eh up all,just in case you don,t check the main site first,
No, no Surely all visitors and users to this little forum spend ages looking at the host of excellent articles on the website of Manchester Birding, otherwise I'd be wasting my time, right
Actually the website statistics, which get broken down even to what people are looking at on the site, show that the 'What's new' page does get almost as many visits as the forum, so please keep your support up, I have much more in the pipeline which will lift us head and shoulders above other counties
Yeh agree geoff a great article. Also check out Anette Cutts(Psilo) web page some superb photos on there. Click on Psilo's profile and there's a link to the web page in there.
eh up all,just in case you don,t check the main site first, adrian dancy has posted an exelllent piece on the manchester peregrines with photo,s ,having been there ,tried that i can only marvel at the clarity,etc and enjoy the images.thanks for sharing em with us adrian.roll on their return