No sign of the Richard's Pipit this morning (Sat 28th) despite a thorough look in juncus areas in the field. We flushed 1 definite Jack Snipe, 1 Common Snipe and 2 unclassified! Three Stonechats in the same area, and on the water Neil Han**** had 5 Wigeon earlier. Also 31 Teal and 2 Mute Swans (unusual there).
Judith Smith
Lightshaw hall Flash is sacrosanct - NO paths please!
Just got back from Rumworth where 6 of us (including my 8 year old son!) searched for the Richards until dusk all to no avail, I can only hope the bird went to roost early (we arrived at c17:15) and will return tomorrow.
We searched very thoroughly the field it was originally seen in, the juncus on it's north side and the field to the north of this again. The fields to the south (towards the Shell garage) look unpromising as they are quite long and very wet, which has made them currently unpenetratable for such a species, they are also farmers fields and so it is highly unadvisable to go stomping through them.
Phil Rhodes has just contacted me to inform me of a Richards Pipit at Rumworth at 16:20 this afternoon. The bird has been seen in flight (calling,) perched and has been videod, in the field off Beaumont Road with the footpath which runs down to the hawthorns at the shore of the lodge. The field currently has several black cows (bulls?) in and the bird was left roughly in the centre of this field.