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6/9/2007 Mid Evening

Still present 2 Redstarts (Male & Fem) in "Redstart" Hedge, and both showing quite well tonight, at one point both sat on wire fence whilst i was just sat there in the field.
Lesser Whitethroat - 1 still below Withins with 1 Whitethroat.
Chiffchaff 1
2 Wheatear (1 in field between Old Hall Farm and Canal near Highland Cattle and 1 in 1st field on left below Withins)
Little Owl 1
Sparrowhawk Fem
10 Mute Swan
4 Snipe
Approx 40 Meadow Pipits south
Movement of Jackdaws and Woodpigeons over.
26 Mistle Thrushes in fields below Withins and Canal.
30 L T Tits

No sign of any Yellow Wagtails.


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2 LITTLE EGRETS flew south west over Elton at 10.50am today maybe heading for Ringley/Shore Top?

Not sure who saw them though.

-- Edited by warfy at 15:32, 2007-09-04


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3/9/2007 Early evening - brief ish visit tonight.

Redstart still present in its hedge tonight but seems to get more elusive, cant see it lasting much longer. Also 2 Lesser Whitethroats still below withins and still nibbling away at those blackberries by the stream, they dont seem to move from the same 2 bushes.

Also 3 Yellow Wagtails (1 fem & 2 1st Winters) still with the highland cattle 7pm plus Wheatear and 2 skylark same field.

-- Edited by warfy at 20:28, 2007-09-03


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3 Yellow Wagtails (1 ad female & 2 1st year birds) still in field below pumphouse with highland cattle late am.

Info from Peter Baron.

-- Edited by warfy at 14:51, 2007-09-02


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Missed the Garden Warbler - damn that rain. Managed to see two Lesser Whitethroat (thanks Ian, for pointing out the area they were in) and a fleeting glimpse of the Redstart.

Very busy with birders this morning. Good to put a few more faces to names.


My bird photos collection on Flickr and My Elton Reservoir highlights collection.

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2/9/2007 Early am

Redstart Fem/Imm still in hedgerow below withins but elusive. (7th day!)
Lesser Whitethroat 1 Below withins
Garden Warbler 1 Creek
Blackcap 4+
Whitethroat 1
Willow Warbler 3
Yellow Wags 2 1st Winters still with highland cattle below Old Hall Farm
Little Owl 1
Common Tern 2
Snipe 3
Cormorant 1

Has been a pretty good week for migrants even by Eltons standards.biggrin.gif

Back to work tomorrowcry.gif

-- Edited by warfy at 10:53, 2007-09-02


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As I only live down the road, i'd better get my lazy self up there to have a walk round tomorrow morning - see if i can find them all. There's a couple of birds there i have never seen!.

-- Edited by rezMole at 07:37, 2007-09-02


My bird photos collection on Flickr and My Elton Reservoir highlights collection.

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anytime, glad you got the redstartbiggrin.gif

btw that little marsh is called Capsticks marsh.


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large mixed flock of swallows sand Martin house Martins 200 +
14 great Crested Grebe
110 coots
4 Grey wags
8 mute swans
35 B H gulls
6 Willow Warblers
3 Chiff-Chaff
1 garden warbler
1 Lesser Whitethroat
1 Redstart
mixed flock of tits 8 L T tits 8 Blue tits
15+ Goldfinch several juveniles
small wader seen going into vegatation in fied bottom of res the one with horses in near the paintball lot
poss snipe.

many thanks for the local site directions simon.


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Also at Elton early today, am mad I missed the yellow wagtails but it appears Simon that you missed the redstart in the hedge where they have been seen all week!!!.
Cheers Ian.
Returned to Elton at 12.45 to find a single yellow wagtail feeding amongst 3 horses in field by Coran stud. Thanks to Simon for the info.

-- Edited by Ian Campbell at 14:43, 2007-09-01


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1/9/2007 Early am

Juv Ringed Plover
Snipe 1
Spotted Flycatcher 1 (new bird) Creek
Blackcaps 7+
Lesser Whitethroat 1 Below Withins
Garden Warbler 4, 1 Canal, 3 Creek.
Yellow Wagtail 2 1st Winters with the highland cattle below Old Hall Farm
Whitethroat 1
Willow Warblers 6+
Little Owl 1
Grey Wags 2
Loads of Goldfinches/Greenfinches/Swallows and Sand Martins.

S & A Warford

-- Edited by warfy at 12:22, 2007-09-01


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Ian its them blackberries and elderberries they just love them to bits they were still feeding on them when i popped down with my dad late on. A nice autumn sight.biggrin.gif


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The bushes by the stream below withins res must have warbler magnets at the moment. This a.m. spent about 30 mins. there to see:
3/4 lesser whitethroats
5 blackcaps
1 garden warbler
3/4 willow warbler
also 4 greenfinch, 3 blackbirds, 2 goldfinch, 2 wrens and 1 robin.
On elton were 7/8 common tern and over 100 swallows.


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The 2 lesser whitethroats were still there at 8.30. this a.m. (or 2 different ones!), no sign of redstart though, also flock of 60/70 goldfinch . Otherwise unusually quiet for Elton, or have we just been spoilt by the last week!!.


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29/8/07 1915-1945

Brief visit to area below Withins Res with Simon, fem/imm Redstart still in hedgerow. (Elton tick for me).
2 Lesser Whitethroats in bushes by stream. Otherwise fairly quiet.



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29/8/2007 Early am

2 Redstart - 1 Splendid male (new bird) & fem/imm still in hedge below withins res also getting in bushes by the stream.
4 Lesser Whitethroats - 3 Below withins & 1 Creek
3-4 Garden Warbler - 1 Canal, 1 Dip, 2 below withins
Blackcaps 12+
Chiffchaff 3-4
Willow Warbler 5+
Whitethroat 3+
Stock Dove 2
Grey Wags 3+
2 Common Tern

No sign Little Egret.

Ian McKerchar & Warfy

-- Edited by warfy at 11:59, 2007-08-29


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Myself and Paul Hammond searched all round tonight from 5.45pm to 8.00pm but did not manage to relocate the bird.

Somehow dissapeared from the ditch without anyone seeing ithmm.gif

PS - just for the record i dipped..

We did have 2 Spotted Flycatchers on wires near Old Hall Farm tonight.

-- Edited by warfy at 22:01, 2007-08-28


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Info thanks to Simon Warford and Peter Baron.


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Loving this week off workbiggrin.gif just back from another 3 hours this time camped in the creek and the area just below Withins right up to Crow Trees Farm.

These are in addition to the earlier sightings from this morning:-

Redstart - 2 (1 in hedge running from withins res to the cemetry though elusive as anything this afternoon and 1 showing much better in bushes by the stream below withins)
Garden Warbler 2 Creek, 1 below withins and 1 Crow Trees Farm.
Lesser Whitethroat - 1 half way between Creek and wader point and 1 below withins.
Whinchat - 1 Creek
Blackcap at least 5 in the Creek, 7 below withins and 3 Crow Trees Farm.
Whitethroat 6+ below withins
Sedge Warbler 3 Creek.
7 Snipe Capsticks Marsh
Kingfisher below withins

Ian - Thanks for the assistance with the Redstart, looks like we might be in for a good weekbiggrin.gif

-- Edited by warfy at 16:56, 2007-08-28


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I need Redstart for Elton!!

Was down there this am too!

-- Edited by warfy at 16:49, 2007-08-28


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Also at Elton this a.m.
Saw similar stuff except the garden warblers (I did not go into the dip though).
Also a female redstart in hedge below withins res. P Johnson found it yesterday a.m. I found a wheatear in same hedge yesterday p.m and the redstart was still there this morning at 8.30. a.m.


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28/8/2007 Early am

Perfect morning for warbler watching - overcast and calm.

There is still at least 3 Lesser Whitethroats and 2 Garden Warblers with a massive mixed tit flock in and around the Dip this morning, also getting in the scrub near the car park. (the dip is a hollow just behind the sailing club).

L T Tit 30
Coal Tit 2
Willow Tit 2
Bullfinch 5
Goldcrest 2 Dip
G S Woodopeckers 2
Willow Warblers 10+
Lesser Whitethroat 3+ Dip
Garden Warbler 2+ by car park
Blackcap - at least 8 males in Dip. at least 1 male and 3 females near car park.
Reed Warblers 2 Dip
Sedge Warbler - Capsticks marsh still
Snipe 5 Capsticks Marsh
3 Tufted Duck
Kingfisher 1
Little Owl 3 - 1 Ad and 2 Juvs
200 Lapwings
Grey Wags 2


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Yes it was me. I didnt know it was you (does this make sense?).
Yes I did get my scope on it and Im almost certain it was not a common buzzard, it just was not right,the head seemed to long and I was reminded of a description Ive read of a pigeons head. I did discuss this with Peter Baron on the phone and I wanted him to say it was a Honey Buzzard ,alas he didnt get a good enough view. My problem is Ive never seen one before and Im not totally certain(or do I just want it to be?). I saw no plumage detail as it was in silouete(oh God I wish I could spell!), but honestly Im sure it was not a common buzzard.
Perhaps you will see one on Monday along with all the greenish warblers, good luck.


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Ian was it you i bumped into near withins res?? Did you get your scope on the Buzzard?

I see that theres been several Honey Buzzards sightings from West Yorks, Staffs and Oxford today so it must have been onewink.gif
So Mr Mckerchar has there been a movement of Common Buzzards today in the county?

-- Edited by warfy at 18:36, 2007-08-25


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25/8/2007- 8am-11am Thrashed every hedge, field and scrubby area this morning warming up for Spurn, almost forgot to look on the res..

No sign Black Necked Grebe
5 Snipe
2 Shoveler
4 Tufted Duck
12 Mute Swans (incl 2 well grown cygnets canal)
1 Spotted Flycatcher - Canal
3 Garden Warblers (2 Canal near bennys and 1 Dip)
3 Blackcaps(canal same elderberry as the gardens)
1 Lesser Whitethroat - Dip
9 Willow Warblers
2 Reed Warblers Dip
3 Grey Wagtails
5 Common Terns
2 Kingfishers (1 Res, 1 Dip)
2 G S Woodpeckers
2 Pheasants
1 Cormorant
1 Stock Dove
2 Little Owls
1 Juv Sparrowhawk
1 Swift

and at 10am i caught a glimpse of a Buzzard sp. whilst in the dip but only got about a 1 second view as it disapeared behind a hedge and i have since spoken to Pete Baron who also saw it from the other side of the res who has since spoken to Ian Campbell who also saw it from the canal and Ian particularly who probably had the best view thought it may have been a Honey Buzzard! The bird flew fairly low and ended up going west being mobbed by crows. It seemed quite low down and all 3 of us didnt get conclusive views, so it may well be the one that got away. When i saw it from the dip i ran up to the boating club but failed to see it again. So frustrating being in the dip if i was by the sailing club i may be saying ive just had a Honey Buzzardhmm.gif

Oh well a reasonable morning none the less, right im off the Reebok to get even more depressed.cry.gif

-- Edited by warfy at 12:45, 2007-08-25


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Just been down to check for myself and Juv Black Necked Grebe still present in middle of res with 3 G C Grebes 7.45pm at least.


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No sign at 5.30pm apparently cry.gif


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Went round Elton this a.m. Juv. black necked grebe present amongst usual great crested. Also 200 plus lapwing, 3 snipe and around 100 mixed flock of swallows and sand martins. Stock dove also seen.
Black necked grebe still present 3.30 this afternoon.

-- Edited by Ian Campbell at 17:10, 2007-08-24


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Spotted flycatcher preening itself in hedgerow this am plus 19 pied wagtail feeding around cattle at Old Hall Farm.


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Bob asks if anyone has seen any swifts in "out of county birding".
2 at Elton this am[8.30], also 11 snipe flying round and many swallows with both types of martin and 2 adult with 1 juvenile common tern.
Cheers Ian.


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Back to reality (just spent two weeks in Cyprus) decided to visit, can this be true? the 3rd best birdsite in Gtr Manc.
8.30 am and its ****ing down,that bit was no surprise!.
100ish swallows over the res, plus about 70 coot, 1 cormorant and 8 swans. Also 62 house martins sat on telephone wires, looked like they were thinking of sunny Africa.
I apologise for the ****, but I couldnt use this word to describe where I stayed in Cyprus!,its a good job we dont have S****horpe in our area!!!
Cheers Ian


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Why can't I see posts on this thread?

Hmm, after submitting this post, I can now see the rest.

-- Edited by rezMole at 17:23, 2007-08-05


My bird photos collection on Flickr and My Elton Reservoir highlights collection.

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5/8/2007 Early am

2 young Little Owls farm
Reed Warbler & Blackcap in the dip
10 Mute Swan and 1 Common Tern res

Otherwise pretty quiet.

-- Edited by warfy at 14:44, 2007-08-05


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4 shoveller dropped in on the flood pools by canal. Nothing much on the res except a few scroats.



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All will be glad to know that I have heard the plans to open the Manchester Bury and Bolton Canal, widely hyped a few years ago, have been quietly dropped...

Judith Smith __________________________________ Lightshaw hall Flash is sacrosanct - NO paths please!

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8.30-9.30 am.
Very little on the res, 8 adult swans and fly past cormorant and oystercatcher
On canal tufted still has 8 young and nearby a pair of little grebe with at least 2 tiny young. Also on canal 2 pairs of swans with 3 and 2 well grown young and 5 singing sedge warbler.


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Paul, there were 3 common sandpiper there this morning.
Cheers Ian


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15/7/07 Early am

2 Common Tern
1 Reed Wblr (round the "muddy" side - unusual)
4 Reed Buntings
4 Whitethroat
2 Chiffchaff
3 Grey Herons
1 Lesser Black-backed Gull
1 Willow Warbler
1 Peregrine (flew in, sat on pylon for 20 seconds - in a place where I couldn't get a photo, then flew off)
1 Sandpiper (probably Common, but only got a glimpse as it took off and I lost sight of it)
10+ Wren (most I've ever seen in such a short time - seemed to be everywhere)
1 Mistle thrush
1 Moorhen
A few Sand Martins, House Martins, Swallows & Swifts - but not great numbers of any of them,
plus usual collection of GC Grebes, Mallard, Canada Geese, Swans, Coots, Black-headed Gulls etc.


My bird photos collection on Flickr and My Elton Reservoir highlights collection.

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Went round Elton this am nothing much about, 1 common tern in fact. Was told about a tufted duck on the canal with 8 small young so went to see, sure enough cute as can be all 8 present. Whilst watching saw a strange sparrow sized finch on the tow path,its not in the collins guide. Beak a bit hawfinch shaped, top mandable dark, bottom pale. Two small pale patches above beak. Head back and wings brown, tail darker brown and slightly cocked. Belly pale with thin brown flecks. It was quite tame, I could get to six feet and I presume it was an escaped cage bird but has anyone any idea what it could have been
Cheers Ian


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8.30 -9.30 am and very wet:
117 (then I lost count) lapwings in field below res
8 adult mute swans
1 common tern
2 linnet
pair grey wagtails taking food into stream area below pump house


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Saturday evening, showery

2 Oystercatchers
Male Tufted Duck
Grey Wagtail
7 Mute Swans
60+ Lapwings
3 Common Whitethroat
Chiff Chaff
3 Red Buntings
Many Sand Martins, House Martins, Sallows & Swifts.


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23/06/2007 - Didnt realise Glastonbury was at Elton this year hmm.gif

7 Mute Swans
2 Tufted Duck
2 Little Ringed Plovers
2 Oystercatchers
Plenty Whitethroats, Sedges still singing.

I cant remember the last time we had some decent mud exposed, must be 3 years at least since them youths drove that car into the rescry.gif


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Apart from moorhen, mute swans, coots, mallard and canada geese - the usual on the lodge where I live, there was a fishing grey heron and two common tern again today. Really enjoy watching the tern fishing, from my front door.


My bird photos collection on Flickr and My Elton Reservoir highlights collection.

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Please give us some mud!!

20/5/07 Early am

1 Common Tern
4 Mute Swan
4 Tufted Duck
6 Sedge Wblrs
3 Whitethroat
2 Blackcap
1 Chiffchaff
1 Willow Warbler
2 Grey Wagtails
1 Little Owl
plus usual collection of Mallard, Canada Geese, Coots and Moorhen etc.

Heard the parrot again and spent 45 minutes looking for the Grasshopper Warbler - singing away but I didn't manage to actually see it. As I've never seen one before, I'll probably be back up there in a few days to give it another go, now that I know where it is (past the fishing lodge at far end of the Res).

Also had a female GSW and a male blackcap in my garden a couple of times in the last 3 days, and a Common Tern - probably from Elton Res.

-- Edited by rezMole at 22:44, 2007-05-21


My bird photos collection on Flickr and My Elton Reservoir highlights collection.

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Also Little owl sat on fence near the farm, a Grey Wagtail near the boat house, a young Grey Heron obligingly sitting in the reeds letter me get a few close-up photos and four jays.

-- Edited by rezMole at 13:47, 2007-05-13


My bird photos collection on Flickr and My Elton Reservoir highlights collection.

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Please give us some mud!!

13/5/07 Early am

1 Dunlin - Sat on a Buoy
2 Common Tern
5 Mute Swan
1 Cormorant
5 Tufted Duck
7 Sedge Wblrs
2 Whitethroat
3 Blackcap
1 Chiffchaff.

and that Parrot still flying around near the farm (not a Ring Necked Parakeet) biggrin.gif


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5th May, early am - Just 2 Little Ringed Plovers of note not much else though.

-- Edited by warfy at 12:44, 2007-05-05


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Called in on my way home and the Little Gulls still there at 12.15pm.


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Good record Simon, you should have entered the tournament, 3 Little Gulls would be worth 6 points


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3 Little Gulls (2 adult summers)
2 Common Terns
2 Sedge Warblers

-- Edited by warfy at 15:29, 2007-05-03

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Thursday 3rd of May 2012 04:48:26 PM

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