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Post Info TOPIC: BICKERSHAW COUNTRY PARK (formerly Bickershaw Rucks)

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3-30pm till 6-40pm warm + dry

Higher hall flash
20+ coot
4 moorhen
tufted duck
swan family 2 adult 1 juv
great crested grebe family 2 adult 1 juv
plenty black headed gull
1 lesser black backed gull
Fir tree flash
2 swan
3 great crested gebe
5 moorhen
plenty mallard with 1 white farmyard type
tufted duck
in trees around flash
9 blackbird
flock long tailed and great tit
1 cormorant flying over
37 lapwing over new marina at plank lane
1 kestrel
1 jay
6 skylark
2 small flocks goldfinch
1 pheasant
large flock of fieldfare i would estimate at least 80 possibly 100 only managed to pick out 1 redwing although there may well have been more, birds tried to settle in trees but seemed to be being harassed by a number of crows.
these are the first fieldfare i have seen over here this autumn but we usually do get good numbers over winter around the rucks.
usual magpie and wood pigeon
did also see a large flock over westleigh area but too distant for positive idea i would think either fieldfare or starling.


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11-50am till 1-20pm warm and dry for a change

4 blackbird
3 jay
1 snipe
1 buzzard
8 lapwing
flock of around 20 golfinch plus a couple of small flocks of 5 and 6
2 decent tit flocks mainly great and long tailed tit with a few blue tit and 2 robin close by
4 skylark
3 pheasant
crow, magpie and wood pigeon
fir tree flash
mallard didn't see white farmyard type
2 swan
3 great crested grebe
1 heron
1 cormorant flew over and circled flash before landing on water
higher hall flash
swan family
great crested grebe family
tufted duck
black headed gulls
no sign either yesterday or today of 3 pochard that were on flash on teusday


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1-50pm till 4-45pm breezy with drizzle and some heavy showers poor visibility

higher hall flash
3 pochard
20+ coot
4 moorhen
30+ black headed gull
several mallard
swan family on stock pond.
2great crested grebe

2 large tit flocks, long tailed and great tit with a few blue tit
1 mistle thrush singing in competition with a nearby robin also singing at top note
20+ blackbird
1 pheasant
Charlie flushed a covey of 9 partridge (right on top of ruck)
1 kestrel
12 skylark
7 goldfinch
magpie, wood pigeon, crow and collared dove
fir tree flash
3 great crested grebe
20+ mallard including 1 white farmyard type
14 coot
3 moorhen
2 swan


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1-00pm till 4-00pm windy with drizzle and frequent heavy showers poor visibility
2 kestrel
1 pheasant
numerous small flocks goldfinch
2 small flocks long tailed tit
7 great tit
fir tree flash
2 swan
1 moorhen
20+ coot
2 tufted duck
15 mallard including 1 white farmyard type
3 great crested grebe 1 adult 2 juv
hh flash
swan family 2 adult 1 juv
3 great crested grebe 2 adult 1 juv
30+ tufted duck
20+ coot
9 mallard
2 moorhen
plenty black headed gull
flock of 60+ lapwing down near crankwood
usual wood pigeon, magpie and crow


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2-00pm till 4-10pm very windy with sunshine and showers

3 pheasant walked across path right in front of me good job Charlie was on lead,
1 Buzzard and 1 kestrel hunting close together until kestrel had a couple of dives at buzzard which moved further on, whilst watching buzzard i saw a large skein of geese in the distance. i would say at least 80 they were too far distant for a proper id but at this time of year i would think pink footed is likely.
16 skylark
2 small flocks of goldfinch
3 great tit
for first time in ages didn't see any long tailed tit although i did hear them in 3 different spots
fir tree flash
plenty coot and mallard including white farmyard type
2 swan
3 great crested grebe 1 adult 2 juv, there were 2 adult and 3 juv but not seen male and 1 juv for a while
1 moorhen
3 tufted duck
9 black headed gull
hh flash
swan family 2 adult 1 juv
loads of tufted duck and coot
numerous mallard
4 moorhen
great crested grebe family 2 adult 1 juv
plenty black headed gull

-- Edited by Bernard McGurrin on Friday 7th of October 2011 06:52:59 PM


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11-30pm till 2-20pm very windy, changeable sunshine and heavy showers,

long tailed tit numerous small flocks
1 blackbird
Charlie flushed a covey of 12 grey partridge
7 skylark
2 skeins of geese overhead each with about 10 first were too distant to id but second were definitely canada geese
1 kestrel some really good views of this i was atop the rucks with kestrel hovering over field at eye level for me and for a short while i was actually above it looking down on it.
not as many magpie and crow as usual but plenty of wood pigeon
fir tree flash

plenty of mallard with white farmyard type still showing
1 female great crested grebe and 2 juv
plenty of black headed gulls with 1 lesser black backed


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late afternoon walk dry but very windy not much bird activity

1 cormorant flew over
small flock long tailed tit
2 small flocks goldfinch
1 blackbird
2 kestrel 1 being harassed by 2 magpie it eventually had enough and turned on one sending it packing
plenty black headed gull knocking about
magpie, wood pigeon but surprisingly didn't see any crow.


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11-50am till 3-25pm dry but quite windy

Buzzard again over Leigh side at 12-37 pm and then near higher hall flash at 15-04 pm
not seen in 2 months then 3 times in successive days,
1 kestrel
6 lapwing overhead
1 heron overhead
11 skylark
5 goldfinch, i saw 5 goldies 4 times in a pretty small area some presume they were the same ones flitting about
long tailed tits although nowhere near as many as usual
2 jay
fir tree flash
mallard including 1 white farmyard type
2 swan
1 adult great crested grebe + 1 juvenile but could hear at least 1 more calling
moorhen 2 adult 1 juv
3-4 great tit in trees around
didn't walk round hh flash but could see from road swan family 2 adult 1 juv
plenty coot and tufted duck and plenty black headed gulls
usual crow, magpie and wood pigeon + 4 collared dove

-- Edited by Bernard McGurrin on Tuesday 4th of October 2011 04:22:04 PM


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4/10/11 8.15 - 9.15
Quick walk up and around top rucks from Plank Lane with dogs before work.
pretty quiet , birds noted:

Grey Partridge 7
Kestrel 1
Black-headed Gull
Long-tailed Tit
Jay 2
Carrion Crow
Grey Heron
Lapwing 4
Herring Gull
Great Spotted Woodpecker 1
Meadow Pipit
Mistle Thrush
Blue Tit


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3-30pm till 5-40pm

warm but cloudy and very windy especially atop the rucks.

not many small birds showing small flock of long tailed tits and i did spot a coal tit mixed in with them,
1 buzzard over Leigh side first i have seen over here for about 2 months,
1 kestrel
numerous magpies, crows and wood pigeon
2 blackbird
fir tree flash
2 swan
plenty of mallard with 1 white farmyard type amongst them
plenty of coot
2 tufted duck
higher hall flash
plenty tufted duck and coot
loads of black headed gulls
2 lesser black backed gulls
swan family 2 adults 1 juv
great crested grebe family 2 adults 1 juv
3 moorhen
7 mallard
1 pheasant in field beside flash.
falconer flying a peregrine on top of rucks, seemed to be having trouble getting it to return. I have seen numerous falconers over here with peregrine and saker falcons plus quite a few with harris hawks, i have known at least 3 harris hawks escape the longest i seen one over here after escape is 6-7 days what would be their chances of survival?


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1/10/2011 9.15 - 11.30

Black-headed Gull
Meadow Pipit
Long-tailed Tit
Jay 8
Grey Heron
Swallow 4
Chiffchaff 1 singing on path to Plank Lane
Blue Tit
Carrion Crow


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7-45 am - 9-40am
4 jay
1 song thrush drinking from a rain puddle down near plank lane end first songy i have seen for ages,
numerous long tailed and great tits
5 blackbird
4 robin
2 dunnock
loads of magpie and wood pigeon plus crows
higher hall flash
3 swan 2 adult 1 juv
3 great crested grebe 2 adult 1 juv
37 black headed gull
1 lesser black backed gull
plenty of coot and tufted duck
3 moorhen
7 mallard


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11-00am till 1-00pm
1 great spotted woodpecker
2 kestrel
numerous long tailed tit and great tit
7 skylark
1 jay
plus normal wood pigeon, magpie, crow and 3 collared dove.
fir tree flash
2 juv great crested grebe
3 moorhen
2 swan
5 black headed gull
plenty of coot and mallard.


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set out at 11-10am a few long tailed tit with 2 great tit, 1 robin, 3 blackbird and a few goldfinch in bushes and trees behind bickershaw school field, Charlie flushed 2 female pheasant at 12-15, and then flushed 7 or 8 grey partridge from Leigh side of rucks at 12-58, was watching a kestrel hovering at 1-10pm when a cock pheasant came bursting out of the undergrowth with charlie in hot pursuit( nearly gave me a heart attack) walked around fir tree flash, female great crested grebe with 2 young ( didn't see the male or the other young un) plenty coot , 2 moorhen, 2 swans and a few mallard, small flock of goldfinch in trees beside flash, tried the reedbed that was so lively yesterday but only caught a fleeting glimpse of a single reed bunting, a few skylark overhead and another kestrel hunting over field close to bickershaw lane, usual magpie, crow and wood pigeon.


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Originally posted by Gordon Newman today:

Date: Mon 26 Sep 2011 Time: 10:30 - 12:10

Grey Partridge 1 - flushed by dogs
Great Crested Grebe
Black-headed Gull
Herring Gull
Great Spotted Woodpecker 1
Meadow Pipit
Willow Warbler 1
Long-tailed Tit
Blue Tit
Great Tit
Jay 3
Siskin 5


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A nice stroll setting out just before 4pm plenty of long tailed tits saw numerous small flocks, in field just off old farm track a green woodpecker was rooting for food with 4 mistle thrush in trees beside track. numerous skylark over field, in reeds in run off from fir tree flash 7 reed bunting the first i have seen for 6-7 weeks saw plenty during spring/early summer, in trees beside reeds saw what i think was a corn bunting ( looking through field guide it looks right) a flock of about 50 goldfinch feeding on thistles in field took to the air and were joined by another 20 flying in to trees behind Bickershaw school playing field, plenty of usual corvids and wood pigeon.
Very little bird activity saturday morning but did spot a roe deer,.
Again sunday afternoon not much bird activity but did have a bit of drama with air ambulance helicopter landing in fields to tend to a young lad who came off his off road motorbike. Did see a kestrel hunting not seen many over here last few weeks usually plenty of them all year round, also not seen a buzzard over here for about 8 weeks again usually visible all year round.

-- Edited by Bernard McGurrin on Monday 26th of September 2011 07:37:05 PM


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72 Lapwing flew over HH flash at 6-17pm headed in general direction of Pennington Flash


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Set out at 7-30 am, usual long tailed and great tit behind scrap yards, 3 jay ( saw 4 together yesterday near flash) Green Woodpecker at 8-21 am just off concrete road where shale road branches off good day for woodpecker also saw a great spotted in trees near stock pond at 9-25 am, 1 snipe flew out of long grass as we passed, 29 canada geese landed on flash at 9-07 am all usual on flash, still not managed to see the little grebe and its youngster.

-- Edited by Bernard McGurrin on Friday 23rd of September 2011 06:40:41 PM


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set out about 16-00pm, usual long tailed tit,great tit and blue tit in copse of trees behind scrap yards, just a single swallow in field, 3 skylark 1 meadow pipit. in bushes and thistles just off farm track a flock of around 60 goldfinch, i have been seeing a few smaller flocks they may have joined up, at 16-50pm 18 geese flew overhead in general direction of pennington flash, i think they were pink footed geese but not 100% sure be interesting to know if any else saw them with a positive id, plenty of blackbirds knocking about near concrete path saw at least 8 with 1 wren tagging along behind.


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Set out at 7-20 am in the rain, plenty of blackbird and dunnock foraging under the trees and bushes, long tailed tit and great tit showing in good numbers, 2 robins giving their version of singing in the rain, jay kept flitting across but only saw 2 magpies and no crow a record low for me on this walk must all have been sheltering from the rain didn't seem to bother the wood pigeon, yesterday morning saw much the same with a couple of flocks of goldfinch and at 7-45am 3 swan flying overhead towards Abram and 50mins later another 5 swan heading in the same direction.


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Afternoon stroll with Charlie, plenty of great tit and long tailed tit in trees beside concrete road, 2 dunnock just off the road, 1 jay,5 blackbird a small flock of about 12 goldfinch and a mixed flock of about 15 swallow with 3-4 house martin overhead, headed over the rucks ( grandkids know as black hills) where Charlie disturbed a covey of at least 7 grey partridge, another small flock of goldfinch, a couple of 4x4 off roaders sent me heading back down in to the fields where we flushed 4 pheasant and 6 skylark,headed back to the road seeing jay in same place as earlier along with blue and great tits, 1 mistlethrush + usual wood pigeon, magpie, crow and collared dove a pleasant walk with Charlie on best behaviour even ignoring a rabbit.


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Set out just before 7-30 this morning disturbed a jay at 7-41 feeding on path it flew into the trees complaining loudly, plenty mist especially over the flash but morning sun soon burned it off, plenty of activity in trees around flash saw blue tits, great tits, long tailed tits, 2 willow warbler, 4 dunnock, 1 whitethroat on brambles near steps leading down to flash and at least 7 blackbirds, usual moorhen, coot, tufted duck, mallard, swans and great crested grebe on higher hall flash.


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18 - 40pm Barn Owl being mobbed by 15-20 magpie over fields to side of new road to service proposed golf course flew in direction of fir tree flash so headed that way but didn't see it again, 19-00 pm great spotted woodpecker in dead tree at Bickershaw end of flash, 3 young great crested grebe with 2 adults on flash, 19-20pm about 50-60 lapwing heading in direction of pennington flash i saw similar sized flock yesterday morning 9-10am heading towards Hindley Green so presuming they are coming from Pennington spending the day elsewhere and heading back to roost.


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juv Whitethroat along the concrete road behind the scrapyards this morning


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Little to report from morning walk, set out just after 7-00am wet and windy, small flock of long tailed tit behind scrapyards off Bolton House Road 4-5 great tit and 1 blue tit in same area caught a brief glimpse of what i think was a pied wagtail in same area but not enough for a positive i.d.. pretty quiet on flash no gulls and didn't see any mallard, plenty coot and tufted duck a few moorhen and 1 great creted grebe with 1 young, swans on small stock pond. did spot a weasel crossing path and plenty rabbits, Charlie back in a chasing mood.


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Set out with Charlie about 3-00pm, a few goldfinch, long tailed tit and great tits in the trees beside path leading up to flash car park, walked across field and onto new road and around fields behind flash a few swallow feeding over fields, 2 pheasant flushed by Charlie who was on her best behaviour, 1 Wheatear on old farm track between fields at 4-40p.m. walked Zac around flash about 25 swallow feeding over flash with at least 2 sand martin with them( may have been more but it was difficult to keep track) all usual on flash, still very windy but it did stay dry while i was out.


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Set out at 7-40am very windy not much showing birdwise, 3 collared doves, 4 great tit, 1 male chaffinch numerous wood pigeon and magpie, most of usual on the flash although surprisingly only 1 black headed gull, didn't see the great crested grebe family and the little grebe are still managing to evade me, probably have to go without dogs and wait them out.
On the plus side for me saw a squirrel and numerous rabbits but Charlie was much calmer today and only pulled to get at one rabbit that burst out of cover very close to us, if she had been off she may even have caught that one.


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Very little to report, left it a bit late last night and most of walk was done in dark and rain
1 kestrel hunting just before dark in very light drizzle. This mornings walk was a washout donned waterproofs and didn't even bother to take bins.
This evening set out at 4-45 very windy a few long tailed tit near flash car park usual coot,mallard, swan, moorhen, tufted duck, black headed gulls and great crested grebe with 1 young, a few swallow over the field behind flash, Charlie really hard work tonight i have been working on trying to stop her chasing rabbits and pheasant with some success although tonight she reverted to type chasing a pheasant and 2 rabbit before i put her back on the lead nearly pulling my arm out the socket trying to chase further rabbit, sugar stealers a crisp packet and leaves being blown by strong wind so i probably missed quite a bit, did see 2 cormorant heading in direction of Pennington Flash from East Leigh area could have been on Fir Tree Flash, did 2 hours with Charlie then an hour with Zac but by the time i got out with Zac it was raining heavily again and only saw a couple of blackbird and a robin went back around flash all the usual still there. Weather forecast not great for tomorrow, hopefully Charlie will be calmer than today.


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I usually walk dogs over this area at least twice a day so will try to keep it updated, depending which dog i have with me, both rottweilers but if with youngest Charlie probably miss more than i see, older dog Zac much calmer. Set out with Charlie about 10-00am, small flock of goldfinch near flash car park (about 12-15) walked down road heading towards Plank Lane flock of long tailed tit about 20, with a couple of great tit behind scrap yards off Bolton House road, robin, blackbird and a wren around same copse of trees, cut across feilds heading towards Fir Tree flash Charlie put a couple of Pheasant and a Skylark to flight usual Magpie, Crow and Wood Pigeon, walked around Fir Tree Flash pair of Mute swan a few Mallard and Coot, pair of Great Crested Grebe with 3 young fishing match taking place may have sent birds to seek cover on the island, headed back towards new road about 20 goldfinch feeding on thistle heads in field, walked around fields without seeing anything although with Charlie on the loose she had probably scared everything away, made my way back towards Higher Hall Flash, plenty Coot, Tufted duck Mallard, pair of Swan with 1 sygnet (started with 7 but gradually whittled down to 1 survivor) 3 Moorhen, 1 adult Lesser Black Backed Gull + 1 immature, 1 immature Great Black Backed plus plenty of Black Headed Gulls, pair Great Crested Grebe with 1 young, male very aggresive seeing off Gulls that got too close.
I know from other birders and anglers that a liitle Grebe is on flash with at least 1 young but so far it has managed to elude me.
Sorry missed out flock of 15-20 Sand Martin passing over new road heading towards Hindley Green.

-- Edited by Bernard McGurrin on Sunday 4th of September 2011 12:07:59 PM


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210+ Swift feeding over Bickershaw Colliery around mid-day
Willow Tit near the end of the access road off Smiths Lane


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Cuckoo today, around the concrete road about half-way between Bolton House Road and Crankwood


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Originally posted today by James Hall:

nice peaceful walk round produced:D

plenty linnets
4+reed warbler
1 kesterel
1 willow warbler
loads and loads of swift,swallow and house martins
2 skylarks


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Reed Warbler today at Tinker Joes Flash.

Info thanks to Dave Wilson


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Wednesday 29 December 2010

45 Magpies going to roost at dusk.


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Saturday 11 December 2010

1 Raven over this morning, heading west. Also 2 Treecreeper and a Willow Tit in wooded area off Plank Lane.


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Monday 27 September 2010

1 Red-legged Partridge
1 Grey Heron
2 Buzzard
1 Kestrel
8 Herring Gull (over)
9 Lesser Black-backed Gull (over)
7 Black-headed Gull
9 Snipe
3 Lapwing (over)
4 Stock Dove
15 Woodpigeon
4 Carrion Crow
3 Jay
15 Magpie
1 Great Spotted Woodpecker
1 Skylark
2 Pied Wagtail
2 Grey Wagtail
26 Meadow Pipit
2 Chiffchaff
3 Wren
14 Robin
1 Blackbird
3 Song Thrush
2 Mistle Thrush
1 Redwing (my first of the autumn)
2 Chaffinch
2 Linnet
1 Lesser Redpoll
57 Goldfinch
10 Bullfinch
7 Great Tit
12 Blue Tit
19 Long-tailed Tit
4 Reed Bunting

1 Pony 'on the loose'

-- Edited by Rob Thorpe on Monday 27th of September 2010 08:04:48 PM


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Lesser Whitethroat today just off the west end of this site, in horse paddocks at the south end of Bolton House Road


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Saturday 27 March 2010
late morning - early afternoon

2 Little Grebe
2 Tufted Duck
24 Golden Plover
1 Wheatear
4 Chiffchaff
3 Yellowhammer
Linnets singing


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Saturday 06 March 2010

South end of the rucks, late morning:
2 Mute Swan
5 Mallard
2 Grey Partridge
2 Great Cormorant
2 Grey Heron
1 Little Grebe
1 Common Buzzard
1 Common Moorhen
2 Common Coot
22 Northern Lapwing
3 Common Black-headed Gull
3 Stock Dove
10+ Eurasian Magpie
3 Carrion Crow
11 Sky Lark
4 Meadow Pipit
5 Common Linnet
7 Lesser Redpoll
1 Common Reed Bunting


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27/2/10 (am)

2 Buzzard
2 Yellowhammers at Heron Lodge Farm
10+ Skylark, 1 Reed Bunting & 3 Stock Doves near Cartridge Hill
28 Lapwings & 3 Common Gulls on floods off Bickershaw Lane
1 Great Crested Grebe & 2 Tufted Ducks on Diggle Flash
1 Grey Partridge, c45 Fieldfare, c10 Redwing & 3 Mistle Thrush near Ewe Copse.


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Park lane abram to Dunsters Farm area early am ,very pleasant walk ,Just myself and 3 other walkers encountered.

10 snipe(probably more)
1 heron
1 curlewbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifflushed by a dog and flew back to cover
2 partridge
3 meadow pipit
4 mistle thrush
20 skylarkbiggrin.gifall over the rucks and belting out songbiggrin.gif
12 magpie
4 crows

cheers geoff



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23/1/10 pm

Mr Thorpe and myself did the 4hr circular `Yellow Sculpture Trail`.

Sightings from: Kingsdown Flash, Bickershaw Common, Maypole Stables, Cartridge Hill, The Rucks, Bickershaw Fen, Bikky Floods, Fir Tree Flash, The Moss, Dead Man`s Ridge, Heron Lodge Farm & Ewe Copse..

2 Goosander (pr) over >E
1 Buzzard
3 Snipe
3 Grey Partridge
2 Kestrel
7 Lapwing over
2 Mistle Thrush
1 Meadow Pipit
4 Bullfinch
2 Cormorant over


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Sunday 03 January 2010

1 Stonechat (male) on the rucks this afternoon.
Water Rail heard
1 Kestrel (male)
11 Redpoll
a few Bullfinch
also, in nearby fields:
c50 Lapwing
c20 Snipe
c70 Starling
4 Skylark
1 Buzzard


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Stonechat just off Smiths Lane this morning, where the access road was put in for the proposed golf course by Diggle Flash


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On the same walk as below,just a bit windy and wet which didn,t helpwink.gif, none the less a pleasant morning organised by robbiggrin.gif ian must have put the mad sheep encounter on the wildlife forumconfuse.gif,cos it was quite funny watching ian gracefully fend off the attacking yew with his size 10no.gifno.gif

cheers geoffbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

no sheep or wiganers were harmed in any way during this walkwink.gif



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14/11/09 Mid morning

With Mr Hargreaves, Mr Meadows and Mr Thorpe.
Circular walk from Kingsdown Flash, along Park Lane passing Maypole Stables, the coal rucks, and back round through Heron Lodge Farm.

4 Snipe
6 Grey Partridge
2 Kestrel
1 Kingfisher
2 Bullfinch
1 Skylark
8 Meadow Pipit
1 Great Spotted Woodpecker.

Varying numbers of Redwing, Fieldfare & Mistle Thrushes, Goldfinch & small tit flocks.


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sorry i,ll just add this not quite alone i met some banjo pickers with greyhounds/lurchers who have seen woodcock and an seo with chick, I just love dogs bounding over my stuff in the foghmm.gif

cheers geoffbiggrin.gif



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annual snipe huntwink.gif,very foggy and wet but quite alone in the strange landscapedisbelief.gif
6 blackbirds 12 b h gulls
50 coot 4 mallard
6 moorhen 2 stonechat
2 tufted 4 magpie
2 wren 4 reed bunting
3 robin 4 crows
1 pied wagtail 1 kestrel
6 bullfinch 12 redpoll
2 g tit 1 heron
1 g s pecker 1 lapwing

bolton house road,loads of stuff,tits ,thrushes,13 moorhenaww.gif,20 redwing ,this spot needs a bit more time to log them all.
oh nearly forgot 18 snipebiggrin.gifsmile.gif

cheers geoffbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

-- Edited by Geoff Hargreaves at 20:29, 2008-12-14



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3 Stonechat this morning
2 Goldcrest
9 Mistle Thrush on the wind-speed monitoring mast


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BICKERSHAW COUNTRY PARK (formerly Bickershaw Rucks)

exploratory venture,bad morning for it though, 1 kestrel 2 reed bunting 20 longtailed tits 4 greenfinch should have slept in cheers geoffbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Sunday 14th of June 2020 05:38:22 PM



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