For those interested in our garden birds (as well as butterflies, moths, dragonflies, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, bees & wasps) the interactive data found on the below link is a fascinating source of information.
You can view long-term and annual graphs of reporting rates and counts, maps of reports, and visualisations of communities and submissions, all specific to the North West area (and in some cases specific to Greater Manchester).
Greater Manchester provided 144,351 submissions. You can see how that compares to other areas by going to the "GBW participants" page, selecting "North West" and clicking data type "No. of submissions".
For a total overview go the "Communities of birds and other wildlife" page, select "North West" and then "Greater Manchester".
I find it interesting using the "Annual patterns of garden use" page, choosing a species and comparing current data with historical. There must be a multitude of reasons for the variations and trends. Issues in the wider countryside and our increasing (as a society) habit of feeding garden birds must have an impact. Rather than just hearsay the information is factual and I would imagine would be of use to students on relevent conservation and ecology studies.
If nothing else, it makes interesting reading whilst having your morning brew !!!