Will see if I can catch up with the Dunlin. Really enjoyed the Knot - cheers Warfy for helping to keep the kids away while I got some photos. Fantastic looking bird - not only my first Knot at Elton but my first for the county too!
Common Sand LRP Oystercatcher 2 Common Tern 2 GCG 16 - including 2 high south over coney Green Flashes Water Rail 2 calling/squealings birds at seperate locations Gropper - reeling from old hall marsh Tufted duck 6 on old hall marsh Pair of Swans with 6 cygnets on canal below withins Reed Warbler -Coney Green Flashes Whitethroat, Sedge Warbler & Blackcap about thn back to bed as was shattered!
Additional to Simon, 1 Little Owl at stables and a Kingfisher on the Irwell. I was informed by a local that a pair of Dipper had been seen over the last 2 weeks on the river here although I did not see them. Cheers Ian
Early a.m. Wheatear in field amongst highland cattle 2 Common Tern Fly over Raven(the first I've seen here) Many Whitethroat and 5 singing Sedge Warbler 2 singing Skylark 1 Kingfisher Cheers Ian
Peregrine - Female perched on cormorant pylon for 30 mins this morning, im told it was seen a few days ago too, abit on the scruffy side not that im complaining, onto my elton year list it goes.
Little Ringed Plover 2 Common Sand 2 Oystercatcher 2 Common Tern 2 Sparrowhawk 2 Garden Warbler in the creek has found its voice now. Plus all the common warblers and plenty of them now. Swift 50+
27/4/2008 early am - big arrival of warblers overnight
Dunlin 2 6.50am only Common Sand 3 Oystercatcher 3 Lesser Whitethroat 1 Creek (found by Simon Johnson) Grasshopper Warbler 2 (1 below withins still and 1 below Old Hall Fm in marsh) Reed Warbler 1 Sedge Warbler 6 Whitethroat 7 Blackcap 12+ Chiffchaff 7 Willow Warbler 15 Swift 3
Early a.m. 6 Common Sandpiper, 1 Oystercatcher, 2 Goosander many Swallows and Sand Martin. 2 Swift over Withins and 1 Grasshopper Warbler heard then seen reeling in rough grass around stream below Redstart hedge. Also 6 singing Willow Warbler and 2 Whitethroat. Cheers Ian
25/4/2008 early am - been abit woeful this week until today-
Greenshank 2 present but mobile till 7.20am only when spooked by magpies & flew north Dunlin 1 Little Ringed Plover 2 (been on all week) Oystercatcher 3 Sedge Warbler 1 Whitethroat 1
4.15 p.m Male Redstart still present, in similar position to that described by Simon in previous post(cheers for the info). About half way along hedgerow from path to yellow blocks in field. Also Little Ringed Plover on res. Cheers Ian
Splendid Male Redstart still present 5.45pm to 6,45pm at least showing well feeding on ground next to the two yellow blocks, its in the field next to the gate thats bent viewed from bridge over stream just north of crow tree farm, its not in "redstart hedge"
4.30p.m popped down after work but could not find the Redstart, your right Simon, the res was deserted, just a small number of GCGrebes, not even any hirundines in what(by recent standards)was lovely Spring weather. Cheers Ian
A quick look this afternoon wasnt the best idea seen as im full of cold and on antibiotics the quest for more points being the driving force but i really should have stayed in!
Male Redstart still present at redstart hedge -crow tree farm Female Ruddy Duck on res Chiffchaff 2 Willow Warbler 8 Blackcap - singing from dip oh and a dead canda goose..... sums it up really!
On a more exotic note had a Cockatiel fly over the flat this morning....wonder if that had been blown in with the strong easterly winds
Redstart - cracking male at crow tree farm near manure dump, feeding and flicking about field and fence posts confirming Warfy's brief view of what he thought was one this morning.
On the res Dunlin 3 summer plumage birds LRP 3 Common Sand 1 GCG 11 + 2 Withins Tufted Duck 10 coney green flashes + 2 Withins Swallow 15 Withins + 10 Coney Green Willow Warbler 6 Chiffchaff 2 Kestrel male LBBG 65 North/north west Grey Wag
this am i saw what i thought was a the tail of a Redstart below Withins near the usual redstart hedge, but the view was so brief i couldnt confirm the sighting and couldnt relocate the bird, when i spoke to Simon Johnson and mentioned to him about it he has been down and found it this afternoon in the same spot i thought i saw it. Of course the bird is now showing on fence posts.
Early a.m. 1 Little Ringed Plover, 1 Common Sandpiper, 1 Oystercatcher, 1 Little Owl, 2 Willow Warbler, 3 Linnet,1 Kestrel, 1 Housemartin, 3 Sand and many Swallow. Heard Fieldfare and Snipe. Cheers Ian ....................... Forgot to mention 2 teal
Early a.m. 2 Ringed Plover, 7 Swallow, 1 House Martin, 4 Sand Martin, 3 singing Skylark, approx 45 Fieldfare near Crow Trees Farm and Little Owl nearby. Cheers Ian isn't it a bit late for Fieldfare?
Also early a.m. Saw almost identical birds and numbers as previous post, although had to return to see the Scoter( thanks Paul for the 'phone call) and only managed 5 Wheatear. Add Snipe seen and heard calling in the marsh and 2 newly hatched broods of coot on the canal (but not revealing exactly where) last bit just for Warfy Cheers Ian
Somebody tried stealing my wheels at Elton. Also one occasion thought I had turned up in war zone with guns going off. Do go there but not often. Strictly for the lunatic fringe I think
There are some unsavoury characters around Elton at times. The three blokes I photographed with the dogs and what seemed to be a high powered air rifle didn't look too 'friendly' - they moved on pretty quickly when the saw me.
Managed to see the little ringed plover yesterday before work - and got a pic (on my elton web page).