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RE: Etherow C.P.
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several black caps chiff chaffs one willow warbler
several nuthatches and 3 gold crests 2 fighting
one sparrow hawk
and a dipper on the river


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6 drake Mandarins on weir pool this am. No sign anything else notable.


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Don't know if this is the most 'up-to-date' Etherow thread or not. However, this afternoons highlights were:-

years first Willow Warbler in song.
Blackcap in song
Siskin in song
at least 11 cormorants
at least 10 tufted duck
pr buzzards around woods
swallow just near park entrance over road.


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First visit around 1600 today in the hope of seeing Mandarin....... and did - 3 pairs!


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My girlfriends dad...who has a zoology PHD I might add, likes wet things...it is more than likely just a common toad in mating colours he says :) Looking at other photos, they aren't too dissimilar so I don't think it's anything to worry about!


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confuse.gif My first thought before I looked at the picture was I bet it's an American Crayfish...Sadly the waterways of Stockport are over-run with them.

Not sure what that thing is though, but it needs removing.
Best bet Phil, is to report this to whoever is in charge of that stretch of the Etherow before things get out of hand...Could be a lone exotic fish or worse case there may be numbers of them.
The Goyt around Stockport has been thriving over the last few years with plenty of Trout and I've heard reports of small Salmon runs...An outbreak of anything alien could have dire consequences.

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Phil_Oldham wrote:



Take a look at the photo, it certainly looks a little exotic for the River Etherow....

But what do you think it is, Phil?

Shame you didn't have a polarising filter.

Maybe this is the start of a mystery underwater species competition.biggrin.gif



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Not much today out of the ordinary

Lots of pairs of birds, inc:

Stock dove
Usual tits...

Then some singletons:




Take a look at the photo, it certainly looks a little exotic for the River Etherow....


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1 tree creeper creeping rofl.gif up the tree across the stream from the hide.
Plus the usual. wink.gif


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Reed bunting at the hide today!

I'd love to say the usual suspects too...but it unfortunately lacking in our avian friends :(


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Saturday 21-2-09 12.00-14.30

Goosander 1f on Keg Pool
Black-headed Gull
Great Tit
Blue Tit
Long-tailed Tit
House Sparrow
Canada Goose
Tufted Duck
Carrion Crow



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Afternoon walk up to the pump house.

Goosander 2m 1f ( other f must have been hiding ).
Dipper 1 just downstream of the bridge.
Mandarin 13m 8f
Mute Swan 2
Tufted Duck 11
Grey Heron 1
Buzzard 2
Redwing 15+
Missel Thrush 4
Gt.Crested Grebe 1
Cormorant 11

etc etc.

Phil Greenwood

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At least 12 Mandarin on the river above the weir this morning (tip - they stay well hidden until bread is thrown!). There was very little bird activity in Keg Woodlands, but Keg Pool had 2 pairs of Goosanders, and in the surrounding trees were a Great Spot, Tree Creeper and a roving flock of long-tailed tits. We were surprised not to see any finches, but a nuthatch was at the feeding station. Has anyone seen a dipper here lately? I understand they used to be just below the weir.


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6 Goosander on Keg Pool today, they don't seem to have been reported previously. 4 males 2 females
Nuthatches between main car park/lake & weir, (and also at Sunny Corner feeding station - constant visits to bird table during 30 min stay.)
At least 3 tree creepers in trees around this feeding station also, and buzzard circling overhead.

6 Tufted ducks on river above weir, males and females.

Long tailed tits

How strange to see the single Egyptian Goose on the pond adjacent to the main car park among the Canada Geese, gulls & mallards.

A very scenic, sheltered and varied venue for a birding walk - my first visit, won't be my last.

Martin Cuthbert


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All the usual suspects today....except nothing at all behind the pump house! Some of the tufties had moved up river...spotted about 10 or so.

Even a quiet day at the hide...managed to spy a treecreeper just as I was leaving, and then a sparrowhawk flew through the woods on my right and over towards the river...which made it a little less quiet, but still...I got wet for nothing!


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Had a walk around Etherow yesterday, so I'll add a few more to the list for the weekend...

1 Siskin
3 Goldfinch
1 Goldcrest
1 Treecreeper

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Geoff, it was actually 16 males to 10 females. It was a nice spectacle to see them all together, and it was the first time I heard them vocalising.

The Green Woodpecker was in the large field near the hide, the one by the farm. It was on the edge of the forest being quite vocal. The Great Spots were along the track from the car park and down towards the Keg Pool.


-- Edited by declan savage at 17:31, 2009-01-04


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Very nice Declan, hope it was 13 of each?smile.gif

Where did you see both kinds of WP please?




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26 Mandarin this morning behind the pumphouse.

Dipper, Green Woodpecker, 3 G S Woodpecker, 4 Nuthatch, 2 treecreeper, 1 Buzzard also present

-- Edited by declan savage at 15:19, 2009-01-04


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Saturday 3rd January 2009

Egyptian Goose
Mandarin 18
Redwing 6
Treecreeper 3
Jay 2
Buzzard 2

and the usual woodland birds

Paul Hammond

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Andy Bissitt wrote:


Yes, bullfinch is usual at Etherow. You'll usually hear them at least if you take the top path in the park that comes down near the toilet block. They are not as common as they used to be though - I seem to remember a flock of ten once in the past. I was at ECP myself the week before you and had reasonable flocks of siskin (c15) and redpoll (c20) so keep an eye (and ear) out for them.

Thanks for the info, I will take that route next time I'm there!!

Today there was nothing new....except the feeder at the hide went all quiet after a visit from a sparrowhawk!! Sat in the tree behind the feeder, then flew onto the fence to the rear of the hide...stuck my head out to see where it went and was sat no more than 10ft away! Only got a photo from the distance though...can be found here:


Couldn't believe my luck...the fattening up of the tits is starting to pay off!! :)


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Yes, bullfinch is usual at Etherow. You'll usually hear them at least if you take the top path in the park that comes down near the toilet block. They are not as common as they used to be though - I seem to remember a flock of ten once in the past. I was at ECP myself the week before you and had reasonable flocks of siskin (c15) and redpoll (c20) so keep an eye (and ear) out for them.


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27/10/08 - All afternoon from CWT hide

Coal tit
Great tit
Blue tit
Long tailed tit
GS woodpecker
Bullfinch seen on feeder, first for me at Etherow...is this common??

Kingfisher seen crossing main lake on way to exit, which was also a first for me!
And the usuals on the main lake


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16/10/08 - 12:00 - 2.30 from the CWT hide

Little grebe
Coal tit
~16 cormorants upstream roosting...including 3 who flew down right in front of the hide, seemingly to check me out, then flew back again...about time I got some good shots!! biggrin.gif

Buzzard also seen from main boating lake looking South


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26/09/08 10.30-14.30

Green Woodpecker - 1
Chiffchaff - 1
Mandarin - 10 on Keg Pool
Cormorant - 3
GC Grebe - 1
Plus the usual stuff


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first visit to very nice bit of g. m. the blustery weather didn,t help my sightings ,
chaffinch,g s pecker,blackbird,chiff chaff,mistle thrush,coot,lots of canadas on the lake,i,ve resolved to return in better conditions to enjoy this 'outpost' of the county

cheers geoffbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif



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The Dippers prompted me to go and have a look. I nearly gave up as there was nothing from the footbridge(overflow) to the weir, but on the way back I took the dirt track though the trees, and approx behind the old clubhouse, I saw two in flight and on a tree across the river.
No mandarin in their usual place though.


Off to High Peak RSPB tonight on "Birds in the Peak", so if you see a small guy next to a guy with white hair and a beard - 'tis me. Say hellosmile.gif


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this morning, 2 pied flycatchers, 3 mandarins, garden warbler, dipper, treecreeper, nuthatch, coal tit and great spotted woodpecker.


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4 dipper fledglings finding their wings and feet as seen with melanie and vicky t'other day.

2 grey wags

2 pied flycatchers heard but couldn't see them.

nuthatch coming and going from a nest in a tree-hole - lovely sight.

1 goldcrest, 2 song thrush. lots of willow warbs and chiffchaffs. plus the usuals

-- Edited by Paul Cliff at 11:14, 2008-05-17


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Went out on Wednesday with Paul (Cliff) and along the river and weir we saw three
adorable Dipper chicks being constantly fed,also with young were Coot,Greylag and Mallard.
Others we noticed were nesting Mute Swan,Canada Geese, Greywagtail,Cormorant and beautiful Mandarin,sadly no Kingfishers.
In the woods,all the 'usual suspects' and great views of a singing Chiffchaff directly in front of us and Nuthatch (always a pleasure) one or twice along our walk,and although no sighting,we did hear a Tawny Owl!!
luv birding l do..biggrin.gif


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early morning at etherow:

2 Dipper
Male Goosander on river
Green Woodpecker
2 G S Woodpecker
Nuthach at nest feeding young (plus several others)
2 Buzzard
1 Sparrowhawk
5 Mandarin
Garden Warbler
lots of Blackcaps and Chiffchaffs singing

didn't see any flycatchers so no risk of giving away any sensitive info.


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Gentlemen, can I remind you not to discuss the actual location (down to a specific tree in this instance) of rare county breeding birds on an open forum such as this. If this is necessary, and please, only to people you know personally (if you need any observer information please contact me first) then use the private messaging facility on the forum.



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I went on Sat afternoon, also saw Egyptian Goose and Mandarin. I did see a male Pied Flycatcher in the wood beyond the rain shelter, also lots of Nuthatch and a Dipper on the river.
Cheers Ian

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar at 10:37, 2008-05-13


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1 Egyptian Goose and at least 5 Mandarins 12/05


Mancunian Birder https://mancunianbirder.wordpress.com Visit my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtWoAs4geYL9An0l6w_XgIg

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I've been to Etherow for the last 2 years in May but failed to see the Pied Fly. I would be really grateful if someone could send me a pm about the best location within Etherow to see the Flycatchers
Cheers Ian


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3-5 pm

Male Pied Flycatcher
pair of Dippers
Green Woodpecker
3x GS Woodpecker
2 Buzzard
1 Sparrowhawk
3 Mandarin
plus other usual woodland stuff.


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He must be desparate to come birding in Stockport Andy. Hint don't bother going to Halifax unless you like Twite.


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What is a Yorkie birder doing in my park? How dare he see an osprey without my permission!! Wait til I'm next over Barnsley way.


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Apparently was seen by a Yorkshire birder - DJSutcliffe - details on the Calderdale birding blog


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Report on Birdguides today

16:40 26/03/08 Osprey Manc'r Etherow CP 16:20
one flew north late afternoon

Updated birding videos on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/c/PeteHinesbirding

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Tony - a quick look at the county database shows that numbers have been around 20 since 1999 in the ECP/Offerton/R Goyt area which is no doubt the result of local breeding there.

Judith Smith __________________________________ Lightshaw hall Flash is sacrosanct - NO paths please!

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Only saw 5 Mandarins last Sunday, but even that seemed a significant increase on former years. 20+ makes it an abundant species. How long has there been upward trend?


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Had forgotten that I'd told you - it's my age you know!

I've lost track of the number of territories on the Tame in this area but it must be approaching capacity. Only saw one whilst doing Atlas TTV work yesterday (by bridge which forms the Mossley/Greenfield border) and it was unringed.

Hope you get enough feedback to make a bulletin worthwhile. Perhaps a seperate thread for Colour Ringed Dippers would be a good idea.


Steve "Make your birdwatching count!"

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Hi Steve,

Thanks for the response; you told me about the Mossley pair before and we followed them up last year. We ringed the adults as follows:- Male Right leg- Orange over BTO metal, Left leg- Light Pink and White striped; Female Right leg- Orange over BTO metal, Left leg- Light Pink and Mauve striped. The nest eluded us, even though it was where you had said, but at least 2 pulli fledged.
The nest up river from there was nr the Saddleworth WwTW, where we ringed the adults and juveniles, but there are likely two more pairs between, say Roaches Locks and Scout Green, plus one down stream at Heyrod. Any clues will be welcome; if there is a good response to this project we are prepared to send e-mail Newsletters to interested observers.



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Hi Tony

I used to do Nest Record Cards for a Dipper nest on the canal in Mossley but I don't think they have bred there for the last couple of years due to a huge housing development immediately adjacent. The site is a good deal quieter now so I'll check it out and let you know if it is in use.

Sounds like an interesting project - look forward to further feedback.


Steve "Make your birdwatching count!"

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Thanks for your record of the Compstall Bridge Dipper pair.
In 2007 after a pilot run in 2006, South Manchester Ringing Group colour ringed 73 adult Dippers, 143 Dipper pulli, and added 59 nest record cards to the BTO archive.

The Compstall Bridge breeding pair were unsuccessful, the nest being predated at egg stage. The Etherow Weir pair were successful laying 3 eggs and fledging 3 pulli. These pulli were ringed, metal only on the right tarsus, so it seems that the pair carrying nest material was from these three. The question to be asked is what happened to the adults from 2007?
Thanks to Chris Johnson we are now in the process of erecting Dipper nest boxes near where breeding has been attempted unsuccessfully in the past and Compstall Bridge has been included.

As Phil Kenyon's delightful photographs of an Uppermill bird show, the colour rings are not easy to read, and a telescope may be necessary. But remember records of unringed Dippers are also of great value.

Exact locations of nests anywhere between Stockport and Roman Lakes, and Stalybridge and Greenfield would be very valuable; details to either Judith Smith or me, to preserve site confidentially. The national annual total of Dipper nest record cards is approx 200, so it is easy to realise how useful our 59 will be in providing data on nest success rate, number of eggs laid and hatched and numbers of pulli fledged.


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Yes Etherow CP is in Stockport. Further upstream the river Etherow forms the eastern boundary of Tameside. If you get the annual county report you will find a full list of Manchester recoding area sites and a map.



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Is Etherow CP in the Greater Manchester bird recording area? I thought it was in Cheshire.


My bird photos collection on Flickr and My Elton Reservoir highlights collection.

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pair Dippers r Etherow gathering nesting material - moss and small twigs then flew S towards Compstall Bridge. Both birds ringed on the right leg - both appeared white but may have been the light shining off metal.

Mandarins 17 at weir -13 males competing for 4 females plus a pair on the channel off main lake total 19

Buzzards 4 over Keg Pool
Nuthatch 4 seen
Goldcrest pair plus one singing
Grey Wag on river and one on roof of old factory


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11m & 3f Mandarin
2 Buzzard
The lone Egyptian Goose on Compstall reservoir

Mandarin displaying

Seemed like spring this morning, Great Tits inspecting holes and quite a lot of birds declaring their territory

Paul Hammond
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