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Post Info TOPIC: Chris and Vicky Harper, Dukinfield (COVID 19 Garden Lockdown 2)

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RE: Chris and Vicky Harper, Dukinfield (COVID 19 Garden Lockdown 2)
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Busier week than anticipated with work, but some nice sightings nevertheless. On Tuesday 13 Redwing landed around the Magpie nest out front for 5 minutes before they were seen off. 

All 4 common Tit species remain busy in the back, along with the 4 common Finch species. 

Goldcrest, Wren, Robin and Dunnock all still singing. 

Song Thrush not so much.

At the weekend had a Sparrowhawk through without catching anything, and 5 Lesser Black Backed Gull circling.

So we finish lockdown 2 on 39 species with Chiffchaff heard only.

It's been a pleasure to update regularly and to watch the seasons shift, albeit sometimes at glacial pace. Thanks to Ian for making the 12 weeks a lot more bearable. 


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A lot of gardening yesterday afternoon from the front gave 3 species of raptor, with a Kestrel over mobbed by Crows, a Buzzard low over and curiously left alone, and a Sparrowhawk diving into the Western sun.

A Linnet was a new flyover sighting for this lockdown. Flying away from Gorse Hall rather than towards it. 

Greenfinch were doing their proper display flight around the tops of the firs. A lovely accompaniment to the weeding.

Today a little bonus when I realised I can see the corner nest of the Rooks at Asda in Ashton, so another addition.  Very enjoyable few minutes watching them fly up onto the lamppost near Lidl. Distant Chiffchaff heard too.

With forgetting to add Common Gull to the list, that takes the lockdown 2 garden list to 39 species, with Chiffchaff heard only.

Hoping to make 40 before next Monday's finish. Have failed to hear any Common Scoter over despite a few attempts, and still no Mallard. Lighter nights now, so going to put in a few sessions from the top bench after work. Fingers crossed for an Osprey.



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05.20 yesterday the Blackbird was singing away, joined soon after by the Song Thrush and Robin. Nice awakening, but need the clocks to go forward in mid March really. Bullfinch back up to 3, with 2 females bickering often.

Long Tailed Tits clinging to side of the garage collecting spider's web silk.

Out the front the Magpies nest is looking good, and up to 4 Lesser Black Backed Gull scanning the area. I like to think of them as Dukinfield vultures. 


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There are worse ways to be woken up each morning at 6 than by a song thrush. No need to set my alarm these past few weeks. Mistle Thrush somewhere near too.

Wren, Goldcrest and Bullfinch still around, plus the more common regulars.

Badger is visiting regularly, but a few dogs getting in via the Badger hole now too. Any tips to prevent this gratefully received. 

Might start a dog breed list? 


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Chiffchaff was singing away somewhere in the fir trees at 07.30 this morning. Earliest date since we moved here 3 and a half years ago. 

Male Bullfinch has been feeding the female which I hope means they may set up shop somewhere near.

2 Song thrush still calling away, as are Goldcrest, Chaffinch and Coal Tit.

No home working now, so missing the busy feeders already. 



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Keeping fingers crossed for a Song Thrush nest this year. One singing for almost 3 hours none stop this morning from 6.30-9.30. Then came for food and drink in the garden. Was joined by another and they proceeded to chase each other around for a long while. Later saw one shooting out of next doors' tall conifers. Who knows?

Goldcrest and Wren still very vocal.  Wren on the table out the back this afternoon about a meter from the patio doors. A nice distraction from Microsoft Teams.


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Peregrine Falcon circling right above the house at 3pm this afternoon, then watched it fly fast towards Ashton, where another swooped up to mob it. Fantastic entertainment. 

Also male Sparrowhawk over earlier mobbed by Crow.

Wren singing it's heart out 1st thing, Goldcrest still singing on and off, and Greenfinch displaying over the hedge.

Together with all the usual birds, another cracking Spring like afternoon in the garden. 


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Had a lovely chilled afternoon in the garden today. Scanning in the direction of Manchester produced a new bird species for lockdown with a Peregrine fly past. Finally a much sought after new addition and always a delight to see. This brings the new garden total to 36 species. Spring is definitely soon upon us as garden highlights included: Blue Tits displaying Goldcrest singing Chaffinch calling 2 Goldfinch Greenfinch And a bee zipping by


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14 gulls out front in a kettle yesterday. Mostly Black Headed but a Common in there and 3 Lesser Black Backed. 4 Cormorant just before too.

Nuthatch here yesterday for first time in 2 weeks. Good numbers of all 4 common Tits today. Male Chaffinch calling frequently before a good feed. 



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Less of an opportunity to look out recently but a Lesser Black Backed Gull on the roof today was a nice surprise. Put up 2 new nestboxes, so will be keeping an eye out for investigating birds.


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Busier again this week. RSPB order iof sunflower hearts arrived and are always popular. 

Song Thrush has been here all week on the back 'lawn' and borders. Wren passing through at least twice a day. Long Tailed Tit flock down to 6 maximum but still great to see. Lots of Dunnock and Blackbird squabbling going on.

No Nuthatch for a while 

Front fly pasts include all 4 more common gulls, Canada Geese and Cormorant. Still awaiting Mallard. 



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Bird numbers have reduced greatly since last weekend, but have upped to 35 species with a Song Thrush this morning in the chill. Bullfinches still regular though which is nice.

Camera trap caught the Thrush at the feeding station, along with our first Badger and Wood Mouse of the second lockdown. 

Pictures of the images below. 


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Finally had a Greenfinch in the garden yesterday but only for 10 seconds before it was spooked.  Big Garden Birdwatch was great, and the Goldcrest mafe a surprise reappearance. 

2 Feral pigeon missed the hour, but hung around long enough to get an image from my phone. First time we've had 2 feeding for ages. Excuse foreground pegs.


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A beautiful fox graced us with its presence at 10.30 this morning.

In addition:
1 wren
A Sparrowhawk flew through the garden at 9.45


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A new mammal in the garden yesterday in the form of a Brown Rat. Made it's way around the edges before disappearing into next door. 

Great to see. 1st one since we moved here over 3 years ago.

Bird wise still similar, although no Goldcrest for a while now.  Feral pigeon out the back was the first for a few weeks.

Looking forward to the Big Garden Birdwatch tomorrow 


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No new birds after the additions to the last few days, but another Sparrowhawk attempt at 11.30. How the Wood Pigeon evaded it I'm not sure. 

Wren very active when the rain arrived, and a Starling over the back garden was unusual. See from the front, but rarely at the back despite the food source.


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Great rest of the day too. A Kestrel flew over at 10, some of the Blue Tit's were starting to do their parachute displays, Dunnocks were displaying too.

A Sparrowhawk made another unsuccessful pass at 11.40, but best was saved for after lunch.

A Jay sat in the back tree(34) and I went to get my camera. It flew off as per, but then 23 Magpie replaced it in the tree. I'm assuming a Tawny Owl had gone into the conifers (I've seen it in their a few times) and they were harassing it.

Missed the presumed Owl, but got the Magpies.


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Finally a Greenfinch over this morning. 

Nice couple of Badger scrapes at the top too this morning, with a couple of prints in the snow. Broke the ice in the corner of the pond by the look if it.

Lockdown 2 garden birds up to 33 now. 

All feeders scrubbed and filled in time for Big Garden Birdwatch next weekend. 


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In addition as I arrived home from work late afternoon yesterday a kestrel was hovering over the garden.


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Cracking Sparrowhawk double  yesterday. Female zoomed through low at 9am, and later a male at 3.30pm. Both missed but not sure how as plenty of birds around. 

Also had a very raggedy Heron right over, and 2 Cormorant again out the front.


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No new birds again, but some strange Nuthatch behaviour I've never seen before. 

It flew into the turned over soil of an old vegetable patch and was hopping around it behaving like a Dunnock. Not sure what it was eating, but stayed there for a minute or so. Privilege to see.


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Not a lot of variation currently although did have 2 Cormorant overhead together this afternoon. 

Bullfinch remain at 4, male Chaffinch seems to be by himself now. 

Crows cawing from the back trees, whilst the Woddpigeons rollercoaster around them.


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Within the space if a couple of minutes this morning at 10 treated to a flypast of Herring, Lesser Black Backed and Black Headed Gulls from the front window

2 male Chaffinch out back having a show down with a female following them around.

31 species still for lockdown blog 2


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Sparrowhawk sat in the back tree this morning. I swear as soon as I moved 1mm for a better view it saw me move and flew.

4 Bullfinch now. Great Tit's seem to be getting a bit tetchy with each other. 

Nuthatch grabbing seeds and disappearing into next doors run down shed presumably to cache them.

Wood Pigeons getting amorous. 

Does the sun still exist?


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Single Redwing today chomping on the Holly berries. 


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Couple of Herring Gulls over were a rarity this afternoon. Presumably heading towards Audenshaw Reservoirs 


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So glad this is back.

Not as locked down as #1 but definitely back to looking out more often.

Last few days included 3 Bullfinch, 14 Long Tailed Tit, 3 Chaffinch, numerous Coal, Blue and Great tits, Robins and Dunnocks.

Crows, Magpies and Wood Pigeons are always around, as are Blackbirds.

Less frequent Wren and Goldcrest 

Overhead we have regular Lesser Black Backed Gull, Black Headed Gull and recently Lapwing and Cormorant. 

Sparrowhawk mobbed furiously 2 out of last 3 days.

Goldfinch numbers seem down, but I guess there are plenty of seeds about in the wild. 

Grey squirrels are frequent, had a fox on the camera trap but no badger for a while on it. It's here though as we have 4 fresh holes in the grass near the top.

Still awaiting a rarity. Redpoll anyone?

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