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geoff, you're spot on there, up rindle road and the feeding area is along the obvious track along the edge of the very last field on the right bordering the railway, on the chat moss field map found on the county site guides page on the website its field no 69


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ian ,i,m a bit like you the info,s on the site or forum somewhere but i cant find it.Quite a lot of seed is being put on the track off rindle road so i,ve assumed this is it,approaching from the A580
get to the level crossing and turn round, after the first field on your left there is a parking spot and a metal barrier/gate tied up with blue rope look down the track and the seed is being left out there,i,m sure your meant to watch from the gate to avoid spooking the diners

cheers geoffbiggrin.gif



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I suspect that the location of the feeding station on Rindle Rd has been explained but I can't find it. So could some kind soul out there please give me instructions. Thanks in anticipation, as this site never fails(unlike Citys strike force!!).
Cheers Ian


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9.20 am - 12. 10 pm

Birds seen while parked up at the feeding area beside Rindle road this morning,

110+ Pink footed Geese over flying west at 9.30 am
1 male Merlin flying at speed over f69 , it flushed the birds from the seed and carried on into Rindle woods.
2 Grey Partridge, 6 Pheasant, 5 Redwing and 4 Mistle thrushes in f67.

Feeding at the seed,
25+ Yellowhammers
20+ Tree Sparrows
10+ Chaffinches
2 Reed buntings
15+ Blackbirds
Blue,Great and Coal tits,
2 Pied Wagtails
Too many to count Robins

Birds flying over
Kestrel, Jays, GS Woodpecker and a mixed bunch of 80+ gulls,

In all 32 different species of bird seen from the same spot at the end of the track.
It was also good to meet up with Alan Rowley who was doing his timed tetrad count and Eddie King who was putting some seed down.Nice to meet you both.smile.gif

Dave Thacker

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8.30 -11.30am
The male Sparrowhawk was again swooping down the track this morning and came very close to catching a Robin which left it very late to fly into the hedge.As well as all the usual birds that turned up for the seed a GS Woodpecker also flew on to the track and had a quick forage with the 4 Blackbirds that were feeding there.

Astley Moss
11 Corn buntings in the trees beside the potato field
2 Snipe at the scrapes
5 MPipits
2 Willow tits
1 Stonechat on the dung heaps in the horse paddock
30+ Redwing all over

Bedford Moss
Hunting Kestrel
1 Buzzard
2 Mallard on the ponds
3 Woodcock flushed
1 Moorhen
3 Pied Wags
2 Goldcrests

Dave Thacker

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Rindle road feeding area 1.15-2.30 pm

A male Sparrowhawk was sat in the hedge beside the track where the seed is put down but did not stay around for a photo and did not hunt while I was there.
20+ Tree sparrows
10+ Yellowhammers
3 Reed buntings
6 Chaffinches
2 Great and 1 Willow tit all came down to the seed.
Also in the horse paddock next to the track was a large [30+] mixed flock of thrushes Mistle,Blackbird,Redwing and 3 Fieldfare.

Dave Thacker

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I saw the same flock Pete of around 200 Pink-feet flying over Astley, 12:10 and they were indeed over (and following?) the East Lancs Road smile.gif


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11.00am-12.00noon Rindle Rd.

Large group of geese (200+) flying west I guess they were somewtere near the East Lanc's road.


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11.50 - 1315 today
Good views of a hunting male Sparrowhawk can be seen as it flies up and down the track where the seed is being put down for the birds at the top end of Rindle road.

It made 3 attempts today as I watched from my car parked beside Rindle road looking down the track. It watches from the large tree at the beginning of Rindle wood, then swoops down and glides over the grass in the middle of the track , flying 6" from the ground trying to flush a bird from the seed, it then flies through the triangle in the metal gate and down along the drainage ditch until it reaches the farm, it then uses the cover of the trees and Rindle wood to arrive back at its starting point.

It takes about 10-15 minutes for the Yellowhammers, Tree sparrows and Chaffinches to settle down feeding again before the Sparrowhawk trys again.On its third attempt it caught a female Chaffinch which was just a little too slow in getting back into the hedge.

Dave Thacker

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11.45 - 14.30pm today

Bedford moss
2 Woodcock flushed out
2 Buzzards
Large tit flock 30 + including 4 Willow tits

Astley moss
2 Stonechats
4 Redwing and 6 Mistle Thrushes in the old potato field
2 Grey Partridge

Plenty of Tree Sparrows, Yellowhammers and 2 Linnits near the seed on the track beside Rindle road.

Dave Thacker

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25/11/2007 Late am

Quick look around the Rindle Road feeding station area, counted 11 Yellowhammers on seed and 20 Tree Sparrows, plus Redwing and Willow Tit in adjacent bushes getting into the communal spirit with the other birds there.


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Forgot to mention also today...

Stonechat- a pair at the bottom of Rindle Road (where the level crossing is classed as the top), close to the horse paddock there.
Chaffinch- 130, in a large flock along Nook Lane then made their way to the back of the horse paddock at the bottom of Rindle (where the Stonchats were)

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar at 17:35, 2007-11-11


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Sunday 11th November 8:30am

2 Whooper Swan flew strongly west low over Astley Moss East at 9:05am this morning.


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This morning 8 - 11 am

Astley Moss
Large flock [30+] Yellowhammers and Tree Sparrows at the feeding area near Rindle road.
Plenty of Blue, Coal, Great and Willow tits along the hedges near the now ploughed potato field.
GS Woodpecker in the trees as you enter Astley SSSI.
5 Teal and 2 Mallard in the small water filled channels cut into the peat in the middle of the moss.
4 Mpipits

Bedford Moss
Buzzard on its favourite perch,
8 LT tits
7 Whooper Swans flying low over the moss in a NE direction at 10.17 am,

I also saw the Grey geese flying over the moss while talking with Pete Berry . I took them to be Pinks but Pete had doubts . So its worth keeping an eye out for them.

Nice to meet you Pete.

Dave Thacker

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About 11am this morning 12 Grey geese flew low from Chat Moss over Astley Moss and tried to land near Moss Lane but were put up by shooting.They circled round and appeared to land near Botany Bay Woods on private land.They could just be Pinks,but as we don't usually get Pinks landing in the county they just might be something more interesting.I'm sure they're still around the area,so worth keeping your eyes open if your birding on the Moss.confused.gif


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Birdguides report 5 Whooper Swan flying SE over Irlam 07.15 this morning

Updated birding videos on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/c/PeteHinesbirding

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Tuesday 6th November, 12:00 to 2:20pm

A couple of hours around the mosses:

Merlin- fem/imm over field 63, heading low (and very quickly) south
Skylark- 12, field 63 (disturbed by the Merlin)
Stonechat- a pair long the western edge of field 63
Stock Dove- 73, field 52
Buzzard- only a couple knocking about


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12.30 - 3.15pm this afternoon.
Astley moss,
10 Pied wagtails in the fields beside Moss lane
4 Redwing , 6 Tree Sparrows , 4 Yellowhammers and 2 Reed Buntings in the hedges beside Rindle road.
5 Goldcrests , 1 Siskin and 1 Willow tit joining a flock of Blue,Coal,Great and LT Tits in the hedges near Rindle wood.

Bedford moss,
2 Grey wagtails
1 Kestrel
1 Buzzard
2 flocks of Redwings over, 9 + 24 flying west
15 Pinkfoot over flying west
11 Canada geese over flying east.

Astley SSSI
2 M Pipits
1 Grey partridge
2 Reed buntings
1 Linnet
Also 12 Teal , 5m and 7f in the long water filled channels in the middle of the moss.

Still lots of Dragonflies hunting over the moss.

Dave Thacker

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This afternoon 12.30 - 2.30pm
Astley Moss

1000`s of young Pheasants in the fields and along Rindle road.
Buzzard in f69 hopping around probably trying to catch a vole and 1 Kestrel hunting over the same field.
A flock of at least 40 Tree sparrows in the hedges leading to Rindle wood.
5 Jays, 1 Treecreeper and 4 Goldfinch in Rindle woods.
2 Buzzards soaring over the potato field.
2 Willow, 8 LT tits and 1 GS Woodpecker in the trees beside the field.
3 juvenile Buzzards around Bedford moss and 1 Swallow over
On the walk back I saw 2 Redwing together with Blackbirds and Mistle thrushes taking berries from the hedges

Too much shooting was going on around the mosses today disturbing the birds as 100`s of woodpigeons were always overhead.

Dave Thacker

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This afternoon 1.30-4pm

Astley moss
100+ Pheasant in the fields along side the length of Rindle road and a couple actually running in front of my car.
50+ Woodpigeons in f67 and f69.
At least 180 Starlings sat together on the phone wires between the farm and f68.
Chiffchaff singing near the signal box
Large flock of LT,Great,Blue and Coal tits working the hedges up to Rindle wood
4 Tree sparrows ,1 Treecreeper and 1 GS woodpecker in Rindle woods

Astley SSSI
2 Snipe at the small ponds
4 Yellow wagtails , all juveniles
1 Curlew over
2 Oystercatchers over
3 Jays over

Bedford moss
2 juvenile Buzzards sat at their favourite perches watching the moss
2 Kestrels both hunting and having successful kills while I watched.
Due to lots of shooting going on further down the moss large flocks of Woodpigeons were overhead , up to 150 birds at a time.
Plenty of Swallows and Martins heading south.

Dave Thacker

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This evening 18.30 - 20.45

3 Grey Partridge in f67
24 Lapwings flocking together and flying between f69 and f67 due to being disturbed by a small biplane out from Barton.
7 Tree Sparrows in the hedges before Rindle wood
1 Barn owl hunting over the small pools on Astley SSSI.
Tawny owl sat in a Birch tree on Bedford moss while another was calling from the railway side of the moss.

Plenty of insects, moths and bats flying around the moss tonight and 5 Hares seen in the potato fields.

Also as I walked back to my car a very large owl flew over me just before I came out on Rindle road, it was too dark to see it properly.Possible SE Owl but not sure.

Dave Thacker

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26/8/07 early afternoon

8 Buzzards - 3 over Bedford Moss, and 5 soaring over the Peat Pools (seen distantly from Rindle Farm flood, I hasten to add ! !)
a male and a female Sparrowhawk - the f. chasing Starlings at Rindle flood (F68), the m. over Astley SSSI.
3 Kestrels - Bedford Moss.
single Sand Martin with Swallows and House Martins over the flood.
usual sightings of Tree Sparrows at Rindle Farm.

-- Edited by Ian Woosey at 19:21, 2007-08-26


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Hope you find something decent at Spurn Ian smile.gif

Dave Thacker

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Glad you eventually caught up with the Hobby Dave : patience and perseverance always pays off smile.gif


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This evening 6pm - 8.45 pm

Finally had two sightings of the Hobby tonight smile.gif, it only took 16 visits in the last 2 months to find it cry.gif.

It flew over f67 which panicked the Swallows and Martins and chased them over Rindle road and into f69. I then saw it again later flying over the small pools in Astley SSSI towards the railway.

Field 67, 2 Kestrels hunting , 3 RL Partridge ,2 Grey Partridge ,1 Whitethroat , 4 Tree sparrows ,2 Mallard over
Field 69 ,4 Stock doves and 20 Woodies and this was even with the combine harvester working in the same field.

In the fields between Rindle woods and Astley SSSI there was 4 Kestrels and 2 Buzzards hunting together, the kestrels hovered or perched in the trees before dropping into the fields .As I walked around the edge of the field I must have seen 30+ small black voles in the grass which has been cut very short. Some of the voles were actually fighting or chasing each other around my boots as I stood there.At one point there was 6 Kestrels over the field at the same time.

Astley SSSI , 5 Jays , 1 GS Woodpecker over , 3 Yellowhammers.

Bedford moss , 3 more Buzzards sat in the trees and 21 Canada geese over flying west.

Dave Thacker

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Tuesday 21/08/07

Irlam Moss 1330-1530

3 Yellow wag/16 Pied Wag/6 Linnet on 22
100's of Hirundines on wires over 22
Buzzard over 23
5 Stock Doves 10
6 Stock Doves/70+Woodpigeon 62


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Astley and Bedford moss 6pm-9pm this evening.

Hundreds of Swallows in the fields and on the wires along side Moss lane, it looks like they are getting ready for the trip down South.Not one Swift seen all evening.

2 Kestrels hunting along Nook lane.
1 Little owl at the edge of Rindle woods
2 Buzzards stood in the field of grass beside the woods along with 2 Hares
Astley SSSI was very quiet and too overgrown to walk about much , just 1 Canada goose flying over.
The two Buzzards from the field spent 20 minutes hunting over Bedford moss then joined up in the same tree and started preening.
3 Jays
10+ Tree sparrows in the hedges on the way back to Rindle road.
1 Budgie sat on the telephone wires near the canal bridge , I suppose thats a girlie tick!!!! biggrin.gif

Dave Thacker

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Welcome Riggers
Its been a good year for breeding Wagtails on the mosses as there are plenty of juvenile Yellow.Pied and Grey in the fields.

I also had a report of deer in fields 20 + 21 beside Astley road in the last couple of days.

Dave Thacker

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Irlam Moss 0730-0830 in very poor weather.

10 yellow wagtails with large no's of pied wagtails (25+) field 22
100+ starling on wires with 18 mistle thrush 20-22
pair blackcap in hedgerow. s end 20
common buzzard 52
2 stock dove over 52

first time birding in the sw of the county apart from the Wheatear, nice to see yellow wags-they are a 'mega' in the east of the county!


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15th 9.00pm. Little Owl on Rindle Farm.


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15/8/07 early afternoon

8 Yellow Wagtails - 7 in F22, one over F59.
4 Buzzard (at least one juv.) - over F44/51
m Stonechat nr. Messuages Farm
Little Owl by the side of Olive Mt Fm.
c150 House Martins along Rindle Rd/farm
2 Kestrels

I & J McKerchar & I Woosey


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Glad to see that you're getting involved in the Atlas Tony. Ian has put all the details on the noticeboard page (I know some folks only look at the Forum bit of the website - you don't know what you're missing).

I've had quite a few expressions of interest so far (thanks all) but if anyone else is interested in helping with this mammoth, but extremely valuable project, send me an e-mail or register on the BTO website - see above-mentioned article on the Noticeboard page.


Steve "Make your birdwatching count!"

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I have volunteered to co-ordinate the 10km square SJ78 for the forthcoming BTO Bird Atlas project, so if anyone fancies doing a 'timed tetrad' walk or just submitting 'roving records' - see http://www.bto.org/birdatlas/taking_part/index.htm - please let me know.

Of course I expect someone else will be co-ordinating other squares such as SJ79 - Steve Suttill will have the details for the Manchester squares


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This afternoon 4pm to 8pm

Astley moss
Stonechat beside Rindle road opposite Moss Bank farm,
At least 22 Tree Sparrows flocking together in the hedges just before the rail crossing beside f69,
3 Kestrels.

Rindle woods
2 Willow warblers,
1 Stoat.

Bedford moss
Watched 2 Buzzards for about 45 minutes perching and soaring around the clearing at the end of the woodchip path.Both were juveniles as they had streaked breasts which were lighter in colour than an adult bird.Very vocal, constantly mewing to each other as they were mobbed by a pair of Jays.Good views of one of my favourite birds of prey.
Also 2 Herons catching frogs from the sides of the ponds.
1 Grey Wagtail.

Chat moss
Kestrels hunting in both f58 and f59,
3 Yellow wagtails over f62.
4 Yellow wagtails in f52

Irlam moss
2 Corn buntings, 4 Grey partridge and 1 Buzzard in f17,
A flock of 5 Yellow and 3 Pied wagtails together in f21,
Whitethroat perched beside Woodstock farm.
2 Grey partridge over f27.

Hundreds of hirundines over all the mosses.

and still no Hobby sightingcry.gif

-- Edited by Dave Thacker at 21:48, 2007-08-03

Dave Thacker

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Birdguides reported for morning of 1st August at Irlam Moss

Hobby, 6 Yellow Wagtail, 4 Spotted Fly and a Little Owl

Updated birding videos on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/c/PeteHinesbirding

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Sid and anyone else who'd like a paper copy of the mosses map,

if you send me a stamped, addressed envelope I can send you an A4 copy of the map if you'd like? My address can be found on the 'who's who' page on the website.


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Warfy/Ian thanks for the info and the welcomes - much appreciated.

It seems to be quite a detailed and large map but I am sure that I shall find some way to print and take with me to find all those good sightings.


Sid A[


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Hi Sid and welcome,

what Warfy says wink.gif


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Sid, on the home page, click on "County Birding sites and map" and chat/astley moss are at the bottomsmile.gif

And welcome to the forumsmile.gif



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Have been looking at the forum for a few months now and finally plucked up the courage to submit an entry this morning re Black Redstarts. Reading you item on Chat Moss etc I notice you refer to the fields by number. Question where can I find a map with those numbers reffed?


Sid A


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Tuesday 31st July, 1pm-3pm.

Spotted Flycatcher- 1 along 12 yards road, roughly around field 52

Yellow Wagtail- 1 female on 12 yards road (actually on the road!), 5 juveniles (with atleast 3 other unaged birds calling in the field to the south) in the horse paddocks in field 23 showing very well and actually allowing me to photograph them this time, check out the galleries when I've uploaded them)

Whinchat- 1 immature in the horse paddocks in field 23 (also got some nice shots of that too smile.gif)


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RE: Astley and Chat moss

29/7/07 early morning

2 Little Owls (ad & juv) at the side of Olive Mt. Fm. and F63. The juv was on the ground just staring at me, then flew up into a tree where I spotted an adult,who must have been watching over it while it explored. (Site tick smile.gif.............Ian, I can feel another Site List coming on ! ! ! weirdface.gif)
Corn Bunting on wires F19
Besides the usual Tree Sparrows on Rindle Rd., there was a group of 13 here as well ; New Farm. F19
2 Willow Tit - Red Challis
23 Mistle Thrushes in the paddock next to Cherry Tree cottage F61
6 Grey Partridge F59
Red-legged Partridge - F63
4 Kestrels
usual Yellowhammers, Linnets etc


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I have been to the moss 8 times since my last post and I have still not seen the Hobby.cry.gif

This morning on Astley moss was a Sparrowhawk over f67 and a Buzzard over Rindle woods.

Chat moss f59 again 2 Oystercatchers and 2 Grey partridge in the waterlogged corner near the signal box.
5 Grey wagtails in f19 , 2 adults and 3 juv.
4 Grey partridge and 2 RL Partridge walking on the edge of 12 Yards road in front of my car before flying into f52.

Dave Thacker

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Chat moss today 14.30 -16.45
I had a couple of hours wandering around fields 58,59,60 and 61 on Chat moss looking for the Hobby.Alas I did not see it but I did flush a total of 22 Grey partridge from all 4 fields.Some of them were proper heart attack jobs as they waited until I had nearly stood on them before they flew up.

Field 58, 1 Buzzard over ,2 Whitethroats, 1 Sedge warbler and 1 GS Woodpecker,
Field 59 1 Kestrel ,4 Skylarks, 2 Oystercatchers and 1 Snipe in the water logged corner near the rail crossing.
Fields 60 & 61 both had large numbers of Mpipits,Chaffinches,Goldfinches and Yellowhammers flocking together.

Numbers of Swallows and Swifts seem to have dropped , I wouldn`t be surprised if they went back to Africa early after all this rain.

A word of warning if you go on foot like I did today, Most of the farms have their dogs chained up or fenced in, Moss side farm just passed the rail crossing has 2 Alsation mixed breeds one is chained up but one is loose and it will run out on to the road to meet you, not a pleasant dog.furious.gif

Dave Thacker

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Astley moss this evening 19.30 to 21.45

2 Whimbrels flying low over the moss calling to each other.
1 Buzzard
2 Kestrels
2 Grey Partridge in f67

Chat moss
1 Barn Owl hunting on the edge of f14 ,it then flew over f12 and made two kills ,the owl ate the first kill and then caught another vole and carried it towards f44.

Dave Thacker

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26/6/07 early morning

Hobby - chasing Swallows over field 58, just past Moss Side Farm.
Corn Bunting on wires side of field 59. Also in this field - Oystercatcher & Grey Partridge.
juv Tree Sparrow nr.Birch Farm (60)
f/imm Yellow Wagtail on fence behind Olive Mount Fm.
2 Red-legged Partridge & 2 Grey Partridge along side of 63
2 Kestrel over 64
very distant Buzzard (could even have been in Cheshire ! bleh.gif)
small numbers of Yellowhammers, Skylarks, Linnets, Stock Doves, Whitethroats etc
many Swifts & Swallows


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Thursday 31/05/07

garden warbler @ sj 700932

take new moss road off the road inbetween lower irlam and cadishead, park at the small car park on the left after 500 yards & walk ahead for 300 yards along the woodland trust trail, on os map it's called new moss wood, also 1 grey partridge, c15 common whitethroat, 3 blackcap, song thrush, yellowhammer, jay, 2 willow warbler, 2 chiffchaff

olive mount farm area - 4 corn & 1 reed bunting & 10 yellowhammer

astley peat pools - 4 lrp, 2 rp, 2+ oystercatcher, 3 redshank

-- Edited by EcoBirdRacer at 10:11, 2007-06-01


Mancunian Birder https://mancunianbirder.wordpress.com Visit my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtWoAs4geYL9An0l6w_XgIg

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After looking at Ian`s excellent photo`s of the Whimbrels at the peat pools which he took a couple of weeks ago and which flew off just before I got there, I was lucky enough to see one this morning.
The Spotted flycatchers were a bit of a surprise and a good sighting as on the whole the moss was very quiet today.I could not find the Stonechats off Rindle road or any Wheatears at all.

Dave Thacker

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dave,just the one whimbrel and a couple of spotted flycatchers,both lifers for me if i get to see em ,i,ll call in again tuesday night and keep my eyes peeled

cheers geoffbiggrin.gif



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Between 10.30am - 2.30pm today

Peat pools were very quiet , just the Plovers and Reedbuntings and 2 Buzzards over

Over and around Astley Moss and Rindle road,
2 Buzzards
5 Yellowhammers
6 Tree sparrows
8 Reed buntings
2 Jays
2 Skylarks
4 Mpipits
2 Whitethroat
2 Willow warblers
1 Whimbrel and 1 Sparrowhawk over Bedford moss

Chat moss
1 Whitethroat perched near Birch farm
2 Buzzards over f63
2 Spotted Flycatchers perched on the fence at Hope Cottage farm opposite entrance to Larkhill farm. I watched one bird for 10 minutes then it was joined by the other , they flew off towards Larkhill farm.
Plenty of Lapwings in the fields and also a lot of young Pied wagtails about.
Rest of the moss was very quiet.

Also of note were 2 Oystercatchers sat on the building next to the BOC carpark again beside the A580 in Swinton as I travelled to the moss this morning.smile.gif

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar at 10:40, 2007-07-30

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Friday 10th of February 2012 07:53:18 PM

Dave Thacker
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