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Post Info TOPIC: WERNETH LOW (other wildlife)

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WERNETH LOW (other wildlife)

3 Wall Brown seen today, also several Common Green Grasshopper

-- Edited by dave broome on Sunday 20th of August 2023 02:53:54 PM


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A terrific count of 8 Wall along Werneth Low Rd and in grounds of nearby stables. Fairly certain I've never recorded even one in this area before, so a major expansion. Also hereabouts: 1 painted lady, 1 red admiral, 2-3 gatekeeper, 1-2 meadow brown, with 8 speckled woods being more widely scattered. 1 common darter also seen.


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On a very cool, blustery walk from Greave to Werneth Low Country Park, not many insects were braving it, so it was a surprise to see a female Ghost moth on the kerb by the roadside near the car park at the top of Joel Ln. Moths 1 Butterflies 0 for the afternoon. Summer in the UK!


While we exist, all else is at risk.

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First green hairstreaks of the year (3), and first green-veined white too. Also 6 peacock and a couple of small tortoiseshells.


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A fairly uneventful nosey around had produced only 4 small heath, 3 green hairstreak, 2 red admiral, 1 speckled wood, 1 common blue (not usual here), and a common heath moth in the insect stakes. But right at the end of the walk I found a very attractive click beetle which I do not believe I have seen before; Ctenicera cuprea. An inhabitant of upland heath and moorland, its at times like this that it is handy to live near the hills.


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A close encounter with a fox this afternoon at the Greave end of the 'Low'. I was making squeaking sounds to try and entice birds from within a thick hedge and was amazed to see a beautifully clean, healthy fox appear in the field below me at about 7/8 meters. It's eyes were fixed to the ground looking for whatever had been making the sound, so it did not have a clue I was above its eyeline. It moved stealthily, panning ahead before pushing through the hedgerow 3/4 meters to my right when it finally saw me and eventually (after having a good look at me) fled. I haven't seen many around these parts in recent times, so this made it all the more special.


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Re-found Wall after a very long absence here (20+ years). As it was in the area (track/road leading down steeply from Windy Harbour) that I'd seen it in the past, I suppose it has hung on in very small numbers (I haven't looked every year and the weather is not always right).


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An interesting p.m. in the sunshine turned up a good variety of insects, the best of which was corizus hyoscyami, a personal first and perhaps only the second recorded for Greater Manchester (according to the NBN atlas). 7 species of butterfly included no less than 20 green hairstreaks and my first small copper of the year. 4 species of moth included Mother Shipton, 3 common heath, zillions of green longhorns and another longhorn species yet to be determined. Also sloe and green shieldbugs. 


While we exist, all else is at risk.

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Brilliant to be amongst green hairstreaks again (even though it does make the years seem like they go nowhere). No less than six seen, which was a good job as other species were not in good numbers (holly blue, orange tip, peacock, green-veined white, comma). Also one common heath moth seen. Grey-haired mining bees have really taken hold in the county in recent times - there were about 40 here. I do not recall them being present until the last couple of years and I don't think I would have overlooked them.




-- Edited by Andy Bissitt on Saturday 5th of May 2018 09:04:40 PM


While we exist, all else is at risk.

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allegedly the Keg at Etherow Vic.


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The Wild Daffodils are now at their peak and make a great sight once you go through the 2nd gate from the car park towards the War Memorial. They have been there for donkeys years but I feel they were probably planted originally. Are there any other sites in Gtr Mcr?

Unfortunately a few of the garden variety have been planted near the main path by the gate and there are a handful of hybrids established. Although it would be many years before they become a threat to the main colony. However it would be wise to dig out the garden and hybrid ones.

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Friday 1st of April 2016 05:56:21 PM

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