - pair Moorhen - 1 Coot - 4 Little Grebe - 5 (minimum) All the birds appear to be in winter plumage now and are strung out along the edges of the reservoir, apart from 1 begging juvenile, so total is the most seen at one scan. Grey Heron -1
also Blue tit Robin Bullfinch Magpie Great Spotted Woodpecker Wren Long-tailed Tit Chaffinch Goldcrest Treecreeper
Bottom Res: Mallard 47 Moorhen 2 - 1 Adult, 1 Juv Embden Goose 2 Black-headed Gull 3 plus 4 over
Top Res: Mallard 2 Tufted Duck 4 - 2M 2F Coot 2 Moorhen 4- 1 Adult 3 Juv Grey Heron 1 Little Grebe 6 - 2 Adult summer plumage (1 still being pestered by and chasing off 1 juv) 2nd juv, 2 winter plumage/juvenile birds on the opposite side of the res. - and this month's bonus bird Teal 1F ( first I've seen here for many years, shunted out from under an overhanging Willow by one of the adult Grebes)
Steady passage southward of small parties of Swallows and House Martins, mainly the latter, with some stopping to feed over the surrounding meadows. Numbers from 3/4 up to a maximum of c.10. It total 50+ Mouse Martins and c.10 Swallows.
Robin several in sub-song Wood Pigeon 5 Blue Tit 3 Goldfinch 7 Greenfinch 1 Magpie 3 Jackdaw 5 Grey Wagtail 1 over S Pied Wagtail 1 over N Jay 1 Nuthatch 1(heard) Mistle Thrush 1 Wren 2 (heard) Blackbird 1 heard) Lesser Black-backed Gull 4 over
Top Res: Mallard 10 Tufted Duck 2 (male & female) Coot 12 - 2 family parties numbers as before. Moorhen 2 adult & 2 juveniles Little Grebe 7 - 1 adult feeding 2 fairly young chicks (still with well striped heads) 1 adult with 2 older chicks (larger, more into winter plumage) and a 3rd adult. Black-headed Gull 5 There appeared to be a hatch of flies on the Top res during my visit as there was a sudden rise in the number of hirundines present. The local Swallows were boosted from three to about a dozen plus one House Martin, then a further flurry of House Martins took their total to around 10. At peak there were roughly 20 Swallows and 12 House Martins feeding in rotation over the res, with a big rise in the number of Common Blue Damselflies as well (see other wildlife). After about 20 minutes the flock dispersed up the valley still feeding over the surrounding fields.
Also: Goldfinch Robin (min 4) Blue Tit Wood Pigeon Magpie Jackdaw Willow Warbler (min 3) Chaffinch Great Spotted Woodpecker Wren Goldcrest (2) Jay (2) mimicking Grey Heron(!) Chiffchaff 1
and a pair of friendly, well behaved Red Setters taking a couple of pillocks for a walk
Top res: Mallard 15 adult plus 5 ducklings Tufted Duck 5 Moorhen 1 Little Grebe 3 adults Coot 12 -2 family groups: 2 adults & 2 independent juveniles & 2 adults & 6 younger juveniles, still being fed by the parents.
Blackbird, Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, Song Thrush, Robin all in song with some of the Robins already shifting into sub song. Dunnock 4 Adult + 3 juveniles Robin 2 Adult juvenile Willow Warbler 2 juveniles making contact calls.
Also Goldfinch Wood Pigeon Magpie Wren Blue Tit Swallow Jackdaw Coal Tit Bullfinch
Top Res: Coot 10(!) 1adult with 2 well-developed young, 2 adults with 5 younger chicks Little Grebe 3 all adults, no sign of any offspring. 2 of the adults were in a territorial dispute, whickering at each other and making a series of short flying lunges. Grey Heron 1 sub-adult.
Top Res. Feeder Channel Grey Wagtail 2 - adult male feeding young. Presuming this is the mate to the Golden Steps female they've obviously moved a good way apart to maximise their chances.
Blackcap - 3 singing Blackbird - several singing Blue Tit - several, 1 feeding young Coal Tit - 1 seen, at least 2 more heard Willow Warbler - 3 singing Chiffchaff - 1 singing Song Thrush - 1 singing Wren -several singing Robin - 2 singing Nuthatch - 2 calling overhead Swallow - 6 low over horse paddocks Swift - 1 low with Swallows Starling - the flock has moved into the top horse pasture towards Moorside - still at least 50 strong, but could only count those flushed from the long grass/buttercups Jackdaw - several on Holgate Street around the conifers having a punch up with some Magpie - 2 on Holgate Street, a further one sounded as if it was feeding a juvenile in the scrub to the west of Lower Res. Carrion Crow Wood Pigeon
-- Edited by Mike Chorley on Sunday 21st of June 2015 04:58:36 PM
Golden Steps: Dipper 2 - Adult feeding young Grey Wagtail 1 -male collecting food. Male also seen higher up the valley, feeding in outflow stream between the two reservoirs, then three birds seen in flight silhouette flying down to Bottom Reservoir
Top Res: Coot 6 - Pair with 2 chicks, 2nd pair Moorhen 3 -Pair and single, possible 4th bird as one of pair was well hidden in vegetation. Little Grebe 3 Pair and single Mallard 2
Robin - several singing Blackbird - ditto Chaffinch - ditto, also a pair collecting nesting material Willow Warbler - several singing, also contact calls Chiffchaff - 1 singing Wren - 1 singing Song Thrush - 1 singing Blackcap - 3 singing, including one mimicking the opening notes of a Nightingale Mistle Thrush 3 - a well-developed youngster alarm calling, then two other birds joined in before chasing off... Sparrowhawk 1 male Starling C50 in the top horse pastures, many of them this year's birds. Barn Swallow up to 4 birds hawking over the trees and top pastures
Green, Gold and Bullfinches Great Tit Blue Tit Dunnock Wood pigeon Carrion Crow Jay Magpie Jackdaw
Bottom Res: Embden Goose pair being very territorial with Canada Goose pair Mallard 5 3 males and a pair.
Top Res: Grey Heron 1 on outflow retaining wall Grey Wagtail 1 male on outflow wall Little Grebe 2 pairs Mallard 3 males Coot pair -1 bird on old nest Moorhen 1 Swallow 2 feeding low over the res Sand Martin 4 feeding over the res. First time I've seen them feeding here, usually I get the odd bird flying through on passage
Also: Blackbird - several in song, mostly along the extension of Waterworks Road Goldfinch Chaffinch - S Bullfinch - surprising number singing/calling today Wood Pigeon Wren Robin - certainly the most numerous songster today. Willow Warbler 2 minimum. Always hard to estimate numbers from song as my route turns back around the top res and comes back down the other side. No more than two birds heard singing at the same time Chiffchaff 1 initially rather slurred song but it got going eventually Blue Tit Great Tit Carrion Crow 2 Jackdaw Magpie Great Spotted Woodpecker 1 drumming and chasing a second bird back and forth along the Waterworks road extension Blackcap 2 males 'tacking' later 1 bird singing Sparrowhawk 1 large female fast and low through the willows on the western side of Lower Res Goldcrest 2 Mistle Thrush 1 Song Thrush 1 Long-tailed Tit 2
Despite the cold wind and the hail showers it was a beautiful, peaceful afternoon, the sort of day when one can stand still for a moment and let the birds work their way past you in the bushes, or sit on a bench eating your butties watching skimming hirundines and listening to the Little Grebes wicca at each other........
or it would have been if some fornicating onanist of a dog buyer hadn't slung their black plastic bag of poo into the middle of the little dell below the western path to the top reservoir! Congratulations and a gold star for that bit of selfishness. Having it sit there dangling in the middle of it all just makes it picture perfect. The bone-idle, misbegotten oaf didn't even have to take it home; there's a bin in the car park!
Golden Steps: Mallard pair at the start of my circuit Grey Wagtail (male) at the end.
Bottom Res: Embden Goose 2 Canada Goose 2 Mallard 8 - 7 males, 1 female : most birds presumably paired off and nesting
Top Res: Little Grebe 2 Coot 4 - 1 with nesting material Tufted Duck 4 - 2of each sex Mallard 1 - drake flew in from the back pools Goosander 5 - 3 males, 2 females, one of which was in eclipse plumage and preening vigorously Canada Goose 3 Black-headed Gull 17 Common Gull 1
Also; Magpie Robin - several S Goldfinch - several S Wood Pigeon Blue Tit - several s Chaffinch - 2 S Dunnock - 1 Coal Tit -2 Mistle Thrush - a pair Redwing - c20 Starling - 10 over, flying east to join a flock of about 50 along Roebuck Lane Jackdaw Sparrowhawk - 1 female Long-tailed Tit - 3 seen, more heard around the circuit Great Spotted Woodpecker 1 male Carrion Crow Bullfinch 2
2 Canada Goose seen in the pasture on the east side of the Top Res. were probably from the trio on that res as none were visible when I rechecked it a few minutes later.
Foggy, treacherous under foot in places and definitely more wintry than in January.
Bottom Res: 98% frozen - just a small area of open water where the stream comes in from the top res. Black-headed Gull - C89 on the ice - calculated from various angles through the mist Common Gull - 2 Embden Goose - 2 Mallard - 10 initially in the area of open water building to a feeding frenzy of about 40 when someone turned up with some bread and ducks poured out of the reeds from all directions
Top Res: Apparently 100% frozen, although the area around the upper inflow wasn't visible from any viewpoint. Nothing to be see on the ice.
Seen: Blue Tit - 2 Robin - 3 Magpie - 2 Wood Pigeon - 3 Nuthatch - 1 low down in rhododendrons Treecreeper - 1 probably 2 Goldcrest - 1 - 2nd bird calling nearby Dunnock - 1 Carrion Crow -1 Goldfinch ) Blackbird ) - all heard only Bullfinch ) Coal Tit )
No Dipper(unsurprisingly) but a good selection of the usuals. Most interesting behaviour was from a Coal Tit foraging near the view point. The bird had been very active, coming down for scattered seed, reacting to passing dogs, giving a variety of calls, when some of the 60 strong flock of Jackdaws on the fields behind became very vocal. The bird froze, with head up, and stayed like that for several minutes until I "recycled" my pear core into the bushes lower down. There didn't seem to be anything particular about the Jackdaw calls, unlike the specific "Sparrowhawk" call I've heard from small passerines, so whether the Coal Tit was reacting to them as a threat I couldn't tell. I've heard of the behaviour but never seen it before. It would have won any games of "statues" we used to play as kids
Two areas of Scarlet Elfcup in the Birch wood to the west of the Lower Res. Much less of it than last year, probably to do with the lack of fallen twigs/branches.
-- Edited by Mike Chorley on Sunday 25th of January 2015 06:09:55 PM
Top res: Mallard 23 Moorhen 4 Coot 2 Black-headed Gull 1 Little Grebe 1 - latest record for one here
Pied Wagtail M & F Magpie Wood Pigeon Goldfinch Wren Jackdaw Goldcrest at least 4 Carrion Crow Robin Long-tailed Tit Chaffinch Bullfinch Great Tit Coal Tit Blackbird Sparrowhawk M - had a go at the Blackbirds in the hedge along the top bridleway but missed its' target. Dunnock
Surprise omission from "usuals" list - no Blue Tits!
Bottom Res: Moorhen 3 (1 juv) Mallard 55 Black-headed Gull 9 - with 6 more hawking over the mature copse Embden Goose 2
Pink-footed Goose 95 high over W to E at 12.55
Top Res: Moorhen 5 (1 juv) Coot 2 Little Grebe 5 (all in winter plumage so presume at least 1 juv has made it this far) Tufted Duck 3 - 2M 1F Grey Heron 1 - flew from small ponds at back on east bank down towards Bottom res. Black-headed Gull Blackbird Robin (many in subsong) Goldfinch Nuthatch (heard) Jackdaw Blue Tit Great Tit Wren Bullfinch Long-tailed Tit - 7 Wood Pigeon Magpie Carrion Crow
Top res: Mallard 4 Tufted Duck 1M Moorhen 4 inc 1 juvenile Coot 2 Little Grebe 6 inc 2 juveniles Kingfisher 1 spent at least half an hour back and forth between the wall of the outflow and a convenient branch. Excellent lunchtime viewing.
Lots of Robins, mostly heard - subsong, "tchackking", and a few begging calls still. Chiffchaff 2, one singing (!) the other "experimenting" Willow Warbler several Bullfinch minimum 3 Nuthatch at least 1 bird (3 sightings in total along the side of the valley)
In the mature copse several Blue Tit in association with Great Tit 1 Coal Tit 1 Long-tailed Tit several Blackcap 1 Goldcrest 1 Chaffinch Song Thrush 1 juvenile Treecreeper 2
Raven over from sw to ne
Sparrowhawk 2 - Female over Strine Dale mobbed by c12 Swallows; Male over Bottom res with a couple of Swallows in pursuit
plus Blackbird Jay - 2 Magpie Carrion Crow Jackdaw Wren Wood Pigeon Goldfinch
Top Res: Mallard 11 Tufted Duck 4 (1 male still in breeding plumage) Moorhen 2 (adult & juv) Coot 2 (no sign of any juvs from earlier in the Summer) Little Grebe 6 ( 4 adult, 2 juv -well past "humbug" stage)
Robin several juvs calling in thick cover Jackdaw 27 in horse pasture - numbers up around site now the tip is closed Common Gull 16 in fields with Black-headed Gull c18 Bullfinch 2 female/juv Swallow 7 Hobby 1 (fly through from Roebuck Lane where the Swallows had mainly been feeding)
Top Res: Moorhen 2 Coot 2 Little Grebe 4 Adult in a territorial dispute Tufted Duck 4 (2 of each) Mallard 22 plus 1 giant Goldfish, 1 depth-charging dog and a quantity of abandoned clothing by the dam outlet.
Best of the rest (14 species) Bullfinch 2 Swallow 7 youngsters on a fence wire lined up to be fed by the adults.
Best of the rest of the other 16 usuals was the Little Owl showing well at the usual spot. Still several Willow Warblers singing, plus a couple of Blackcaps and 1 Chiffchaff. No sign of any Grey Wagtails at the Golden Steps, but a female further down stream by The Bull Inn on Dunham Street was collecting food.
No tadpoles in the small pool between the reservoirs (too muddy) but a pair of Common Blue Darters were the first of the year for me here
Bottom Res: Mallard 6 all drakes Canada Goose 1 - then relocated to Top Res. Embden Goose 2 1m 1f
Top Res: Coot 3 Canada Goose 2 Little Grebe 2 (at opposite ends of the reservoir -a "domestic"?)
Willow Warbler 6 (S) but most birds seemed to be doing more feeding than singing. Chiffchaff 1 (S) Blackcap 1 (S) Swallow 1 Treecreeper 1 Robin 1 feeding young, 2 young calling at other points, several other males singing. Jackdaw 20 - on horse pastures, several more around Waterhead Academy/local church. Presumably part of the High Moor flock now dispersed. Black-headed Gull 1 over main road. No other gulls seen anywhere around the valley.
No sign of Grey Wagtails at Golden Steps
plus usuals
-- Edited by Mike Chorley on Sunday 20th of April 2014 05:22:24 PM
Started with a Coot on the bottom level of the Golden Steps. That's definately a first! Finished with a pair of Grey Wagtails on the higher level of the same steps.
Bottom Res: Coot 2 (as well as the Golden Steps bird) Moorhen 2 Mallard 4 pair and 2 spare males Embden Goose 3
Top Res: Little Grebe 1 (still in winter plumage) Canada Goose 1 pair Mallard 1 pair Coot 2 pair Tufted Duck 2 pair
A game bird (probably Pheasant poult) flushed twice from first the birch wood at the top res, then the rhodedendrons lower down.
Goldfinch ) Greenfinch ) Robin ) Bullfinch ) all in song Great Tit ) Blue Tit ) Blackbird ) Chaffinch )
Jackdaw 25 along Waterworks Lane Carrion Crow Wood Pigeon Magpie
Bottom Res: Canada Goose 2 (pair) Embden Goose 3 Mallard 5 (4m1f - one of my lowest counts for this res. Given the absence of any Mallard from the Top Res, I wonder if the ducks are already sitting?)
Top Res: Coot 1 Moorhen 1/2 (one sighting of a bird in the reed on the west side of the res, later a bird on the east side) Goosander 1m
The rest: Goldfinch Great Tit Blue Tit Blackbird Carrion Crow Robin (several, but stangely they were quieter than in January when there seemed to be more full song) Wren 1 Wood Pigeon Magpie Bullfinch 1 m Black-headed Gull 1(!) Jackdaw 1 (!)
The last two sightings a clear indication of the difference the closure of High Moor tip has made, compared even to last month
No large gulls here, either, reflecting the closure of High Moor Tip. Overhead 70 Black-headed Gulls, with 20 more and 6 Common Gulls feeding on pastureland at Green Lane Farm
Also: Great Tit Blue Tit Long-tailed Tit Robin - good numbers around, judging by all the song around the circuit Blackbird Mistle Thrush Carrion Crow Magpie Jackdaw - again, far fewer birds than when the tip was open Wood Pigeon Chaffinch Bullfinch
and at least 1 "Dennis Atherton" ("it was small and brown and flew that way")
Goldfinch -small flock scattered through the birches on Culvert Street. Jackdaw - C100 flushed from fields to the east of Roebuck Lane, later small parties moving west Carrion Crow - c10 in with the Jackdaw Bullfinch 4 - a pair on Culvert Street, two others around the Top Res Robin 4 - 2 chasing around on Culvert Street, at least two others around the site Blackbird 4 min. -3 together feeding on hips near the new Treatment Works
Magpie Mistle Thrush Mixed flock of Long-tailed, Blue & Great Tits, plus Goldcrest on Culvert Street Woodpigeon Lesser Black-backed Gull 1(!) over
Top Res: Coot 1 (adult) Moorhen 1 (juvenile) No Little Grebes
When the freezing fog had burnt off and I could eventually see the far side of the lodge, there was a new Little Grebe at Royal George Mill yesterday, associating with the one that has been present for several weeks. Or has the original one gone and two new ones turned up?
Top Res: Coot 1 (adult) Moorhen 1 (juvenile) No Little Grebes
Fairly quiet otherwise; Long-tailed Tit 6 Goldfinch 5 Magpie 3 Black-headed Gull 2 (feeding in fields to east of reses) Blue Tit Great Tit Robin Wren Wooodpigeon Jay Greenfinch Mistle Thrush
The bulk of the activity here today was a regular passage east to west of small parties of Jackdaws and Lesser Black-backed Gulls, until just as I was leaving, when there was a small roost of about 10 Blackbirds gathering at the end of Culvert Street.
Top Reservoir: Coot -2 Moorhen - 1 juvenile Mallard - 5 Tufted Duck - 1M Little Grebe - 3 (all in winter plumage -split between a pair with plenty of wickering going on and a single bird) Common Gull - 1 Black-headed Gull - 7 (it will be interesting to see the effect changes at High Moor Tip will have on counts this winter)
Redwing 22 (feeding near the school) Magpie Blackbird Wren Robin Goldfinch -40 plus a feeding party around the old treatment works comprising Great Tit - 3 Blue Tit - 17 Long-tailed Tit - 13 Chaffinch 1
Good number of all three Tit species heard throughout the site
Bottom Res: Mallard 44 Embden Goose 3 Moorhen 1(juv) Grey Heron 1 (juv) - later moved to small ponds by Top Res.
Top Res: Coot 3 (2adult 1 juv) Moorhen 3 juvenile Tufted Duck 2 (male and female) Mallard 3 Little Grebe 3 - seemed to be a pair and juvenile, with the pair driving the other one off when it tried to beg for food. All 3 in winter plumage now.
Highlight of the remaining dozen species was a Little Owl sunning itself in it's (new) usual spot.
Little Grebe 4 - 2 adult and 2 "post-humbug" chicks, one of which was still chasing a parent for food. Lowest breeding record here for several years (2 pairs and 4 chicks more usual), so I wonder if the birds at Castleshaw are the "spare" pair visiting Riggers en route to their winter hols at Lake Suttill?
Well, judging from Mr. Rigby's latest post, they have left Castleshaw - will inspect Royal George Lodge this weekend
The Castleshaw Little Grebes were juveniles so puts paid to that theory!
Little Grebe 4 - 2 adult and 2 "post-humbug" chicks, one of which was still chasing a parent for food. Lowest breeding record here for several years (2 pairs and 4 chicks more usual), so I wonder if the birds at Castleshaw are the "spare" pair visiting Riggers en route to their winter hols at Lake Suttill?
Well, judging from Mr. Rigby's latest post, they have left Castleshaw - will inspect Royal George Lodge this weekend