Whilst watching the satellites a few weeks ago and most nights since then Ive noticed an increase in Bat sightings and activity.
- 2 pairs of Pipistrelle Bat flying round in their respective pair chasing each other, both pairs visible in same view as they set off the security lights on ours and net doors house. Id need a detector to see if they were Common or Sopranos, as both are found in the NW.
- Also a pair of what are likely to be Noctules. Considerably larger, wing beats seem to be more relaxed although hard to tell in low light, and they appear to have the browny red hue to the body (this is more easily recognised towards autumn).
- and unknown pair of Bats that appear larger than Pipistrelles and dont do the same patrol route as them. Difficult to ascertain if they are anything different, could be a larger pair of Pipistrelle but I dont think so. Again Id need a detector to get the sonar frequencies to determine the species.