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RE: Reddish Vale Country Park LNR and environs

Had a cracking few hours watching (amongst other things) a pair of grey wags, some really special views. Some shots on the blog for those interested in that sort of thing!

A few of my photos : Joewynn's Flickr I've got a Blog!

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Mill Ponds

1 Grey Wagtail
1m Mandarin
18 Tufted Duck
36 Canada Geese
2 Moorhen
17 Coot

Ross Lave Lane

2 Skylark
3 Lesser Black Backed Gulls over

Horse Close wood to Mill Ponds via River Tame and boardwalk

1 Jay
2 Goosander
1 Bullfinch
2 Teal
1 Reed Bunting
2 Stock Dove
2 Grey Heron


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Mill Ponds

21 Tufted Duck
1 Great Crested Grebe
80 Canada
22 Coot
1m Mandarin
1 Great spotted Woodpecker
8 Goosander
1 Kingfisher

Ross Lave lane

2 Mistle Thrush
1 Skylark

Horse Close wood to Mill Ponds via River Tame and boardwalk

2 Jay
2 Teal
1 Grey Heron
3 Lesser Black Backed Gulls (over)


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Bright morning

Mill Ponds

18 Tufted Duck
21 Coot
47 Canada Geese
2 Goosander
2 Grey Heron
1 Great Spotted woodpecker
1 Sparrowhawk
2 Jay
1m Mandarin

Ross Lave Lane

3 Fieldfare
1 Skylark
3 Goldfinch
8 House Sparrows

River Tame to Mill Ponds via boardwalk

1 Reed Bunting
8 Teal


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Mill Ponds

79 Mallard
1 Great Crested Grebe
1 Heron
29 Tufted Duck
28 Coot
3 Goosander
10 Canada Geese
1 Mandarin
1 Sparrowhawk
1m Mandarin


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Mill Ponds

22 Tufted Duck
1 Heron
83 Canada Geese
1m Goldeneye
22 Coot

Ross Lave Lane

3 Skylark

Horse Close Wood to Mill Ponds via River Tame and boardwalk

5 Teal
11 Lapwing

Good to meet Roger Baker searching for the Water Rail, hope you got a glimpse!


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Mill Ponds

Cracking close up views of the Water Rail this morning
1m Mandarin
3 Cormorant
19 Tufted Duck
1m Goldeneye
1 Great Crested Grebe
21 Coot
62 Canada Geese
9 Goosander
1m Kestrel

Ross Lave Lane

6 House Sparrows

Horse Close Wood to Mill Ponds via River Tame and boardwalk

3 Jay
17 Teal
2 Goosander


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Dipped on the Rail, as per John's post (really nice mix of duck species today), in addition....

Mill Ponds

32 Coot
29 Tufted Duck
86 Canada Geese

Ross Lave Lane

8 Redwing

River Tame

4 Teal


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Mill Pools

The male Goldeneye was back today but flew off (west) at 8.15.
Gadwall (pair)
Mandarin (m)
Pochard (m)
Goosander (4m, 2f)
Mute Swan (2ad, 3 juv)
GS Woodpecker over

Two good sightings of the Water Rail which was pottering around the inflow at the north corner of the top pool until flushed by a dog walker.

Cheers, John


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Mild, light rain

Mill Ponds

30 Tufted Duck
110 Canada Geese
1M Mandarin (One turned up this time last year)
31 Coot
1M Goldeneye (Unusual for this site)
1 Great Crested Grebe (First of the year)
5 Mute Swans (Imm birds away from parents)
5 Goosander
4 Cormorant

Ross Lave Lane

1 Lapwing

Horse Close Wood to Mill Ponds via River Tame and boardwalk

2 Stock Dove
1 Jay
10 Teal


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Hi Tony,

Good to meet up. I didn't see anything else.

Found the feeding station, but not the Arctic Redpoll feeding there ;).

Look forwrd to reading your reports.

Best wishes,



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Cold but sunny

Mill Ponds

133 Canada Geese
21 Tufted Duck
20 Coot
1 Pochard
5 Goosander
2 Kingfisher
42 Black Headed Gull
1 Mandarin M

Ross Lave lane to Hyde Hall Farm

1 Lapwing
4 Pied Wagtail
2 Skylark

Horse Close Wood to Mill Ponds via River Tame and boardwalk

1 Nuthatch
11 Teal
1 Kestrel M


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Cool but bright

Mill Ponds

128 Canada Geese
25 Tufted Duck
29 Coots
14 Goosander
6 Cormorant
35 Black Headed Gulls
1 Common Gull 1stw

Ross Lave Lane

1 Peregrine over south

River Tame

3 Teal


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Cool, cloudy

Mill Ponds

7 Moorhen
1 Heron
22 Tufted Duck
31 Coot
93 Canada Geese
1 Kingfisher
10 Goosander

Horse Close Wood to Mill Ponds via River Tame and boardwalk

2 Teal
1 Little Grebe
1 Reed Bunting
2 Jay
1 Kestrel (m)


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A brief walk around the ponds with Dan Mossman produced 3 Gadwall (2m,1f) a real rarity for this location.


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Cold, cloudy

Mill Ponds

52 Canada Geese
37 Coot
11 Tufted Duck
3 Goosander
5 Moorhen
1 Heron (Which lost a bream to a Mink!)
46 Black Headed Gulls

Ross Lave Lane

4 Lapwings

Horse Close Wood to Mill Ponds via River Tame

1 Nuthatch
17 Teal

Good to meet up with Tom Brereton, did you find the feeding station?


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Cold, cloudy

Mill Ponds

31 Coot
1 Goosander
10 Canada Geese
9 Tufted Duck
5 Moorhen
1 Heron
1 Kestrel
23 Black Headed Gull

Horse Close Wood to Wetland Area via River Tame and boardwalk

No sign of Wigeon this morning
3 Teal
c200 Redwing
15 Fieldfare

Work progressing nicely on wetland area, a number of ponds have been created and are full of water already! Digging continuing. Please note some footpaths are closed whilst work is in progress.


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Cold and cloudy

The diggers arrived today to start on the new wetland area, should be complete by the end of the week, then its just a matter of fencing, planting and time.

Mill Ponds

80% Frozen

156 Mallard
44 Coot
3 Canada Geese
3 Tufted Duck
3 Goosander
1 Heron
4 Moorhen
1 Grey Wagtail
70 Black Headed Gull
2 Common Gull

Ross Lave Lane

12 Lapwing (over)

Horse Close Wood to Mill Ponds via River Tame and boardwalk

7 Jays
2 Teal (R. Tame)
1 Wigeon (R. Tame) New for my list
11 Pied Wagtail
34 Magpie
1 Buzzard


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Wonder if the Wigeon I saw yesterday swam up via Stockport and on to the Tame? Probably be in Dukinfield tomorrow.

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Wednesday 8th of February 2012 09:25:52 PM


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Cold and misty

Mill Ponds

80% Frozen

16 Tufted Duck
65 Mallard
39 Coot
67 Canada Geese
1 Goosander M
1 Pochard M
14 Collared Dove
2 Heron
55 Black Headed Gull

Ross Lave Lane

c50 Redwing
7 Fieldfare
190 Starling

Horse Close Wood to Mill Ponds via River Tame and boardwalk

1 Nuthatch
1 Bullfinch
19 Teal
c1000 Starling feeding on flooded meadow
1 Buzzard
1 Kestrel M


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Strangely less ice than yesterday. Cold -3c.

Mill ponds

90% Frozen

109 Canada Geese
42 Coots
57 Mallard
2 Great Spotted Woodpeckers
2 Heron
8 Common Gull (Adult)
3 Lesser Black Backed (2 Adult 1 First Winter)
161 Black Headed Gull

Ross Lave Lane

12 House Sparrow
4 Greenfinch
Feeding station starting to attract attention from Blue Tits, Robins, Dunnocks and the odd Chaffinch

Horse Close Wood to Mill ponds via River Tame and boardwalk

1 Nuthatch
6 Teal
1 Buzzard
c200 Redwing
15 Fieldfare
1 Sparrowhawk
1 Jay


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Cold -7c!

Mill Ponds

95% Frozen

116 Canada Geese
41 Coot
4 Tufted Duck
4 Collared Dove
2 Moorhen
128 Black Headed Gull
1 Lesser Black Backed Gull (Adult)

Horse Close Wood to Mill Ponds via boardwalk

2 Bullfinch
1 Nuthatch
1 Buzzard
1 Heron


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News hot off the press!

New Wetland Reddish Vale Country Park

Work commencing on the 7th February 2012 (depending on water levels on the river)

Stockport Council is working in partnership with the Environment Agency to create a new wetland area in Reddish Vale Country Park.

The project will greatly enhance the biodiversity of the area for amphibians and wading birds. The wetlands area will consist of three new ponds, reedbeds and shallow seasonal wet areas located on a former reservoir which was drained a number of years ago.

The project aims to create a 0.6 hectare area of reedbed and wetland which will have regional importance for migratory birds.

Exciting news, who knows maybe i'll be adding Bittern to my patch list in the future. My only worry is the amount of disturbance the site will get from dogs etc We shall have to wait and see how the site develops.

Sightings today....(No Bittern of course)..

Mill Ponds

127 Canada Geese
29 Tufted Duck
3 Moorhen
23 Coot
106 Mallard
5 Goosander
2 Pochard
164 Black Headed Gulls
7 Common Gulls

Ross Lave Lane

8 House Sparrows

Horse Close Wood to Mill Ponds via River Tame and boardwalk

2 Chaffinch
2 Dipper
6 Teal
6 Pied Wagtail
1 Buzzard
c200 Redwing
15 Fieldfare
90 Starlings
1 Heron


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Cold and cloudy

Mill ponds

29 Tufted Duck
29 Coot
6 Moorhen
67 Canada Geese
2 Pochard
3 Goosander

Horse Close Wood to Mill Ponds via River Tame and boardwalk

1 Jay
5 Teal
1 Dipper
12 Pied Wagtail
1 Kestrel


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Nick, it was a curried one actually!

Cold, cloudy.

Mill Ponds

120 Canada Geese
28 Tufted Duck
4 Moorhen
28 Coot
1 Little Grebe
12 Goosander
2 Pochard
2 Herons

Ross Lave Lane to Hyde Hall Farm

2 Mistle Thrush
1 Kestrel
2 Greenfinch

Horse Close wood to mill ponds via River Tame and boardwalk

12 Teal (R.Tame)
27 Fieldfare
1 Carrion Crow with lots of white in both wings


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Steak and Kidney or Minced Beef and Onion ?


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Cool, light breeze

Mill Ponds

32 Coot
30 Tufted Duck
78 Canada Geese
8 Goosander
2 Pochard
1 Kestrel F

Ross Lave Lane to Hyde Hall Farm

36 Redwing
1 Chaffinch

(I have set up a feeding area on Ross Lave Lane on the right hand side just beyond the motorway but before the Hyde Hall, it consists of a Fray Bentos tin nailed on a post and a scattering of apples and seed on the ground below. Not hi-tech I know but it might just work! Feel free to add to it, I shall visit as often as I can to keep it stocked.)

Horse Close Woods to Mill Ponds via River Tame and boardwalk

2 Jay
1 Stock dove
6 Teal and 2 Goosander (R. Tame)
c.75 Black Headed Gull
1 Buzzard

(The head warden told me that work begins on a new wetland area on 7th February, some pools and a number of scrapes are to be created and an area will be planted with Phragmites-sounds interesting!)


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Mild, light breeze

Mill Ponds

24 Tufted Duck
5 Moorhen
41 Coots
151 Canada Geese
1 Heron
20 Collared Doves
7 Goosander
2 Pochard

Ross Lave Lane to Hyde Hall Farm

5 Pied Wagtail
1 Greenfinch

Horse Close Wood to Mill Ponds via River Tame and boardwalk

1 Coal Tit
1 Great Spotted Woodpecker
c90 Redwing
3 Jays
1 Kestrel M


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Mild but another windy one

Mill Ponds

26 Tufted Duck
31 Coot
2 Moorhen
96 Canada Geese
68 Mallard
8 goosander
2 Heron
2 Pochard
4 Cormorant
Best of all 1 Water Rail - Stonking views, thanks Mr Rayner!

Ross Lave Lane

c.390 Black Headed Gull - Again picked through the flock but no surprises.
1 Sparrowhawk F

Horse Close Wood to Mill Ponds via River Tame and boardwalk

85 Redwing


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Mild, windy with rain, quite a productive morning.

Mill Ponds

38 Tufted Duck
40 Coot
97 Canada Geese
7 Goosander
2 Pochard
3 Cormorant
2 Grey Heron
1 Moorhen
15 Redwing
1 Kingfisher - 1st of the year

Ross Lave Lane to Hyde Hall Farm

15 Magpie
2 Pied Wagtail
1 Chaffinch
1 Mistle Thrush

Horse Close Wood to Mill Ponds via River Tame and boardwalk

1 Jay
2 Little Grebe (R.Tame)
3 Stock Dove
3 Teal (R.Tame)
2 Buzzard
c.320 Black Headed Gulls (checked through every bird hoping for a Med, not to be)
1 Common Gull
1 Lesser Black Backed Gull (quite unusual here)
18 Jackdaw


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Mild, light breeze

Mill Ponds

50% Frozen despite the temperature

96 Canada Geese
37 Coot
11 Tufted Duck
3 Moorhen
5 Mute Swan 2 Ad 3 Imm
5 Goosander 2 M 3 F
1 Pochard M
2 Grey Heron
36 Black Headed Gulls
1 Common Gull

Horse Close Wood to Mill Ponds via Boardwalk

2 Coal Tit
20 Teal 9M 11F
1 Jay


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Frosty, winds calm

Mill ponds

95% frozen

14 Collared Doves
129 Canada Geese
5 Mute Swans 2 Ad 3 Imm
43 Coot
6 Tufted Duck (Don't blame the rest for leaving, so cold!)
1 Pochard M
1 Sparrowhawk F
1 Cormorant
1 Heron
50 Black Headed Gulls

Ross Lave Lane to Hyde Hall Farm

c.120 Redwing
12 Fieldfare
3 Greenfinch
70 Starlings
1 Chaffinch
5 House Sparrows

Horse Close Wood to Mill Ponds via Boardwalk

17 Teal
10 Long Tailed Tits
1 Mistle Thrush


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Frosty, winds calm

Mill Ponds
75% frozen

39 Coot
35 Tufted Duck
5 Mute Swan 2 Ad 3 Imm
4 Goosander M
1 Grey Heron
1 Cormorant
153 Black Headed Gull
1 Common Gull
8 Canada Geese
1 Bullfinch M

Ross Lave Lane to Hyde Hall Farm

1 Buzzard
5 House Sparrow

Horse Close Wood to Mill ponds via boardwalk

2 Great Spotted Woodpecker
9 Teal
1 Bullfinch F
C. 130 Redwing
4 Fieldfare
1 Mistle thrush


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1-2.30 yesterday. Similar to Tony, but far fewer Redwings, no Teal.
In addition:
Kingfisher across mill ponds
Common Buzzard around M60 bridge
Stock Dove
2 Great Spotted Woodpeckers
3 Grey Herons


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Light Frost, Wind Calm

Mill ponds

4 Goosander 3M 1F
29 Tufted Duck
c.60 Canada Geese
2 Pochard M+F
5 Mute Swan 2ad 3imm
9 Collared Dove

Ross Lave Lane to Hyde Hall Farm

c.120 Redwing
5 House Sparrow
8 Long Tailed Tit

Horse Close Wood to Mill Ponds via boardwalk

1 Coal tit
2 Nuthatch
5 Teal
2 Bullfinch M+F
4 Pied Wagtail
2 Goosander M+F
C.40 Black Headed Gull


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Frosty morning, wind calm.

Mill Ponds

5 Mute Swan (2ad, 3imm)
1 Pochard (M)
2 Goosander (M)
1 Heron

Ross Lave Lane to Hyde Hall Farm

8 Lapwing
2 Mistle Thrush

Horse Close Wood to Mill Ponds via boardwalk

12 Teal
c.60 Redwing
2 Bullfinch (M&F)
10 Long Tailed Tits
1 Heron

-- Edited by Tony Mossman on Friday 6th of January 2012 12:16:15 PM


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Mill Ponds (15.15 - dusk)

Best was a very vocal Water Rail which was squealing repeatedly at the top end of 1st Mill Pond but flashed its white undertail coverts ever so briefly.

1 Kingfisher (4 sightings all presumed to be the same individual)
3 Goosander (m, 2f)
1 Shoveler (m)
2 Grey Herons
5 Mute Swans (2 ad, 3 juv)
c18 Tufted Duck
9 Collared Doves (in what looked like the beginnings of a roost)

Cheers, John


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Late post for Sunday 20.11.11

Mill ponds

1 F Pochard
3 Herons
5 Mute Swan 2+3
2 Goosander

Bridleway to Hyde Hall Farm

12 Redwing
3 Greenfinch
12 Goldfinch

Hyde Hall Farm to Mill ponds via Boardwalk

20 Redwing
1 Fieldfare
1 Kingfisher on Tame

-- Edited by Tony Mossman on Tuesday 22nd of November 2011 12:07:53 PM


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19.11.11. Nice weather, not many birds

Mill ponds

1F Pochard

Bridleway to Hyde Hall Farm

1 Song Thrush
10 Redwing
1 Stock Dove
1 Siskin

Hyde Hall Farm to Mill Ponds via Boardwalk

2 Teal
1 Goosander
1 Kingfisher
1 Siskin
1 Mistle Thrush

Horse Close Wood
Coal Tit


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Mill ponds

1F Pochard
11 Tufted Duck
5M Goosander
3 Cormorants
5 Mute Swan (2 Adults 3 Juv)
8 Collared Dove

Bridleway to Hyde Hall Farm

1 Mistle Thrush
12 Redwing

Hyde Hall Farm to Mill Ponds via Boardwalk

3 Teal River Tame
70 Lapwing over


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On several occasions now, driving to and from work along the M60, just South of the Denton Roundabout, I have seen a flock of around 40-50 Lapwings (my best guess estimate while driving at 70mph, but could be more) heading across the motorway from the industrial estate on the East side and into the Reddish Vale area.




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Morning visit with Dave evans

Mill Ponds

1 Barnacle Goose

Hyde Hall Farm to Mill Ponds via Boardwalk

4 Mistle Thrush
2 Bullfinch
1 Kingfisher on the Tame
1 Sparrowhawk


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Sunday 25th September

Mill Ponds to Hyde Hall Farm

1 Sparrowhawk
1 Dodgy Barnacle grazing on fields with Canada Geese


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Beautiful sunny morning

Mill Ponds

1 Kingfisher
1 Heron
1 Cormorant

Bridleway to Hyde Hall farm

1 Chiffchaff (Singing)

Hyde Hall Farm to Mill Ponds via Boardwalk

1 Buzzard
1 Common Snipe
1 Chiffchaff
1 Kestrel
1 Grey Wagtail


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7th September 2011

Oh my gosh what a morning, spent most of the time sheltering from the monsoon. Only birds of note were 2 Grey Wagtails by the main Mill Pond. I did not see any Shearwaters or Petrels either John


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6th September 2011

Mill Ponds

5 Mute Swan (2 Adults with 3 well grown young)
2 Lesser Black Backed Gulls over.

Hyde Hall Farm to Mill Ponds via Boardwalk

1 Buzzard


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Mill Ponds

2 Adult Mute Swans with 3 Cygnets
2 Adult Great Crested Grebes with 2 well grown young

Bridleway to Hyde hall Farm

1 Buzzard
3 Lapwings

Hyde Hall Farm to Mill Ponds via Boardwalk

1 Greater Spotted Woodpecker
1 Grey Wagtail
1 Grasshopper warbler (Heard only of course!)


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Quick mooch this morning 7-8am...

Pair of GC Grebe with 2 healthy juveniles and a Kingfisher flying across the millpond was about it really.


-- Edited by Anthony Dixon on Sunday 10th of July 2011 09:02:58 AM

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Cool but Sunny morning

Hyde Hall Farm to Mill Ponds via Boardwalk

1 Dipper (juv)
1F Goosander
1M Reed Bunting


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Mill Ponds Area

1 Song Thrush

Bridleway to Hyde Hall Farm

1 Lesser Black Backed Gull
1 Lapwing
10 Swallows

Hyde Hall Farm to Mill Ponds via Boardwalk

1 Skylark
2 Mistle Thrush
1 Sedge Warbler (Heard)
1 Heron
1 Reed Bunting (Heard)

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