Wayne Parry has been studying Willow Tits on Amberswood Common and at the Wigan Flashes since 2012, collecting nest data and colour ringing both adults and juveniles to study their dispersal.
A paper published in Bird Study earlier this year Wilding of a post-industrial site provides a refuge for an endangered song bird the British Willow Tit which he co-authored with Richard Broughton (Centre for Ecology and Hydrology) made extensive use of his data and confirmed the importance of post industrial sites for the species. The two sites combined with Low Hall LNR hold a nationally important population of Willow Tits.
The BBC Springwatch team recently spent a day filming with Wayne and Richard which included footage of a pair of Willow Tits feeding young in the nest. This is being shown on Springwatch this evening on BBC2 or you should be able to view it on BBC iPlayer from tomorrow.
The Watergrove Skyline (January 2010) - before desecration.