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Post Info TOPIC: HOPE CARR (sewage works and nature reserve)

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Friday 21st September

Grey Phal still present 10:30 atleast
Pintail and juvenile Black-necked Grebe on main lake
Sedge Warbler on number 1 lagoon, which is where the Grey Phal is

All info thanks to Andy Isherwood


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I saw it Thursday am about 10.45. Three of us were there on the way to Marshside, so if you saw a little bloke with two others, it was mesmile.gif


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Called in for 2nd helpings yesterday after a depressing morning checking Sale WP ( 89 Coot yawn.gif ) and bumped into Pete Berry. We checked out all the lagoons together and it was completely dead, not even a Green Sand.

Updated birding videos on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/c/PeteHinesbirding

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Saw it yesterday and was a cracking bird - also picked up the RN phalarope the other morning so got both in 2 days - like you ste im beginning to venture into the 'wilderness' away from Rochdale - think its starting to pay off!!!


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Yes that's right Ian!
I didn't realise it was you Geoff otherwise I would have done a proper intro! I always usually ask if anybody is a forum member when out and about but i think the excitement got the better of me! I know what you mean about the photo- it's continually on the move and in the light tonight my photos arn't much good but the chance of another one isn't great so i'm glad to get one.
I've met Woosey, Hammy, Warfy and the Adderleys when they have been up to Rochdale but It's about time I ventured more around the county so hope to bump into you again and have a chat next time.


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I get yer Steve wink.gif check out the date on your post at 8:04pm Geoff, or should that be 'Mystic Geoff' biggrin.gif


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steve, nice to meet you, glad you did the double great county bird,i,m struggling with photographing the little darling and must said have i hope it sticks around a month,with more hope than expectation, i did see it flap its wings before you arrived so could be off any minute.

cheers geoffbiggrin.gif



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Fortunately for me the grey phalarope was still there tonight at 7.15pm. Went to the wrong lagoon typically and was mega disappointed to find it wasn't there. 3 green sandpipers only were there. Remembered i should have took the left path past the black barrier and buildings and it came back to me that more lagoons were over there. Instant relief when other birders came into view and big smile when seeing a lifer. Saw the wigan flashes red-necked phalarope a couple of years ago so great to do the county double!
Needn't have rushed though as it looks like Geoff thinks it will be there for another monthbiggrin.gif
Steve Collins

-- Edited by Steve Collins at 20:56, 2007-09-20


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grey phalarope still present 18.45 20/10/07 still on first lagoon

cheers geoffbiggrin.gif



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Birdguides report still present this morning 07.40.

Oops ! Sorry Ian W, you got there first smile.gif

-- Edited by Pete Hines at 08:42, 2007-09-20

Updated birding videos on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/c/PeteHinesbirding

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Last night 4 Green Sandpiper flew in between 6:00 and 7:00 to add to the couple already on the site.

Grey Phalarope showing very well too.


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RBA reports Grey Phalarope still present @ 07.40


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merman wrote:

where is hope carr and how do you get to it from pennington flash? are there any online maps? cant find much info. i live quite local (ashton) so street names and parking locations would be useful. thanks.

sometimes i walk along the canal from wigan flashes to pennington flash, if i keep going will i get to hope carr?

was thinking of visiting the two today for the phalaropes.

Hi Merman and anyone else who might find this useful.

For online maps i use www.maps.google.co.uk

I find this site really useful. You can click on any area of UK and zoom in, then scroll about till you find what you're looking for. There are also search options and loads of other features. There are 3 types of map... Map, Satellite and Hybrid. Map is a street map, Satellite is a overhead picture with no street names and Hybrid combines the first 2.
I find Hybrid particularly good when looking for roads and paths leading to reservoirs etc. The detail is excellent. you can even find specific hedgerows, walls etc.
Youcan zoom in to the desired level you want then simply print the page off. I have loads of printed maps in the bottom of my rucksack.

Hope this is helpfull.

Cheers Dean.


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hernez,it will an epic journey from your end of the county,but hope carr is about a half a mile walk away from a main bus route out of leigh try the gm transport website for a journey plan.
cheers geoff



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Is it possible to reach the area by public transport at all?


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grey phalarope still present at 18.30 19/09/07 showing well near to the viewing path

cheers geoff



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It even got me out of Chorlton for an hour 08.45-09.45 ( even though it's not a Manc tick - not that i keep a Manc list ).
Oddly, Birdguides keep reporting it as a juvenile - looks like a non-breeding adult to me !.

-- Edited by Pete Hines at 19:02, 2007-09-19

Updated birding videos on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/c/PeteHinesbirding

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Grey Phalarope was still present @ 13.20


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Caught up with Grey Phalarope at 7-15am this morning - a lifer for me. The RNP would have been if it had stuck around. Been working away and knew nothing about these birds until late last night.

Nice meeting you this morning Riggers.



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The Grey Phalarope was still showing well this morning between 8.45- 9.30am along with 3 Green sandpipers and 2 Snipe

Dave Thacker

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re access for hope carr check the county birding site guide on the forum will give you a starting point,
failing that if you go down the east lancs to the junction with the A574 warrington road once on that turn left at first lights through the industrial estate at the bottom of this road you will see the united utlilties sign park in car park and take left path passed the arts and crafts sign, follow the path and lagoons on your right, you should see trampled nettles view just over there
if at pennington ask the rangers to put you on the right path
good luck.


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where is hope carr and how do you get to it from pennington flash? are there any online maps? cant find much info. i live quite local (ashton) so street names and parking locations would be useful. thanks.

sometimes i walk along the canal from wigan flashes to pennington flash, if i keep going will i get to hope carr?

was thinking of visiting the two today for the phalaropes.


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Are there any South Manc birders heading to Hope Carr and could possibly give me a lift (from Hale Barns)? Thanks v much. Henerz.
(p.s. ma mob is 07976377215)

-- Edited by henerz1 at 09:22, 2007-09-19


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Grey Phalarope still present at 8 am showing well.


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grey phalarope still there when i left at 07,00
this morn

-- Edited by j meadows at 08:29, 2007-09-19


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Grey Phalarope still present this morning according to pager service


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If you go through the second barrier (if it's open) into the reserve car park, I think they close it when they leave - school classes visit there, so assume school hours. But you can park on the spare land at the end of the small access road and it's usually OK. Or you can come from Chestnut Drive South, along the ginnel/footpath and over the bridge over the R Glaze - probaby quicker if coming from Pennington Flash.
Also there today: 3 Green Sandpipers.

Judith Smith __________________________________ Lightshaw hall Flash is sacrosanct - NO paths please!

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(Judas biggrin.gif) Warfy is quite right, there are no access restriction along the footpaths Rob, I just hope tomorrow doesn't produce such mega county birding as I'll be stuck at work all day (selfish I know bleh.gif)


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Rob, I dont think theres any restrictions on access, just park by the barrier and walk left through the car park.


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rob, the grey phalarope was thankfully still present at 18.15 and busy feeding

cheers geoffbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifyet another life tick in the best birding county i,ve ever lived inbiggrin.gif



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Believe it or not I've never been to Hope Carr. Can't go today, but if present tonight will try tomorrow - are there any time limits on access at the site?


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Tuesday 18th September, 3pm

Grey Phalarope present on number 1 lagoon. From the car park walk past the visitor centre and through the metal gate to continue along the footpath. The footpath turns sharp right and you then pass through another metal gate where upon there is a lagoon immediately to you right off the path, slightly obscured by nettles and 'orrible vine type plants. This is number 1 lagoon but please view only from the edge of the lagoon from the footpath.

It's a great find so if the finder is indeed out there, or someone knows who it was could they please get in touch with me.

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar at 18:02, 2007-09-18


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saturday 1st september,08:00

Just a single green sand, atleast 4 chiffchaffs in with a roving tit flock plus single lesser whitethroat and blackcap with atleast 1 sedge warbler still remaining


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Tuesday 7th August 4:30pm

2 Green Sands

Info thanks to Phil Rhodes


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Gave up Hobby hunting on the Mosses so went to Hope Carr, this place has overgrown hasnt it!

All we could muster was 1 Green Sandpiper and my dad trying to turn every Kestrel into a Hobby.

-- Edited by warfy at 13:37, 2007-07-29


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As far as I'm aware it's still in the box it was in when he moved house ages ago! Technology and Phil don't go hand in hand, much like him and county boundaries biggrin.gif


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Has his computer broke down to Ian biggrin.gifwink.gif


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Saturday 28/07, late evening.

5 Green Sands
1 Little Ringed Plover

info thanks to Phil (doesn't have access to a computer) Rhodes


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Saturday 21st July, late afternoon.

2 Green Sand
1 Adult LRPlover

Info thanks to Phil Rhodes


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Friday 20th July, 8pm

Adult Hobby (8.08pm)
6 Green Sandpiper
2 Little Ringed PLover
Barn Owl

info thanks to Phil Rhodes


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lol, hmm he has even started birding around Leigh that is disturbing, has he stopped doin Rumworth?weirdface.gif


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Sunday 8th July, 9pm

3 Green Sands
6 adult Little Ringed Plovers
90 Lapwing

(all info thanks to Phil Rhodes, who still won't admit that he doesn't live in Bolton anymore, I mean...Westleigh, come on biggrin.gif)


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Keep at it pal !.................are those grey hairs I can see appearing ? biggrin.gif


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On 154 but after the flourish of early spring new birds have turned to a trickle with just 1 nw species in June.

Missed a couple of decent birds ie Glaucous Gull, because we were at Haslingden choosing a new tent and yesterday's Gannet because we were at a wedding.

Wood Warbler and Tree Pipit weren't in their usual places this spring.

Still need Red Grouse, Merlin, Hobby, Whooper Swan

Rest will probably be down to luck and what turns up on passage in next couple of months

Paul Hammond

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Hows the year list goin Paul?


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Sunday 8th July, 09:30 (ish)

quick walk round with Paul Hammond produced:

Single Green Sand (for Paul's year list, finally smile.gif)
Single Redshank (accompanying the Green Sand)
4 Little Ringed Plovers
Single Oystercatcher

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar at 11:46, 2007-07-08


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Cheers Ian

I'll probably nip up Saturday morning but will give you a ring first. If the path is the same one I used when I first visited Hope Carr at beginning of June I got soaked as the vegetation was well and truly wet and hanging into the path, not pruned like the path that runs from the visitor centre.

Paul Hammond

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Hi Paul,

they're usually on the sludge lagoons either side of the main path in between the lagoons (not the path that runs past the main lake and willow pool), unfortunately I haven't had time to get round to completing the site guide for Hope Carr yet but give me a ring when you're thinking of going and I'll meet you there if you're still not sure, they're usually pretty easy.


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Hi Ian

Whereabouts did you see the Green Sandpipers. Tried three times so far without luck.

Paul Hammond

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HOPE CARR (sewage works and nature reserve)

Afternoon visit on Thursday the 5th July produced: 3 Green Sands 1 Kingfisher (willow pool) 1 Oystercatcher (flying all over the place) 5 broods of Gadwall 1 brood of Tufted Duck (4 very young birds on the main lake) 3 Mute Swan cygnets (willow pool) 5 Reed Warblers 4 Chiffchaff 2 Willow Warblers 4 Whitethroat 8 Blackcap 1 Sparrowhawk juvy Bullfiches around the car park, possibly the first proven breeding for here. ...and no flippin' rain smile.gif


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