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Post Info TOPIC: Risley Moss

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RE: Risley Moss


A Hobby gave a sensational display as it swooped low over the moss, and at one point was only around 20ft from the viewing area.

Meanwhile a Common Whitethroat flitted around on the stems of bracken below the view point, which was probably a very wise

move with "Falco Subbuteo" about. The little bird never once ventured onto the tops of the bracken.

3 Buzzards soared on thermals to a really impressive height over the moss.

Meanwhile, several Black-headed Gulls also soared over the moss and appeared to indicate a hatch of flying insects, which they caught and

consumed in flight "Hobby" style.

John Williams

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Thought I'd pop into to Risley as not been for a few years. Plenty of Hobby action with at least 4 birds hunting, 2 over the reserve and 2 distantly over the grassed over landfill.
Also seen a couple of Kestrel over the reserve,Common Tern,Buzzard,a few House Martins and Swifts as well as fly over Lesser Black Backed and Black Headed Gulls.


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Site of old Tower Hide
Kestrel. Sparrowhawk and Buzzard all up hunting over the Moss.


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7 pink footed Geese SE at 11.30


Buzzard - 3



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1 hobby.  1 kestrel.  From the view point  2.15 pm


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400 Swift over the landfill SE of the moss currently



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2 hobby  pm


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Late post for 16/05/23 -


2 Hobbies seen between 13:45 - 14:15 from from former Tower Hide vew point.


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At least 3 Hobby showing well around 1400 today.


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2 Hobby very high above the moss this afternoon, always nice to see them back.



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A New years dusk watch

Woodcock - 4, off mossland

Common Snipe - 12, off mossland

Water Rail - calling nearby


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A dusk watch

Woodcock - 1,

Common Snipe - 15, off mossland

Canada Geese - 10, dropping onto mossland

Water Rail - 2, calling from edge of mossland

Tawny Owl - 1,

Carrion Crow - 150+, with most coming in & uncountable at dusk


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This morning 

2 Hobby although distant and very high

Female Marsh Harrier 



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Risley Moss short visit 11-20-13-15hrs.

3 Hobby...pair & 1st Summer Male

Singing birds included...

1 Reed Warbler

1 Song Thrush

1 Whitethroat

3 Blackcap

A female Marsh Harrier was reportedly seen earlier



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I think 1st year birds have less distinct red "trousers", which might be what you interpreted as indicating juveniles. The behaviour doesn't sound like just-fledged, either

(I looked this up make sure)


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John O'Neill wrote:

site of old Tower Hide

At least two juv Hobbies putting on a spectacular show over moss, twisting and turning as they slalomed round bushes and small trees catching dragonflies. Occassionally landing to perch up and survey the area. Vocal; I suspect an adult bird was present somewhere. Ridiculously close at times.

A distant soaring Buzzard the only other raptor seen.

 A bit too early for Juv Hobby I would have thought ,yesterday 2 adults were present occasionally and a 1st summer bird has also been around locally ,normally Juv Hobby only appear late July onwards and expecially this year when the adults were still displaying locally 2 weeks ago after arriving very late ..? It would be unusual to Have This years fledged young so early feeding at Risley. 

-- Edited by JOHN TYMON on Thursday 16th of June 2022 07:18:17 PM



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site of old Tower Hide

At least two juv Hobbies putting on a spectacular show over moss, twisting and turning as they slalomed round bushes and small trees catching dragonflies. Occassionally landing to perch up and survey the area. Vocal; I suspect an adult bird was present somewhere. Ridiculously close at times.

A distant soaring Buzzard the only other raptor seen.


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1 Hobby BRIEFLY this morning 



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Late news for Tues 11th Jan

4 Woodcock, one seen well
6 Snipe, heard only
2 Water Rail, heard only

All the action was at 17:05, exactly 50 mins after sunset


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5pm site of Tower Hide
Clear evening with a gibbous moon illuminating the moss. A low heavy fog lay on the open space making the area look eerie and arcane, like Avalon (but with the sound of the M62 still audible.)
At least 2 Woodcock, possibly as many as 5, seen over low and v close .


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A short wander around & then a dusk watch from OT area

Woodcock - 6

Common Snipe - 6

Water Rail - 2 calling in front of OT area

Canada Geese - 15 flew north along west side - 8 flew low east across moss

Teal - no numbers but quite a few calling out on the moss

Corvid flock - 350+ (crows/jackdaws/Rook)

Song Thrush - surprised to hear singing nearby, (cf Mistle Thrush singing for a couple of weeks now)

Treecreeper - 2 singing near front gate

Nuthatch - 3 active around woods

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Wednesday 29th of December 2021 10:21:22 PM


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Late records from Saturday.

Water Rail - 1, calling in front of where tower was!

Sparrowhawk - 1, female across front of area

Carrion Crows -200+, inc 1 with white wings


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Late post for Thursday 16th September - brief afternoon visit

Definitely 1 possibly 2 Hobby over over the moss - could have been the same bird

Buzzard, Kestrel, Nuthatch, 2 Bullfinch & Jay heard.

The woodland hide was deserted never seen it so quiet.



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2-30pm to 4-30pm.

Although the Woodland Hide is closed due to Covid & vandalism the feeders & tables are still clearly visible from the left of the hide & well stocked - of note :-

M & F Chaffinch;  F Greenfinch;  Nuthatch  ;  Willow, Coal & Long-Tailed Tits  &  the highlight both male (with red nape) & female Great Spotted Woodpeckers drilling out what I think is a silver birch tree.

Near Mossland Hide another G S Woodpecker was seen with 2 Buzzards circling at tree top height.

The moss was strangely devoid of any birds.

-- Edited by Lez Fairclough on Thursday 4th of March 2021 08:39:00 PM

-- Edited by Lez Fairclough on Thursday 4th of March 2021 08:40:26 PM


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Dusk vigil proved interesting (apart from great views of new Moon & Jupiter & Saturn conjunction)

Canada Geese - 80 flew low to the west

Woodcock - 4, usual route overhead & out NE

Common Snipe - 20, up off mossland

Lapwing - 200, circling over southern boundary

Short eared Owl - 1, hunting over mossland after dusk

Water Rail - 2 calling from reeds in front of observation point

Magpies - 20+, into usual roost area

Corvid flock - 400+ into roost


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Ex site of Tower Hide
4.40 pm
1 Woodcock over Moss in gathering dark
A late flying Buzzard was mobbed by Carrion Crows


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Woodland : 2 Nuthatches and 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker.

Mossland : 1 Buzzard, 1 Grey Heron, 1 Raven and 4 Jays.

2 skeins of Pink footed Geese (1 x 180 +1 x 25) heading South.

1 skein of 6 Greylag Geese heading towards Rixton tip.

Large numbers of Starlings flocking over the former landfill, then settling on the adjacent crane.

John Williams

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Dropped in briefly this morning.

Starling - 2000+ circling frantically in tight formation over the east side of the mossland but couldn't see what or where the raptor - presumably, was among all those birds!

Returned again at dusk.

Common Snipe - 17 coming off the mossland

Woodcock - 2

Canada Geese - 30 dropping onto mossland

Carrion Crows - 200+, into roost unfortunately?


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Chiffchaff singing. If this is the 1st for the site this year, it's a typical date

Great Spotted Woodpecker
Nuthatch 2+
Buzzard 6+, seems to be great weather for them today

Surprisingly few visitors, maybe they're all in Wales & Norfolk


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A Wander with My old Team Tuesday WEA Class 0945-1245


1 Grey Heron


3 Buzzard


2 Sparrowhawk 1 Female 1 Male

1 Kestrel

10 Lapwing

1 Snipe

1 Song Thrush in song

2 Goldcrest in song


1 Willow Tit in song

3 Nuthatch.


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No sign of any Willow Tits around the feeders, just 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker and

common garden birds plus half a dozen squirrels.

1 Buzzard, 1 Kestrel and 1 Raven were over the mossland, plus a steady procession of

gulls visiting nearby Rixton Landfill.

John Williams

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Dropped in at dusk to see what's moving through on a cold evening.

S E Owl - came off mossland & flew north

Woodcock - 2 off mossland & flew NE

Common Snipe - 14 off mossland

Fieldfare - 30+ dropped into the Central Coppice

Corvids - 300+ mostly Carrion but a few jackdaws

Canade Geese - 35 flew low to the west


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Brief visit to the reserve this morning 10.00-11.30, in sunshine for a change.

5 Buzzards were soaring across the moss, One Buzzard was being mobbed by a couple of crows,

then 8 more joined in the fun, and finally around 20 corvids attacked the raptor which was struggling

to gain height. The Buzzard finally gave up and dashed into the safety of some bushes on the edge of the moss.

A Sparrowhawk and a Kestrel were also in flight over the moss, and for a while the hawk also opted to have a go

mobbing a Buzzard, but it appeared only to be a token gesture.

I spent a few minutes at the feeding station, which was well stocked with nuts etc, but the area appeared devoid

of life, not even the usual squirrels were there, I had seen a Sparrowhawk zooming through the woodland moments before


John Williams

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1 Hobby (prob juv) at about 16:30
1 Sparrowhawk (ad m)

2-3 Bullfinch (h)
1 Chiffchaff (h)
1+ Willow Warbler (h)
1 Whitethroat (h)

v distantly, over Rixton fields
5+ Swift
150+ House Martin
1+ Swallow
1 Buzzard displaying


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Good views of an adult Hobby hunting over the moss, around 1430 today.


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2 x Hobby's this afternoon


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A single Hobby gave a tremendous aerial display over the moss, and quite close to the viewing area.

It was seen catching and eating what appeared to be large flying insects, although the nearest thing to a dragonfly seen

from the viewing area was a single Large Red Damselfly. There were numerous large bumblebees around, so perhaps some

of those were taken?. Also above the moss and riding the thermals were 2 Buzzards and a single Sparrowhawk.

John Williams

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Mossland : 4 Buzzards, 2 Kestrels, 2 Ravens and 1 Reed Bunting.

Woodland Feeding Station: 2m Yellowhammers, 1m+1f Bullfinches and 2 Jays. 1 Goldcrest was seen elsewhere in the woods.

Plenty of Chaffinches were below the feeders but no sign of Brambling, no sign of any Willow Tits either.

John Williams

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1 Woodcock , flying from the Moss


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Sorry for the late posting, but some highlights from my trip to Risley Moss on 8th Jan 2019:

2 Short-eared Owls hunting across the moss at exactly 16:53. I was only able to see them in flight once, as the light was quickly fading. I could hear them calling across the moss though so knew they were still there. 

1 (male) Tawny Owl calling in the woods behind the moss.




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Late pm, 40 mins after sunset (note, reserve closes at 5pm, but pedestrians can escape via turnstile at any time)

2 Woodcock off the moss, flew over trees
1-2 Short-Eared Owls
1 Tawny Owl (h)

And a really annoying drone being flown around illegally & dangerously (see separate thread)


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A cold dusk bird watch between 4 - 5pm, was well worth it.

Short-eared Owl - 1 definitely, 2 possibly. The first came off the mossland & flew north, returning 5' later high overhead & heading out west and then turned north. 20' later the same/or another was jinking over the mossland as it was being harassed by crows in the failing light before dropping back onto the mossland!

Tawny Owl - 1 calling from woods

Woodcock - 5 off mossland & heading NE

Common Snipe - 24 off mossland

Crows - ca300+ into roost


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This morning

1 Juvenile Hobby

4 Kestrel

1 Sparrowhawk

2 Yellow Wagtail flying south

2 Tree Pipit flying south

House Martin and Swallow fairly constant trickle south




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Hobby - 2 immatures hawking spasmodically over the mossland

Kestrel - 1

Sparrowhawk - male

Common Buzzard - 3 around area

Swallows - 30+ over bottom coppice area, occasionally harassing the hobby as did some crows

House Martin - 20 in same area

Nuthatch - 3 very noisey individuals near woodland hide

Chiffchaff & Willow Warbler also noted


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A surprise today was 2 Woodcock that flew towards me and over my head while I was leaning on the new boarded walkway across the small moss by the car park, also regular Hobby on Moss.



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Single Hobby over the moss. Distant but putting on a great performance

No one on their death bed ever said they wished they'd spent more time at work. http://bitsnbirds.blogspot.co.uk

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1 Red Kite

(Thanks to the photographer who spotted what we thought at first was just another Buzzard soaring high over the moss,

until when viewed through bins when a very apparent fork tailed and wing patches were noticed.)

The bird drifted off northwards and did not re-appear.

1 Hobby putting on a tremendous aerial display and seen to catch and eat a few dragonflies in flight.

4 Buzzards were over the moss, one was seen to flush and chase a Lapwing.

The Lapwing circled and landed back onto the moss giving the impression they might be breeding here.

A dozen Swifts drifted across the moss heading NE.

John Williams

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Feeding Station :

1 Willow Tit, 4 Great Spotted Woodpeckers, 4 Jays and 1 Buzzard.

Below the feeders 12 Grey Squirrels dominated the ground level, although as I left a small group of Chaffinches were

brave enough to feed amongst the rodents.

The woodpeckers and Jays were territorial and chasing each other around the wood.

The buzzard shot through the dense woodland with great agility, and with 2 crows in close pursuit.

The Mossland :

The sad remains of the burnt down tower still remain, and are fenced off, although the area in front is still accessible.

4 Buzzards were over the moss, whilst a single Grey Wagtail flew along the edge of the wood.

Carrion Crows dominated the moss, with larger numbers on the nearby Rixton tip.

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Wednesday 9th of May 2018 10:05:23 PM

John Williams

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Checking out local activity at dusk.

Common Snipe - 25 coming off mossland
Woodcock - 1 off mossland
Magpie - 12 into centre coppice roost
Jackdaws - ca100 into woodland roost
Crows - ca150 into same roost area
Blackbirds- 12 into rhodis in front of viewpoint
Reed Bunting - 6 into similar area


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2nd Aug

2 Hobby and Adult and a Juvenile .The Adult seen passing a swallow to the youngster in flight



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