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Post Info TOPIC: Astley Green (other wildlife)

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RE: Astley Green (other wildlife)

Thanks Oliver, nice to see it confirmed.


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I think palmate Pete, the dorsal strip goes right to the tip of the tail; in smooth it's up to their shoulders usually 


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Just found this newt in back garden,Obsidentify reckons it's a Palmate Newt,I usually get smooth newts in garden in pond,just wondering if anyone can confirm id.

-- Edited by pete berry on Saturday 3rd of August 2024 02:05:38 PM


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Common Darter in the back garden this afternoon.


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A Banded Demoisselle dragonfly flew through garden this afternoon.


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An Holly Blue butterfly in the garden this afternoon, first of year for me . Also a Brimstone in garden today,despite the bad weather this spring I've seen more Brimstones than ever before.

-- Edited by pete berry on Friday 10th of May 2024 03:05:14 PM


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A male Brimstone butterfly today around the fishing pond,also Orange Tip and a small white butterfly sp


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Female Brimstone just flown through the garden.,with a Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly shortly afterwards.

-- Edited by pete berry on Saturday 30th of March 2024 02:09:08 PM


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Small Tortoiseshell butterfly by the fish pond on the Meadows this lunchtime


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Just had a Brimstone butterfly through the garden this morning


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Quite a few Common Drone Flies out on the winter flowering Clematis today,also a couple bees in the garden on the snowdrops.


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A Common Darter in the garden this afternoon, also lots of Red Admirals,couple Large Whites and singles of Speckled Wood and Comma.


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A Gatekeeper butterfly in the garden this morning ,also several Holly Blues a Red Admiral and several Large Whites.


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In the garden today a Brimstone, several Commas,couple of Red Admiral, Large Whites and a single Holly Blue.


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Called over to the Dingy Skipper site last night and managed see at least 8 different individuals there. Unfortunately the area where I first found them is now getting overgrown with shrubs, but fortunately the butterflies have moved further round to suitable habitat with very little shrub growth so hopefully will be safe for a few years yet.


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In the garden today, 4 sightings of Brimstone Butterfly,several Orange Tips and 2 Speckled Woods.


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pete berry wrote:

Caught this in my moth trap night before last....Streamer Moth
Apparently not at all common in the north west.

 For Cheshire 704 documented records, with 33 recorded in 2022. A species seemingly on the increase. Good record.


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Caught this in my moth trap night before last....Streamer Moth
Apparently not at all common in the north west.


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A Peacock butterfly this morning at the rear of Boathouse pub and this afternoon another one over back garden.


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Small Tortoishell butterfly flying round the back garden today in the sunshine.


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Despite actively looking for fungi as well as birds I found very little of it around the trees & fields.

My only records being 'Tree Ear Fungus' & what I think was a very sickly looking 'Blushing Bracket'

-- Edited by Lez Fairclough on Wednesday 16th of November 2022 11:13:01 PM


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2 Red Admiral butterflies in back garden this morning.


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Brimstone butterfly in the garden today,also up to 4 Holly Blues at any one time,also Comma,Small and Large Whites and a single Red Admiral.


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A wander round The Meadows in the sun
Several Speckled Woods ,1 Ringlet, 3 Commas,several Small Skipper and a late, tatty looking Common Blue.


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Found a second little colony of Dingy Skippers a few hundred yards away from the original site,counted at least 12 butterflies in this new area. I searched this area two years ago when I originally found them ,but none were seen then,so hopefully the colony is expanding. Also still at least 8 butterflies in the original area in a quick search.

-- Edited by pete berry on Saturday 14th of May 2022 03:18:14 PM


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A quick check after the sun came out this afternoon produced at least 11 Dingy Skipper butterflies from the same private site I saw them 2 years ago. Unfortunately due to ongoing work there,no access to the area would be given.


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4 male orangetips and 2 speckled woods along canal near lingrds bridge yesterday 21st


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2 Holly Blue butterflies in the garden today.


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2 Orange Tip butterflies in the garden yesterday.


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Scarlet Elf Caps on the Whitehead Hall meadows today.


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Frogspawn in the garden wildlife pond today .


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Just seen a Red Admiral flying around outside the front of the house ,probably the latest one I've ever seensmile


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An hour in the garden after the rain went through and the sun came out
Holly Blue, Speckled Wood, Peacock and several white butterflies in the garden.
A Southern Hawker dragonfly very obliging perched up for a couple of seconds by the pond so I could get my bins on it,and another largeish dragonfly which was reddy brown unfortunately wasn't so obliging and remained unidentified.


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Found a couple of spikes of Bee Orchid today just down the road on some private land


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I think they will be dining Pete .... I had them on my lilies last year .... munched their way through all the leaves .... ended up with three "sticks" in a pot !


Blessed is the man who expecteth little reward ..... for he shall seldom be disappointed.

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Thanks,funnily enough the plant pot has got a couple of lilies in it,hopefully they won't be damaged by the beetles.


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pete berry wrote:

Just wondering if anyone got any idea what these beetles are,found a couple of the handsome fellas in a plant pot in the back garden.

 Evening Pete.

It looks like a lily beetle. smile


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Just wondering if anyone got any idea what these beetles are,found a couple of the handsome fellas in a plant pot in the back garden.


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Orange Tip butterfly in garden yesterday and again today.


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Brimstone butterfly over the garden today


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Holly Blue butterfly in the garden this morning


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First frogspawn of the year today in my back garden wildlife pond.


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Large Skipper out on the wing today.

-- Edited by pete berry on Tuesday 2nd of June 2020 12:23:34 PM


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There may be similar habitat scattered around the site,I'll be checking it out in the next week or so,it's very doubtful that the site will be managed for them,but hopefully it shouldn't change in the next few years.


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Not too much flight-time left for them I think. Whatever, if there is more habitat like that on the site, they could disperse in future years. Is that the case, or is the land maintained in a state that is beneficial to them? Anyway, a good-news story is very welcome at the moment.


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Yes,I've reported it to the recorder,he's very pleased with the sightings as they are the 1st one's since 2004 when a single was present at Adswood tip. It's also potentially the first breeding for the county. It's just a shame that the land is private as I'm sure a few people would like to see them, if the lockdown is lifted soon I might be able to get permission to take people on to see them,maybe in one organised visit. Watch this space.


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pete berry wrote:

Just found a colony of Dingy Skipper butterflies nearby,unfortunately they are on private land with no public access,I have permission to visit site. I saw several in a relatively small area,don't know if there are any more sites in the county with them??


Consider yourself very privileged (I'm certain you do). I would almost kill to see these! I hope that the colony is known to the relevant authorities as I feel it is probably unique in Greater Manchester? If not, it should be reported.




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Just found a colony of Dingy Skipper butterflies nearby,unfortunately they are on private land with no public access,I have permission to visit site. I saw several in a relatively small area,don't know if there are any more sites in the county with them??


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Yesterday in the gareden,Brimstone,Orange Tip.Comma and today a Holly Blue and Brimstone again.


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Banded Demoiselle dragonfly in garden todaysmile

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