No actual confirmed breeding as yet but with adults present throughout the summer and fully grown juveniles seen for the past few years it's a good bet. Unfortunately (or fortunately for them) Hobbies are extremely difficult to find when breeding and although there are tactics one can employ in order to attempt to find them it's more likely to be a case of good fortune
Hi Declan Long time no see. See you are still spotting stuff from the car that I don't even do on foot. Not seen a Hobby in the North West this year but had good views of 2 at Thorne Moors. Think the junction is just outside Worsley in Eccles. Looks like the junction is in no mans land dividing the mosslands to the west, worsley to the north and Eccles to the south East. Have they bred in the mosslands in the recent past? ATB Ste
An adult hobby was over the M602 at 12.15 today, close to the junction with the M60 (is this Worsley? - don't really know the area). A few house martins nearby - it may have been chasing these.