Elsewhere... Buzzard -1. Chiffchaff - 1. Mixed flock of Corvids/ Woodpigeon - c 700 in ploughed f11. Tawny Owl heard at Dark lane. Otherwise very quiet everywhere.
Skylark c150 - c90 in F61 followed by 60 flying south over Brookheys Farm / Covert towards there Merlin 1 flying across F32 towards F61 Little Egret 2 Sinderland Brook
Updated birding videos on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/c/PeteHinesbirding
Late post for yesterday ( Wednesday 27.11.24) from 2.30pm. Buzzard - Corvids -c300. Starling - c50. (feeding in the stubble with the corvids). Raven - 2. Grey Partridge - 8 (out in the open unfazed by myself,dog walkers and motor bikes). Redwing - 10. Fieldfare - 1. Chaffinch - 20. Mistle thrush - 2. Also not many Wood pigeons about.
Late news for the morning of 8th October, when 3200 Woodpigeons were south of Sale Sharks training ground off Carrington Road, having come off and/or moving to, fields there, probably fields 5,6 and 7 area.
The impressive Woodpigeon flock in the same location early afternoon today easily exceeding 4000 strong
The massive influx of 3000 Woodpigeon inevitably attracted the interest of a Peregrine which buzzed a breakaway group at the stables side of f5 before landing on a pylon.
20+ of both Meadow Pipit and Skylark in f5 were watched over by a Kestrel at Swiss Cottage.
200+ mixed corvids were in f4 with 2 Buzzards flying round the pylons.
Small birds were scarce in the other fields and apart from Goldfinch there were no other finch flocks yet. No sign either yet of the wintering Stonechat. Indeed several of the fields have recently been ploughed and sown with winter crops and the carrots in f11 havent been harvested so not many fields have stubble.
A Redwing was with a small group of Blackbirds near f8 and a few Tufted Ducks and 2 Coot on the small reservoir at Common Lane 1 or 2 Ravens and Ring-necked Parakeets flew over.
I also covered Altrincham Sewage Works but nothing of significance there.
Late news for the morning of 8th October, when 3200 Woodpigeons were south of Sale Sharks training ground off Carrington Road, having come off and/or moving to, fields there, probably fields 5,6 and 7 area. Also three Swallows flew south together.
Common Sandpiper heard calling low over Sale Sharks training ground on Carrington Lane at 11pm this evening. at one point it was certainly circling or perhaps more than one bird was involved!
A Hobby flew low through the North Cheshire Equestrian Centre in Carrington Lane at 11:05 this morning, sending all the breeding Swallows there mental! It quickly flew off fairly low west over the training pitches of Sale Sharks.
Pair of Yellow Wagtail in the wheat(?) field at the SE corner of F1 Male Redstart in the trees aside the concrete road just past the barrier. RH side as you head towards Dunham, just in line with the first 'speedbump' Several calling Whitethroat, Yellowhammer and the odd Blackcap.
Numerous Mistle Thrushes on the ploughed fields.
-- Edited by Robert Farmer on Wednesday 12th of June 2024 04:59:41 PM
-- Edited by Robert Farmer on Wednesday 12th of June 2024 05:00:16 PM
2 Yellow Wagtails showing well on the wires and on the ploughed fields on the corner of F2, F11 and F4. Yellowhammer and Common Whitethroat in the same vicinity. Wheatear on several ploughed fields.
2 further Yellow Wagtails enjoying what is left of the muddy pool at the NE corner of F25.
From an earlier visit (30.4.24) Yellow-Legged Gull in F2.
Male ring ouzel was present in the south west corner of field 4 at 2.25pm, its was on the path in full view drinking water from a puddle but after that for over an hour it stayed pretty much elusive along the hawthorn hedge, flying out & back in every now & then.
yellow wagtails over f4 but heard only 8 wheatear f12 1 wheatear f5 2 grey partridge f2 1 yellowhammer f4 1 raven at the power station Numerous buzzards around
Ring Ouzel male in the SW corner of F4, being chases by Blackbirds whenever it emerges from the hedgerow where it is keeping elusive Wheatear 5 - 2 in F2 (male and female), 3 in F12 (2 male and a female) Yellow Wagtail 3 - 1 in F4 flew out over the reserve, 1 in F12, 1 in F1. All males Mediterranean Gull 1 adult over F4 calling, flying towards the reserve Oystercatcher 4 Lapwing 8 Raven 2 (carrying food) Skylark 10 Willow Warbler 4 Chiffchaff 18 Blackcap 8 Common Whitethroat 2 F2 Yellowhammer 6 - 2 in F1, 4 in F11
Wheatear 2 on land west of the Shell Pond, looking through the fence Lapwing 7 Snipe 1 Tawny Owl 1 vocal male from the orchard at midday Raven 1 Skylark 5 Chiffchaff 7
Updated birding videos on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/c/PeteHinesbirding
This afternoon from 14:10 not much about at all but I did see a large flock of about 100 Fieldfare (as well as an equal amount of Starling) leave and then return to F11 stuble field. Once I erected my scope to do a count I couldn't see them at all,even though I knew where they landed and also looked from two sides of the field . A Kestrel was also hunting nearby.
Raven - on top of the electricity distribution plant at the top of Isherwood Road. Looked like he was pulling the entrails out of a rat or similar. Skylark Fieldfare Black-Headed Gull Canada Goose Tufted Duck Mallard Coot Moorhen Lesser Black-Backed Gull Redwing Blackbird Carrion Crow Jackdaw Magpie Robin Jay Corn Bunting - single bird near the bridge at the southern end of the path between fields 10 and 11 Rook Pheasant Great Tit Yellowhammer Goosander* (*on the pond behind the steel fence near the house building at the western side of the Moss) Cormorant* Siskin Chaffinch Linnet Reed Bunting Greenfinch
Horse fields and scrub / trees between Isherwood Road and Sale Sharks
Willow Tit 1 seen and heard in scrub under the pylon line 53.431206, -2.375918 Stonechat pair around the horse paddocks Meadow Pipit 22 Mistle Thrush 7
Updated birding videos on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/c/PeteHinesbirding