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19 Goldeneye today (8M 11F) split into several groups plus another 3 males further spread out upstream opposite Peel Park

In one of the groups there was a very quick mating episode

1 male Tufted Duck opposite Peel Park with one of the male Goldeneye - no sign of the female Tufted duck

-- Edited by Michael Hood on Thursday 30th of January 2025 06:54:12 PM


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On "my stretch" today, water levels down a bit, of note...

  • 12 Goldeneye, 6M 6F
  • 2 Goosander, a pair
  • 1 Goldcrest, nice close views - just wish they would stay still for a moment


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Man utd training ground near Littleton Bridge had large assemblage of birds including: 70 Starlings 21 Lapwings 196 Herring gulls 8 Great Black backed gulls 52 Goldeneyes on river in total 2 Ravens over

Z Barrett

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Today during WEBS kersal wetland almost completely frozen with 12 Coot stonechat pair present. On nearby field 7 Mistle thrushes with 25 Redwings and 20 Starlings.

Z Barrett

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Today on "my stretch" of the Irwell at lunchtime:

  • Only 7 Goldeneye in 2 groups
  • 3 Goosanders
  • But the surprise - a Chiffchaff (definitely had dark legs) - I know these are increasingly wintering in the UK, but the middle of Salford was rather unexpected

Peel Park area had a few more Goldeneye and Goosanders and an unidentified gull, too dark grey for Herring, too light for Lesser Black-backed, pinkish feet, greyish banded beak


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Late afternoon 2 great black backed gulls on playing field by kersal wetland are an unusual sight here

Z Barrett

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On today's WeBS from Hough Lane Bridge to Agecroft bridge: 24 Goldeneye in total. The numbers seen low compared to previous two years possibly due to mild weather and fast flowing water.

Z Barrett

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21 Goldeneye on "my stretch" today; 13F 8M, 19 in a clump with the other 2 (M&F) keeping separate about 50m upstream. A few Goosander about, 2 Little Grebe just upstream from the weir and a pair of Tufted Duck further upstream at the top end of Peel Park.


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14 Goldeneye on the stretch today 4 M, 10F - one pair distinctly separate from the other 12

Numbers growing - my "record" so far on the stretch over the last 3 winters is 30


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My usual stretch - Broughton Bridge to Adelphi Footbridge - about 13:20 today...

  • 9 Goldeneye; but 3M & 6F this time
  • 1 Little Grebe
  • 1 Common Gull amongst all the Black-headed Gulls

For a change, walked round to the stretch opposite Peel Park

  • 4 Goldeneye; all M trying to get a bit of sleep
  • Another couple of Little Grebe


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My usual stretch - Broughton Bridge to Adelphi Footbridge - about 13:30 today...

9 Goldeneye; 1M & 8F

2 Goosander; 1M & 1F upstream from the Adelphi


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Chiffchaff just past jubilee bridge 50 Lapwings circling over between Jubilee and Agecroft Bridge 70 Starlings on man United training ground with mistle thrush

Z Barrett

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Kersal wetland: Stonechat pair 2 Snipe 4 Common gulls 4 Gadwall 4 Tufted ducks 1 Reed bunting

Z Barrett

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35 Goldeneye between Hough Lane Bridge to Agecroft bridge on todays WeBS. Also Kestrel and 26 ring necked parakeets roosting near university

Z Barrett

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Five female goldeneyes and a fishing kingfisher on the Irwell between Adelphi Bridge and Broughton Bridge between 1:30pm and 2:05pm.


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Water level back to high, although I suspect it was considerably higher yesterday.

Nothing much on the river except for 1 pair of Goosander but with the male back in full breeding plumage.


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No Goldeneye (or Goosanders) on "my stretch" but (for a few minutes) first Little Egret I've seen there for over a year.

Also a decent view of a Kingfisher (which didn't seem to be interested in fishing) rather than just a flypast and disappear.

1 Little Grebe a little downstream of Broughton Bridge as well


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Yesterday Mon 11th, single male Goldeneye (looked like almost fully out of eclipse plumage) on my usual stretch - first one I've seen there this "winter", no doubt plenty more to come


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Yesterday PM - Wed 4th

  • Sand Martins - several - just below Cromwell Bridge (A576), but still flying into the holes in the concrete wall on the East bank, so presumably still got young in there - 2nd brood?
  • Swallow - 1 - approaching Kersal Wetlands
  • Little Grebe - 1 - only thing of note during a quick walk by the actual wetlands


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Kersal Wetlands @approx 6:30 pm:

The usual suspects + of note...

  • 2 Little Egrets
  • 2 Little Grebes
  • Pair of Mute Swans with 4 full sized cygnets


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At last, first Kingfisher I've seen on "my stretch" since mid-January - only a flypast going under Broughton Bridge but still nice to see

Otherwise, the usual suspects; Mallard, Goosander, Cormorant, BH Gull, LBb Gull, Canada Geese, Grey Wagtail 


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Five Cormorant circling and dropping down to the R Irwell by Salford University this evening

-- Edited by dave broome on Thursday 15th of August 2024 08:33:11 PM


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River levels down; 20 Goosanders

Blackcap - female or juvenile

Garden Warbler

I've not seen a Kingfisher on "my stretch" since January - I think the higher river levels until the last couple of weeks have not been good for them - hopefully just gone elsewhere

-- Edited by Michael Hood on Tuesday 30th of July 2024 09:00:11 PM


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Last Thursday 18th July on "my stretch" - no unusual sightings; a few Goosanders including 2 juveniles

But some unusual behaviour - loads of Canada Geese with many doing a lot of splashing in shallow water - presumably cleaning feathers or keeping cool - that wasn't unusual...

Then I noticed 2 or 3 of the Canada Geese were actually swimming totally underwater, like you see the Goosanders doing - I've never seen this before

Has anyone else seen geese doing this?


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Insect eaters out in force above the river, generally low down;

  • Swifts, Sand Martins, House Martins
  • Pied & Grey Wagtails


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Usual stretch, Goosanderlings, brood of 3 last week, today a different younger brood of 7 (I think, difficult to count when they're bundled up asleep)


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Goosanders - loads - more than I've ever seen here...

  • Upstream from Broughton Bridge - 85-90 initially ~65 just upstream and another 22 on the shingle bank but all disturbed downstream (much better for counting as they float past) by a snake of young schoolkids (+teachers) on the path 
  • Just downstream from Broughton Bridge - another 65-70
  • That's at least 150!!!
  • Both sexes, not an obviously uneven mix, no goosanderlings



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2 Blackcaps heard - deep in trees so not seen but from other side of the river obviously 2 birds

1 Willow Warbler heard & seen

No Chiffchaffs singing

Goosanders - numbers going up on "my" stretch as the water level goes down - 13 on the gravel bank, 40-50 visible downstream from Broughton Bridge and another 10 or so between

Canada Geese - the first of the goslings have arrived


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Male Blackcap heard and seen today

Chiffchaff heard

Lots of Goosanders on the water and on the gravel bank, the river being the lowest it's been so far in 2024

Several of the male Goosanders seem to be losing the green sheen on their heads, going dark purple



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Willow Warbler - got to see one by the Irwell today - enticed it over the unclimbable wall for a couple of minutes by brief use of Merlin


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It seems that the female Goosanders were just on an away day - several back today

1 or 2 Willow Warblers - this was a pleasant surprise - heard but not seen - in a derelict area behind wall/fence/barbed-wire next to the path on the city side of Broughton Bridge with lots of Silver Birch growing in there (ideal WW habitat) - but very difficult (next to impossible) to spot anything in there without doing some serious (and potentially injurious) spiky fence climbing which I have no intention of doing.

1 Chiffchaff briefly heard as well


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Yesterday (Mon 15th April), there were 9 Goosanders on the Irwell (high water level) in 2 groups, 5 & 4, but they were all male - never seen that before:

  • where have the females gone - surely not all nesting?
  • are these the males that have failed to pair up?


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Thursday 28th - the Sand Martins are back on the Irwell

I've now been visiting "my" stretch of the Irwell (Broughton Bridge to the Adelphi footbridge) during lunch breaks for 2 years; typically 2 or 3 times a week (when it's not raining) and certainly not every week.

During that time I've seen 48 species on/by what often just looks like a dirty river near the city centre...

  • Standout spots: Goosanders and (in winter) Goldeneye - the views of these are as good as absolutely anywhere - if you want photos of these 2 ducks, this is a great place
  • Most surprising: Single Pink-footed Goose happily less than 10 feet away from me amongst the Canada Geese, next would be Little Egret - seen 3 or 4 times
  • Surprisingly not seen (biggest "surprise" first): Jackdaw, Collared Dove, Swallow
  • Hopeful to still see: Mediterranean Gull amongst the Black-headed Gulls


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Goldeneye - none, starting to think that's it for this winter

Goosander - 4M, 3F - generally they seem to be paired up but shouldn't somebody be sitting on eggs at the moment if they're properly breeding

Siskin - 2F - new species for me on "my" stretch of the Irwell

Still not seen a Kingfisher for ages


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From Friday 22 March, around lunchtime, walk up from Agecroft, through Drinkwater Park, up to Kingfisher Lodge/Waterdale, back down along the River Irwell . Kingfisher Lodge pool: pair Gadwall, Mallards, Coots River Irwell: Goosander pair + 1, Tufted Duck pair, Black Headed Gull Drinkwater Park: Chiffchaffs, Great Tits, Blue Tits , Long-Tailed Tits, Wrens, Robins, Dunnocks, Blackbirds, Magpies, Pied Wagtail, Mute Swans, Mallards, Coots, Moorhens, Heron, Wood Pigeons, Nuthatches


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Usual stretch:

  • Goldeneye - still several about, I counted at least 12 but they were spread out so difficult to be exactly sure
  • Goosander - at least 3 pairs about
  • Chiffchaff - 1st local one this year - heard it singing across the water and then found it when over the other side - judging by the complete lack all winter I think this is most likely a migrant rather than a winter stayover
  • Goldcrest - 2, trying to see if they were a pair (hopefully different crest colour) but so difficult even though they were close - 2 days in a row in the same tree/bush, wonder if it's a possible nest site even though it's right next to the path

River level back up a little bit after being lower last week

-- Edited by Michael Hood on Tuesday 12th of March 2024 08:38:33 PM


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Usual stretch:

  • Goosander - 1M 2F - one with the male and also (I think) looking for a nesting site being as she was investigating lots of rocky "inlets" at the water's edge - not behaviour I've seen before
  • Goldeneye - 6 above Broughton Bridge 2M 4F and another 7 or 8 below it but some way off
  • Sparrowhawk - F flew across the river and immediately out of sight - I was alerted by all the gulls taking off from the buildings 5 seconds before - they can obviously see from up there
  • Graffiti artist - 1M on the graffiti wall by Broughton bridge (maybe this should be in "other wildlife") - be interesting to see the finished article next time

River level the lowest I've seen for a few weeks and you could actually see through the water on some shallower bits


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Usual stretch...

  • Goldeneye 1M 2F downstream from Broughton Bridge
  • Goosander 1M - full breeding plumage
  • Sparrowhawk - if I had to decide I'd say Male but couldn't get a decent focused view in my bins as it flew past because I'd just been looking at a close-to Goldcrest (i.e. focus fumble) and the view was through some trees as well
  • Goldcrest - F ? - certainly a much narrower and "yellow not orange" crest compared with last week's ace view
  • Long-tailed Tits - handful, not as big a "family"as I've seen but there's usually a "family" somewhere around
  • Cormorant - fishing

River level quite high - not seen a Kingfisher for a while


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Today water level was high on the irwell so few birds and no goldeneye seen from Pint pot to Agecroft Bridge. Highlights include: Chiffchaff singing in kersal dale Greylag goose just before Frederick Road Bridge 23 Ring necked parakeets at dusk near Salford uni Kestrel hunting near kersal wetland Kingfisher on river opposite wetland American mink seen running on bank then into Agecroft cemetery, haven't seen one in ages!

Z Barrett

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Goldeneye; Monday 4m 8f, today 1m 1f.

Today, Song Thrush singing strongly, couldn't locate across the river so walked round to the other side of the river to get a good view

Goldcrest (below the Song Thrush), the best view I've ever had of one; very wide, raised and orangey crest. Had to look at various images and the BTO video to convince myself it wasn't a Firecrest - but didn't see any black/white stripiness across & above the eye but the colour intensity of the raised crest had me wondering for some time - probably just an angry male.

-- Edited by Michael Hood on Wednesday 14th of February 2024 07:37:44 PM


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Superb view of over 30 Siskin feeding in Peel Park today in the sunshine. Heard initially from a distance then when I fetched my bins some excellent views. Just need a Redpoll now, had Siskin a few times but not their equally charming cousin.


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But, at last after nearly 2 years of waiting to see one from "my" stretch of the Irwell - a Peregrine flew over

One of those species you put on the target list for an urban patch in Manchester, I'm always half-looking at the sky when I'm on campus but they're always gulls! I was happy with a Kestrel in Peel Park the other day, should get a Peregrine one day though.


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River level not totally back down and very little on the water:

  • Goosander - 2 M
  • Goldeneye - 1 M

But, at last after nearly 2 years of waiting to see one from "my" stretch of the Irwell - a Peregrine flew over


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Goldeneye numbers still increasing...

  • Mon  5 M, 11 F
  • Tue   7 M, 15 F
  • Wed  4 M, 19 F
  • Thu   8 M, 21 F

Last visit this week


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23 Goldeneye today (Wed), but only 4M - which means at least 4 of the F are "new" since yesterday - wonder how many of the other 19 were the same birds as yesterday

Pink-footed Goose has gone elsewhere blankstare


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"My" stretch of the Irwell just now (Tue 16th 14:30)...

22 Goldeneye, 7M 15 F

1 Pink-footed Goose - with some Canada Geese - quite likely the same one Zoe saw further upstream the other day - almost as tame as the Canadas, happy with me less than 10' away - photos from Smartphone

1 Goosander M - first male I've seen on this stretch for a little while

-- Edited by Michael Hood on Tuesday 16th of January 2024 03:01:16 PM


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Jubilee Bridge is the red bridge, crossing the Irwell between Jasmine Drive/Elderflower Drive


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Where is the Jubilee bridge? - couldn't find it as one of the named bridges on Google Maps

Today on "my" stretch between Broughton Road bridge and the Adelphi footbridge...

  • 16 Goldeneye; 5 M, 11F, 3 of the males displaying
  • 2 Heron
  • Greylag Goose amongst the Canada Geese - it's been seen with them for several years now but first time I've seen it here for a few months
  • 2 Goosanders, both F
  • Kingfisher flypast - first one I've seen since before all the storms and high river levels
  • Little Grebe
  • Small flock of Long-tailed tits


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Pink-footed goose amongst a flock of Canada geese today on the river bend just upstream from Jubilee bridge

-- Edited by Zoe Barrett on Sunday 14th of January 2024 08:43:29 PM

Z Barrett

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Kersal wetland during WeBS count: Snipe 29 (flushed from family walking halfway across the wetland)which is my highest count from here Ring necked parakeet 4 Stonechat pair Tufted duck 7 Gadwall 6 Grey heron 11

-- Edited by Zoe Barrett on Sunday 14th of January 2024 08:43:42 PM

-- Edited by Zoe Barrett on Sunday 14th of January 2024 08:44:29 PM

Z Barrett
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