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Post Info TOPIC: VANCOUVER and general area

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VANCOUVER and general area

After our cruise/pelagic(see below)we spent 8 days in the Vancouver area,4 of these days were spent on Vancouver Island as my missus wanted to see Orcas and Bears,both being seen well on the island as well as a few Grey Whales and Humpback Whales on the two pelagics we did from there.
As we had spent some time in California and on the west coast of Mexico in previous years we only had a few target birds to see, these were White Winged Scoter,Varied Thrush,Sandhill Crane,Rufous Hummingbird,Hooded Merganser and genuine,wild Bufflehead,and Snow Geese,all these targets were seen well during the 8 days we were there.
Other birds seen from the ferries over to the island and on the pelagics were large flocks of Surf Scoters with the White Winged Scoters,decent numbers of Pacific Divers,Tufted Puffin,Cassins Auklets,Pigeon Guillemots,Marbled Murralet,Rhinocerous Auklets,Brands Comorant,Double Crested Comorant,Glaucous Winged Gulls and Western Gulls.
On the island and on the mainland American Robins were everywhere,as were Bald Eagles,other birds seen included:-Violet Green Swallow,Purple Martin,Great Blue Heron,annas Hummingbird,Song Sparrow,North western Crow,Turkey Vulture,Orange Crowned warbler,Yellowthroat,Bewick's Wren,Spotted Towhee,Wilson's Warbler,Downy Woodpecker,Red Breasted Nuthatch,Golden Crowned Kinglet,Pacific Wren,Chipping Sparrow,Brown Headed Cowbird,Bushtit,Chestnut Flanked Chickadee,Black Capped Chickadee,Stellers Jay.Purple Finch,Yellow Warbler plus most of the other common birds of the area.
All in all a very relaxing few days birding,some superb woodland habitat, every speaks English,and they sell a really good pint of Guinness in an Irish bar we found biggrin

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