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Post Info TOPIC: Heaton Park (NOT the reservoir)

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RE: Heaton Park

Mistake in last entry-there were 4 Goosanders on the lake.


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A pleasant mid-morning walk through the park in the Autumn sunshine,with leaf-fall in full flow.
Not spoiled too much by the numerous dog walkers!
On boating lake:

Common Gull x 3
Goosander x 1
Cormorant x 1
+ the usuals.

Elsewhere in the park:

Plenty of songbirds including great,Blue,Coal and long-tailed Tits,Chaffinches,Nuthatches and Treecreepers,all showing well.
Jays everywhere as before,many with acorns in Bills,with plenty of other Corvids.
Pied Wagtail x 1 on roof of farm centre,immature.
Great Spotted Woodpecker x 3

Still haven't seen any winter thrushes there,which is disappointing.


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A walk through the park 9.30-11.30am.Sunshine and very heavy showers.Cooler than of late.

On boating lake:

Kingfisher x 1
Goosander x 19
Cormorant x 1
+ the usuals.

Elsewhere in the park:

Jays just about everywhere.
Lots of Nuthatches
Pied Wagtails x 2,on Farm Centre Roof.[they are pale with black bibs,but look immature,so I am not sure if Whites or Pied]
Common Gull x 1
Grey Heron x 2
Grey Wagtail x 1,[not far from the Tram station]
+ the usuals


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A mid-morning stroll around the park,marred by somne pretty hefty showers!
On Boating lake,Single adult Herring Gull still present amongst the numerous Black-headed Gulls.
11 Goosanders also seen.
A Grey Wagtail was seen on the stream close to the Dell duck pond.
+ the usuals.


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this morning

5 Whooper swan flew se over St Margaret's road
767 Redwing flew west
118 Fieldfare NW
juvenile peregrine flew into the park putting up hundreds of woodpigeons


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4 juv Gannet gone sw came from Ne circled over simister then across the reservoir circled over the hide above my head then carried on Sw


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9.00 till 11.15 whilst at a Junior football game.

Numerous Chiffchaff
Great Spotted Woodpecker
Pied Wagtail flock of 25+

-- Edited by Mark Burgess on Saturday 5th of October 2013 08:20:30 PM


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A lot of Jay activity in the park today.I counted 8 and missed many more,I am sure,in areas not covered.There wer also 15 Pied Wagtails near the Hall,including a possible White Wagtail not seen too well.
A single Herring Gull amongst the numerous Black-headeds,on the main lake.The Tufted count has gone up to 15.


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lots of raptors about today

5 common buzzard
adult hobby flew sw
6 sparrowhawk
5 kestrel
female/imm merlin flew south

170 pink footed geese flew se in 5 skeins
1700+ Swallows sw
400+ meadow pipit sw


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Late morning stroll.
On field in front of Hall:in close proximity.
Mistle Thrush x 10.
Starling x 12.
Goldfinch x 1
Pied Wagtail x 3
Meadow Pipit x 1
Plenty of Swallows and House Martins overhead,especially over Bell Tower area.


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few meadow pipits over the park this morning - largest flock 10

also singles of Swift, Tree Pipit and Yellow Wagtail over.

4 Teal dropped into the secret pond


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I have read Karen Foulkes's comments on Mistle Thrush in Droylsden and elsewhere with interest,as there has been a notable increase in Mistle Thrush activity in the park during the last week or so.


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Grey Wagtail in the park today,on the stream near the eastern end of the lake.First one I've seen in the park for a while.


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Hobby,probably juvenile,seen near Telecom Tower late morning.The bird liked to stand on the tall metallic structure nearby,[which I think is a Receiver of some sort].It used the structure to launch off,and also settled on it to consume a prey item.


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despite the hoards of people in the park, a great aft/eve of birds seen..
there was at least 4 spotted flycatchers in the paddock near the entrance from the tram stop, about 150 yds to the left, but gradually moved west and were then best viewed from the path leading straight from the entrance about 100yds, at around 2.05pm there was a female redstart with them plus at least 5 willow warblers. after a mooch around I also found another or possibly the same female redstart with 1 spotted flycatcher further west of the first spot they were seen which was close to the playground at 5.25pm. soon after watching them I went back to the original spot & there was 5 spotted flycatchers this time & then at 6.45pm a handsome male redstart smile watched until 7.15pm when I eventually dragged myself away.

other birds in the area...

1 great spotted woodpecker
2 nuthatches
2 chaffinches
c20 mistle thrushes
6 swallows over south
1 yellow wagtail over south

north of the park near bt tower...

6 willow warblers
3 chiffchaffs, 2 singing
1 jay
4 house martins
1 whitethroat
2 blackcaps
1 sparrowhawk, being mobbed by crows & magpies

plus usuals around smilesmile


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Today's totals were 6 Spotted Flycatchers and 2 Redstart.

Info thanks to Steven Burke


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This afternoon, at least 4 Spotted Flycatchers in the paddock near the entrance from the tram stop, about 150 yds to the left. Also present was a single female/immature Redstart.

Info thanks to Steven Burke


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North part of park - Horse paddock behind BT Tower

Whinchat - sat in a bush later flew to fenced off shrub area
Spotted Flycatcher
10 Chiffchaff
5 Willow Warbler
Green Sandpiper dropped into pond
Yellow Wagtail flew over SE
2 Sparrowhawk
2 Buzzard
Stock Dove
249 Sand Martin flew SW in several small flocks


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Huge numbers of hirundines north end of the park this afternoon

600 Sand Martin (170 of which flew SW before heavy rain set in)
1000+ Swallow
400+ House Martin
22 Swift

Lots of young birds and Family parties with small groups moving SW between showers


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No sign this morning of the "unusual Gull" I saw 2 days ago.it [The more I think about it,and consult field guides and Google images,I think it was indeed an immature Common Gull].
The Tufted Duck count on the lake has gone up to 21.Plentiful numbers of Mallard,Canada Geese and Black-headed Gulls,all with juveniles.It does indeed look as if one of 4 cygnets has gone.Grey Heron showed very well at east end of lake.
Apart from still hearing a Stock Dove near Tram Depot,the usuals present but nothing much to report.


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Unusual Gull on boating lake this morning.An immature.In size,between Black-headed and Herring,[Comon Gull-sized].Pure white ,clean and round head,dark eye,pale grey back and wings,the latter also having dark brown primaries and a dark tail band also present,[not particularly neat].No white edge to porimaries seen.
As regards bare parts,bill greyish with ring near the tip,not particularly long.Leg colour not clearly seen.The bird stayed mainly near the west side of the lake,near Canada Geese and quite far apart from the numerous black-headeds,which mainly congregate nearer the cafe.Unfortunately it was frequently disturbed by dogs and kids
I am not a Gull expert,especially with immatures.My provisional opinion is Common Gull.If anyone else sees it,I would be interested in their opinion.
Stock Doves heard near the Dell and also near the Tram Depot.Otherwise things much the same as previous reports.Unfortunately,it looks as if the pair of Mute Swans on the boating lake have lost one of their 4 cygnets.


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No sign of the Med Gull I saw 2 days ago.Less Black-headeds than there were then.Quite a few fledged juveniles.
I didn't mention on Monday that I saw a Kingfisher at the small lake in the North of the park,near the golf course.
Grey Heron at same lake,and also in the small lake at the Dell.
Otherwise,much the same as previous reports.


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Single Adult Mediterranean Gull amongst the Black-headeds on freshly mown field in front of Hall near to the Pitch and Putt course,late morning


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Thanks Marvin, always extremely unlikely that they'd have bred there but I thought I'd better check smile


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I have not seen any Black-headed Gulls breeding on the lake Ian. Also,I am not certain how old the juveniles were, but they were probably more than half the size of the adult birds and were certainly capable of flight.


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Did the Black-headed Gulls actually breed on the lake Marvin?


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Things very much the same as my last entry,but nice to see a pair of Great-crested Grebes on the boating lake,with 1 chick.
A small group of Black-headed Gulls on the field in front of the Hall,included 2 juveniles which have fledged.
Good numbers of Swift and Swallow in the same area, along with 2 Pied Wagtail,[an adult and juvenile],and a couple of Goldfinches.
About 5 House Martins,[including fledglings],flying above the Farm Centre.


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Nearly forgot-quite a lot of Starlings in evidence,mainly near lake car park.


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Just an update.
Not a lot to report since my last entry,although at least the park is relatively unscathed after the Parklife weekend.[due to appropriate fencing at the time,and also an excellent rubbish clear-up job by council workers afterwards.
As regards birdlife,things are relatively unremarkable.
On the boating lake,lots of Canada Geese with Goslings,and good numbers of Mallard with ducklings,[various ages]
Lesser numbers of Coot with young,also Moorhens.
The feral Greylags and farm Geese appear not to have bred.There are a paior of Mute Swans with 4 cygnets ,and a pair with 2 cygnets on the Northern lake.
Very occasional Gulls.
Large numbers of common songbirds with fledged young.Nice to see Song and Mistle Thrushes doing well.Blackcaps still very vocal but only one Chiffchaff heard today,and no Willow Warblers.Large numbers of Wren,Robin,Tits,Chaffinch and Blackbird.
Greenfinch more evident than of late.Occasional Swift and Swallow.
Huge numbers of Buttercups and also patches of Water Mint.Both highly popular with Bumble Bees including White-tailed,Red-tailed and also Tree Bumble Bee.


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A beautiful warm morning stroll but not a lot to report.
Lots of Canada Geese, with Goslings, on the boating lake.
Lesser numbers of Mallard,with ducklings,and Coots with young.
2 Great-crested Grebe-unsure if they are an "item".
Hardly any Hirundines or Swifts.
The usual passerines,with a lot of Blackcap and Mistle Thrush activity.
[There is a Rock concert this comng weekend with ? 150,000 visitors expected. I dont know if this will have much affect on the birdlife!]


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Far less Hirundines overall than my last report but more Swifts.I calculated about 30 Swifts over the boating lake with half that no.of mixed Hirundines.
Nice view of a Great Spotted Woodpecker feeding on the ground in a field near the Horticultural centre entrance Lots of Mistle Thrushes feeding on the ground in various locations.
Stock Dove heard near the Tram depot.


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A mid-morning stroll,trying to avoid the hailstorms!
Large numbers of Hirundines over the boating lake and adjacent areas.Vast majority Hosue Martins and Swalows,but some Sand Martins also present.A single Swift seen flying over the lakeside cafe area.
Smaller numbers of Hirundines over the fields near the telecom tower,where horses grazing.
2 Pied Wagtails on field near the Hall.
Plenty of Blackcaps,Willow Warblers and Chiffchaffs
+ the usuals.


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Not much new to report,and I think nearly every dog walker in North Manchester was in the park this morning even though I arrived soon after opening time!
Stock Dove heard in the wooded area near Tram station.
Plenty of Blackcaps and reasonable numbers of Willow Warbler.
The boating lake is dominated by Canada Geese but I have to admit,that the goslings are very cute!


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Several Swallows active around the Hall area and Rose garden


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Good numbers of Willow Warblers now present,and also Blackcaps and Chiffchaff,but not much else of note and very little on the boating lake.

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Friday 26th of April 2013 06:35:15 PM


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Buzzard flying over NE corner of park next to M60 at 15:20 today.


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A male Wheatear seen on field between the Hall and the Pitch and Putt course,about 11.30am.Small group of Swallows flew over same area.
Willow Warbler near North end of Boating Lake.


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5 Arctic Tern permit only site viewable from BT tower within the park


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170 Redwing near the tram stop lots of sub song - great sound from this noisy flock

Also 14 Sand Martin and a Swallow north end.


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Nice mid-morning stroll around park,before it got to busy.Beautiful sunshine but still very cold.
Of note were 2 Buzzards above the fields near the Telecom tower where cattle feed.They also soared over adjacent woodland.
Other birds included:
Great Crested Grebe x 1
Goosander x 1,[F]
Teal x 1,[M]
Grey Heron x 1
Little Grebe x 2
Great Spotted Woodpecker x 2,[near the Tram depot]
+ the usuals.

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Wednesday 3rd of April 2013 10:49:12 PM


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treecreeper just off northern side of boating lake.


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Dipper on stream behind Tram Building seen at 11am.Stock Dove heard in same area


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100+ Redwing field near boating lake
Great Spotted Woodpecker
2 Shoveler on boating lake
9 Teal in swamp
3 Nuthatch
10 Goldfinch
3 Goldcrest
8 Stock Dove
15 Lapwing north
11 Curlew nw (4,4,3)


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41 Lapwing in the stubble field north end
43 Magpie
Oystercatcher feeding in field across motorway from golf course

-- Edited by Simon Johnson on Sunday 24th of February 2013 10:57:53 PM


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Heaton Park Boating Lake
8 Pochard 7 male and the first female seen on there this year
26 Tufted Duck
2 Great Crested Grebe

BT Tower area north part of Park
Brambling - male
15 Chaffinch
16 Greenfinch
2 Stock Dove
11 Magpie
70 Woodpigeons
230 Jackdaw flew north west in small parties


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Heaton Park Boating Lake

0730-0900 & 1530-1620

6 drake Pochard
2 Teal (male & female)
2 Goosander
4 Greylag Goose
1 Great Crested Grebe
1 Little Grebe
c22 Tufted Duck
1 Muscovy Duck


Mancunian Birder https://mancunianbirder.wordpress.com Visit my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtWoAs4geYL9An0l6w_XgIg

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No sign either for me -

Highlights on the lake- 4 Goosanders, 6 drake Pochards, 3 x Great Crested Grebes, 1 Mute Swan
Park- Chaffinch, Nuthatch (in the trees next to lake) Greenfinch (Conifers near perimeter fence at the car park)

Keep calm and carry on birding....

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No sign of the female Ring-necked Duck so far this morning.

Info thanks to James Walsh


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The female Ring-necked Duck was showing very well about 4.45pm behind the main island in front of the cafe
It was with 6 Pochard and 20 Tufted Duck


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Female Ring-necked Duck behind the main island this evening, with Tufted Duck and Pochard.

Info thanks to Simon Johnson

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Sunday 17th of February 2013 04:18:15 PM


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