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Post Info TOPIC: Piethorne Valley.

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RE: Piethorne Valley.

Birds of note:

Green Woodpecker, Oystercatcher, Grey Wagtail, Reed Bunting (x2), Cormorant - all on or around Piethorne Res


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Juvenile dipper on Piethorne Brook between Peppermint Bridge and the caravan site this morning.


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Afternoon walk around Piethorne Res.

Birds of Note:

Grey Wagtail seemingly chasing a Carrion Crow. Tufted Duck (2 male courting a single female), Goosander (2 male and 6 female in a tight raft), at least 5 singing Willow Warbler, Bullfinch, single Oystercatcher and a reeling Grasshopper Warbler (Juncus reeds just before the track up to Hanging Lees Res - S side of Piethorne Res). Mixed flock of mainly Swallows with about half a dozen Sand Martins thrown in for good measure - plenty of food on the causeway splitting Piethorne and Kitcliffe Res.


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Cuckoo up the valley between Hanging Lees Res and The Rams Head Inn off the Pennine Way.


-- Edited by Ian Latham on Friday 26th of April 2024 01:45:15 PM


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Afternoon walk round Ogden, Kitcliffe and Piethorne Reservoirs.

Relatively quiet but birds of note:

Unringed Mute Swan on Ogden Res for a change. 6 male and 1 female Teal (though possibly more given the undergrowth available waterside for hiding under) on Kitcliffe Res. Single male with 2 female Goosander also on Kitcliffe. Green Woodpecker (heard in woods by the fishing ponds), Chaffinch, Nuthatch - 2 seen together (Old House Grounds), Goldcrest - 2 seen together (Nature Reserve running alongside Ogden Res).


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Afternoon walk in squally conditions - to say the least!
Birds of note:

Mute Swan (unringed) still on Kitcliffe, Raven over, single Cormorant, 3 male, 1 female Goosander - Piethorne Res. Single Meadow Pipit which was a bit of a surprise as I dont see many in the valley in winter.

-- Edited by Tim Pears on Thursday 28th of December 2023 03:21:11 AM


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Short visit around 1pm. Birds of note:

Meadow Pipit, Tufted Duck (3 on Hanging Lees Res), Stonechat - 3 (single male inluded), unringed Mute Swan still on Kitcliffe Res. Cormorant, female Kestrel, c40 Fieldfare


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Afternoon stroll round Piethorne Res.

Birds of note.

Mute Swan, Great Crested Grebe (both Kitcliffe Res). Cormorant (Piethorne Res), Jay, Stonechat (3 males). Dipper (Waterfall - that flows into Piethorne Brook).


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Birds of note. Meadow Pipit, Oystercatcher (3) on Ogden Res, Sand Martin (2) on Piethorne Res, Reed Bunting, single Great Crested Grebe on Piethorne Res. 
Also hundreds of Common Toadlets all around Piethorne Res seemingly coming from the Res to anywhere of safety. Those visiting, please watch your step!!


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Early morning.

Birds of note:

Oystercatcher, Curlew, Pied Wagtail, Song Thrush, Willow Warbler, Blackcap (at least 3 singing), Great Crested Grebe (pair) initially on Piethorne Res but then flew in general direction of Kitcliffe Res, Skylark, Chaffinch, Linnet (single), Grey Heron. The highlight was 3 reeling Grasshopper Warbler (only ever heard singles here before). The first was in its usual place (Juncus opposite Water Treatment Works) - heard on way and on way back. The second was near the blue gate (Piethorne Res on the track that leads on from Waterworks Rd heading towards Hanging Lees Res). The third was back on Waterworks Rd virtually opposite Kitcliffe Farm.


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Morning walk around Piethorne. 
Birds of note

Cormorant, singing Chiffchaff, singing Skylark, Tufted Duck (pair), Common Sandpiper and a pair(?) of Great Crested Grebe - infrequent here by my observations.


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Birds of note:

Pied Wagtail at nest site, Chaffinch, Blackcap, Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler, female Wheatear again with food on wall leading up to Hanging Lees Reservoir, Goldcrest, 2x Raven over cemetry, Misthe Thrush, Kestrel being mobbed by 2x Carrion Crows, Swallow.  


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Afternoon walk around Piethorne.

Birds of note:

Common Sandpiper, Reed Bunting, Curlew, Oystercatcher (pair(?) flying together, then a single perched on the roof of Greenhalghs factory where they have nested before - keeping guard?) female Kestrel hunting, female Wheatear with a beak full of insects (on bank between Piethorne Res and Hanging Lees Res), Skylark, Raven over Cemetry, Chaffinch, Pheasant, Blackcap, Chiffchaff, Willow Warble, single male Tufted Duck (Kitcliffe Res) and Canada Goose pair with 4 goslings - common almost everywhere else but I have not seen any sign of breeding on Piethorne Res before.


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This afternoon. Birds of note:

Meadow Pipit, Skylark, Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler, Curlew, 3x Oystercatcher (over Kitcliffe Res), Nuthatch, Pied Wagtail, Grasshopper Warbler (again opposite Water Treatment Works), at least 4 singing male Reed Bunting, Chaffinch, 2x male Linnet - again on causeway wall between Kitcliffe Res and Piethorne Res, Dipper feeding between Peppermint Bridge and the Caravan Park. No sign of female Grey Wagtail feeding young  at nest site (presumably fledged).


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Birds of note this morning - lower part of valley.
Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler, Chaffinch, Green Woodpecker (at back of Bulls Head pub), Female Grey Wagtail feeding young (hole in the wall nest), 1 (possibly 2) Dipper (one feeding) in different sections of Piethorne Brook - but could possibly be the same bird. 


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Further to this mornings post.

in addition - pm. Pheasant Reed Bunting, Jay,  2x pairs Grey Wagtail - either end of Piethorne Brook, Pair of Tufted Duck - Kitcliffe Res, single male on Piethorne Res, Grasshopper Warbler reeling again same area as yesterday.


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Early morning around Piethorne Res. 
Birds of note: Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler, Blackcap (1st of year for me here), Tawny Owl (5.34am), Pied Wagtail, Grey Wagtail, Skylark, Curlew, Oystercatcher, Common Sandpiper (pair), 2x male Linnet. The perplexing one was a fleeting glimpse of what first impressions suggested cuckoo - sadly, I didnt get anywhere near a good enough view to regard it as anything other than possible.

Footnote from yesterday: Apologies, I forgot to mention the 2 Wheatear given to me by the same guy who told me about the Common Sandpiper on Kitcliffe Res (sorry, I didnt catch his name).


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Birds of note during an afternoon walk:

Skylark, Curlew, Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler, Green Woodpecker, Common Sandpiper (pair on Ogden Res, but another birder said there was also a pair on Kitcliffe Res - same pair flitting between reservoirs or different pairs?), Grasshopper Warbler in Juncus opposite Water Treatment Works, Carrion Crow carrying and subsequently feeding on a Common Toad.  No Tufted Duck on either Piethorne or Kitcliffe Res - but could easily have been on Ogden Res.


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Birds of note: Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler, Pied Wagtail, Grey Wagtail, Pheasant, Greylag Goose (apparent pair) on Piethorne Res with a pair of Canada Geese. Unusual because although I have seen single Greylag geese in with Canada Goose flock they are by no means a common occurrence in the valley.

Sorry forgot. Oystercatcher (x3) and Single Cormorant (Piethorne Res)

-- Edited by Tim Pears on Saturday 15th of April 2023 07:40:19 PM

-- Edited by Tim Pears on Saturday 15th of April 2023 07:40:43 PM

-- Edited by Tim Pears on Saturday 15th of April 2023 07:41:16 PM

-- Edited by Tim Pears on Saturday 15th of April 2023 07:47:48 PM


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4.30ish pm. Osprey over Ogden Res. Seen fishing over Piethorne Res. Two dives, one nice trout (probably Rainbow Trout). Harassed by Carrion Crow. Gained height and flew over towards Hollingworth Lake- still with trout, presumably to find a place to feed in peace.

Other birds of note: 

Green Woodpecker, Tufted Duck, Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, Cormorant, Meadow Pipit, Pied Wagtail.


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Morning walk around Ogden Res and Kitcliffe Res. 
Birds of note - Striking male Wheatear (first of Spring for me here), 2 singing Willow Warbler, 2 singing Chiffchaff, male Peregrine flying through, male Kestrel, Oystercatcher (pair) between Kitcliffe Res and Ogden Res - very vocal, Nuthatch, Jay (pair?), Meadow Pipit (inc 1 parachuting), at least 10 singing Skylark, Grey Wagtail pair (on Piethorne Brook), Pied Wagtail, Cormorant, Tufted Duck (6 male, 2 female) - Kitcliffe Res, Teal (4 male, 2 female) - again Kitcliffe, 2 Grey Partridge - Ive heard them here before but never seen them - so a visual site first for me.


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Afternoon walk around Piethorne Res. Birds of note:

Singing Chiffchaff, Singing Skylark, Grey Wagtail (pair) on Piethorne Brook, Pied Wagtail, Cormorant (single), female Goosander (Piethorne Res), Oystercatcher (pair) on Kitcliffe Res, Meadow Pipit (double figures - just), Tufted Duck (4 male, 4 female - paired up?) on Kitcliffe Res, Teal (3 male, 2 female) also on Kitcliffe Res.


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Early Afternoon. Birds of note: Single Cormorant and a pair of Goosander on Piethorne Res. 6 Teal (4 male, 2 female) on Kitcliffe Res. Kestrel between both reservoirs.


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An hour around Kitcliffe Res and Piethorne Res. Birds of note: singles of Cormorant and Treecreeper, 2x Nuthatch, 3 very vocal Oystercatcher and plenty of Great Tit calling.


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3pm - 5pm. Birds of note: 3 female Goosander, Raven over and a Kingfisher (my first on site for over 20 years). All Piethorne Res.


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Birds of note:

Single Cormorant on Piethorne Res. 2 Raven over towards Littleborough and back (presuming they were the same two birds - as they were clearly flying together on both journeys). Singing Chiffchaff and several Nuthatch in Old House Grounds and woods opposite Water Treatment Works. Single Jay.


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Nice Female Redstart in Hawthorn scrub above Kitcliffe farm from the track just after gate favouring a small Hawthorn  with no leaves and the banking to the right

same area 4 Linnet and a flock of Goldfinch adult and Juveniles


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Birds of note.

50+ Swallow with a couple (at least) of Sand Martin thrown in for good measure. Green Woodpecker (heard), Nuthatch (heard), Cuckoo - disturbed by walkers - flew in general direction of Hollingworth Lake. But the highlights were to be found on the mud at the E end of Ogden Res where a Green Sandpiper was feeding at the mouth of the main creek (my first at the site) and a Yellow Wagtail (again a first for me at the site) was on the mud with several Pied Wagtail and a Grey Wagtail. Just a shame I missed the bird of prey that spooked a flock of Starling near Kitcliffe Farm.


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Birds of note.

Single Raven over. Green Woodpecker showing well for at least 20 mins in quarry. Chiffchaff. Swallow. Tufted Duck (9 on Kitcliffe Res).


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11am. Birds of note: Pied Wagtail, Grey Wagtail, Grey Heron, Male Stonechat, Singing (briefly) Chiffchaff. Perhaps the best of the lot - 80+ Swallows (including many juveniles) on wires near Kitcliffe Farm - significantly more than I have seen here before.


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Early morning. Piethorne Res. Grey Heron, Common Buzzard, Swallow, Singing Chiffchaff, Nuthatch, Great Spotted Woodpecker (Old House Grounds), Green Woodpecker (wood opposite Water Treatment Works).


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This morning - only a circuit round Piethorne Res. Birds of note. Singing Willow Warbler, Nuthatch (Old House Grounds), Pied Wagtail, Raven, Swallow


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Afternoon walk. 
Birds of note - Tufted Duck and Grey Heron - Kitcliffe Res. Willow Warbler, Green Woodpecker (seen and heard in woods opposite water treatment plant).  Male Stonechat, Stunning male Linnet. Mistle Thrush family.


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5am. Chiffchaff, Blackcap, Common Whitethroat, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Oystercatcher and reeling Grasshopper Warbler (SE corner of Piethorne Res). Only the third Ive heard here.


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Green Woodpecker heard. Blackcap and Common Whitethroat heard. Common Sandpiper. Grey Heron. Reed Bunting. 2x Oystercatcher.



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Thurs 5th May (18:30-20:30):
Late evening walk around the reservoir and hills:

-7 Wheatear in a single field
- Several pairs of Stonechat
- 5 singing Skylark
- 5 singing Willow Warbler
- 2 Meadow Pipit
- yaffling Green Woodpecker by the water treatment works
- male Sparrowhawk


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Sunday 23rd January 2022

The Barnacle Goose flew in to fields on the south side of the Piethorne Valley at 11:55am with c100 Canada Geese, during the early afternoon it was on the fields that are out of sight from the public footpaths - due to undulating topography - and then at 2:45pm flew onto Ogden Reservoir with the Canada Goose flock

c50 Fieldfare
5 Greenfinches


Mancunian Birder https://mancunianbirder.wordpress.com Visit my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtWoAs4geYL9An0l6w_XgIg

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1 Barnacle Goose
12 Teal (6 drakes)
2 Goosander
4 Cormorants
1 Stock Dove
c100 Pink-footed Geese west
1 Dipper on stream near campsite


Mancunian Birder https://mancunianbirder.wordpress.com Visit my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtWoAs4geYL9An0l6w_XgIg

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Walk around Kitcliffe and Piethorne Reservoirs this afternoon (14:10 - 16:00)

Kitcliffe Reservoir
1 Barnacle Goose - later moved to fields above Odgen Reservoir
12 Teal
4 Goosander
3 Cormorant
1 Grey Heron

Piethorn Reservoir Area
1 Cormorant

Odgen Reservoir Area
c88 Canada Goose


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Barnacle Goose relocated to join the Canada Goose flock on fields behind Kitcliffe Farm at 3:30pm

Information thanks to Paul Whiting


Mancunian Birder https://mancunianbirder.wordpress.com Visit my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtWoAs4geYL9An0l6w_XgIg

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Barnacle Goose photographed on Kitcliffe Reservoir this afternoon


Mancunian Birder https://mancunianbirder.wordpress.com Visit my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtWoAs4geYL9An0l6w_XgIg

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2 female Redstarts at Kitcliffe Farm (Alan Nuttall) with 1 still present at 8pm (Shaun Hargreaves and James Walsh)

Also 7 Tufted Ducks on Kitcliffe Reservoir


Mancunian Birder https://mancunianbirder.wordpress.com Visit my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtWoAs4geYL9An0l6w_XgIg

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Walk around Kitcliffe and Piethorne Reservoirs this afternoon (14:00 - 16:00)

Kitcliffe Reservoir
1 Willow Warbler
2 Tufted Duck
2 Green

Piethorn Reservoir Area
2 Willow Warbler
1 Pied Wagtail

Norman Hill Reservoir Area
1m Red-breasted Merganser
1m Reed Bunting
2 Skylark
4 Meadow Pipit

1m Stonechat


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3 Ring Ouzel (2 males and a female) above Kitcliffe Res this afternoon Also 1 Redshank 1Curlew 10 Fieldfare 1 Green Woodpecker


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Walk around Ogden and Piethorne Reservoirs this morning 09.00-10.30.

3 male Ring Ouzel on moorland opposite Kitcliffe Res. 

9 Fieldfare, 2 Raven, Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler, Long-tailed Tit

3 Tufted Duck - Kitcliffe Res.


-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Thursday 8th of April 2021 12:14:38 PM


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Swallow in the Piethorne Valley at Ogden Reservoir 8:25am


Mancunian Birder https://mancunianbirder.wordpress.com Visit my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtWoAs4geYL9An0l6w_XgIg

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Drake Red-breasted Merganser Piethorne Reservoir but flew off at 10:08am - still paired up with a female Goosander

Also in the Piethorne Valley 3 additional Goosanders (1 drake), 3 drake Tufted Ducks, 2 Cormorants and 1 Great Crested Grebe

-- Edited by James Walsh on Sunday 7th of March 2021 11:15:37 AM


Mancunian Birder https://mancunianbirder.wordpress.com Visit my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtWoAs4geYL9An0l6w_XgIg

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9 Goosanders and 1 Great Crested Grebe in the Piethorne Valley but no sign of the Red-breasted Merganser


Mancunian Birder https://mancunianbirder.wordpress.com Visit my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtWoAs4geYL9An0l6w_XgIg

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Drake Red-breasted Merganser Piethorne Reservoir with female Goosander


Mancunian Birder https://mancunianbirder.wordpress.com Visit my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtWoAs4geYL9An0l6w_XgIg

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Ogden Reservoir

Drake Red-breasted Merganser - showing well, displaying to the Goosanders (up to 10 present) and seems to be paired with one of the female Goosanders

Kitcliffe Reservoir

4 Tufted Ducks (3 drakes)

Kitcliffe Farm

46 Canada Geese


Mancunian Birder https://mancunianbirder.wordpress.com Visit my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtWoAs4geYL9An0l6w_XgIg

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