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So it now goes

Friday 25th. Roman Lakes. Marple. (16.40 hrs)
Sat 26th. Hollingworth (08.48 hrs)
Sat 23th Greenfield (lunch time)
Sat 26th. Hawk Green. Marple (15.15 hrs)
Sun 27th Watergrove (10.15 hrs)
Sun 27th Littleborough (11.00 hrs)
Sun. 27th. Greenfield. (15.00 hrs)

It just struck me as odd that it had doubled back to Marple once it had started travelling over the moor.

Wardle and Littleborough are 18 miles due North of Marple.

If it was the same bird it seems to have travelled North in a 5 mile band doubling back on itself twice.

All conjecture on my part but I do wonder what we miss up on the tops.


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Roger Baker 3 wrote:

Re. the Red Kite Sightings.

Bit of an head-scratcher this one.

Friday 25th. Roman Lakes. Marple. (16.40 hrs)
Sat 26th. Hollingworth (08.48 hrs)
Sat 26th. Hawk Green. Marple (15.15 hrs)
Sun. 27th. Greenfield.

This covers nearly 48 hours.

With Hollingworth and Greenfield only being separated by the moors and the close proximity of the Marple sightings surely this suggests the possibility that there were two birds ??


-- Edited by Roger Baker 3 on Monday 4th of June 2012 05:19:16 PM

Why not just the one bird Roger? There was also a sighting of one over Greenfield on Sat 26th at Lunch time. As well as the Watergrove/ Hollingworth Lake sighting on 27th, all sightings could relate to the same bird


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More on the Red Kite:

Dave O'Hara reported a Red Kite at Dove Stone (no distance away) on the 27th May. It had white wing tags no. 49 - an East Midlands release.


Steve "Make your birdwatching count!"

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Re. the Red Kite Sightings.

Bit of an head-scratcher this one.

Friday 25th. Roman Lakes. Marple. (16.40 hrs)
Sat 26th. Hollingworth (08.48 hrs)
Sat 26th. Hawk Green. Marple (15.15 hrs)
Sun. 27th. Greenfield.

This covers nearly 48 hours.

With Hollingworth and Greenfield only being separated by the moors and the close proximity of the Marple sightings surely this suggests the possibility that there were two birds ??


-- Edited by Roger Baker 3 on Monday 4th of June 2012 05:19:16 PM

Blessed is the man who expecteth little reward ..... for he shall seldom be disappointed.

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Andy Bissitt wrote:

Just spoken to my brother who has just come back from a week on holiday in Yorkshire. As he was setting off last Saturday (26th May), he and his wife saw a red kite in Hawk Green at about 3.15 p.m. That means this bird, presumably the same one, could have been in the county for over six hours without being seen in between (so far as is known). Makes you wonder what is hiding out there at times.

I also have a reliable report of a Red Kite over Roman Lakes at 16.40 on 25th May (less than a mile from Hawk Green). That would mean this bird was probably in the area for nearly 24 hours.

(This probably should go in the Roman Lakes thread but I've put it here for ease of tracking this bird)

Cheers, John


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Just spoken to my brother who has just come back from a week on holiday in Yorkshire. As he was setting off last Saturday (26th May), he and his wife saw a red kite in Hawk Green at about 3.15 p.m. That means this bird, presumably the same one, could have been in the county for over six hours without being seen in between (so far as is known). Makes you wonder what is hiding out there at times.


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Red Kite flew west low over Cow Lane at 08:48 this morning.

Info thanks to Rob Adderley


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10 Bramblings on Cow Lane this morning with another c20 birds around the corner by Hollingworth Hall Farm.


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2 Bramblings with c20 Chaffinch. Also 6 Nuthatch, c60 Redwing and a Little Owl this am.


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Sun - 15/1/12.

Brambling - 5
Fieldfare - c150
Redwing - c300+

Pink-footed Goose - c200 over NW at 10am.


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Sun 8th Aug 0700 hrs.

54 Swallows on wire at L. Landslow Green Farm.

Walk down Cow Lane, very quiet through trees but lots of tits feeding silently as mice on the big oaks.

Bottom of Cow Lane, 29 Swallows on wires, 4 Swift high up.
Flock of 20+ Greenfinch, 30+ linnets, 1 Song Thrush, 1 Tree Pipit.

Thorncliffe Hall. Plenty of tits plus seemed an unusual amount of baby Robins.

Walked back via " Hard Times Farm " looks like their luck hasn't changed much in 200 years. HaHa !
1 mistle thrush. 4 Meadow Pipits.

Hobson Moor Rd. Little Owl.


Blessed is the man who expecteth little reward ..... for he shall seldom be disappointed.

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1 late Fieldfare by Hollingworth Hall Farm this pm.


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Still present at 0715hrs.


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23/4/10 pm

3 Ring Ouzels and 2 Wheatear in the large ploughed field between Thorncliffe and Higher Landslow Green Farms this afternoon. Best viewed from the public footpath by Higher Landslow Green Farm off Hobson Moor Road, or from Cow Lane.


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13/12/09 am

Brambling - just 5 this morning.
Fieldfare - 11


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5/12/09 - am

Brambling - c30
Fieldfare - 8
Redwing - 5
Nuthatch - 3
Buzzard - 1


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HOBBY seen twice this afternoon, once in flight, when it was attached by a curlew, from the path to the SE of Lees Hill and again on the moor north of Upper Swineshaw reservoir.

There was also a pair of Stonechat and Little Owl below Lees Hill plus a family of 7 kestrels.

On upper swineshaw reservoir there was a pair of oystercatcher with at least one chick, at least one pair, but maybe two, of Little Ringed plover and single sanderling. 25 canada geese were also present. The LRPs looked like they had two young.


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Hobby seen twice(1000hrs) in flight-unfortunately over the county boundary in Derbyshirecry.gif

At least it's still in the area


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HOBBY still present tonight seen from the public footpath behind Hobson Moor Quarry, hurtling downhill along the line of the pylons towards hollingworth.

Female fox plus cub as well in the area.


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The Hobby was still around on Monday night viewable from Lees Hill. Info from Bill Underwood.


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Its a shame that yours can't meet up with the one lingering near Risley and settle down in the county.


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The Red Kite is still around (presuming there is only the one bird), only it was last seen comfortably in Derbyshire cruising over my own patch just outside Glossop on Monday night. Unfortunately I was in Glasgow at the time!


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cracking walk through the wood up onto the top of cow lane

2 treecreeper
1 blackcap
2 willow warbler
5 curlew
3 nuthatch
2 redstart - fabulous!
no raptors
lots of mistle thrush
1 song thrush

great place - thanks a lot for drawing attention to it!

-- Edited by Paul Cliff at 17:30, 2008-06-18


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No sign of anything this morning 0930-1300 except 2 Buzzard in Derbyshire.cry.gif


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no sign of the kite last nightcry.gif


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No sign of Kite in 3 hours this afternoon
Oystercatcher, Curlews, Lapwing, a few Kestrels


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no sign of red kite today from 730 till 4pm, did see redstart, green wood, no sign of hobby either.

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar at 21:32, 2008-06-09


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Excellent morning vist today, however thick mist/fog prevented any birding,

I did met a fair number of the locals and found that we could converse very well,the language barrier not been to much of an issue.

The promise of bacon butties got them talking about a lot of local issues, and a few were suffering from the consumption of large amounts of local brew, so any hangover cures would be a bargaining tool.

All in all a pleasent bunch of chaps, fog lifted about 8.20 to show some fantastic views of all the boundaries and kindly pointed out for me so I know which county I will be seeing the bird in.

keep Birding ( local) biggrin.gif


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For the record the County boundary is Ogden Brook,the stream at the bottom of the valley between Lees Hill, Lower and Middle Bank and the Arnfield Reservoir enclosures/Arnfield Moor area.

Although the Kite has certainly been seen from the Derbyshire side to my knowledge it's not yet been seen in Derbyshire.


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for sure tom is of course correct, those big eared country boys do indeed not take kindly to us 'non-locals' venturing into their sacred hills so should you bump into tom (be aware he may have morphed into a more human shape) in no way take him on at dueling banjos, simply back away whilst offering him shiny pennies thrown to the floor then leg it, otherwise hope you can 'squeal like a pig'!

He is quite right though that the county border is VERY close and you need to ensure any birds you see are not in derbyshire airspace,


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Well done Warfy. But you should know that around here us c'ntry folk don't care much for you city types with your fancy ways and your parents who aren't siblings. It's local birding for local birders.

And another thing, I hope you've all double checked your county boundaries? smile.gif


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Well done you lot!biggrin.gif
I was up there most of the afternoon but obviously in the wrong place!confused.gif
Went through swallow wood and beyond and came back down Cow Lane. Nice spot up there to walk round.
It's already on my county list so no problem! Would still have been nice to see though! Cheers


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no sign of red kite up to 745pm, did see hobby and little owl. nice to see pete berry and ingrid up there and the warfys and simon. will be back over the next couple of days.


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Im starting to wonder what all the fuss is over Red kitesweirdface.gif..... its my second one this year!...............GET IN!!winner.gif

With that and Hobby county birding at its best again!biggrin.gif

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2.30pm-6.30pm (Me, Warfy senior and Simon Johnson).

are we chuffed?? you bet we arebiggrin.gif Simon (kite-man) Johnson picked up the RED KITE at 4.03pm flying north over ridge just west of Lee's Hill viewed from middle bank, showed long enough for Paul Carroll to see it too. It then flew over the ridge into the valley where Swineshaw reservoirs are.

While later sat on Lee's Hill a HOBBY was seen hunting from fenceposts 5.30-6pm at least. nearly forgot me and Simon Johnson saw a Mountain Hare yesterday.

A text to Mr Rigby, who then rang me, while he was watching a Bee-Eater in Norfolk had him nearly in tears. Think i just spoilt his weekend, well he will leave the countywink.gif

Melanie this is a big grin x2biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

-- Edited by Simon Warford at 19:45, 2008-06-07


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RED KITE again between Middle Bank and Lees Hill mid afternoon......per phonecall from an ecstatic Warfy who's currently cartwheeling round Lees Hill as I type this update!


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No sign of Red Kite in 3 hours this evening with Simon Johnson, will be back tomorrow for more of the nice scenery. Another GM site tick if nothing else.smile.gif

-- Edited by Simon Warford at 22:45, 2008-06-06


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RED KITE this evening between Middle and Lower Bank appeared to go to roost at 9.20pm in Woodland by Woolley Mill Lane by Meadowbank farm at the southern end of Cow Lane.

No sign of the Marsh Harrier at Higher Swineshaw Resevoir this evening.


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1 Peregrine this am,otherwise fairly quiet, although the Nuthatches displaying were quite amusing.

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