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On a Willow Tit survey today, that again produced no Willow Tits, I did have;

Isherwood Road/Shell NR area - Chiffchaff 2, Blackcap 1, Jay 2, Great Tit 2
Birchmoss Covert - Chiffchaff 1, Blackcap 1
F22 - Meadow Pipit 1, Lapwing 1
Dismantled Railway line (F28 & 29 north boundary) - Blackcap 1, Chiffchaff 7, Buzzard 1
F25 - Skylark 1
F11 - Skylark 1, Stock Dove 2, Lapwing 1, Meadow Pipit 2
F10 - Stock Dove 2, Lapwing 1, Skylark 1, Mistle Thrush 2, Yellowhammer 1
F2 - Skylark 4, Meadow Pipit 24, Lapwing 6, Buzzard 1
Old Orchard - Chiffchaff 2, Buzzard 1, Blackcap 1
F4 - Buzzard 1, Skylark 1, Canada Goose 3


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Male Wheatear sat in F56 this evening


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On a Willow Tit survey today, that produced no Willow Tits, I did have;

Isherwood Road - 3 Buzzard over.
Birchmoss Covert - 1 singing Chiffchaff, 3 Great Spotted Woodpeckers, 1 Treecreeper, 1 Bullfinch, 1 Chaffinch, 1 Buzzard, 1 Blackcap (first singing male of the year for me).
Dismantled Railway (F28&29 north boundary) - 7 singing Chiffchaff, 1 Buzzard and 2 Mallard over.
Hogswood Covert - 1 Buzzard
Brookheys Covert - 2 Nuthatch, 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1 Treecreeper, 1 singing Chiffchaff
F36 - 1 singing Skylark
F13 - 1 singing Skylark and 1 Kestrel


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From 4pm this afternoon.

Buzzard - 2.
Lapwing - 6.
Meadow pipit - 24.
Yellowhammer - 1.
Skylark - 2.
Stock dove - 2.
Pheasant - 2 m.


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Curlew 1 over > north
Meadow Pipit 60+ in F2
Yellowhammer 4

Updated birding videos on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/c/PeteHinesbirding

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3 buzzard in the air at the same time

Male sparrowhawk chased off by a magpie



Curlew heard

lots of gull activity on Shell Pool could be heard across the whole site. Can anybody let me know if/how access can be gained to Shell pool?


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Afternoon walk from Isherwood Road, west to F8/9 and return between F2/11.

Skylark 3 singing.
Redwing 30+
Chiffchaff 1
Lapwing 10+ on Industrial site.
Oystercatcher 2 as above.
Curlew 1 heard over.
Raven 2
Linnet 5
Goldcrest 1
Treecreeper 1
Meadow Pipit 2
Chaffinch 30+
Stock Dove 20+

Phil Greenwood

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Highlights during walk from Isherwood Road to Altrincham ETW/Pool.

Sparrowhawk 1 male.
Buzzard 1
Kestrel 2 males, 1 female.
Redwing 1
Mistle Thrush 7
Chiffchaff 1 singing.
Oystercatcher 1

Phil Greenwood

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Curlew calling this morning, sounds like it's coming from the direction of Utd as was stood with back towards the solar panels ..

Aint birdin brill......

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Whilst at the Shell Pool yesterday, I heard a Curlew calling over the moss some time after 1000. Also had 14 Lapwings, 2 Oystercatchers on the Reserve and there have been reports of Ringed Plovers on the adjoining site. So, all the usual suspects are on the move inland.

Phil Greenwood

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Thanks Dave


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Rob Creek wrote:
Keith Ogden wrote:



Do we have any reports of Whimbrel in the area?

I am over at the Solar Panels close to the sewage works and what looked like whimbrel x2 just flew over me coming from the Moss area, round then towards the sewage works area.



 Many thanks Rob


Hi Rob. Many thanks for your response. With it having a beak run down and with 1st impressions it wasn't that long hence my enquiry but upon further investigation with its call on the Cornell Labs EBird app I think they may have been Curlew. 



Hi Keith,
not seen any reported locally but I could well stand corrected. Obviously the vast majority will be in Africa, The Canaries, etc but there have been a few coastal birds reported in the UK recently including...
- Hayle, Cornwall
- West Charleton Marsh, Devon
- Newbiggin-by-the-sea, Northumberland
- and a non-coastal bird in Cambridgeshire back in January



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Keith Ogden wrote:


Do we have any reports of Whimbrel in the area?

I am over at the Solar Panels close to the sewage works and what looked like whimbrel x2 just flew over me coming from the Moss area, round then towards the sewage works area.



Hi Keith,
not seen any reported locally but I could well stand corrected. Obviously the vast majority will be in Africa, The Canaries, etc but there have been a few coastal birds reported in the UK recently including...
- Hayle, Cornwall
- West Charleton Marsh, Devon
- Newbiggin-by-the-sea, Northumberland
- and a non-coastal bird in Cambridgeshire back in January


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Hi Keith Whimbrel would be very unlikely this early in the year (typically from mid-April) but Curlew is certainly possible over the moss at this time of year.


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Do we have any reports of Whimbrel in the area?

I am over at the Solar Panels close to the sewage works and what looked like whimbrel x2 just flew over me coming from the Moss area, round then towards the sewage works area.




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Jon Stevenson wrote:

Hi Keith,

Just go back to the Manchester Birding Website Homepage (link is top left) and click on Site Guides at the top of the page.  The field numbers really help and encourage a thorough exploration of the site.

 Thank you Jon


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Monday 22nd February 2021. Afternoon exercise walk.


Brambling x 1 (Field 5 amongst small flock of chaffinch)
Little Egret x 1 (Field 29)
Nuthatch x 1
Great Spotted Woodpecker x 2
Buzzard x 5 different sightings (at least two different birds)
Skylark x 3
Mistle Thrush x 1


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Hi Keith,

Just go back to the Manchester Birding Website Homepage (link is top left) and click on Site Guides at the top of the page.  The field numbers really help and encourage a thorough exploration of the site.


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Newbie here and a regular walking around Carrington Moss. The numbered fields. Does anyone or can someone send me a map pointing out the numbered fields or point me in the right direction please?

Many Thanks 



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I think we'll be seeing a lot more motorbikes on the Moss, as they're now building by the side of the Ship Canal at Partington, near the old Cadishead railway bridge. A lot of them usd to ride over there.


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Had a nice few hours here today until eight dirt bikes and two quad bikes turned up causing chaos in several fields and along the tracks..

1 Brambling in F16 with 150 Chaffinch
4 Stonechat (3m, 1f) along the track between F4 and F12
8 Yellowhammer in F8 with Chaffinches
20+ Skylark in F4 and F13
30 Lapwing in F1 before the bikers entered the field flushing them
3 Buzzards over
1 Raven over
No sign of the Linnet flock in F9 as the bikers were riding around this field


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Noticed quite a few Ringed Plovers have appeared on the Basell site in the last day or so. I've seen them mainly at night when they've been disturbed by the lights of the plant van whilst sitting on the roadside next to the kerb. This, on quiet roads with very little traffic.


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As the linnet flock in the corner of f9 was conveniently in the tops of the trees I thought I would do an accurate count and it was far higher than previous counts this winter. The minimum number was 245 but as there were a few stragglers and no doubt some hidden from view the overall number would be 250+ - a good count and certainly on a par with my maximum counts at this site from 15 years ago. Very encouraging for this declining species and the sound they made was phenomenal!

No sign of reported stonechat, brambling or corn bunting for me in amongst the large numbers of skylark and chaffinch but as I havent recorded corn bunting at this site since 2011 that one at least wasnt a surprise!




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Today from 14 30 - 16 30 Two kestrel (m+f), 150+ linnet in f9, however no sign of chaffinches, which were later located around field 25+24. They didnt settle on any trees for long so couldnt pick out any brambling. C7 Yellowhammer in field 10, and c30 skylark in field 13. 7 pheasant and a few meadow pipit and pied wags in f1. Also 13 lapwing in field 25, and 3 stonechat (f f13, m+f f25). 4 Raven over, plus another on pylons above f5, also 5 buzzard and usual large groups of corvids and starlings.


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Cycled around here today, the cold, biting wind made things difficult.

Main highlights:
Grey Partridge x3 (2 in F4 & 1 in F12)
Brambling x1 with 20 Chaffinch in F9
Linnet 150+ in F9
Raven x1 on pylon N of F5
Chaffinch 200+ moving between F4 and F5
Skylark 30+ in F10
Kestrel x1 in F2
Buzzard x2
Stock Dove x20


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Chaffinch 200+
Brambling 1 in F12 with Chaffinches.
Yellowhammer 20+
Skylark 70+ in F13.
Reed Bunting 4
Meadow Pipit 2
Linnet 150+ in F9.
Goldfinch 3
Greenfinch 1
Starling 100+
Jackdaw 100+
Rook 20+
Stock Dove 20+
Woodpigeon 50+
Pied Wagtail 1
Buzzard 1
Kestrel 1 male.
Jay 1
Song Thrush 4

Phil Greenwood

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Flock of up to 150+ Linnets in F9, Yellowhammers in F10, pair Bullfinches, few small Chaffinch flocks, Redwings, Fieldfares, Kestrel, Pied Wagtails, Jay, Buzzards etc


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-- Edited by Richard Would on Sunday 24th of January 2021 04:02:08 PM


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Samglennie wrote:

Adding on to yesterdays post, heard a call multiple times that sounded like a muffled buzzard call, but no sign of any buzzards nearby. Can anyone ID?

 Jay's can do a mean buzzard impression.

-- Edited by Andy Bissitt on Saturday 23rd of January 2021 09:40:14 PM


While we exist, all else is at risk.

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Adding on to yesterdays post, heard a call multiple times that sounded like a muffled buzzard call, but no sign of any buzzards nearby. Can anyone ID?


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Today from 15:30 until 16 45 Only 2 Gray partridges seen in field 4, aswell as large numbers of Rooks, Jackdaws and Starlings and a single male Kestrel in field 12. Three Pheasant in field 5, and then a later 3 in field 1 and also 2 buzzard, 3 pied wagtails and 10 meadow pipit in field 2. A flock of c10 yellowhammer were feeding in field 10, with a possible corn bunting amongst them. No sign of the large finch flock near field 8 as there was a motorcyclist doing circles in the field. Later a Raven flew over field 10.


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saw three egrets today as i drove past sinderland tip, field 33


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Report on Facebook today with photo by Karl Walker of a Little Egret on Carrington moss - no location given.


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Chilly couple of hours produced very little sadly.

Best of a bad bunch

8 Grey Partridge flew from field on right hand side of entrance to riding school over the gate and dissappeared into field 5
10 huddled together in field 4

Skylarks in various fields and Ravens heard from several pylons.


Aint birdin brill......

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Late post for Sunday 20.12.20 - from 2pm.

Chaffinch - c300 in F5 , relocating to F4 after a Buzzard flew across the field, landing on Swiss Cottage Barn.
Buzzard - 1 F5.
Starling - c 800. F12/13.
Stonechat - 2 m+ f on dividing hedge F12/13.
Long-tail tit - 10 .
Great spotted woodpecker - 1.


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Chaffinch 150+ at pylon next to stables
Redwing 90+
Yellowhammer 9-12
Reed bunting 2
Meadow Pipit 20+
Skylark heard
Linnet 1
Raven 1
Pink-footed Geese 20>W at 10.05
Water Rail 1 calling from Shell Pond

Updated birding videos on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/c/PeteHinesbirding

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pm visit.

Stonechat - 1 male, 1 female.
Kestrel - 1 male, 1 female.
Buzzard - 2
Chaffinch - 150+
Skylark - 15+
Greenfinch - 15+
Goldfinch - 10+
Meadow Pipit - 20+
Jackdaw - 200+
Fieldfare - 10+
Redwing - 30+
Starling - 1000+
Mistle Thrush - 5
Rook - 60+
Reed Bunting - 3
Yellowhammer - 6
Raven - 1
Linnet - 80+
Goldcrest - 4

Phil Greenwood

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Today from 1:30pm.
Hawthorn hedge along f5.
Redwing - 15.
Chaffinch - 7.
Blackbird - 2.

Starling - c 2000 on the pylons and feeding in the fields.
Buzzard - 2 ( one was on the bottom stantion of pylon while above c 1000 Starlings which later moved to the other Buzzard ).

F4 boundary opp f12/13.
Stonechat - 2 m+ f.
Chaffinch 11 .

-- Edited by phillipskelly on Tuesday 17th of November 2020 07:10:58 PM

-- Edited by phillipskelly on Tuesday 17th of November 2020 07:33:07 PM


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Steve Scrimgeour wrote:

I haven't seen the "flying post" but the same guy who "saw" one on Saturday has said before he has seen one.
I was intrigued so messaged him and asked the question of where, but this never got a response....

Personally I never say never, but think this is a little sketchy to say the least......

 Agreed, but always worth alerting people. 


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I haven't seen the "flying post" but the same guy who "saw" one on Saturday has said before he has seen one.
I was intrigued so messaged him and asked the question of where, but this never got a response....

Personally I never say never, but think this is a little sketchy to say the least......

Aint birdin brill......

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But if one has been seen flown then clearly keep your money in your pocket!



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brian fielding wrote:

Any more info on this please, fly over or possibly still around


I'm passing on a report seen elsewhere. No more details - although it was over a fielding containing horses.


The original post from (which was on FB) makes no reference to any falconry, and confirmed no jesses seen.


You pays your money!

-- Edited by Rob Smallwood on Sunday 15th of November 2020 11:28:17 AM


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Read a Facebook post someone seeing a Goshawk on the Moss, it also mentioned a chap flying one at another location.

-- Edited by phillipskelly on Sunday 15th of November 2020 11:15:43 AM


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Any more info on this please, fly over or possibly still around


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Report of a male Goshawk over the Miss this afternoon.


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1m and 1f Stonechat between fields 12/13 on vegetation strip..
Between 10-1030 this morning

Aint birdin brill......

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Stonechat again in the thin strip of vegetation between f12 and f13

-- Edited by Dave Cropper on Wednesday 11th of November 2020 11:50:58 AM


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Thursday, November 5th pm.

Stonechat 1 male between f12 and f13.
Kestrel 1 male.
Skylark 20+
Starling 300+

Phil Greenwood

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Flock of 600+ Woodpigeon SE over Sale FC’s training ground off Carrington Lane at 12:20 this afternoon.


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15 Grey Partridge
Mistle Thrush

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