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A single Dunlin on the spit this morning, plus 7 Wigeon on the flash.

Info thanks to Bill Harrison


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Am-pm Little egret - 1 Kingfisher- 4 Goldeneye-8 Snipe-4 Oystercatcher-1 Cormorant-41 Tufted duck-180



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Only birds of note this morning were 8 Goosander, 6 Goldeneye and 2 Wigeon.

Info thanks to Barry Hulme



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Ian McKerchar wrote:

Pretty quiet around the flash this morning, nothing out of the ordinary but at least the now resident Oystercatcher was actually probing up and down the spit rather than waddling about the car park with the ducks!

 Not much late on either ,and what Gull roost there was which was really small ,was constantly disturbed by 2 boats going back and too across the flash , 8 Goldeneye,1 Kingfisher, and 10 Goosander were the only things of note. All the Gulls this winter seem to be coming in from the SW in the main so seems out Northern feeding area that they have been coming from the last few years is no longer there,and the gulls are thousands down on previous years in the roost . 

I called up to the Viridor site in Atherton a couple of times last week and there wasn't a single large gull in the area including the roofs of adjacent buildings and Poundstretcher (where there'd been at least a couple hundred large gulls previously),so maybe the reason why gull nos.have dropped off?. Couldn't see any obvious reason why the gulls had disappeared,maybe they're just not bringing any food waste into the site?


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Ian McKerchar wrote:

Pretty quiet around the flash this morning, nothing out of the ordinary but at least the now resident Oystercatcher was actually probing up and down the spit rather than waddling about the car park with the ducks!

 Not much late on either ,and what Gull roost there was which was really small ,was constantly disturbed by 2 boats going back and too across the flash , 8 Goldeneye,1 Kingfisher, and 10 Goosander were the only things of note. All the Gulls this winter seem to be coming in from the SW in the main so seems out Northern feeding area that they have been coming from the last few years is no longer there,and the gulls are thousands down on previous years in the roost . 



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Pretty quiet around the flash this morning, nothing out of the ordinary but at least the now resident Oystercatcher was actually probing up and down the spit rather than waddling about the car park with the ducks!


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This morning:

19 Goosander 

7 Goldeneye 

15 Little Grebe 

Little Egret 

400 Starling flew out of Ramsdales Reedbed roost 

Info thanks to Barry Hulme


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Little Egret resting in willows in Rammies at 4:30pm this afternoon, then flew west.


Also present were 2 Wigeon and an adult Mediterranean Gull roosted.


Info thank to Phil Rhodes


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There is a cattle herd at Lightshaw Meadows placed there by the Lancashire Wildlife Trust as part of the site management. The site was checked and watched for quite a while last Saturday after the Pennington Flash fly-through by the Cattle Egret.

-- Edited by dave broome on Friday 2nd of November 2018 10:53:55 PM


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There was the other week when I was there


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-Just wondering if there are any cattle presently at/near Lightshaw as it is twice in less than a week that a Cattle Egret has flown west over Pennington. Any info would be appreciated please.


Mike P.


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A single Mediterranean Gull was in the gull roost this evening but the highlight was undoubtedly a Cattle Egret, picked up by Phil Rhodes, which flew west across the flash and headed off in the direction of Lightshaw.

No one on their death bed ever said they wished they'd spent more time at work. http://bitsnbirds.blogspot.co.uk

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12 adult Whooper Swans present on the flash this morning.

Info thanks to Bill Harrison


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Two adult Mediterranean Gulls in the roost this evening.

Adult Whooper Swan still present.

Cetti's warbler showed well around Sorrowcow Pond, initially scolding a cat which was wandering past and then alert calling in flash-side shoreline trees.

Water Rail calling from the outflow by Sorrowcow Farm

2 Kingfisher to and fro by the yacht club


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Great White Egret present on the spit at 10:18 this morning.

Info thanks to Bill Harrison


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Pm to Dusk

Whooper Swan - 1 Adult west end

Mediterranean Gull - 1 adult

Goosander- 8

Cormorant -61


Redwing - 25


plus the usuals 

Picture Mediterranean Gull and Black Headed Gull for comparison





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A single Chiffchaff was around the western end this morning, along with the usual Cetti's Warbler there. The flock of Meadow Pipit on Ramsdales Ruck still numbered just over 80 strong.


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4 Little Egret at the western end this morning.

Also 13 Goosander.

Info thanks to Barry Hulme


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Adult Mediterranean Gull roosted tonight.

Info thanks to Phil Rhodes


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dave broome wrote:

4 Little Egret flew NW over the Lowton by-pass and Leigh Fire Station towards the Flash at 1:04pm today

 I did a circuit of the flash between about 2.15pm - 4:30pm and didn't see any egrets. I did however see the following:

Whooper swan 1 at the western end

Goldeneye 4

Goosander 6

Yellow-legged gull 1 3rd winter



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4 Little Egret flew NW over the Lowton by-pass and Leigh Fire Station towards the Flash at 1:04pm today


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Earlier this morning:

1 Dunlin

1 Oystercatcher

6 Goosander


Info thanks to Barry Hulme


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single Whooper Swan present mid afternoon along with female Goldeneye and Cetti's Warbler all at the west end and Cetti's Warbler in Ramsdale Reed bed


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Highlights this morning included:

17 Goosander, 8 Wigeon and 8 Goldeneye.

Info thanks to Barry Hulme 



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Single adult Whooper Swan off the car park until dusk this evening.

Info thanks to Phil Rhodes 


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So far this morning:

12 Goosander

7 Goldeneye

3 Wigeon

8 Little Grebe

140 Pink-footed Geese SE

Ibro thanks to Barry Hulme


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Just to add to Ian's sightings, another Whooper Swan dropped in briefly between 10:00 and 10:30

No one on their death bed ever said they wished they'd spent more time at work. http://bitsnbirds.blogspot.co.uk

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The roost was a bit poor tonight with relatively few large gulls in,only things of note was an adult Mediterranean Gull picked out by Phil and a couple of Argentatus Herring Gulls.

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Saturday 27th of October 2018 07:21:12 PM


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A two hour watch this morning from Ramsdale's Ruck produced:

Cattle Egret; single flew fairly low west along the length of the centre of the flash at 08:40 

11 Whooper Swan flew east (quite a way north fo the flash) at 08:05 and a further two adults dropped onto the flash at 08:50 and looked fairly settled

1330 Pink-Footed Geese (with 1229 east in 9 skeins, 95 north in 2 skeins and 16 west in 1 skein)

425 Redwing (with 247 north in 10 flocks, 70 west in 1 flock and 108 south in 2 flocks)

5379 Woodpigeon south in 110 flocks (many probably missed due to moving in very high and tight flocks after 9am in particular)

80 Chaffinch low west (with 28 in ones and twos plus flocks of 28, 13, 8 and 18)

1 Brambling low west calling

9 Bullfinch low west in 3 flocks




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3 adult Whooper Swans flew low west at 6:20pm this evening.


Info thanks to Phil Rhodes


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Of Note today

Whooper Swan - 1 Adult (unringed)


Yellow Legged Gull- 1 1st Winter that left high South at 12.45

Little Egret-1




plus the ususals :)




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Of Note this afternoon

1 x 1st W Yellow Legged Gull in East Bay area

3 female Goldeneye 

60 Cormorant (largest number for a while)



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A circuit of the flash this morning produced:

1 1st win yellow-legged gull (same as last night) on bouy from Horrock's

1 Goldeneye

6 Goosander

2+ Cetti's warblers



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Late afternoon to dusk of note 

Yellow Legged Gull - 1 Adult & 1 first winter bird

Arctic Tern- 1 adult

Goosander -6 





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Tern sp. adult on the Flash this morning, looks like Arctic. It was still present when I left at 13.05. I don't think I've ever seen either common or arctic this late before. 


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2 adult Whooper Swans present this morning.

Info thanks to Bill Harrison


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4 Wigeon present this morning.

Info thanks to Barry Hulme 


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Adult Yellow-legged Gull present again this evening and 3 Goldeneye.

Info thanks to Phil Rhodes


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Full circuit of Pennington Flash 19th October 10:30 - 14:30 hrs.

Redwing x 5 (first of the autumn for me - in trees in field next to Sorrow Cow Farm)
Snipe x 7 (see photo attached)
Kingfisher x 3 different sightings
Willow Tit x 2
Wigeon x 4
Teal x 5
Shoveler x 15
Gadwall x 8
Pink-Footed Geese x 250 flying eastwards
Buzzard x 3
Kestrel x 2
Oystercatcher (still there in the car park!)
Coal Tit x 1
Great Crested Grebe x 5
Cormorant x 25
Lapwing x 20
Lesser Black-Backed Gull x 1
Black-Headed Gull x lots
Mute Swan x 7
Wren x 1
Dunnock x 1
Blackbird x 5
Little Grebe x 2
Grey Heron x 4
Pied Wagtail x 1
Canada Geese x 40
Coot x lots
Moorhen x 10
Tufted Duck x lots
Mallard x lots
Robin x 4
Chaffinch x 2
Great Tit x 1
Blue Tit x 1
Starling x 50
Woodpigeon x 40
Mute Swan x 9
Jay x 2
Magpie x 10

-- Edited by Steve Judge on Saturday 20th of October 2018 08:57:32 AM


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This evening:

adult Yellow-legged Gull in roost

5 Wigeon


2 Pochard

Info thanks to Phil Rhodes


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This morning's highlights included 30 Wigeon, 11 Little Grebe and 20 Meadow Pipit.


Info thanks to Barry Hulme


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In the gull roost this evening a 3rd winter Yellow-Legged Gull and a 1st winter Mediterranean Gull


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Another circuit of the Flash this morning again failed to produce yellow-browed warbler, but there was a decent passage of pink-footed geese with around 600 mainly heading east / south east in flocks of around 70. Redwings continue to pass over mainly south west, but perhaps less than yesterday. Also a small passage of meadow pipits and woodpigeons. A Cetti's warbler showed well at the western end. Two wigeon were on the Flash. Highlight of the day, my first sighting this autumn of yellow-legged gull, a cracking 3rd winter bird sitting on one of the bouys from Horrock's hide. This bird has apparently been present since at least the 6th so hopefully will remain for the rest of the winter. Thanks to Bill Harrison for the loan of his scope to allow me to take the photos which helped clinch the identification. 


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A circuit of the Flash this morning failed to produce the hoped for yellow-browed warbler, but plenty of redwings passing over mainly south west. Highlight for me was a swallow flying east over Ramsdales and the bizarre sight of a 1st winter oystercatcher coming to bread and seed thrown down for the ducks on the car park. The latter has been present here for a month or so at least.


-- Edited by colin davies on Tuesday 16th of October 2018 07:40:32 PM


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Full circle of the flash this afternoon produced very little of note apart from the following


Grey Wagtail-2

Redwing - 30+ on the south side


Redpoll -2

Cetti's Warbler-3 (1 sorrowcow/1 west end/1 Ramsdales reedbed)

plus the usuals :)

I am Surprised a bit with the total lack of Goldeneye at the flash ,I would have expected some to be in by now, and Goosander also seem to be missing at the moment.

-- Edited by JOHN TYMON on Monday 15th of October 2018 07:52:21 PM



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This early morning from first light:

3310 Woodpigeon moved through S/SE (in 76 flocks) promtly between 07:45 and 08:30, mainly just off to the west of the flash with virtually none moving through to the east of it

117 Redwing (5 flocks) and a single Fieldfare S 

33 Chaffinch and 14 Greenfinch over S (mainly singles or very small flocks)

722 Pink-footed Geese moved east in 5 skeins from the Mersey area (moving through south of the flash) and 340 in 1 skein east from the Ribble area (moving through north of the flash), with a further 7 birds over low north!

22 Linnet feeding on the grassy area of Ramsdales Ruck and 24 Goldfinch feeding along the edge of it in one flock

Cetti's warbler singing from the western end


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Not much more I can add to previous posts this aft/eve apart from good views of a cettis warbler in ramsdale reed bed, water rails heard, 2 skylarks over whilst stood at the posts there.
1 blackcap
2 goosander


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An adult Mediterranean Gull roosted this evening and 70 Pink-footed Geese flew SW.

Info thanks to Phil Rhodes


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Other sightings from early this morning include:

22 Song Thrush on and around Ramsdales Ruck

34 Meadow Pipit on Ramdales Ruck

55 Redwing over west in two flocks

Heard Fieldfare over west (not seen!)

Single Siskin over west



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Good Autumn morning at the flash 9am-1pm

Tufted Duck - 374

Great Crested Grebe - 33

Little Grebe- 5


Coot - 720


Shoveler- 23

Gadwall- 33

Yellow Legged Gull - 1x 3rd Winter (first of the Autumn for me )

Mute Swan- 16



Pink Footed Geese - 170 flying East


-- Edited by JOHN TYMON on Sunday 14th of October 2018 04:23:01 PM



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