6 Canada Geese 2 Coot 1 Mute Swan 1 G. C. Grebe 2 Common Tern 4 Carrion Crows 7 House Sparrows several Swallows 1 Swift 1 B.H. Gull
Also the small pond by the side of Ringley Road just after Old Hall Lane, a pair of Canada Geese have raised several goslings. Hard to tell exactly how many when I was walking past as they stay in the long grass besides the pond.
Thanks for the help and advice on the two previous posts.
This am with John Parkinson:
Managed to get a view across the rectangular pool!
Tufted Duck....8 Gadwall......6 Coot........ 4 Including a Juvenile. Black-headed Gulls....6 A few Swifts overhead. Passing a bush, on the path that runs alongside the M60, we came across a Buzzard sat on a low fence with its back to us. The bird was just 4 yards from us and did not notice us for 30 seconds. At the ETW at Ringley we had six Swifts, very close and at head hight 3 Blackcap heard. A new Electricity transmission pole had had the copper earthing cable hacked off....this will be reported.
Rumworth List 2019, species to date: 63 Latest: Sand Martin, Reed Bunting, Redshank, Pink-footed Goose, Curlew.
Hi, yes those are the ponds I visited. They are probably a couple of miles from Ringley but not too far a walk from there and you get a chance to check out any birds on the river and in the woods along the way too.
I think Ringley was used just as a general area as Shore Top, the canal on the other side of the main road, Outwood Trail and also the fields down Philips Park Road are also included in this thread. Likewise the area covered in the Elton thread is pretty extensive and not just the res. itself. It would be quicker to get to them if you parked at the bottom of Philips Park Road (although the bottom half is pretty ropey) and walked down from there or at the entrance to Giants Seat Nursery and you would still get to walk along the river.
About 18 months ago I saw a barn owl hunting in the evening 3 times in the space of a week whilst walking the dog on the nature trail down Copper Lane that runs down to the Outwood Trail. Never seen one before or since but it was a real thrill.
Just found this forum. Have walked dogs and ridden my bike all around this area for almost 20 years and never knew these ponds existed. So got my map out and decided to have a good explore, eventually found them
Ponds and round about
11.30 - 3.00
Quail removed ,after speaking with Ian most probably young pheasant 2 Jay 3 Grey Herron 3 Pheasant 3 Bullfinch approx 15 Coot 4 Mallard 2 Mute swans with 1 cygnet 1 Kestrel 1 Song Thrush 1 Long Tailed Tit
-- Edited by Lee on Wednesday 4th of July 2012 10:30:36 AM
Ponds very full, few camp fires dotted about and fence pulled down all over.
Coot look to be only waterfowl with young Mute swans have 1 cygnet left 4 gadwall - not one brood of ducklings 3 mallard again as above Little grebe again as above with no young 4 tufted duck Buzzard 80 swift
Shame no one will look after this site as it has great potential but it's just so over grown now
As I left the La Roma restaurant this evening in Ringley and walked to the small bridge opposite which goes over the Irwell a Cuckoo flew over my head and landed in the trees next to the river near the Horseshoe pub. It stayed silent but I got great close up views of this male bird. After 2-3 minutes of preening it flew up river. Also seen were 2 Grey wagtails.
Female Redstart - in bushes around the pond north of motorway 6 Blackcap 5 Willow Warbler 4 Chiffchaff 13 Swallow during a hail shower Peregine flew up valley Buzzard 23 Gadwall 22 Tufted Duck 4+ Lapwing
House Martin 30 se and 24 knocking about Blackcap 9 inc 6 together Chiffchaff 5 Whitethroat Willow Tit Siskin 16 Woodpigeon 300+ in stubble fields Buzzard Kestrel 2
Female tufted duck with 8 small ducklings Gadwall 14 ads & 18 well grown ducklings Teal 2 Little grebe 3 Buzzard Stock dove Willow tit Bullfinch family party of 4 ad still feeding young Reed bunting family party of 6 House Martin 104 Swift 100
Gadwall 9 adults + 5 broods = 37 ducklings in total (to start with) (10+9+9+7+2)
However the female of the brood of 10 went mad and 9 ducklings went zooming out to the middle. The 10th fell vicitm to a Mink!! the mink then swam off with it followed by a flock of Black-headed Gulls going mad at it.
The mink are breeding up near the treatment works (and need getting rid of)
Little Grebe 5 only one pair nesting (used to be up to 7 pairs and reckon the Mink have something to do with that too)
Tufted Duck 67 Teal Mallard 40 Mute Swan 2
Mixed tit flock near motorway bridge had Long tailed tit 15+ Willow tit Coal tit 3 Garden Warbler Great spotted woodpecker and a Jay following
Swallow 92 moving up irwell valley Sand Martin House Martin 5 Swift 30 Gadwall 11 Tufted Duck 2 Mute Swan 2 on ponds + 3 west Mallard + 11 ducklings on irwell Jay Great spotted Woodpecker Buzzard
Common Sand and a few Lapwing present Gadwall 27 Tufted Duck 7 Mallard 15 Mute Swan 2 Little Grebe 2 Swift 25 Sand Martin 10 House Martin 2 Blackcap several Whitethroat 6 Chiffchaff 3
Birds seen on a walk from the Horseshoe pub, Ringley to the Giants seat garden centre and back again this afternoon;
4 Singing Whitethroat including one collecting nesting material 2 Blackcaps Lots of Willow warblers singing 2 Chiffchaff GS Woodpecker seen drumming on a telegraph pole 8 BH Gulls at the treatment plant 4 Tufted ducks flying over 8 Mallard Kestrel 2 Buzzards over the woods Heron Song thrush 3 Canada geese 2 Moorhen Treecreeper
-- Edited by Dave Thacker on Sunday 17th of April 2011 09:13:41 PM
Walk round the treatment works -very windy today and lots of big branches being blown down.
Goldeneye 21 on the rectangle pool (highest count have had here) prob pushed on by the high river. Hardly any other wildfowl tho, still no Gadwall or Little Grebe and small numbers of the others : - Teal 20 Mallard 3 Tufted Duck 5.
3 Tit flocks along the walk 13 Long-tailed tit - Phillips park road 11 Long-tailed tit- works entrance with Treecreeper, Willow Tit and 5 Great tits & 10 Blue tit by motorway bridge with a single willow tit.
Female kestrel & a single Buzzard which was hovering at times about the wood.
100+ Woodpigeon & 17 Magpie in the fields and that was it
Might be an idea to give them the once-over to make sure nothing amiss (ie can they fly, (esp. the adult) wings OK?) as it seems a bit of an odd place for 2 Whoopers to winter, if anyone passing that way.
Judith Smith
Lightshaw hall Flash is sacrosanct - NO paths please!
Judith, im certain these will be the same swans we saw back in December, when we last saw them they had split up with a single adult on the river on its own.
2 Bramblings flew in front of my car near the new treatment plant as I travelled to Giants seat garden centre in Ringley. In trees at the top car park were 2 Goldcrests and a GS Woodpecker
Lapwing 90 on south pool plus 43 flying above the fields above Ringley Snipe 2 Green Sand Gadwall 15 Teal 19 Shoveler Tufted Duck 11 Little Grebe 6 Spahawk Buzzard
Early morning - wet - didnt cash in on the bit of wader movement other sites have had this morning and the site was disturbed by a gut with waders and a big net.
LRP 3 ad 1 juv, Green Sand (heard) & Lapwing 27
Ducks also down with Gadwall 7, Tufted Duck 26, Mallard 77, Teal 7, Little Grebe 2 (ad + Juv), Cormornat 2 flew West
Kestrel Male and Female - seen taking food towards Pilikington tile factory, female Spahawk hunting fields by cemetry
Swift 110 NW, Swallow 50, House Martin 29, Sand Martin 6.
Stock Dove 5, GSW 2, Jay 6, Whitethroat, Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, Blackcap and Goldrest all confirmed breeding with young seen begging for food!
Gropper reeling and also Reed and Sedge Warbler singing.
Looks like Mink are also breeding down here with an adult seen walking down the path an off into the vegitation carrying a MOLE - which was still alive!!
-- Edited by Simon Johnson on Saturday 17th of July 2010 01:27:22 PM