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Post Info TOPIC: Marton Mere

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RE: Marton Mere

Had a quick visit to Marton Mere today particularly looking for the Cettis Warblers that I have been assured were present by several folk - nowt blankstare.gif

On the way called in at Preston Dock for the Iceland Gull - (not now as colourful as it was early December), Lytham crematory for 5 Ring necked Parakeets, Fairhaven Lake for the Red-necked Grebe - (in much nicer light than last week) also a pair of Red -breasted Merganzer present and finally to Marton Mere.

Although a good search for the Cettis drew a blank found 4 Long-eared Owls (quite well hidden and couldn't see the others anywhere close by), Fieldfare eating mature apples in the next tree and at the feeding station male and female Brambling and several Tree Sparrows.


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We have been to see the LE. owls today we saw 3.
and got some photos.
also saw the R.N Grebe at fairhaven on the way home.


part time birder

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Like many others dropped into Marton Mere today after catching the Red Necked Grebe at Fairhaven and the Ring Necked Parakeets at the cem ( 9 in total). Met up with the warden in the hide at the feeding station (Tree Sparrow) and had great views of two long eared owls, one within 12 ft and completed unobstructed by twigs or branches. Thanks to the warden for her help
3 lifers in one day awesomebiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


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Joe Wynn wrote:

Hi, I was just wondering could anyone tell me the best way to get onto the reserve. I'm not in a car, but am getting the train to blackpool, and was wondering where would be the best entrance to the reserve.

Another option is to get a bus from Blackpool to Staining and get off near The Plough pub and access the reserve from Staining Nook.


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Joe Wynn wrote:

Hi, I was just wondering could anyone tell me the best way to get onto the reserve. I'm not in a car, but am getting the train to blackpool, and was wondering where would be the best entrance to the reserve.

Joe, I parked up on Lawson Road the other day. Its a bit of walk then to where the owls are because its at the opposite end but it gives you chance to see a bit more of the reserve. Just walk up by the allotments and turn right. Lawson road is near to Stanley Park by the way

I also know that some people park up at the De Vere hotel and get into the reserve from that direction too.

Hope this helps.biggrin.gif

Some of my photos. www.flickr.com/photos/nickish77

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Hi, I was just wondering could anyone tell me the best way to get onto the reserve. I'm not in a car, but am getting the train to blackpool, and was wondering where would be the best entrance to the reserve.

A few of my photos : Joewynn's Flickr I've got a Blog!

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Parked near the rangers centre through the caravan park, which was a bit of luck as we bumped into the rangers just returning from their walk-about. They told us of 8 Long Eared Owls in view. We found the two trees ok and 6 of the birds quite easily but the other two took a bit of searching out - but 8 it was, amazing biggrin.gif Don't think we would have spent so long looking for the last two had it not been for the ranger's information - if you read this post, thanks guys.

Nice to meet Scott Reid and Jimmy Meadows' friends. I have sent you a PM Scott.

-- Edited by sid ashton on Thursday 13th of January 2011 08:57:54 PM


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After a visit to Fairhaven for the R N Grebe we stopped at Marton Mere. It was still very dull and damp and only managed to get to see 2 Long Eared Owls but we had decent views of them. We did not go over to the Caravan Park side, instead turned right and followed the path back towards the information hut. At the second hide on the left we heard a Cetti's Warbler calling, this pleased my pal as he counts birds he hears, I only count birds I see! We looked around for Bittern but had no luck , all in all a good days birding despite the poor weather.



Alan patterson

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After my trip to Lytham I called in here as last stop to see the owls. Managed to locate 4 birds, all in the same tree but very difficult to see and photograph due to the sun and the fact that they were on the back side of the tree.

A quick look on the water produced Teal, Pochard, Tufties, Goldeneye, Shoveler and Mallard all in good numbers along with lots of Black headed gull.

Some of my photos. www.flickr.com/photos/nickish77

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Could be, Rob. Three turned up once near Daisy Nook and were roosting right out in the open, but with the canal between them and the towpath. I was worried about stopping to look but they seemed not to be bothered. Maybe some sort of barrier at a certain distance will give them a sense of security. I seem to remember that they were there for a while, though never returned.

Bus pass birdin' great innit?

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I think that you are right, I remember seeing them in the past from inside rather than outside. Even so, they would only need to move 10 metres to be almost impossible to find without disturbing them. Maybe the path actually gives them protection from other non-human nuisances?

Either way they are a real treat!


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Hi Rob. I think the roost pre-dates the path by a good few years. When I first visited, in the late 80's or early '90's (that's 1980's/90's Messers Rigby & Potter!) the birds were pointed out from the path around the mere, and were much harder to see. I don't remember that path being there then. I think it came with the other developments north of the mere, but I could be wrong

Bus pass birdin' great innit?

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7 on view today from the bridleway running clockwise fom the entrance gate. Why do they choose a tree so close to the path I wonder?


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As part of our Fylde/Wyre twitch day, we called in to see the Long Eared Owls. We definitely saw 6 birds, the Ranger could see 7. Two showing very well (for Long Eared Owls anyway), apparently there have been 9 there.

Only the obsessed understand!

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thank you

part time birder

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Hi Steve, they should be around until at least March. However,around this time is probably the best time to spot them, due to trees being bare. The birds can be quite difficult to locate without help,just ask an of the locals/dog walkers they all seem to know the exact location of the owls.
Cheers Chris


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i have never seen a L.E.Owl , it seems this is the best place.
do i have to go now, or are they there all year round ?

-- Edited by Steve Bostock on Monday 3rd of January 2011 10:36:32 AM

part time birder

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Excellent few hours spent here yesterday ( 02/01/11... 11:00 till 14:00 )
Feeding station hide :
blue ,great and long tailed tits.
dunnocks,house sparrows and several tree sparrows ,
chaffinch , reed buntings , robins , wood pigeons,
female pheasant ,G.S. woodpecker , moorhens ,blackbirds.
On the mere itself :
bh ,common ,lbb and gbb gulls,
several hundred teal,widgeon , pochard , tufties , mallard and a single gadwall. ( ring necked duck not seen today .)
single whooper swan ,
water rail near outlet ,
bittern flew past twice ( from reedbed near hide , to reedbed near outlet .
cettis warbler heard but not seen.
Rest of reserve and surrounding fields :
several hundred fieldfare , dozens of redwings , mistle thrush , large flocks of green and goldfinch.
single woodcock ( flushed by loose dog !! ) , lapwings , canada geese , several small skeins of pinkfoots , pied wagtail,
kestrel ,buzzard and 6 long-eared owls in usual place !!

Then on to North Pier , to catch the starlings coming to roost , I never fail to be amazed by this spectacle !!! .... There must be several tens of thousands birds here, however yesterday , many thousands of birds , formed a near - perfect circle on the beach , near the pier , before eventually leaving the circle in waves , to go to roost on the pier itself !!! Could anyone please tell me the reason for this behaviour ? Many thanks in advance .....
Cheers Chris.


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Drake Ring-necked Duck still present Monday Dec 27th 2010 at 2 30pm. Diving and feeding.

V Finn

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10.00 - 11.00

I managed to squeeze a productive hour in before attending to family duties.

5 Whoopers
3 Mute Swans
1 Pinkfoot
100s assorted duck (mainly Teal, Wigeon and Shoveler plus Pochard, Tufted Duck and Mallard)
1 drake Ring-necked Duck

All the above crammed into the very small circle of open water that remains.

c400 Pinkfeet over
Cetti's Warbler calling
3 Water Rails at the outflow (another 3 showing very well from container hide)
100s Fieldfare
4 Long-eared Owls
1 Buzzard
1 Woodcock

Cheers, John


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This Morning with Mr Woosey

First Stop Lytham Crem
10 Ring N Parakeets some of them having a right set to with a Squirrel

Then to Marton Mere
3 Long Eared Owls
4 Tree Sparrows
11 Whooper Swans
1 Water Rail
1 Sparrowhawk with prey being moidered by a Magpie
Fieldfare everywhere
and even Lions Roaring in the distancesmile.gif

Cheers Jimmy


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visit to marton mere today,4 long-eared owls showing well once you,ve found them.biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif
6 whooper swans flew over,kestrel,sparrowhawk,fieldfare,song thrush,blackbirds,robins,tree sparrows,chaffinch,dunnock,coal,great,blue tits,reed bunting,gsw,plus usual ducks and gulls.


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Visited Marton Mere yesterday, 02/12/10 , five Long Eared Owls visible in usual location, however ,I am reliably informed that there are still 8 birds at the roost ....Mere itself was 95% frozen, however teal,goldeneye,tufties and mallards present . 2 sparrowhawk over ,also kestrel and peregrine...We waited around until dusk .....brrrrr !!! .... and were rewarded with starlings coming in to roost in the reedbeds....told that up to 75,000 birds can be present !!! Cheers Chris


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Visited Marton Mere this morning for the very first time with a view to photographing a LEO.

Decided to chance my arm and try and park up in the caravan park. The security guard said there was no problem so the walk was cut down a little which was no bad thing with the biting wind. Anyway, made my way to the north eastern corner as I had been previously told where most of the LEO's usually roost and on the way I stopped to chat to a local birder who told me there were 4 present today in the 'usual spot'.

Made my way up to the spot that had been pointed out to me but despite walking up and down I just couldn't see one. Eventually a very kind dog walker came by and actually found two roosting birds for me - well done that man!! Couldn't believe how I'd missed them before. Anyway, managed to get some fairly decent shots without too many obstructions being in the way and one of the owls decided to look right at the camera - which was nice!!

Got to say though, its a cracking site with lots to offer. Other birds seen: -

10 Fieldfare - eating apples
2 Sparrowhawk
1 Kestrel
1 Heron
Robin, Dunnock, Blackbird, etc.


Some of my photos. www.flickr.com/photos/nickish77

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Thanks Anne. Much appreciated.biggrin.gif

Some of my photos. www.flickr.com/photos/nickish77

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Martin Mere is on the east side of the A587 just before the De Vere Hotel and the zoo as you drive from the A583 and the M55. Park in Lawson Road just before the mere or in the De Vere car park. All the local dog walkers will tell you where the owls roost.

-- Edited by Anne Wilkinson on Sunday 28th of November 2010 08:27:45 PM


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I've still not got the Long Eared Owl on my UK list yet. This seems to be the best place that I'll get to see and photograph one. Could someone please give me directions to Marton Mere and best place to park etc. Also, where do the birds usually roost.

If you don't want to publish that info then just PM me.

Cheers in advance.

Some of my photos. www.flickr.com/photos/nickish77

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After seeing a couple of Long Eared Owls for the year list only a fortnight or so ago there, a quick visit was made later this morning after seeing the Iceland Gull and Firecrest.

This time I was suprised to find that there are now actually 8 roosting birds present including one individual showing really well in the usual spot.

A great end to a great morning!!!

-- Edited by Phil Owen on Sunday 28th of November 2010 05:13:52 PM


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Dennis atherton wrote:

six long eareds today in usual spot and also an amazing starling roost coming into the reeds, im not even going to try to guestimate, a sky full of starlings, superb smile.gif

i thowt ya told me there was 50,123biggrin.gif

Just winding you up smile.gif

Did you see it? It was small and brown and flew that way.........................

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Dennis atherton wrote:

six long eareds today in usual spot and also an amazing starling roost coming into the reeds, im not even going to try to guestimate, a sky full of starlings, superb smile.gif

i thowt ya told me there was 50,123biggrin.gif



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six long eareds today in usual spot and also an amazing starling roost coming into the reeds, im not even going to try to guestimate, a sky full of starlings, superb smile.gif

Did you see it? It was small and brown and flew that way.........................

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Thursday 18 Nov 2010 at 12.00

Long-eared Owls - two present in regular place alongside bridlepath.

100+ Teal on water.


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16/11/2010 - 2 Long-eared Owls present this afternoon at the northern side of the mere in the traditional area. Many thanks to Phil Owen and locals for pointing them out. Also present were:

6 Whooper Swans
c2000 Pink-footed Geese (east of mere)
3 Cetti's Warblers (singing)
c180 Linnets (east of mere)
1 Brambling (over)

-- Edited by Henry Cook on Wednesday 17th of November 2010 12:00:54 AM


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A quick walk round on sunday,

Nothin too exciting, spoke to the wardens and recent sightings they have had of otters and also scaup and bittern, we found none of the above did did find one they missed, well done Ian, lurking with all the Black headed gulls was a nice winter plumage adult med gull, also a few tufteds, pochard and goldeneye, snipe

Did you see it? It was small and brown and flew that way.........................

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A very quick look on Monday morning produced:-

A singing Cettis Warbler
8 Pochard
Lots of Canada Geese
Lots of Coots
Lots of Mallards
Lots of BH Gulls
10 Tufted Ducks


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18th July 15.15 - 18.30

Female Sparrowhawk
2 Oystercatcher
2 Kestrel
2 Great Crested Grebe + 1 Juvenile
2 Greylag Geese
1 Teal
2 male Ruddy Ducks
4 Pochard
1 Juvenile Black-necked Grebe


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Thanks Nik


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sid ashton wrote:


Is this the Marton Mere in Blackpool?

Yes, futher details on the site can be found here.


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Is this the Marton Mere in Blackpool?


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12th July Marton Mere 12.30pm - 6.30pm

Whitethroat 5
Reed Bunting 5
Reed Warbler 3
Sedge Warbler singing
Long Tailed Tit 1
Oystercatcher 2
Common Sandpiper 1
Lapwing 27
Grey Heron 2
Pochard 4
Teal 3
Tufted Duck 13
Ruddy Duck (male) 1
Great Crested Grebe 2 Juvenile 1
Sparrowhawk 1
Kestrel 5
Great Black Backed Gull 1


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22nd June 12pm - 2pm

1 Whitethroat
2 Goldfinch
2 Reed Buntings
5 male Tufted Ducks
1 male Shoveler
1 Moorhen
1 Teal
1 Great Crested Grebe
1 Grey Heron
1 Sparrowhawk
5 Common Terns
2 Oystercatchers


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It's reappeared a few miles south in a ploughed field just off Motorway if anyone needs it.

In the field to east of B5410.

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Tuesday 27th of December 2011 06:20:11 PM


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I think you're right Rob. No sign of the stunner so far today.


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I think you'll be lucky if the Ross's re-appears, though I hope it does.

For LEO the Pennington bird would be nearer.


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Nice one ROb. Looks like a classy bird.
Do the LEO's just winter there?
Both would be lifers for me so I hope they are refound tomozza!

-- Edited by Henry Cook at 21:05, 2008-03-31


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2 rather showy Barn Owls this evening, but it appearsthat the L-e's may have now gone although one seen yesterday.

Oh, and an adult Ross's Gull coming to bread.... biggrin.gif


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Thanks for the directions Paul, managed to get away from work this Saturday and take a trip up there. Weather was not the best but managed to see 3 LEO's. Really good views of 2 of them through scope. That's another tick for mebiggrin.gif

Thanks again

Steve Johnson

-- Edited by Steve Johnson at 12:25, 2008-02-23

Visit my website at www.sjwildlife.com

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Went this afternoon. Didn't find any Owls, sadlycry.gif
Spoke to some other birders who said they'd been disturbed this morning and no one had seen them since. Other than that a great days birding.

Blue tit
Ls Bl bk Gull
Wood Pigeon
Bl Hd Gull
Herring Gull
Heron...eating a frogsmile.gif
Great tit
Reed Bunting
Song Thrush
Long Tailed Tit
Carrion Crow
Tufted Duck
Gt Bl bk Gull
Mute Swan
Great Crested Grebe

The Teal and Wigeon in fantastic plumage and displaying.


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Did you not get any Chocolate cookies, i prefer them to wholemeal..did you seriously fill your boot? how much is half pricesmile.gif


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You know me too well!!

ps if anybody wants any McVities Chocolate Wholemeal biccies half price,let me know.biggrin.gif

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