Cold and windy in the garden!! Summer has definitely gone . The NNW direction of the gusty wind today meant I couldn't leave the patio door open whilst working, so couldn't listen-out for stuff. But, from my usual pre-work vigil, it was obvious that not much was on the move today. The few things I did note: 80 Pink-footed Goose - 34 north at 07:49, 46 south at 09:34. 1 Meadow Pipit south. 3 Skylark - 2 south, 1 north. 2 Chaffinch south. 2 Canada Goose south. 1 Kestrel hunting gardens again! 1 or 2 Sparrowhawk. 1 Buzzard.
A cool day with heavy showers, some birds pushing on south over the garden during the clearer spells, including another new species for my garden list: 2 Greenshank south at 11:00. 83 Meadow Pipit south. 2 Grey Wagtail south. 5 Pied Wagtail south. 5 Skylark south. 6 Chaffinch south. Raven heard. House Martin heard. 1 Kestrel hovering over gardens again. 1 Buzzard. 2 Sparrowhawk. 1 Goldcrest. 2 Song Thrush.
A rainy start to the day so not much on the move over the garden. A few things I did note through the day were: 9 Meadow Pipit south. 2 Raven east. A flock of 31 Black-headed Gull west. 1 Kestrel circling with 2 Sparrowhawk. 1 Goldcrest.
Sightings and hearings from a quiet and foggy morning in the garden: 57 Meadow Pipit south. 1 Siskin south. 2 Linnet south. 3 Swallow south. 2 House Martin still around. 2 Grey Wagtail - 1 north, 1 heard-only. 3 Pied wag - 2 south, 1 west. 1 Skylark south Pink-footed Goose heard-only. 21 Jackdaw south in one flock.
Vismig from my garden from 7am-ish, most stuff had stopped moving by around midday: 138 Meadow Pipit south. 31 Swallow south. 2 Sand Martin south. House Martins appeared to be moving south, but with local birds still around I couldn't distinguish the migrants. 11 Pied Wagtail (8 south, 3 north). 3 Grey Wagtail south. 3 Slylark south. 19 Siskin south (including a flock of 14). 2 Lesser Redpoll south (garden tick!). 3 Chaffinch south. 2 Linnet west. 1 Chiffchaff singing. 2 Goldcrest.
1 Yellow Wagtail still near the Harrow Inn, early evening. Also in the area: 1 Swift south 3 Pied Wagtail 2 Chiffchaff 1 Buzzard And 256 Black-headed Gull around a large puddle. On Saturday, when the puddle was even larger, it held over 500 Black-headed Gull.
Over my garden between 05:45 and around 11:00: 1 Ringed Plover, sounded like it was flying south. 1 Tree Pipit south. 3 Siskin south. 20 Swallow south / south-east. 40 House Martin south. 18 Pied Wagtail north.
Also a Moorhen over at 02:30.
-- Edited by Rob Thorpe on Saturday 15th of August 2020 10:10:58 PM
The wagtail-fest continues, with at least 57 Pied Wagtail feeding in the stubble field between the Harrow Inn and the Hanson plant this evening. Also 13 Lapwing and 4 Stock Dove here. Plus the big corvid flock from last week still around.
-- Edited by Rob Thorpe on Monday 27th of July 2020 08:47:20 PM
During around half an hour of Starling watching at Jamesons Farm this evening I had between c50 and c130 feeding amongst the sheep, with small parties coming and going all the time. Also present were 2 Oystercatcher, 2 Stock Dove and a singing Yellowhammer.
-- Edited by Rob Thorpe on Tuesday 9th of June 2020 08:42:57 PM
A constant trickle of gulls over, heading south into the wind this afternoon. Mostly Herring Gulls, with smaller numbers of Black-headed Gulls and the odd Lesser Black-backed Gull. This seemed unusual as I mostly see herrings going east-west or vice versa over here. Couldn't really count them unfortunately as I was working.