That does look rather like an Orange Winged Amazon doesn't it (see avatar). One visits my allotment regularly and seems to be currently calling for a mate (see South Manchester Ringnecked Parakeets). Please give yours directions to Fallowfield it might make mine very happy!
green parrot on the football field opposite armoury bank. not a ring-neck parakeet.
managed to get a rubbish picture of it. see below.
This looks like an Orange-Winged Amazon. Don't knock your photo, it's good practise for Ian's mystery photo comp (and I need it!!). I'd be interested to hear if it is still around (I'll twitch anything in the Wigan area, escapee or not! You have to get your kicks somehow in this town that drags you down!!)
I had a report of a parrot there approx 12 months ago but didn't see it when I had a few brief looks - the main problem was that, as you mention, the trees are in gardens so it's not a good place to search
Crompton's Lodge, if it's the one just before the M6 junction, Dave. You can't get to it because of the housing estate. It's one of 3 with that name in the county!
Judith Smith
Lightshaw hall Flash is sacrosanct - NO paths please!
Blackcap still in our garden this morning. Also there was a Buzzard at the old sewage works, and i could hear 2 Nuthatch in the small wood behind Blenheim Road, but as i got closer they went silent and i never found them...
A Woodcock flew low over Bryn Road early afternoon today, it seemed to come off an area of open space at the junction with Bryn Rd South, then flew around the farm opposite
37 Grey Partridge along Riding Lane today, in 2 covies of 16 and 21 either side of the road (one covey close to the edge of the Stubshaw Cross housing estate. Also 8 Pheasant and 13 Skylark
I was there on official duties you understand, checking the fishing pegs, footpaths, etc, it only seemed right to count the puddleducks while I was there ....whether it was then right to put them on to the forum is open to question.....I'll get my coat
There appeared to be a Pied Wagtail roost gathering at Byrchall High school this evening - 20 or so birds I'd guess. I know there used to be one at the Thistle Hotel which is out of county, but I think Byrchall is just in.
Edited 'cause I cant spell
-- Edited by Craig Higson at 20:32, 2008-10-13
No one on their death bed ever said they wished they'd spent more time at work.
4 Buzzards soaring and interacting over Skitters Wood yesterday morning. Early afternoon 3 gliding south-east over Downall Green at some speed, as though they had probably dropped from a height on a thermal over the Windy Arbour/Sandyforth area.
Over the weekend: Sat 20th Buzzard through the town centre, barely above roof height, causing mayhem among the Feral Pigeons Sun 21st 2 Ravens west over the town centre then Skitters Wood
Not the most inspiring topic header, but I had a Hobby over my garden in A in M today about 4.45pm. Looked like it came from the Three Sisters direction. I thought I saw one yesterday out towards the Three Sisters but it was flying away from me so couldnt say for sure. Cracking garden tick
-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Tuesday 6th of October 2009 12:31:35 PM
No one on their death bed ever said they wished they'd spent more time at work.