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Ian Campbell wrote:

Early a.m.
Same as Simon reported, however after myself and Peter Johnson had left Simon( searching for his Pipet ) we found a third wheatear. Also the swan nest near Bennies which had at least 5 eggs last weekend is now empty, there was no sign of broken eggshells and it looks like they may have possibly been taken by an egg collecter.:furious.gif
Cheers Ian

Ian, this is one of the reasons we shouldnt be mentioning the whereabouts of birds on eggs regardless of how common the bird is.


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In this week's Bury Times, the headline is about Benny's (which is boarded up) being bombarded by bullets from a AK47 !!!! Hope they didn't kill the swans as well. Time for them to re-lay though, as not far into incubation.

Judith Smith __________________________________ Lightshaw hall Flash is sacrosanct - NO paths please!

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Early a.m.
Same as Simon reported, however after myself and Peter Johnson had left Simon( searching for his Pipet ) we found a third wheatear. Also the swan nest near Bennies which had at least 5 eggs last weekend is now empty, there was no sign of broken eggshells and it looks like they may have possibly been taken by an egg collecter.:furious.gif
Cheers Ian


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Sat 12/4/08 early am

Wheatear 2 female
Common Sand
Oyc 2
Swallow 4
Sand martin 15
Teal 3
Tufted Duck 8 with a further 2 on canal

plus an un-id'd pipit in creek which flew up into a bush sung to its self and then flew up
high over res

Bury year list - 136 latest - Whooper Swan

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Trespassing at Elton without Warfy's permissionbiggrin.gif

1 Common Sand and LRP. Plenty of hirundines (inc 6 House Martins)


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4-30 to 5-30 pm

2 LR Plover
3 Common Sandpiper
1 Redshank
2 Oystercatcher
Single Male Goldeneye.

Very muddy in Creek area


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10/4/2008 early am

Common Sand 3
Dunlin 1
Ringed Plover 1
Redshank 1
Oystercatcher 1
Tufted 8


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9/4/2008 pm, despite the rather annoying disturbance-

Common Sandpiper 3
Little Ringed Plover 4
Ringed Plover 1
Redshank 1
Oystercatcher 3
several chiffchaffs and lots of sand martin
male Goldeneye still on


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Couldn't locate the Little Ringed Plovers yesterday.

I had a wander down the dip and didn't see much down there except for 3 blokes with 2 dogs and an air rifle. One of the dogs was carrying what looked like a pheasant or something. They soon went away when they saw me. We seem to be getting quite a number of people walking around with air rifles - quite worrying.

Added some pics to Elton web photos (inc ringed plover)

-- Edited by Paul Wilson at 17:59, 2008-04-07


My bird photos collection on Flickr and My Elton Reservoir highlights collection.

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during the late afternoon blizzard, yes i was out in itbiggrin.gif

Little Ringed Plover 4
Ringed Plover 3
Redshank 1
Swallow 5


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This a.m.
2 Little Ringed Plover, 2 Ringed Plover, 1 Redshank, 3 Oystercatcher, 2 flocks of Fieldfare( 30 and 12 birds ), small number of Sand Martins, 1 Swallow, 1 Little Owl, 2 Teal(at the side of the canal) 6 Meadow Pipets.
Anything to add Warfy? I saw you on the opposite side of the Res.
Forgot 1 singing Willow Warbler.
Cheers Ian

-- Edited by Ian Campbell at 13:27, 2008-04-06


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I'll probably have a look tomorrow morning, as long as it isn't chucking it down.

I have added a page of photos taken at Elton Res this year (not many at the moment). Anyway, they can be found here:
Elton Res 2008 photos

-- Edited by Paul Wilson at 22:59, 2008-04-05


My bird photos collection on Flickr and My Elton Reservoir highlights collection.

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5/4/2008 late pm migrants arriving all the time in these showers!!

Little Ringed Plovers - now 6 birds including a very confiding pair in the creek, paul get down with that big lense.

Ringed Plover - 2 still on at 6pm
White Wagtail - 1 (wasnt on this morning)
Swallow - 11+ now
House Martin 1

Loving these water levels, there is that much mud now even the motorbike going up and down the waters edge didnt matter, love it.smile.gif


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5/4/2008 very early am

Little Ringed Plover 2 (about bloody time)
Ringed Plover 2
Redshank 1
Oystercatcher 3
Jack Snipe 1 still present
Snipe 30+
Goldeneye 1 male
Tufted 4
Willow Warbler 3 (1st of the year)
Swallow 1
Sand Martin 50+
Chiffchaff 4+
Fieldfare 30+ still around in fields
G S Woodpecker 1
Pheasant 4 (good number for Eltonyawn.gif)

Myself and Simon Johnson


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Paul Cliff wrote:

sat for half an hour in my 'colin chapman hide' outside diasyfields looking for f.........s, non seen, but some spectacular house sparrow chases. :D

I haven't seen any firecrests since 2nd March. I think we can assume they decided that there were far too many people pointing scopes, bins and cameras at them, or their liking and have moved on!

I did take a wander round Burrs to try out my new camera yesterday early evening - nothing of note there. Stopped off the watch the resident Dipper on the way back to my flat. I'm going to start spending a bit more time trying to get a decent photo of it.


My bird photos collection on Flickr and My Elton Reservoir highlights collection.

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took warfies advice and did an early morning, no sign of the wheatear, but 2 swallows over the creek at 7.45 ish.

sat for half an hour in my 'colin chapman hide' outside diasyfields looking for f.........s, non seen, but some spectacular house sparrow chases. :D


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I think the county can do without yet another permit only site too smile.gif


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Let me get this correctevileye.gif, do the rest of us occassional visiters to the mighty Elton have to get permission from a junior Warfy to visit his patch in the future?confused.gif
Seriously though the people who let their dogs loose on the bank are a real pain in the a*** and as Simon says it is definately better early a.m.
Cheers Ian
Only joking Mr Warfybiggrin.gif


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Another tresspasser on my patch! Paul if you look at the "Elton site guide" on the website, early morning is by far the best time to visit in the hope of waders. I get down for 7am most mornings and theres usually at least 1 dog walker already there by then, what you saw is unfortunately an all to familiar sight at Elton, part of the problem of having a path all the way round the res.hence alot records from Elton involve fly-overs. Shame we cant get a big fence round and have it permit only.

Paul, there was at least 2 Chiffchaffs in on Sunday am (30th) around car park and 3 Swallows yesterday. Forgot to post it. Email me your Godwit photo pleasesmile.gif


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had a wander round myself this afternoon, but it was spoiled by irresponsible dog walkers, what is it about people who cannot control their animals that makes them think it's ok for them to be off the leash?

two girls this afternoon started their walk by letting all three of their dogs chase all the ducks and geese at the sailing club - i tried to put some distance between myself and them but they caught up to me at the creek - no wheatear, but the dogs chased off the redshank.

i decided to stay put for 15 minutes to let them get ahead so i could enjoy the peace without hearing them screaming at each other and the three dogs, whilst they moved on disturbing everything at the water's edge.

5 pied wagtails, 2 greys and a female reed bunting, 4 shoveller (chased by the dogs) and a male goldeneye far side. 2 sand martin.

2 grey wagtails on the overflow of little res. 1 skylark

as i came back onto the big res i witnessed all three of the dogs belonging to the two girls attack a man walking on res - the girls stood and watched on a did next to nothing whilst this poor fellah tried to fend off the dogs. weirdface.gif unbelievable.

-- Edited by Paul Cliff at 17:27, 2008-04-01


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Godwit was in the area where the ducks get fed by dogwalkers. In fact, it was such a person who caused it to fly off - and I was unable to locate it again.

I am adding a 2008 Elton page to my web site - will have a crap photo of the Godwit and a half-decent Wheatear - when I've uplaoded it all. Will post here with link when done.


My bird photos collection on Flickr and My Elton Reservoir highlights collection.

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where was the Godwit paul?


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One Oystercatcher, one Redshank, One Black-tailed Godwit and a great male Wheatear (on the short grass just past the creek).

Also four shoveler and loads of Sand Martins and at least four Chiffchaff.


My bird photos collection on Flickr and My Elton Reservoir highlights collection.

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Male Wheatear around 6.00p.m. yesterday, info from Peter Johnson.
Cheers Ian


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Early a.m. weather better than yesterday.
6 Meadow Pipet feeding on bank with 6 Pied Wag on insects when 25/30 Sand Martins arrived to join in the feast. 10 mins earlier (before I arrivedfurious.gif) Peter Johnson had a Swallow fly past. Also 1 Redshank, 2 Oystercatcher in same place as yesterday, the've been around here for about a month now, maybe they have set up territory. Swans nest nearest Bennies has at least 2 eggs. Also heard Curlew and saw GSWoodpecker.
Cheers Ian


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Early a.m.
Horrible weather, cold and damp, 2 Sand Martins, 2 Goosander, 16 GCGrebe and that was it. On canal between Crow Trees Farm and Elton, 2 pairs Swans with Females sat on nests, at least 4 Coot sat on complete nests, in field at side of canal 2 oystercatcher and Kestrel at usual nest site.
Cheers Ian


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27/3/2008 Early am

Sand Martin 10+
Redshank 2
Goldeneye pair
Cormorant 10+
still a few Fieldfare about

migrant withdrawal symptons setting in.


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Mid afternoon

1 Red Shank
18 LBB Gulls
6 Common Gulls
1 Mute Swan on Res + 2 on canal
2 Comorants
12 GC Grebes
GS Woodpecker
Few Lapwings in fields on territory
2 Stock Dove
Pair Grey Wagtails
Few Meadow Pipits


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24/3/2008 Early am

Kittiwake 1
Redshank 2
Oystercatcher 2
Teal 2
Goldeneye 2
Stock Dove 2
Water Rail 1
Fieldfare 20+
Redwing 10+


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A pair of Pintail and not much else.

How about a beaming warfy realizing he has just got some tournament points making him neck and neck with me the race is on for us lesser mortals.

nice find mate 2 minutes before I arrivedbiggrin.gif

keep birding.


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Simon Warford wrote:

23/3/2008 Early am 3 inches of snow!

Pintail - Pair
Redshank 2
Goosander 1
not much else.

There were also a couple of Oystercatchers and a good handfull of grey wagtails with some meadow pipits along the shoreline.


My bird photos collection on Flickr and My Elton Reservoir highlights collection.

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23/3/2008 Early am 3 inches of snow!

Pintail - Pair
Redshank 2
Goosander 1
not much else.


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Even earlier am than warfy

Buzzard over Coney Green Flashes
Ringed Plover
Oyc 2
Redwing 50
Reed Bunting 13
Water Rail - pool south end of res

Bury year list - 136 latest - Whooper Swan

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lets not mention football again. getting this thread back on track, last couple of days-

21/3/2008 early am

Dunlin 1
Redshank 3
Oystercatcher 2
Goosander 3
Fieldfare 10+

20/3/2008 early am

Sand Martin 3
Redshank 4
Oystercatcher 2
Goosander 3
Tufted 8


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Simon Warford wrote:

" /> right im off to watch the trotters get that bit closer to the championship. anyway im told Elton has had its day.. sometime back in the 1960's.

.....just like Bolton Wandererswink.gifwink.gif


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who rattled your cage Mr Woosey. as long as you find me an Avocet i dont mind,wink.gif right im off to watch the trotters get that bit closer to the championship. anyway im told Elton has had its day.. sometime back in the 1960's.

-- Edited by Simon Warford at 20:13, 2008-03-19


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Simon Warford wrote:

Yeah Riggers stick to your own patch! dont come sneaking down from Hills trying to pinch my countables..not that there is any.. yetwink.gif

I`M coming for YOUR countables boyo ! wink.gif


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Yeah Riggers stick to your own patch! dont come sneaking down from Hills trying to pinch my countables..not that there is any.. yetwink.gif


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19/03/08 1500-1600

Sand Martin
17 G.C.Grebe
102 Canada Goose
2 Grey Wagtail
B.H Gull, Common Gull, LBB Gull and GBB Gull
2 Coot
17 Mallard

Then had to leave as I was told I was TRESPASSINGdisbelief.gif by Warfy junior.wink.gif


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Sightings from last couple of mornings-

18/3/2008 early am

Sand Martin 2
Redshank 2
Curlew 1
Oystercatcher 2
Shoveler pair
Goosander 3

17/3/2008 early am

Sand Martin 4
Redshank 3
Oystercatcher 2
Pink Feet 2

-- Edited by Simon Warford at 13:09, 2008-03-18


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16/3/2008 Early am

Sand Martin 3
Ringed Plover 1
Curlew 1
Oystercatcher 2
Pink Feet 2 - grazing with Canada's btw Res and canal.
Fieldfare 50+ still
Goosander 1


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Simon Warford wrote:

My visit to Elton this am was short lived thanks to Ian "C team" Wooseysmile.gif

I think if you check the current Tournament rankings, you'll find Mr Woosey is indeed undoubtably "A Team" at the moment wink.gif


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nice editing there Ian, would I rather be at Elton or Cape Town? what do you think. have a good one.

My visit to Elton this am was short lived thanks to Ian "C team" Wooseysmile.gif

-- Edited by Simon Warford at 20:12, 2008-03-15


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Early a.m. today.
No Goosander or Goldeneye or anything else really, on the Res. itself. Did you have any better luck Warfy ?.
In field between the res. and the canal a male Stonechat and field between canal and metro line 2 Oystercatcher. Also 1 Goosander on the river.
Off to Cape Town for 10 days tomorrow so Elton will Probably be teeming with birds as of tomorrow but I don't really mind !smile.gif
Cheers Ian
Forgot about the 2 singing Skylarks

-- Edited by Ian Campbell at 15:41, 2008-03-15
Also forgot about the 50 Fieldfare (over and out!).

-- Edited by Ian Campbell at 18:09, 2008-03-15


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14/3/2008 Early am

Redshank 1
Curlew 2
Oystercatcher 2
Goosander 3
Redwing 50+
Fieldfare 50+
Grey Wag 3
Kingfisher 2


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11/3/08 - lunch time

Have to agree with Warfy it is indeed hard to find owt!

Redhank, 2 Oyc and Shelduck were still present and 20 GCG on res

60 Redwing singing to themselves by wader corner in the rain, also 5 Song Thrush in a group and about 35 Blackbirds may well have been gounded by the weather.

20 Goldfinch and 15 Chaffinch below Withins with 36 Lapwing.

Bury year list - 136 latest - Whooper Swan

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11/3/2008 Early am - its hard work trying to find anything at the moment

Redshank 1
Oystercatcher 2
Shelduck still on
Goosander 5 fem
Goldeneye 1 fem


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Early a.m.
14 Goosander, 2 Goldeneye, 2 Teal, 1 Shoveller, 1 Shellduck, 1 Redshank, Lapwing displaying, 8 Fieldfare.
Cheers Ian


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Also early a.m.
Much as Simon except I didn't see Curlew or Jack Snipe but did have a Water Rail at the canal near Bennies.
Cheers Ian


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8/3/2008 Early am - 6 species of wader today incl Lapwing

Redshank 1 creek still
Curlew 1 north
Oystercatcher 2
Snipe 20+
Jack Snipe 1
Shelduck 1 creek still
Little Grebe 1
Goosander 6
Goldeneye 1
Redwing 20+

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