I've just read that the "Twitchers-A very British Obsession" will be televised on 6th October on BBC4, starting at 9pm and finishing at 10pm.
Might or might not be to your taste in televisual treats but I thought I'd post here just in case anyone would like to watch.
this is my first post, I am not a serious twitcher, but enjoy watching when i can, i spotted a kingfisher on Rochdale canal behind Arrow mill at the weekend, just wondered is it likely that it resides in the area or was a visitor. thinking of trying to get a photo if quick enough, any thoughts -- Edited by pe...
I've just heard tonight that it's likely that Bolton MBC have cut their funding to Bolton Wildlife Project by 100% (hope it's not the case; perhaps someone out there knows differently?) and I thought it might be useful to start a thread where people can report what they hear is happening in their areas...
Last minute reminder for all who are resisting the delights of Scilly - Birdwatching Festival at Martin Mere is THIS WEEKEND (both Sat & Sun)!
Highlight, of course, will be the BTO stall, but you can also look at all those books and optics, etc to put on your list for Santa at the other stalls.
last week my 15 year old grandson asked me if i would help him with his duke of edinburgh,s award for his skill he wants to do bird watching.i only have a brief idear
of what it intails bronze silver and gold 3month and 50 species, 6 months and 12 month.
I have sugested we do 4 differant habitat sites in eac...
I am in the market for a birdwatching /walking coat. Needs to be warm and rain proof good pockets. Not too dear.
Any ideas or recommended retailers much welcomed
Many Thanks
I have no promblem accessing this site on my mobile phone and have birdguides info for the latest news when im mooching further afield. The only problem i have is that i cannot get the ordnance survey map for grid referances or the birdmap that has symbols showing the exact location of birds. Does anyon...
having been lucky enough to see the slavonian grebe last saturday and the pied billed on wednesday, we were discussing the chances of seeing the 2 which we haven't so far seen.
the red necked and black necked.
how likely would you chaps think it would be that we could see both of these species before t...
Lesley Rd end - a Water Rail on the little stream and 2 Buzzards (a tetrad with no records at all so far, so paid it a visit today - 27 species in total)
Not long since come back from another trek around Merseyvale Nature Park, Stockport with my two youngest daughters. Not the most elusive of birds, I know, but was surprised to see a female pheasant fly up from the bank of the river near the sewage works. Not seen pheasants round there before and just wo...
Having been run off my feet for a good month or so it was nice to get away from it all and have a week in the emerald isle. I went over with the wife for some walking, sight seeing, surfing and a bit of birding in between, but nothing too serious. We were staying near the beach in Lahinch, County Clare, with mix...
I'm looking to get into bird photography (something I've been itching to do for a while) and I've now decided to take the plunge. I've done quite a bit of research on cameras and lenses and I've decided to go with a Canon 500D body and a Canon 400mm f5.6 lense.
Can anyone recommend a good retailer where I...
Popped off the M6 today to see the Velvet Scoter at Clitheroe which was showing very well. As the small lake it was on was nearly completely iced up not sure how long it will stay but was fascinating to see it diving below the ice, retrieving freshwater mussels [small swan mussels?] and swallowing them w...
I'm quite urgently looking for some photo software to assist with the mountain of photos I have and for their use on the website etc. I realise Photoshop etc are supposed to be the best but I'm not sure I can justify the outlay on the really good programs, not when they're the same price as a plane ticket so...
Started feeding at Rindle feeding station near Astley Moss on the 1st October. Bird food provided by Leigh Ornithological Society. Wednesday 3rd a Merlin over the feeding station.
Great Grey Shrike seen by Ian Woosey this morning on western side of Anglezarke Reservoir near Kay's farm, which is down a track off Back Lane, Heath Charnock. -- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Monday 1st of November 2010 01:51:57 PM
Ian - am I OK doing this? Its not for sale so assumed it would be.
Whilst having a bit of a clear out this afternoon I came across 2 cassettes (youngsters ask your parents) of birdsongs. I no longer posses a cassette player so these are free to anyone who wants them. First come first served.They are quite...
I picked up a Barn Owl which was a road casualty (broken wing) and transferred it to Stapeley Grange hospital today. This was outside one of our farms where we have put a box recently. Such a shame. It was a superb adult female. They may be able to re-set it at Stapeley but am not hopeful.
Looking for a lined-up swan today at Three Sisters, I watched a Black-headed Gull hitching a ride on the back of one of the 15 swans there - never seen that before!
Right Ladies and Gents. I am now seriously considering biting the bullet and buying some new bins after xmas. I'm well aware of all the usual advice about trying them out for yourself etc etc, but what I'm really after is the dirty little details that you only find out about when you've handed over your r...
Just taken granddaughter to feed the ducks and saw the following
150 gray lag geese
40 canada geese
2 great crested grebes 1 juv
tuffed ducks
mute swans
on the lanes heading to Henbury
30 phesant
1 buzzard sat on fence post
29/10/10 Cloudy/moderate SE 09.45 - 11.00hrs.
Slavonian Grebe still present on No.1, but more elusive.
G.C. Grebe( c15 )
Tufted Duck ( c60 )
Goldeneye ( 5 or 6 )
Goosander ( 5 or 6 )
Coot ( 14 )
Not much else.
I have been to a few places in gm now I see lots of reports of Snipes but i can never find them.. Never ever seen one is there a place where they are unmissable or am I going blind.. I have never seen any of the cryptic camo waders in all of my 35 years on this planet -- Edited by Simon Gregory on Tuesday 19th of Oct...
I,ve only just got the full s.p. on the peregrine mentions in this our longest running 'soap' , in tonight,s episode there was a heated parish council meeting debating the installation of a nesting tray on the church,both pro,s and con,s were given equal air time and the jury is deliberating.It would...
Just returned from my annual migration to the Isles of Scilly, where I left several other Manchester birders. It was an above-average year this year, with fantastic weather after strong easterlies on 9th-10th which brought a good selection of birds in. Black-eared Wheatear was a new British tick f...