So, apparently there's a lockdown garden bird race happening on Saturday 16 May... check out #gardenbirdrace on Twitter for details.
Edit: or here for those non twitterers: -- Edited by Rob Thorpe on Sunday 3rd of May 2020 05:15:41 PM
Thought this may be an appropriate place to put in ideas about this. Have a pretty good list for my lockdown in Dukinfield but after nearly 6 weeks of looking still no Pied Wagtail. Must know every rooftop from my bench scoping spot but not a sight nor sound. As for Great Spotted Woodpecker....
Hi all, I hope everyone is well and bearing up in these challenging times. It’s great to see the forum being used so vigorously through the lockdown though and is exactly as I’d hoped, in that it would keep people going strong and enthusiastic, as much as can be currently anyway! Looking ahead to a tim...
Our house was built in 1905 and is opposite Dukinfield Park which is a smallish manicured park with some hard playing surfaces, a swing park, cut lawns, flower beds with mature trees quite a few of which are berry bearing trees. We have houses to each side, the back looks across the gardens of the adjace...
i think we found a lime hawk moth caterpillar in our front garden in Denton today. Is that likely? No idea about moths at all! -- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Sunday 20th of August 2017 09:42:12 PM
A newish build estate (c. 2003) with not much vegetation in the immediate area. Tops of mature trees in Astley street park visible and can hear birds from here which has allowed me to add a few species to the garden list in the past. Otherwise most species are added as fly overs or heard at night records Cu...
A typical suburban garden in a 1930's built housing estate on the outskirts of Manchester. Lawn, shrubs, small apple tree, bird feeders (suet and sunflower hearts). Staple fair of House Sparrow (max count 24 recently), Starling (come for the suet), Robin (single), Dunnock (single), Wren (single...
Pretty predictable garden birds. Male and female Great Spotted Woodpecker, Goldfinch, Great Tit, Blue Tit, Coal Tit, Nuthatch, Collared Dove and Robin all on feeders (some more successful than others). Had Bullfinch in the Winter but they seem to have moved on. Blackbird, Woodpigeon and Dunnoc...
Hope this is OK to post here Ian. Many birders will have been to Spurn in East Yorkshire. For many, like me, I expect it has provided some brilliant days birding. Spurn Bird Observatory is a charity which, like many others, has been hit by the Coronavirus outbreak. Unlike many though, the Obs is only a ve...
rspb local group had a dawn chorus event this morn 4.15 start in
lady mabels wood and the haigh plantations birds seen or heard
tawny owl ,blackbird , grasshopper warbler ,robin ,song thrush ,
whitethroat ,reed buntings,pheasant,carrion crow,blackcap,garden warbler
willow warbler,l...
As part of our current drive to get folk out into the countryside birding to escape the stresses and confined spaces and all the inherent implications of that in the current climate, we have put together a special offer. It is on one of our most popular models, the Opticron Explorer. These are an ED bino...
Just had my evening ruined by the neighbours cats!!!
Blackbids going berserk outside, went out to see what was going on, only to find 2 cats in next doors bushes raiding the Blackbird nest. One cat ran off with a chick into my garden, it had it at the bottom of the garden, i ran to try and grab it but it dive...
In this period of restricted movement I'd hazard a guess a fair few of us are browsing our bookshelves and reminding ourselves of books we had forgotten we even had!! I'm currently working through 3; RED SIXTY SEVEN - A collection of words and art inspired by Britain's most vulnerable birds, curated b...
Unfortunately I fall in the over 70s at risk category, with underlying health problems so I am now in my 3rd day of self isolation, or more correctly self distancing. It's a situation my wife and I are still trying to come to terms with. Separation from children and grandchildren is the hardest. I alway...
Just had a nice pleasant hour around the lake and common.
Nothing startling but saw the following:
Garden Warblers
Long tailed Tit family of 7
Coots and their young on the water
Buzzard over head
Kestrel hunting
Green Woodpecker
A nice st...
11.30-15.00 6 Mistle Thrushes, 2 Song Thrushes, 1 Swallow (flying South), 1 Golcrest, 1 Treecreeper, 2 Coal Tits, 3 Buzzards, 1 Kestrel, 2 Ravens and a single group of 30 Starlings (perched on a single dead tree). 1 Common Toad, 3 Speckled Wood butterflies and lots of Common Darter dragonflies. Fore...
We only have a tiny garden but it backs onto scrubland which is thankfully left to its own devices. Its not far from Rumworth so we do get some interesting birds going back and forth between there. We have a very small pond which is also left to nature. Incredibly 42 frogs made it home last Spring which pro...
We only have a tiny garden but it backs onto scrubland which is thankfully left to its own devices. Its not far from Rumworth so we do get some interesting birds going back and forth between there. We have a very small pond which is also left to nature. Incredibly 42 frogs made it home last Spring which pro...
For more years than some of us care to remember a group of us have been going out together once a month, initially as Oldham RSPB Outdoor Members Group and then as Oldham Birders. Make-up and numbers have varied over the decades but there have always been a group of us sharing day trips and long weekends b...
Heywood, MOrrisons Car Park Sat 22/1/11 16:20
A widespread flock in skeins of at least 250 birds heading SW over head at several hundred metres - only a couple calling rather than the noisy chattering of smaller flocks
Waterworks Lane today:
1 Merlin - male perched on fencepost eating a small bird - fantastic views
1 Buzzard - perched on farm machinery at side of road - didn't move when I parked the car alongside
3 Yellowhammer
3 Song Thrush
34 Fieldfare
5 Grey Partridge
It came to my attention today via Facebook that a man called Jason Endfield submiited a Freedom of Information request in relation to his campaign to stop Natural England issuing licences to kill Ravens in England. What he discovered about the extent of licensed killing beggars belief. Here is what...
Well im not listing as such but will post some Highlights in the grim time ,we have a garden probably 25 yards by 25 yards in central Warrington , no fields ,just houses surrounding us ,close to the Halliwell Jones Stadium, wishing now we had moved to St Helens Road Leigh many years ago ,but who would ever...
As I could not find a thread dedicated specifically to this area, I decided to create one! 0640-1030 with Simon Ghilks We decided to have a look at this area this morning as with the heavy rain of the previous 24 hours, we hoped something might have dropped in. Little Owl in Lily Lanes area, disturbed ini...
Cornell University have set up a HD webcam on a bird feeder at Canopy Lodge in Panama. It is live feed although it is also possible to rewind 4 hours to see what you have missed. The species I have seen so far are: Grey-headed Chachalaca Collared Aricari Red-crowned Wood...
Called round to John Ireland's house in Marple to see a nice male Brambling in his back garden, almost in full summer plumage. 14.25: As I was leaving we were both surprised to see an Osprey flying NNW low over his house towards Chadkirk Country Estate. Cheers John