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Post Info TOPIC: Redgate Recycling, Gorton.

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Redgate Recycling, Gorton.

Weds 4th Sept

- 3CY Yellow-legged Gull
Thought it couldve been a sub-adult at first when it was at rest on the 384 roof, but it was clearer to see its moult in flight and it looks like a 3rd year bird to me.
Ill be brutally honest though - it has a yellowish orbital that did spark a slight worry, but I think it looks ok for YLG

-- Edited by Rob Creek on Tuesday 17th of September 2024 11:45:31 PM


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Sun 1st Sept
1st of 2 visits today, early morning.

- adult Yellow-legged Gull
Bit of an unusual looking beast in my opinion but that probably means its absolutely normal. Long gangly yellow legs, good mantle hue, bit of head streaking tho, but we will see.

2nd visit late afternoon whilst United were crumbling, again!!! no

- juvenile Caspian Gull
Very nice bird indeed, firstly just its head showing on the yard roof, then it stood near the roof edge and I noticed it was ringed. But it wasnt until it flew into the yard to feed until I could get a view of the ring, looks like a German yellow ringed bird XMLK. A cracking individual.

The earlier Yellow-legged Gull was also present and showing well in the yard.


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Thurs 29th Aug

- Lesser Black-backed Gull T0XM again


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Weds 28th Aug

- Lesser Black-backed Gull T0XM
- LBb in excess of 40 adults and probably more juveniles


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Tues 27th Aug

- Lesser Black-backed Gull T0XM
- Herring Gull 159:C
- Sparrowhawk patrolling over Hyde Rd being harassed by a Lesser Black-backed.

Cant believe these 2 ringed birds are still here.


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Bank Hol Mon 26th Aug
Morning visit and a productive one at that.

- adult Yellow-legged Gull on 384 roof
- another or same Yellow-legged Gull on BCA roof little later
- intermedius Lesser Black-backed Gull
- N:09J Lesser Black-backed Gull
- 2 Ring-necked Parakeets over towards Openshaw


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Sun 25th Aug

- Herring Gull 159:C early morning. Looks like this one will remain entangled for the foreseeable but it doesnt appear to be affecting it adversely as yet, flying and feeding ok from what I observed.

Also N:5V3 what I think is a Lesser Black-backed Gull, probably one of Tim Fraylings Bowland birds, I will find out in due course. Images were poor but got the number in my bins as it was feeding near the yard gates.


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Sat 24th Aug

- Lesser Black-backed Gull T0XM briefly early morning


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Mon 19th Aug through to Fri 23rd Aug

- Lesser Black-backed Gull T0XM
- Herring Gull 159:C
(Both birds present on all 5 days)

No sign of any YLG but each daily visit was only a brief one after work so limited time on site.


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Sun 18th Aug

- sub adult Yellow-legged Gull
A large individual with an obvious hooked bill and plenty of red bleeding into the upper mandible. Legs not a particularly rich yellow but a good looking bird all the same on my opinion.
- Lesser Black-backed Gull N:5B0 again


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Sat 17th Aug

- adult Yellow-legged Gull
A cracking individual in main yard and it had the rubbish mound mainly to itself, not many other large Gulls present.
- T0XM & 159:C again (everyday this week)
- 3 Ring-necked Parakeets over


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Fri 16th Aug

- adult Yellow-legged Gull (same bird 31.07, 11.08, 14.08)
- T0XM & 159:C again in same view


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Thurs 15th Aug

- Lesser Black-backed Gull green ring N:5B0
- T0XM & 159:C again


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Weds 14th Aug

- adult Yellow-legged Gull (same bird 31.07 & 11.08)
- Lesser Black-backed Gull T0XM
- 2CY Herring Gull 159:C
- 2 adult Common Gulls


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Tues 13th Aug

- 2nd of 2 adult Yellow-legged Gulls
Wanted to be careful with this one and not just post it as one for the sake of wanting it to be one, I think it is one!
No sooner had the 1st one disappeared - I did a quick scan and picked up on this one, obviously a different bird from the other, I think the primary pattern looked fine, the general structure of the bird looked ok, and as a little bit of luck would have it - it landed nearby to other adult Gulls to show a good mantle comparison.

Also ..
- Lesser Black-backed Gull T0XM Isle-of Man
- Herring Gull 159:C Ireland


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Tues 13th Aug

- 1st of 2 adult Yellow-legged Gulls
Showed well on the 384 roof, handsome individual that stood out next to the Herrings and Lesser Black-backeds to give a nice mantle comparison.
It eventually flew off with many of the Gulls to the distant BCA roof where it stood for a few minutes before walking over the apex on to Belle Vue side of the roof, thats when I picked up on the 2nd bird.


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Mon 12th Aug

- Lesser Black-backed Gull T0XM
- Herring Gull 159:C

Both Gulls in yard and showing well.


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Sun 11th Aug
Early morning visit before the hustle & bustle of the churchgoers.

- adult Yellow-legged Gull
Same bird as 31st July


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Sat 10th Aug
Morning visit before going to Blackpool to see the Red Arrows.

- adult Yellow-legged Gull
After a lengthy debate with myself I finally think it looks good for one and that being the case, I will submit it as a YLG.

The primary pattern had me doubting myself, but after a bit of research it appears that they can indeed (mainly eastern pops) have a p10 white tip that extends to merge with the mirror, producing a wholly white tip as seen in western Caspian Gull pops.


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Fri 9th Aug

- Herring Gull 159:C present again, still snarled up in twine / wire


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Weds 7th Aug

- adult Yellow-legged Gull on BCA roof. I this one looks ok structurally but again Im lacking an open wing shot to be safe, but it looks ok in my humble opinion.
Quite happy to be corrected if need be! wink


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Tues 6th Aug

- Lesser Black-backed Gull T0XM
See on 384 roof then flew to BCA roof where it settled.


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Sat 3rd August
Afternoon visit.

- adult Yellow-legged Gull
This one was on the BCA roof so a little bit distant and as a result I wasnt going to post it, but the more I observed it and got a feel for its structural appearance I felt a bit more confident that it having a good chance of being one.

The mantle comparison was on offer, the bill and head shape looked ok, but I will be totally honest and say the one thing not going for its identification is an open wing shot and unfortunately the bird didnt oblige to give one either.

-- Edited by Rob Creek on Wednesday 21st of August 2024 11:58:38 PM


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Sunday 4th Aug
Morning visit before the churchgoers arrived at the 384 building.

- adult Yellow-legged Gull or what I think was a good shout for one, albeit with its wishy washy yellowish legs and yellowish orbital - leading me to think it could be the occasional visiting bird of recent weeks.

-- Edited by Rob Creek on Wednesday 21st of August 2024 08:17:52 PM


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Apologies for the delays in posting, its been a hectic time juggling family and school stuff, and work.

Weds 31st July.
Mid morning visit.

- adult Yellow-legged Gul


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Sun 28th July

- What I think was an adult Yellow-legged Gull in the yard and then possibly the same bird on BCA roof.
After assessing the images, it appears to show a yellowish orbital ring and could well be the individual thats visited a few times recently.
Obviously if Im incorrect then Ill quite happily take it on the chin smile


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Sun 21st July

- Irish ringed Herring Gull 159:C returning bird, now a 1st summer.
Unfortunately both legs on this bird are tied up with twine and what looks like wire.


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Sat 20th July

- Lesser Black-backed Gull T0XM present again


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Fri 19th July

- hopefully 2nd summer Yellow-legged Gull on BCA
- Lesser Black-backed Gull T0XM again

-- Edited by Rob Creek on Wednesday 24th of July 2024 02:37:43 PM


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Weds 17th & Thurs 18th July

- Lesser Black-backed Gull T0XM again


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Tues 16th July

- adult Yellow-legged Gull
Same bird as 16th + 29th June, same yellowish orbital that I was a little bit concerned about and same primary pattern.

Also forgot to mention a Sparrowhawk being mobbed by a Lesser Black-backed Gull over the 384 on Sunday


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Sun 14th July

- adult Yellow-legged Gull (same bird as Thurs 14th)
- 2nd summer Yellow-legged Gull
- c40 Swift high above
- yellow ringed Lesser Black-backed Gull - too distant


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Sat 13th July
2 visits today.

Morning visit.
- 2nd summer Caspian Gull on BCA roof
- 2nd summer Yellow-legged Gull asleep on BCA roof
- Intermedius Lesser Black-backed Gull on 384 (bird on right)

Early evening visit.
- Presumably another Argenteus with yellow legs (and dark eyes)


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Fri 12th July

- 2nd summer Yellow-legged Gull
Hopefully its ok, it will be submitted, I must admit I wasnt 100% convinced at first due to the bill not being as robust as it could be, and the legs not a rich yellow, but Ill give it a chance.

- Lesser Black-backed Gull T0XM
- Argenteus with yellowy legs


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Thurs 11th July

- adult Yellow-legged Gull in the yard
- Lesser Black-backed T0XM Isle of Man returning bird


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With reference to Lesser Black-backed Gull K+N it was actually Tuesday 9th, not Sunday.


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Sun 7th July

- Lesser Black-backed Gull K+N
This is one of Pete Rocks birds, PG3 (Pale Green 1 of only 3 birds to be ringed this colour).
Pete confirmed that it hasnt been seen since it was here in October 2023 and apart from his own sighting record in Bath 2016 - it hasnt been seen anywhere else except Redgate.

Also what I think was an adult or near adult Yellow-legged Gull.
Images below including a mantle comparison with nearby Lesser Black-backed.

-- Edited by Rob Creek on Friday 12th of July 2024 04:52:46 PM


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Lesser Black-backed Gull N:27V seen on Friday was ringed on 07.07.22 at Brennand, Bowland, Lancs


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Sat 6th July.
Morning visit.

- 2 x 2nd summer Yellow-legged Gulls
In my opinion I think the one on the rubbish mound is a different bird to the one on the metal structure looking at the wing moult and bill pattern so a submission will be done for both.

-- Edited by Rob Creek on Saturday 6th of July 2024 10:12:15 PM


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Fri 5th July
Afternoon visit after work.

- 2nd summer Yellow-legged Gull
Hopefully Ive got this one right, if not then Ill quite happily amend the sighting.
The reason I say that is because I was concerned mainly about the bill not being particularly heavy and having a slightly shallow curved culmen.
It will be submitted as usual.

- also Lesser Black-backed Gull N:27V


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Sat 29th June
Afternoon visit.

- 2 adult Yellow-legged Gulls

The first one I think is the bird with the yellowish orbital from a week or so ago, then a second larger bird appeared with a very large bill and a decent bright red orbital.
Both will be submitted so time will tell.


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Fri 28th June
Afternoon visit

- Adult Yellow-legged Gull or at least I suspect it is, probably not the best example but it will be submitted nonetheless.


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Mon 17th June
Morning visit whilst taking one of the works vans for a valet.

- Adult Yellow-legged Gull
Different bird to yesterday, bill pattern, orbital ring, and mantle hue all slightly different.


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Sun 16th June

- adult Yellow-legged Gull flying round and in the yard his morning.
- c50 adult Lesser Black-backed Gulls
- 1 adult Black-headed Gull
- c150 Starling (mostly juv)
- 2 Common Swift

-- Edited by Rob Creek on Sunday 16th of June 2024 04:21:07 PM


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Bank Holiday Monday.

- 39 ad Lesser Black-backed Gulls on 384 roof, 8 in the yard and more on yard roof and in the air so exact number impossible to say but in excess of 50 adults
- 1 Black-headed Gull
- 1 singing Blackcap


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Rob Creek wrote:

Just realised that adult H4:W was here at Redgate on 23.06.20, and it is indeed a Walney bird ringed on 19.05.14

H4:W was actually last sighted 03.12.21 here at Redgate and N:59U is indeed a 3rd year bird being ringed at Langden Head, Bowland on 06.07.22


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Just realised that adult H4:W was here at Redgate on 23.06.20, and it is indeed a Walney bird ringed on 19.05.14


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Fri 17th May

Around 20 Lesser Black-backed Gulls this afternoon including ..

- Adult H4:W probably a Walney Island bird but other variables
- 3CY N:59U probably a Bowland bird

-- Edited by Rob Creek on Friday 17th of May 2024 10:08:19 PM


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Few Lesser Black-backed and Herring Gulls present this week.

Only things of note..
- Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff and Blackcap all heard along Redgate Lane towards PDSA
- 3 Ring-necked Parakeets over (Tues am)
- Canada Goose walking up Hyde Rd near BCA


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Still regular visits here in the last couple of weeks, but as expected hardly any Gulls.

Only things of note..
- 26 Gulls
17 Lesser Black-backed
9 Herring
- Great Spotted Woodpecker over Hyde Rd on Friday morning
- Blackcap & Chiffchaff singing near the PDSA on most visits

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