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RE: Thailand Diary

17/10/2023 - Kalasin Province - various sites.

The two Pauls again teamed up over recent days for a comprehensive blitz on a mix of sites in this underwatched province. The best find was that of a vocalising Sakhalin Leaf Warbler identified in the field by spectrogram readings showing frequency under 5 KHz. - Apparently Pale-legged Leaf Warbler readings show the frequency greater than 6KHz. 
Their recording efforts have pushed the province list now to 196 with PP the lead jockey on 143 a recent increase from 129, and PF up from 110 to 128.


Mike P.


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07/10/2023 Mukdahan Province.

It appears from observations by PF PP and myself over the last few years that the underwatched Mekong River (certainly in the long section where it flows rough north/south on Thailands eastern border with Laos) is possibly a major flyway in the migration period favoured by wildfowl. Paul was dining out with his wife and mother-law at a riverside restaurant and shot off a few photos of some 50 ducks out on the river;- 50 Garganey constituted the first record for the province. This followed our first record for Wigeon earlier in the year when we scoped up a dozen far out towards the Laos shore.

He is still filling in blanks in searching for White-winged Terns in these eastern provinces and yesterday on the 9th he logged both marsh tern species totalling about25 in equal numbers at Huai Hin Kong in Amnat Charoen.

Earlier on the waterfront at Chanuman despite the high water levels he was pleased to find a Mekong Wagtail close by. A photo of this is attached together with a photo of the common wintering White Wagtail of the leucopsis form (aka Amur Wagtail). Mekong Wagtail is of course one of eastern Thailands special birds and bears more than a passing resemblance to the rather larger African Pied Wagtail.


Mike P.


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02/10/2023 - 21.15 Pauls garden, - Kutchum, Yasothon Province.

A nice addition for Pauls local patch list - a pair of calling Collared Scops Owls emanating from the canal area - heard for some 15 minutes but didnt respond to playback.


Mike P.


Challenges are inevitable, but failure is optional.

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25/09/2023 - 14.45 - Phon Sung Salt pans - Ubon Thani Province.

By mid afternoon the guys had travelled further north into Ubon Thani with a short incidental scan over this site where among 16 species the only addition to the wader tally was a single Green Sandpiper among much smaller numbers of other waders. The best species here in overall terms were two Red Avadavats (see photo)

On 26/09/2023 they made an early start back further south at the Nong Kwang salt pans again but wader numbers were lower both in numbers and in species among a species count of 33 noted in heavy rain.

Their efforts were rewarded however with an Eastern Yellow Wagtail of the Green-headed form (sub sp. taivana) and a few more province ticks on their personal lists.

I have yet to visit these two rather neglected provinces myself although of course they are in Isaan; - perhaps on my next visit?


Mike P.


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25/09/2023 - 8.00 am  Nong Kwang Salt Pans - Sakon Nakhon Province.

Paul met up here with Paul Farrell to check out wader passage. He states in the introductory comments that the site is unique in Thailand as an area of inland salt pans where from October through to April salt water is drawn from artesian wells and left to dry out. In the wet/ hot season the area is left to nature.

The guys spent five hours here recording just 36 species with not much diversity but feel that it has good future potential.

Among the usual commoner species they logged 9 wader species as follows: -

40 Black-winged Stilts

40 Little Ringed Plovers

20 Temmincks Stints

1 Long-toed Stint

2 Common Sandpipers

8 Greenshanks

3 Marsh Sandpipers

50 Wood Sandpipers

300 Oriental Pratincoles

Attached are single shots of Temmincks and Long-toed Stints.

Mike P.



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20/09/2023 - 12.25 -Huai Tham Khe - Ubon Ratchathani Province.

Paul visited this site specifically to search for White-winged Terns and spent a half hour taking photos of both Whiskered and White-winged - about 25 of the former and ten of the latter. The White-winged are thus the first definitive records for this province.

Photos show winter plumage (adult?) birds of one Whiskered and two White-winged.


Mike P.


Challenges are inevitable, but failure is optional.

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18/09/2023 - I noticed this morning that Pauls personal list for Yasothon and Mukdahan provinces had both increased by one although he hasnt been out birding today.

In discussion later on family matters, in passing he mentioned that Ayuwat Jearwatanakanok (one of Thailands acknowledged taxonomic gurus) had mailed him pointing out that one of Pauls photos from April taken in Phu Mu Forest park depicted a Dark- sided Flycatcher (aka Siberian Flycatcher) and not a form of Asian Brown as captioned.

I immediately recalled this bird as being a point of discussion between three of us (Paul Passant Paul Farrell and myself) at the time. My immediate impression was that the bird was Dark-sided but PF had pointed out to PP that it showed clear untipped undertail coverts- a feature for Asian Brown Flycatcher, so it was logged as the Brown-streaked variant of the latter species and I accepted that as a lesson learned.

Ayuwat has pointed out however that the definitive feature that makes it Dark-sided is the tiny bill which imparts the impression of cuteness to the face. This is born out by Pauls photos attached.
This is posted here as an interesting point worth noting for Dark-sided Flycatcher remains a potential vagrant to the Western Palearctic.

Best Wishes,

Mike P.





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17/09/2023 Khok Sung - along Song Khon Canal -Yasothon.

Paul was rewarded with both a garden tick and a province tick at 8 am this morning when three juv. Night Herons flew over the garden compound.

Later at 09.30 he was over in Roi Et at Bueng Doan hoping to find White-wing terns (which have always eluded him thus far in Roi Et). He drew a blank on these but was fortunate to add two bonus species to his Roi Et list nevertheless - a fine Pied Kingfisher and a Streaked Weaver (photographed) among 6 species at this site.

Moving on at midday by Kham Bia as an incidental record he noted at least 40 Night Herons. Seemingly these are generally on the move through central/ eastern Isaan.

Water levels are high presently. In a small flooded forest section he noted thousands of displaced fish in shallow water and these possibly are attracting the Night Herons?


Mike P.


Challenges are inevitable, but failure is optional.

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16/09/2023 - 8 am. Pha Nam Yoi Forest park, - Roi Et Province.

Paul headed west on a relatively short trip into Roi Et hoping for any passage migrants.

He recorded just 18 species in an hour but found among these three new species for his own province list to take it to 180 (only 7 behind the lead jockey - a birder who actually lives here in Roi Et).

Full list as follows (which encompasses nothing unusual) but the two warblers and the flycatcher were actually nice catch ups for Paul in Roi Et: -

2 Green-billed Malkohas

14 Asian Palm Swifts

2 Shikras (an adult photographed and a juv.)

10 Asian Green Bee-eaters

2 Lineated Barbets

2 Eurasian Jays

4 Large-billed Crows

8 Black-crested Bulbuls

2 Stripe-throated Bulbuls

1 Eastern Crowned Warbler

1 Arctic Warbler

4 Pin-striped Tit-Babblers

2 Black-collared Starlings

4 Common Mynas

8 Great Mynas

2 White-rumped Shamas

1 Indochinese Blue Flycatcher

4 Olive-backed Sunbirds.


Mike P.





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13/09/2023 - Dong Hua Kong & Dong Bang Ee Community Forests - Phu Sing - Amnat Charoen Province.

Paul took advantage of a midday break in the rain for the short trip east into this small province which lies south of Mukdahan and north of Ubon Ratchathani flanked on the eastern side by the mighty Mekong river.

It seems to have been pretty good for passing migrants - especially swifts.

21 species recorded, - the best being:-

15 Brown-backed Needletails (his best ever count often flying too close to photograph).

20 Germains Swiftlets

25 Pacific Swifts (photographed)

15 Asian Palm Swifts

1 Eastern Marsh Harrier (an adult male in wing moult - photographed)

1 Shikra ( juv. photographed).

4 Brahminy Kites

10 Asian Green Bee-eaters

6 Blue-throated Bee-eaters

2 Lineated Barbets

1 Brown Shrike.


Mike P.




Challenges are inevitable, but failure is optional.

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11/09/2023 - various stops along the Mekong shores, - Mukdahan Province.

With Pen needing to take the car over into Ubon Ratchathani for its service Paul opted instead for a morning birding along selected lengths of the Mekong riverside habitats.

He found a lingering Blue-winged Pitta still present at one of the regular breeding sites among the usual crop of expected species but was pleased to add a province tick in the shape of an Osprey flying down river.

A brief speculative ten minute stop at a bridge rewarded him with a Striated Heron - not just a province tick but the first record for Mukdahan Province itself - taking that list to 210 species of which Paul now stands on 183.

Somehow I dont see myself ever catching him?


Mike P.


Challenges are inevitable, but failure is optional.

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09/09/2023 - Boong Khla Community Forest - Yasothon.
A 7.00 am start saw Paul in his favourite local forest patch where he has now recorded 111 species, his latest addition being an adult Watercock which he photographed as it flushed and flew off ahead of him.

An hour produced just 19 species in all, - the Blue-winged Pittas and Van Hasselts Sunbirds seemingly now departed for their winter quarters. The more notable species among the rest were:- 

6 Little Egrets

7 Asian Green Bee-eaters

1 Coppersmith Barbet

3 Lineated Barbets

1 Hair-crested Drongo

2 Greater Racket-tailed Drongos

1 Brown Shrike

3 Pin-striped Tit-Babblers

4 Puff-throated Babblers

5 Abbotts Babblers

2 Hainan Blue Flycatchers.

Later at 09.24 he spent 50 minutes logging 17 species at Phu Sung Charoen Tham Buddhist Sanctuary. 
Notable here were a single flyover Lesser Whistling Duck, three Bulbul species (Black-crested, Stripe-throated and Streak- eared) but the pick of a fairly predictable crop was an Eastern-crowned Warbler - a passage bird in these parts which I myself have yet to catch up with in Thailand.


Mike P.






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05/09/2023 - 8.45 am - Phu Mu Forest Park - Yasothon.

This morning Paul spent an hour and a half here on the lookout for signs of migration through this site which has thoroughly redeemed itself over the last year as a source of avian surprises.

He was rewarded with a rare province tick (no. 223)- the white faced form of Eurasian Jay of which he had three and spent most of the time here trying for a decent photo.

Also noteworthy passing through were four of the hulking Brown-backed Needletails - surely the Tyson Furies of all swifts?


Mike P.



Challenges are inevitable, but failure is optional.

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01/09/2023 - Ubon Ratchathani Rice Research Centre - Ubon Ratchathani.

Paul bowled up here at 11.30 specifically to search for any Wood Sandpipers as he had counted 15 in adjacent Yasothon the previous day. This would be not just a province tick for him but would constitute a first record for the province. He logged 26 species in a 45 minute session which included only two wader species - 4 Common Sandpipers and 3 Wood Sandpipers! 
Yes these are relatively common birds in Thailand but nobody has previously put in the time (in the optimum season) to bother looking here. 

I always marvel at some of the journeys achieved by long distance migrant waders, - it is pretty humbling really. In 1995 during our only visit to New Zealand, Barb and I went for a quiet evening stroll and in a tiny marshy corner of a roadside field and there stood close by a single wader - a Wood Sandpiper.

On another trip a few years later in Madagascar a group of us found (of all things!) a Pectoral Sandpiper.

 Arent birds something!

Best Wishes,

Mike P.


Challenges are inevitable, but failure is optional.

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31/08/2023 -10.30 am Khueang Kam - Nong Hoi paddies Yasothon.

A 10.30 start saw Paul scanning for migrants at this regular wader site not far from home and in 2 hours and a half he clocked up 41 species the more interesting of which were: - 

2 White- breasted Waterhen (adult with chick).

30 Black-winged Stilts

1 Grey-headed Lapwing

5 Little Ringed Plovers

1 Long-toed Stint

1 Common/Pin-tailed Snipe

2 Common Sandpipers

15 Wood Sandpipers

40 Asian Openbill

14 Asian Green Bee-eaters (a notable count for these here).

In addition the usual spread of egrets and herons and a host of the usual passerines.


Mike P.


1 Eastern Yellow Wagtail (this being a site first record) 





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30/08/2023 Loeng Nok Tha airport (disused) Yasothon Province.

Paul made the short journey to this site spending 25 minutes hoping for anything unusual, logging just 14 species which included 3 Little Ringed Plovers and a single juv. Oriental Pratincole (photographed) but no other waders as yet. The best of the rest being 2 Brown Shrikes (a juv. photographed) and 12 Oriental Skylarks - this being the best local site for this species.

Earlier on 24th he had crossed over into Roi Et to Huai Aeng to see if there were any waders about but water levels were too high and among 31 of the usual species the only wader was a Common Sandpiper.

I suspect he is hoping to find a Sharp-tailed Sandpiper or even an Oriental Plover passing en route south (this latter of course a dream bird which is possible here in drier situations).


Mike P.


Challenges are inevitable, but failure is optional.

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21/08/2023 8.30 am Huai Khee Lek - Mukdahan province.

Paul made the short trip into Mukdahan for an hour and a half session looking for any early autumn migrants. Among the 37 common species he recorded he found the joint first autumn record of the year for Thailand - a Brown Shrike though no waders at all around the lake margins.

Of the 207 species recorded for this province Pauls list stands on 181 so he seldom adds to this apart from odd specific twitches from time to time. The fact that I stand in fifth place on 88 attests to the fact that Mukdahan (in the far east) is largely off the beaten track for the countrys big listers.


Mike P.


Challenges are inevitable, but failure is optional.

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15 and 16/08/2023 Khon Kaen Province - mainly Phu Pha Man national park.

Paul made the 3 hour trip west from Yasothon to team up again with Paul Farrell for a two day visit to an excellent site in this national park - the Phaya Nakharat cave area. En route they recorded a few incidentals in the form of a Cinnamon Bittern and two Crested Treeswifts perched on overhead wires.

At 12.26 they stopped at the Khang Khao Cave (bat cave) where the pick of 11 species were 4 Dusky Crag Martins. A photo of one high flying bird showed the well spread tail with typical diagnostic spots.

Arriving at 15.10 at the Phaya Nakharat cave they recorded 21 species:-

1 Spotted Dove

4 Asian Emerald Doves

1 Greater Coucal

1 Asian Koel

1 Violet Cuckoo (photos)

2 Malayan Night-Herons (1 adult, and a juv. photographed)

3 Asian Green Bee-eaters

1 Blue-eared Barbet

2 Green-eared Barbets

1 Lineated Barbet

1 Grey-capped Pygmy Woodpecker

1 Blue-winged Pitta (heard)

1 Common Iora

1 Greater Racket-tailed Drongo

1 Large-billed Crow

1 Common Tailorbird

2 Grey-breasted Prinias

1 Puff-throated Babbler

2 White-rumped Shamas

1 Indochinese Blue Flycatcher

4 White-rumpled Munias.

Later at 20.35 they added a Collared Scops-Owl to round off the day.

On the following morning with a start at 07.10 they recorded 27 species (obviously with a good percentage of repeats) but added:-

1 Green-billed Malkoha

2 White-browed Piculets

2 Woodpeckers - sp. (originally thought to be Bamboo Woodpeckers but after circulation of photographs and discussion now considered to be of the known hybrid form Bamboo Woodpecker x Pale-headed Woodpecker)

4 White-bellied Erphornis

2 Great Ioras

2 Black-naped Monarchs

2 Striated Swallows

1 Black-headed Bulbul

2 Black-crested Bulbuls

2 Stripe-throated Bulbuls

2 Puff-throated Bulbuls

2 Grey-eyed Bulbuls

3 Yellow-bellied Warblers

2 Pin-striped Tit-Babblers

4 Buff-chested Babblers

2 White-browed Scimitar-Babblers (heard)

3 Puff-throated Babblers

1 Dark-sided Flycatcher

1 Olive-backed Sunbird

1 Little Spiderhunter

PP added 31 species to his personal list for Khon Kaen and PF a handful but pleasingly the latter regained his top spot on 311 for this his home province.


Mike P.






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13/08/2023 Roi Et and Kalasin provinces.

Paul embarked on a couple of twitches over the last few days : - one into Roi Et province on 11th to dip on a short staying Lesser Adjutant and then more successfully on 12th north west into Kalasin to gain a province tick in the shape of a Streaked Weaver.

Revisiting our thrush fest of January this year (my post on/around 12/01/2023 refers) an interesting discussion has been ongoing over recent months. This has centred upon our Black-breasted Thrush found in company with the maculata buff throated form of Orange-headed Thrush, this latter being the first of this sub species to be identified in Thailand.

In conversation with Paul,  Phillip Round posed an interesting question as to whether we had considered the possibility that our female Black-breasted Thrush could have been a female Grey-backed Thrush?

Of course we had not! - Simply because Grey-backed Thrush is not depicted in either the old or in the new Thai fieldguide, 

The winds during the whole of the previous week blowing consistently from the north east had undoubtedly brought the maculata Orange-headed Thrush which shares its summer range in north east China with Grey-backed Thrush, and a perusal of the literature (including my China fieldguide) confirms this but also states the difficulty involved in identifying females of this species pair in the field.

Positive identification therefore (even with quite good photographs) is not possible without biometrics and a bird in the hand. Preferably therefore looking to the future we need a similar spell of weather this coming winter and a male bird to appear!


Mike P.



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For some reason the last two posts on this thread got shuffled chronologically (June 15th appearing after June 21st) - - no doubt something I must have got wrong, -so apologies for that.

It is still the rainy season in Thailand so Paul has not been out birding for some 6/7 weeks but at least the rice crop is doing well thus far.

Paul and Pen have been away on business over the last few days down in Petchaburi province situated at the head of the gulf of Thailand on the north western edge where in 2017 we found one of the wintering Spoon-billed Sandpipers at the prime site for the species.

En route they passed through the tiny province of Samut Songkhram so Paul took the opportunity to start a list for what is (in birding terms) a new province, spending an hour at the Don Hoi Lot salt pans and mudflats where they logged 31 fairly common species the pick of which were:-

30 Black-winged Stilts

60 Lesser Sand-Plovers

1 Little Ringed Plover

6 Whimbrels

50 Black-tailed Godwits

40 Common Redshanks

5 Little Terns

14 Painted Storks

2 Little Cormorants

6 Indian Cormorants

1 Purple Heron

1 Great/Intermediate Egret

5 Little Egrets

2 Javan Pond-Herons

1 Brahminy Kite

3 Collared Kingfishers

1 Asian Green Bee-eater

1 Blue-tailed Bee-eater

Later in the day based at their temporary lodgings in Petchaburi province, they found time to do a little list padding with a few common species.
Petchaburi straddles both the gulf on the east and to the west the border with Myanmar with which it shares the Kaeng Krachen National Park - (the largest in Thailand) with a province list accordingly of some 625 species.


Mike P.











-- Edited by Mike Passant on Wednesday 9th of August 2023 11:41:42 AM


Challenges are inevitable, but failure is optional.

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15/06/2023 10.30 am - Phu Phan Nat. Pk. Tor Khet (protection unit 6) Kalasin Province.

Paul met up with Dennis and Paul Farrell (the latter back in Thailand after several months away working) on this site located roughly half way between their respective home bases in Khon Kaen and Yasothon.

Here an hour and a half of relaxed birding produced 14 common species including a Crested Serpent Eagle, singles of both Green-eared and Lineated Barbets, a White-bellied Erpornis, 4 Bulbul species, Puff-throated and Pin-striped Tit-Babblers, a White-crested Laughingthrush, a White-rumped Shama, a couple of Ruby-cheeked Sunbirds, and 3 Common Taylorbirds.

Early afternoon (still in Kalasin) they moved on to explore Tambon Nong Hang where four wheel drive was necessary to negotiate the rocky steep trail.

The time of day and hot dry conditions were hardly ideal for birding and their half dozen species comprised:-

2 Rufous-winged Buzzards

1 Shikra

1 Indochinese Roller

1 Lineated Barbet

4 Large-billed Crows

1 Olive-backed Sunbird.

This modest haul across the two sites did in fact yield a few province ticks for them personally and meeting up at least provided the opportunity to formulate plans for the following week in Loei Province with the prospect of more challenging and exciting birding in the north-easter extremity of the Isaan region.

Mike P.



Challenges are inevitable, but failure is optional.

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21/06/2023 8.00 am - Phu Lom Lo (still in the national park and on the Loei side).

A 7 hour session produced 36 species to more or less round off their trip. (As an old codger now I cannot really envisage with much enthusiasm 7 hours in the field in the humidity of the wet season with the leeches looping through the leaf litter towards one at every pause in the forest).

The best birds of 36 species recorded were:-

1 Black Eagle (seen by PP as it flew over the road while DF and PF were in their vehicle way ahead).

1 Crested Goshawk

1 Blue-bearded Bee-eater

2 Golden-throated Barbets

3 Blue-throated Barbets

1 Speckled Piculet

1 Stripe-breasted Woodpecker

1 Clicking Shrike-Babbler

1 Blyths Paradise Flycatcher

2 Hill Prinias

1 Golden-headed Cisticola (photographed and a first record for the mountain).

4 Yellow-bellied Warblers

1 Rufous-winged Fulvetta

2 Lesser Shortwings

1 White-crowned Forktail

1 Streaked Spiderhunter 

1 Little Spiderhunter

1 Eye- browed Wren-Babbler (seen by DF and PF).

in summary the guys earned themselves several new species of real quality and boosted their standing as the leading field workers of the Isaan region. PP boosted his own list for Loei Province to 203 though still some way behind PF on around 288/90.

A photo is attached of the Cisticola (courtesy of PF) and a shot of PPs leg; - the price one pays by braving the wet season forest - the basically harmless leeches do leave clothes in a bloody mess and whatever precautions taken (leech socks etc) they always get you.


Mike P.






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19/06/2023 - 16.30 Phu Hin Rong Kla Nat. Pk. - Phitsanulok side (general vicinity).

The national park and approach road straggles the boundary between the provinces of Loei and Phitsanulok and so on certain stretches when roadside birding and recording one has to be careful as to noting exact locations.

A 45 minute session here yielded 8 species as follows:-

2 Spotted Doves

6 Grey-chinned Minivets

4 Yellow- cheeked Tits

1 Mountain Tailorbird

6 Indian White-eyes

1 White-browed Scimitar-Babbler (heard)

4 Blue-winged Minlas

2 Green Cochoas (heard and recorded- a different pair from the birds heard and seen earlier in Loei. June does seem to be the time here to have a good chance of meeting with this gem of a species).

1 White-browed Forktail.

On 20/06 an hour long midday session, (this time in the headquarters vicinity) still on the Phitsanolok side produced a mix of 13 common species.
In the evening at 11 pm Dennis and Paul Farrell heard and photographed a Brown Wood Owl. PP had taken to his bed so missed the chance to enjoy the owl - a decision which he rather rued later. Dennis may well have been out and had his moth trap going as by the end of their trip he had logged over 80 moth lifers though felt that the expedition had been perhaps a week too early for the dragonflies (these being his prime passion).

Attached below photos of Brown Wood Owl.


Mike P.






Challenges are inevitable, but failure is optional.

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20/06/2023 - 8.00 am Phu Hin Rong Kla Nat.Pk. (Man Daeng substation) - Loei Province.

3 hours of mist low cloud and rain made for a difficult morning with only 15 species recorded:-

1 Banded Bay Cuckoo

1 Bay Woodpecker

2 White-throated Fantails

2 Bronzed Drongos

1 Common Green Magpie

2 Yellow-cheeked Tits

4 Flavescent Bulbuls

3 Davisons Leaf Warblers

2 Mountain Tailorbirds

1 Rufous-winged Fulvetta

1 Yunnan Fulvetta

4 White-necked Laughingthrushes

1 Green Cochoa (heard).

6 Large Niltavas (heard)

2 Brown-throated Sunbirds

By 14.00 the team had moved on to another site (still in the National park) at Phu Lom Lo with 20 species logged in addition to an inadequate sighting of 3 large pigeons which were left unidentified. Birds here were:-

6 House Swifts

2 Golden-throated Barbets

1 Blue-throated Barbet

1 Stripe-breasted Woodpecker

2 White-throated Fantails

1 Grey-headed Canary-Flycatcher

1 Common Tailorbird

2 Hill Prinias 

8 Sooty-headed Bulbuls

12 Flavescent Bulbuls

4 Yellow-eyed Babblers (another species which I have yet to catch up with, - not as common as the literature would suggest with a markedly patchy distribution).

4 Red-billed Scimitar-Babblers (typically in a small family group).

2 Rufous-winged Fulvettas

4 Blue-winged Minlas

1 Velvet-fronted Nuthatch

1 Oriental Magpie-Robin

2 Large Niltavas

1 Pied Bushchat

1 Jerdons Bushchat  (male).

6 Scaly-breasted Munias.

Photos attached courtesy of Paul Farrell and Paul Passant (Yellow-eyed Babbler and Red-billed Scimitar-Babbler).


Mike P.






-- Edited by Mike Passant on Friday 30th of June 2023 09:17:58 AM


Challenges are inevitable, but failure is optional.

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19/06/2023 - Phu Hin Rong Kla Nat.Pk. Man Daeng sub-station -Loei Province.

A 10.30 arrival here for Paul and the Farrell brothers (Paul and Dennis) meant that a five hour birding stint through the midday heat demanded a certain resolve bearing in mind that in Thailand they are now in the wet season. 
Their species list of 24 contained more than a few juicey rewards:-

1 Red-headed Trogon

1 Golden-throated Barbet

3 Bay Woodpeckers

5 Grey-chinned Minivets

1 Bronzed Drongo

1 Common Green-Magpie

2 Large-billed Crows

2 Yellow-cheeked Tits

2 Common Tailorbirds

1 Hill Prinia

9 Flavescent Bulbuls

1 Grey-eyed Bulbul

2 Mountain Tailorbirds

1 Golden Babbler

3 Streaked Wren-Babblers

2 Yunnan Fulvettas

5 Black-backed Sibias

4 Blue-winged Minlas

1 Silver-eared Mesia

2 White-necked Laughingthrushes

2 Green Cochoas 

20 Large Niltavas (a notable high count!)

1 Black-throated Sunbird

2 Streaked Spiderhunters 

Green Cochoas were lifers for the guys (as they would be for me) and are among the true gems of south east Asia along with the rarer Purple Cochoa. I also have yet to set eyes upon White-necked Laughingthrush with which we were teased here last year by a calling party in thick forest which stubbornly refused to show themselves;- all part of the ups and downs which keep us addicted!
Attached is Paul Farrells photo of a Blue-winged Minla.


Mike P.









Challenges are inevitable, but failure is optional.

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15/06/2023 10.30 am - Phu Phan Nat. Pk. Tor Khet (protection unit 6) Kalasin Province.

Paul met up with Dennis and Paul Farrell (the latter back in Thailand after several months away working) on this site located roughly half way between their respective home bases in Khon Kaen and Yasothon.

Here an hour and a half of relaxed birding produced 14 common species including a Crested Serpent Eagle, singles of both Green-eared and Lineated Barbets, a White-bellied Erpornis, 4 Bulbul species, Puff-throated and Pin-striped Tit-Babblers, a White-crested Laughingthrush, a White-rumped Shama, a couple of Ruby-cheeked Sunbirds, and 3 Common Taylorbirds.

Early afternoon (still in Kalasin) they moved on to explore Tambon Nong Hang where four wheel drive was necessary to negotiate the rocky steep trail.

The time of day and hot dry conditions were hardly ideal for birding and their half dozen species comprised:-

2 Rufous-winged Buzzards

1 Shikra

1 Indochinese Roller

1 Lineated Barbet

4 Large-billed Crows

1 Olive-backed Sunbird.

This modest haul across the two sites did in fact yield a few province ticks for them personally and meeting up at least provided the opportunity to formulate plans for the following week in Loei Province with the prospect of more challenging and exciting birding in the north-eastern extremity of the Isaan region.

Mike P.



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29/05/2023 - Phu Chong Na Yoi Nat.Pk. - general area, Ubon Ratchathani.

Paul picked up Philip Round at Ubon Ratchathani airport for a birding jaunt together in this same excellent national park where twelve months ago I enjoyed a couple of days with Paul and the Farrell brothers.

Their listing spanned three days (involving one full day and two mornings), - the list for this site amounted to 47 species as follows: -

1 Siamese Fireback

2 Scaly-breasted Partridges (heard both days)

2 Spotted Doves

5 Asian Emerald Doves

1 Coral-billed Ground-Cuckoo

2 Banded Bay Cuckoos

2 Plaintive Cuckoos

1 Malayan Night-Heron (flushed off the trail)

1 Black Baza

1 Crested Serpent-Eagle

1 Shikra

2 Asian Barred Owlets

1 Oriental Pied Hornbill

1 Blue-bearded Bee-eater

2 Blue-eared Barbets

4 Green-eared Barbets

4 Lineated Barbets

4 Greater Flamebacks 

1 Rufous Woodpecker

2 Black and Buff Woodpeckers (photo attached below).

2 Laced Woodpeckers

2 Greater Yellownapes

6 Banded Broadbills (Heard).

3 Great Ioras

1 Bronzed Drongo

Greater Racket-tailed Drongos (quite a few).

2 Black-naped Monarchs

2 Blyths Paradise-Flycatchers

1 Common Green Magpie (Heard).

4 Large-billed Crows

1 Stripe-throated Bulbul

2 Large Scimitar-Babblers (new for Paul)

4 Scaly-crowned Babblers

4 White-crested Laughingthrushes

1 Yellow-vented Flowerpecker

1 Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker

1 Little Spiderhunter

2 Asian Fairy-Bluebird (more heard).

In addition there were numbers of more common species:- both Common and Dark-necked Tailorbirds, Black-crested Puff-throated and Grey-eyed Bulbuls, Puff-throated and Abbots Babblers and a fair few White-rumped Shamas.


Mike P.







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18/05/2023 - 6.15 am. - An early morning start at the same location where they finished yesterday evening, Dave and Paul enjoyed an excellent 3 hour 50 minute session here logging 49 species including a few not recorded yesterday, highlight species as follows: -

3 Siamese Firebacks (a female photographed)

1 Green Peafowl (not at all sure if these recently reintroduced birds are tickable or not yet as very few totally wild birds are found in Thailand). Nevertheless this is a stunning creature to see, especially in a wild setting.

15 Ashy-headed Green Pigeons (same trees as previous day).

30 Thick-billed Pigeons. - These are pretty common generally (but it pays to check through them to see if they are in company with anything scarcer).

5 Green Imperial Pigeons

1 Malayan Night-Heron (The star find of the trip. This adult walked across the track in front of the vehicle and Dave managed to obtain a record shot through the vehicle windscreen). I continue to mistime my visits to Thailand and narrowly missed this species on both recent trips as passage birds appear to spend time in particular Bangkok parks and draw local birders/photographers who enjoy great views accordingly. - A major world tick for Paul as it would be for me.

2 Black Bazas

2 White-throated Kingfishers

8 Asian Green Bee-eaters

4 Blue-tailed Bee-eaters

2 Chestnut-headed Bee-eaters

2 Indo-Chinese Rollers

2 Dollarbirds

1 Banded Broadbill (photographed)

1 Blue-winged Pitta (same bird as previous day).


Mike P.




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17/05/2023 - (continued) Later the same day Paul and Dave started (at 15.30) a two hour session at a new site - 

Dong Yai Wildlife Sanctuary - Laloeng Roi Ru (also still in Buri Ram Province). Here they chalked up 35 species (and one other taxa deemed not tickable due to reintroduction status).

Notable species here were:-

6 Ashy-headed Green-Pigeons

40 Thick-billed Green-Pigeons

8 Green Imperial Pigeons

3 Crested Treeswifts

2 Asian Woolly-necked Storks (released birds)

2 Chestnut-headed Bee-eaters

3 Dollarbirds 

14 Red-breasted Parakeets

2 Blossom-headed Parakeets (seen by Dave only).


Mike P.





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17/05/2023 - 9.00 am - Dong Yai Wildlife Sanctuary. Khao Krapod (Bo Mee Ngam Ranger Station vicinity) Buri Ram.

A two hour session got the day off to a good start with 36 species, including:-

4 Crested Treeswifts

2 Black Bazas

2 Rufous-winged Buzzards

15 Asian Green Bee-eaters

4 Blue-tailed Bee-eaters

1 Collared Falconet

2 Blue-winged Pittas

4 Abbotts Babblers.



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15/05/2023 - 13.00 Huai Saneng Reservoir Surin Province.

Paul enjoyed a two hour twenty minute listing bash at this site en route for several days birding in Buri Ram (the south westernmost province in Isaan). He logged 53 species at this site and while nothing outstanding was noted the sheer spread of species added 7 new species for his own list for this province.

By 15.15 he commenced birding at Huai Sawai in Buri Ram logging 35 species in a 50 minute session; - best being: -

250 Oriental Pratincoles

10 Small Pratincoles

50 Asian Openbills 

7 Painted Storks

The following morning Paul met up at 11.00 am with Australian birder Dave Pennock at Huai Cherokhe Reservoir non-hunting area logging 43 species in a two hour spell, notably: -

400 Asian Openbills

6 Sarus Cranes ( re-introduced)

15 Painted Storks

1 Oriental Darter

20 Little Cormorants

1 Glossy Ibis

20 Asian Green Bee-eaters

Also of course many of the usual common species padding out the list with a good number new for Dave (who only commenced recording on Ebird recently in March).

At 15.10 they arrived at Chang Wat Buri Ram where in a final 50 minutes they recorded 11 species which included 5 Little Grebes and 4 Blue-winged Pittas (this latter boosting Pauls personal province records for this species of which he is so fond).


Mike P.





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11/05/2023 -11.40 - Huai Khee Lek, Mukdahan Province.

With the passage of marsh terns still uppermost in Pauls mind he headed out east from Yasothon for a sweep up three of these eastern provinces which border the Mekong River.

Still doing a full list (29 species) he logged at this site 15 Whiskered Terns and 4 White-winged and also obtained a decent photo of the quite common though normally shy White-browed Crake.

The following morning he visited the Huai Pho Royal Irrigation Project in Amnat Charoen and was rewarded with 15 White-winged terns which he scoped across the lake. As they were too far for photos he drove round to the far side of the lake only to find that they had departed.

Finally yesterday (13th) he headed north into Nakhon Phanom arriving midday to find 6 White-winged Terns keeping company with 12 Whiskered. An outstanding count of 5 Blue-winged Pittas was rather spoiled by finding one of them dead - hanging in a mist net set over the lake (photo attached).


Mike P.



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10/05/2023 -Huai Chum Chang, _ Kalasin Province.

Midday saw Paul out to the NW from home engaged in a bit of list boosting up here where he logged 18 species in an hour and also spent time enjoying a passage of 40 Whiskered Terns.
Earlier he had travelled west into Roi Et where on 08/05/23 Shaun Green (the most active birder in that province) had watched 4 White-winged Terns at Laem Phayom. Last year at the same site (a day earlier on 07/05/22) Shaun had recorded 21 birds in 2 groups.
I am pretty sure that Paul has never seen White-winged Tern in Roi Et hence the reason for his visit and though he logged 16 Whiskered Terns at Laem Phayom not a single White-winged remained, so he moved on NW into Kalasin.

Just as Paul was about to leave for home he writes that 20 White-winged Terns flew in from the south so he was rewarded after all for his efforts - albeit in a different province to the one intended! 
A brief stop back at Laem Phayom en route home yielded 15 Whiskered Terns but still no more White-winged Terns for his Roi Et list. 

Mike P.

-- Edited by Mike Passant on Thursday 11th of May 2023 01:39:40 PM


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06/05/2023 - Local patch outing in Yasothon this morning.

 - A few portrait shots from the riverine forest along the Chi river area today where the Blue-winged Pittas are back on territory and Oriental Pratincoles in the nearby fields.


Mike P.


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18/04/2023 Phu Chong Na Yoi Nat. Pk. Ubon Ratchathani.

A belated photo from Paul and Pens camping trip down into Phu Chong Na Yoi, depicting a rather fine shot of the quite common Green-eared Barbet, which we hear very often in well forested areas (as the voice travels across hundreds of metres) though we seldom get photo opportunities or clear views as good as this.


Mike P.


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30/04/2023 -midday session same location as below with 3 added species not recorded earlier-:

1 Crested Serpent Eagle (immature)

2 Blue-throated Bee-eaters

1 Arctic Warbler (singing).




-- Edited by Mike Passant on Monday 1st of May 2023 10:24:39 PM


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30/04/2023 - Phu Mu Forest Pk. - campsite area - Yasothon/Mukdahan province border.

A 07.30 start saw Paul here again hoping for passage migrants. 
In his first session he logged 23 species, highlights being:-

1Chinese Sparrowhawk

1 Blue-winged Pitta

5 Black-naped Orioles

8 Hair-crested Drongos

3 Greater-racket-tailed Drongos

4 Asian Brown Flycatchers (including one of the sub-species williamsoni (photographed) showing heavy diffuse flank streaking but clean unmarked undertail coverts which separate it from Dark-sided Flycatcher).

1 Forest Wagtail

2 Olive-backed Pipits


Mike P.




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28/04/2023 - Khao Phra Wigan Nat.Pk. - Mo l-Daeng Cliff Si Sa Ket Province.

Paul took Pen on her first visit to this cliff top site which provides a point blank overlook into forested habitat below wholly in Cambodia. Here they noted 12 House Swifts, 4 Pacific Swifts, a Hirundapus sp. and a pair of territorial Peregrines presumed to be nesting below them on the cliff face.

Photos here include a fly past Peregrine and one of the birds flying directly at the camera seemingly wanting the observers to depart, offering an intimidating view (as seen no doubt by numerous pigeons the world over immediately before their deaths).


Mike P.


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26/04/2023 Phu Chong Na Yoi Nat.Pk. Ubon Ratchathani Province.

Paul and Pen arrived here mid afternoon for an overnight stay intent on exploring the general area on 27th (Thursday). As you do, they unwound from the drive from Yasothon with a shortish walk and were rewarded by finding and seeing briefly two birds approximately a kilometre apart - two Coral-billed Ground-Cuckoos (no less!) which both walked off the trail ahead of them. This species is high on the wish list of many birders (including me; - it is up there with Blue Pitta as one of my two most wanted species in Thailand - both world lifers which I have heard but never yet managed to see).

Other species seen were one each of Asian Koel, Oriental Pied Hornbill, Dollarbird, and the first Blue-winged Pitta of the year.

Later last evening at about 19.00 they were entertained by a calling Large-tailed Nightjar close to their campsite.

Cheers, Mike P.


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22/04/2023 Huai Chum Chang- Kalasin Province.

An hour and a half at this site yielded 26 species, the best of which were:-

15 Little Ringed Plovers

6 Whiskered Terns

80 Asian Openbills

1 Dollarbird

25 Eastern Yellow Wagtails (a minimum tally - these in groups of 3,4,and 5 indicative of birds on the move).

2 Richards Pipits (photo attached)

Earlier Paul had made a couple of short stops (also in Kalasin) right on the border with both Roi Et and Mukdahan the main highlight being a perched Chinese Sparrowhawk ( photo attached) which flew in from Roi Et and also over into Mukdahan this being an addition to three of his province lists as well as a new species for him in Thailand.


Mike P.



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12/04/2023 - Tham Pha Nam Thip - None Hunting area Roi Et Province.

Paul made a foray into Roi Et Province hoping for more cuckoo records recording 21 species in a 3 hour session but with no cuckoos involved. He did however strike lucky with another male Mugimaki Flycatcher and also managed a new species for the province list in the shape of a Forest Wagtail which he also photographed.
Those of you who know the species will recall the oddly eccentric way this bird moves around on the forest floor or forages among the leaf litter, swaying its tail rather stiffly from side to side as it proceeds.

Other notable birds were 2 Taiga Flycatchers (one sporting its red throat now) a Siberian Blue Robin and a fine adult White-throated Rock-Thrush.


Mike P.



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11/04/2023  - Phu Mu Forest Park - Mukdahan and Yasothon (both sides of boundary). 

Readers of this thread may recall the wintering thrushes which our family team found here in December. As this location straggles the provincial border (which runs through the top car park and camping ground) we were able to add these birds to both province lists with Paul P. and Paul F. obtaining excellent photos to underpin the rarity submissions.

Working on a similar hunch Paul visited the same site again yesterday and was rewarded with a Himalayan Cuckoo on either side of the boundary but the bird led him quite a dance when it came to trying to get a photograph and he managed only a fuzzy record shot (albeit of an obvious cuckoo).

Another bonus however popped up as a new species for both Yasothon and Mukdahan- yet another fine flycatcher in the shape of a male Mugimaki Flycatcher which was rather more obliging in agreeing to be photographed.

Today Paul is involved in a family gathering to celebrate Son Khran - the annual festive in which everybody throws buckets of water over everyone else and therefore also something not ideal as regards photography.


Mike P.


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April 9th and 10th - Boong Khla Community Forest, Yasothon Province.

With migration underway Paul has been lured back into this superb forest patch which has yielded up a number of Yellow-rumped Flycatchers of late and among 47 species there on 9th were a Dollarbird, and on wires in the adjacent village 12 Barn Swallows and 20 Red-rumped Swallows,  2 more Yellow-rumped Flycatchers, a single Taiga Flycatcher and 5 Siberian Blue Robins. However, best of all as a find was a vocalising Common (ie Eurasian) Cuckoo. No other visually similar palearctic cuckoo species calls as does our familiar bird. Paul failed to actually see the culprit so recorded it on the Ebird system as cuckoo sp to prevent it distorting his Thai life list;- therefore sadly it remains as a near miss.

He returned this morning hoping to catch sight of it but it either remained silent or has already moved on. He was however rewarded with a fine male Narcissus Flycatcher sporting its blazing yellow supercilium:- a bird new for him and which I have never seen anywhere myself. As the early evening light was inadequate he was unable to manage any photos.


Mike P.




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Winding the clock back a few days to April 1st in the same forest, Paul obtained a couple of shots of this small accipiter which I originally felt was a good candidate for Japanese Sparrowhawk. However Paul pointed out the thin but definate mesial stripe with barring on the flanks replaced on the breast and belly by blotches- more in keeping with a first winter female Shikra which is how he has recorded it.


Mike P.


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With migration now underway through Yasothon Pauls focus has been on Boong Khla Community Forest over the last few days.

On April 1st he recorded a new species for Yasothon - a stunning male Yellow-rumped Flycatcher and on a repeat visit this morning he found four more - three males and a female. Other species photographed were a female Blyths Paradise Flycatcher and an Abbotts Babbler, this latter with a possibly deformed upper mandible. 

Mike P.


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24/03/2023 - Ban Nom Klao - Boong Khla Community Forest Yasothon.

A two hour mid day mooch around his favourite forest patch proved fruitful for Paul who has now logged 102 species on this site. Star species were a single Oriental Honey Buzzard (male), a close encounter with the diminutive White-browed Piculet and the creepy looking Brown Boobook. I have yet to see this latter species in Thailand let alone Yasothon. Photos of these are attached below.

Paul has achieved much over the last 5 years in his explorations across the 20 provinces of Isaan with many new species discovered in terms of range extensions and he now has an average of 125 species per province recorded across the region. Only Paul Farrell, who is presently out of the country, has a higher average list per province (at 140). 

Mike P.



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21/03/2023 - 15- 15 - Na Weng, Ubon Ratchathani.

Paul and Pen enjoyed a couple of days in the east close to the Mekong river and also exploring a couple of forest sites with a close encounter with a new species not just for themselves but also what appears to be a first record for the eastern part of Isaan - a tentative presumed Himalayan Cuckoo. Im pretty sure that I have never seen this species anywhere myself though I am aware that four or five similar cuckoo species present identification challenges especially when silent. A photo is attached.
An hour here produced 17 species as follows:-

2 Greater Coucals

1 Asian Koel

1 Himalayan Cuckoo

1 Kentish Plover

1 Little Ringed Plover

8 Small Pratincoles

1 Grey Heron

1 Little Egret

3 Asian Green Bee-Eaters

1 Coppersmith Barbet

1 Black-winged Cuckooshrike

3 Large-billed Crows

6 Wire-tailed Swallows

2 Common Mynas

5 Great Mynas

1 Amur Stonechat

3 Pied Bushchats


Mike P.




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11/03/2023 - 9.30 am. Boong Khla Community Forest - Yasothon Province.

Paul and Art enjoyed a 3 hour session in their favourite forest area within Yasothon and Paul finally achieved his short term target of 100 species recorded for the site with 42 species recorded here this morning.

Pick of the bunch were :-

1 Great Iora

1 Stripe-throated Bulbul

1 Pale-legged Leaf Warbler (photo attached). - With several British records over the last decade or so, this is always  an interesting species to encounter. Here in Yasothon the default presumption has so far been that Pale-legged is the form occurring though there is always the possibility that Sakhalin Leaf Warbler is being overlooked since these forms were split. Paul Farrell is able to identify both forms on both winter range and more reliably on sonograms from his own fieldwork, but he is presently away working. 
1 Sulphur-breasted Warbler

2 Abbotts Babblers

7 White-rumped Shamas

1 Thick-billed Flowerpecker

1 Ruby-cheeked Sunbird

1 Van Hasselts Sunbird

2 Crimson Sunbirds.


Mike P.





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06/03/2023 - Huai Chorakhe Mak reservoir none hunting area, - Buri Ram Province.

After several weeks of birding the immediately adjacent provinces of Yasothon Paul yielded to the temptation of a twitch into Buri Ram, the south westernmost province of Isaan where our winter trip in December had turned up a Dunlin and a White Wagtail of the ocularis form (only treated as a sub species, but entirely new for all four of us at that time).

He arrived on site at 10.30 am and was delighted to find the two Red-necked Phalaropes still present and obtained photos as well. -Always a delight to see these delicate waders and all the more so for Paul as they were new for his Thai and possibly world lists. In two and a half hours he logged 62 species here - highlights being 60 Oriental Pratincoles, 30 Painted Storks, 14 Indochinese Rollers, and most impressively 60 Glossy Ibises.

At 14.00 he spent an hour at Sanam Bin none hunting reserve searching in vain for a reported Curlew Sandpiper but did log in passing 19 species here which included an impressive 55 Painted Storks.

Prior to heading back to home he returned to the Phalarope site and while failing to find a reported Common Shelduck  he did find a couple of Wigeon now on site - the first province records since 1988.


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13/02/2023 Kaeng Lawa - Khon Kaen province.

Not much to report this week. Paul Farrell has been birding in his home province visiting the superb Kaeng Lawa  (general area) where the immaculate drake Baikal Teal continues (PFs photo attached) keeping company with some 200 Garganey and 30 Eurasian (ie Common Teal) still linger though many parts of the site are drying out. A morning check still produced around 150 Yellow-breasted Buntings still close to their famous roost area.


Mike P.

-- Edited by Mike Passant on Thursday 16th of February 2023 09:51:57 PM


Challenges are inevitable, but failure is optional.

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