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Post Info TOPIC: Ashton-in-Makerfield

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RE: Ashton-in-Makerfield

Wednesday 28 September 2011 Peregrine over, fairly low, heading south at 17:35.


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Sounds like Skitters Wood is turning into the new birding capital of Wigan Dave. By the way - what is that picture on your avatar??

No one on their death bed ever said they wished they'd spent more time at work. http://bitsnbirds.blogspot.co.uk

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Tawny Owls vocal in Skitters Wood this evening, plus one which flew out of our neighbour's Scots Pine as I went out to the bin at dusk


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a calling Whimbrel went south over Skitters Wood at 18:05 tonight


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Greenshank calling over Skitters Wood at 22:15 last night
50+ Swift moved south today, ahead of incoming rain late morning


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Kingfisher on Millingford Brook at Skitters Wood today, also a Jay walked down a fallen tree to have a drink from the brook, looking like an oversized Budgie walking down a plastic ladder


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Siskin south over Skitters Wood this evening


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The two juvenile Jackdaws still after some nosebag off their parents on the pavement of Gerard Street this morning


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Jimmy,hope you don,t mind but that needs translating,2 young jackdaws begging for food
would be PC,maybe 'pester power' a bit more elevenish,meself just luv slang.

best regards geoff



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Gerard St
2 juv Jackdaws moidering there parents for food this AM

Cheers Jimmy


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Kingfisher at Crompton's Lodge (viewed from Aspenwood off Old Hall Drive) this morning, also a juvenile Black-Headed Gull present (presumably from Pennington/Wigan Flashes)


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A pair of Bullfinch nest-building at Skitters Wood today


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Fledged Nuthatch and Song Thrush in Skitters Wood today, also got a sore neck looking up as a scruffy adult Jay fed a pristine fledged juvenile in the canopy of a tall Lime
also Treecreeper, singing Chiffchaff and Blackcap


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Pied Wagtail feeding 2 juvs today by the Market


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Sunday 01 May 2011

1 Lesser Whitethroat singing near The Harrow Inn.

Thursday 28 April 2011

1 Common Tern over the house at 07:50, heading SW.

-- Edited by Rob Thorpe on Tuesday 3rd of May 2011 11:13:44 PM


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Thursday 07 April 2011

4 or 5 House Martin in the evening.


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Wednesday 23 March 2011

A Buzzard and a Lesser Black-backed Gull were having a bit of a scrap, fairly low over the house this morning.

-- Edited by Rob Thorpe on Wednesday 23rd of March 2011 02:08:50 PM


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Raven seen on buildings in Antler Court, Three Sisters Industrial Park. Calling loudly and gathering nesting material.


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Kingisher on Millingford Brook at Skitters Wood today, also Nuthatch, Siskin, Bullfinch and singing Goldcrest


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Friday 28 January 2011

2 Ravens over, heading south, early afternoon. Info thanks to Terry Thorpe.

(could have done with those for my garden year-list doh.gif)

-- Edited by Rob Thorpe on Friday 28th of January 2011 01:31:24 PM


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Kingfisher calling on Millingford Brook this morning by York Road/Druid Street, also Bullfinch there

At nearby Ashton Heath: Treecreeper, 10 Long-Tailed Tit, 15+ Goldfinch, Grey Wagtail and 2 Bullfinch

At Old George's Pond on Friday the Muscovy Duck population had increased by 100%, to 2 birds. I'm sure no-one is happier about this than the original bird, long-time resident 'George'biggrin.gif


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8:00 am
Pair of Buzzards over Ashton Town Centre

Cheers Jimmy


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Wednesday 08 December 2010

A long awaited addition to my garden list, a Kestrel landed on a neighbour's roof just after 09:00 this morning.


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Monday 01 November 2010

a Chiffchaff in my works carpark, off Bryn Road, early afternoon.


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approx 500 Canada Geese, making a right old racket, were flying low over Brocstedes Farm, Downall Green at 18:30 yesterday
I don't know whether they had come off the stubble field here, or others in the vicinity just over the GM boundary
most went in the general direction of the flashes, with a hundred or so breaking off in the general direction of Carr Mill Dam


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Bit of 'vis mig' this am whilst loading the car up - 48 Jackdaws high up going SE plus 2 skylark and 2 meadow pipits

No one on their death bed ever said they wished they'd spent more time at work. http://bitsnbirds.blogspot.co.uk

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Craig Higson wrote:

dave broome wrote:

I think there's a roost somewhere around the Thistle Hotel/Haydocck industrial estate

Used to be one at the Thistle, maybe still is, but I've seen large numbers at Brychall High school the last couple of winters and suspect theres one around there somewhere

But they were going the wrong way to have come from either the Thistle or the Byrchall...?


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dave broome wrote:

I think there's a roost somewhere around the Thistle Hotel/Haydocck industrial estate

Used to be one at the Thistle, maybe still is, but I've seen large numbers at Brychall High school the last couple of winters and suspect theres one around there somewhere

No one on their death bed ever said they wished they'd spent more time at work. http://bitsnbirds.blogspot.co.uk

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I think there's a roost somewhere around the Thistle Hotel/Haydocck industrial estate


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Tuesday 05 October 2010

a single flock of 28 Pied Wagtail flew low over our house at 07:40, heading south. Must be leaving a nearby roost site(?).


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2 Redwing this morning on a berry-laden Whitebeam at Skitters Wood


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Friday 17 September 2010

1 Wheatear in stony field off Riding Lane this afternoon.


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Gerard St
House Martins still feeding young in nest
Also Grey Wagtail over

Cheers Jimmy


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Sunday 29 August 2010

Curlew over the house, calling and heading west, at 18:05.


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Hobby just after 3pm today, between the town centre and Skitters Wood, carrying prey


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Rob Thorpe wrote:

Saturday 07 August 2010

A Curlew heard overhead at 03:00ish

Your'e becoming obsessive Rob biggrin.gif

No one on their death bed ever said they wished they'd spent more time at work. http://bitsnbirds.blogspot.co.uk

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Redshank calling over Skitters Wood-Ashton town centre around 22:30 10th August


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Saturday 07 August 2010

A Curlew heard overhead at 03:00ish


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Skitters Wood - only in Lancashire could somewhere be called Skitters Wood!


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Kingfisher on Millingford Brook between Skitters Wood and the town centre this evening


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Tuesday 27 July 2010

A Common Sandpiper heard over the house at 23:30ish.


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100+ Swallows feeding around sunset this evening (not that you would have noticed any sun setting in the murk) over a Barley field along Drummer's Lane, North Ashton


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Wednesday 21 July 2010

A Curlew was calling overhead in the rain at 01:30 this morning (or should that be last night?).


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2 Jackdaws yesterday were feasting on Cherries, from a tall tree, the top of which is just visible against the gable end of the Nationwide on Gerrard Street.


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Saturday 01 May 2010

A Lesser Whitethroat at Sewage Farm, Golborne Road early morning.


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Monday 26 April 2010

1 Wheatear in stony field off Riding Lane this evening.


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Sunday 25 April 2010

2 Wheatear off Riding Lane this morning. Also 1 Oystercatcher over.


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Thursday 15 April 2010

Spent most of the day in the garden, the "highlights" being:
4 Buzzard
2 Sparrowhawk
a singing Goldcrest, and
a pair of Coal Tit carrying nest type stuff.


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Wednesday 07 April 2010

2 Ringed Plover off Riding Lane at 14:00ish. Also 2 Sand Martin and a Swallow over.


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Monday 05 April 2010

2 Oystercatcher off Riding Lane at noon.

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