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Post Info TOPIC: Saying Hello

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RE: Saying Hello

Lisa Naylor wrote:

Hi Adrian :)

I was in the Wigan Camera Club, but unfortunately I work extremely demanding hours and so have had to step back from it! In fact up until lately it's stopped me getting out much at all! Hoping to change that now though... smile

Are you in a camera club?

To be honest I didn't enjoy the competition element - Im more of a nature enthusiast / photographer combined, and the content and process is more important to me that then end result, which always led to quite a bit of frustration when judges do not appreciate the work that has gone into a shot...

So now I just enjoy for me aww

Hello Lisa. I'm in Bolton Camera Club and we've suffered at the hands of Wigan in several battles. I enjoy the competitions as it is an opportunity to get a critique of my work. Although one judge's opinion might not be the same as anothers.


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Hi Adrian :)

I was in the Wigan Camera Club, but unfortunately I work extremely demanding hours and so have had to step back from it! In fact up until lately it's stopped me getting out much at all! Hoping to change that now though... smile

Are you in a camera club?

To be honest I didn't enjoy the competition element - Im more of a nature enthusiast / photographer combined, and the content and process is more important to me that then end result, which always led to quite a bit of frustration when judges do not appreciate the work that has gone into a shot...

So now I just enjoy for me aww

Lisa[spoiler] http://lisanaylor.zenfolio.com/

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Posts: 193

Hello Lisa and welcome to the forum. I too use a D3s with a 500mm f4 stuck to the end. I used to have a D2x as well but sold it quite a few years ago. Unfortunately my situation has changed a bit lately and I'm not able to get out as much as I'd like to photograph birds. Are you a member of a camera club? I seem to recognise some of your pictures from recent competitions or very similar pictures from recent competitions.


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Lisa Naylor wrote:

Doc, I have been to Marbury quite a bit in the past - love the place! Let me know if you are ever out birding there, would be great to meet up and see what is where - I've never been as a birder there, mainly just done a few walks there :)

Lisa, I will PM you my mobile as I am in work 3 days a week & off the other 3 but they alwasy vary week to week. I often pop down to the Marbury area, or can do if theres a reason - like showing you our 'patch'!! Let me know whwn you are heading this way & I'll be pleased to give you a full guided tour smile


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Thankyou Martyn and Dennis, Ill check out the next date and come to! Great to see you are both photographers too! :)

Doc, I have been to Marbury quite a bit in the past - love the place! Let me know if you are ever out birding there, would be great to meet up and see what is where - I've never been as a birder there, mainly just done a few walks there :)

Thankyou all again for your warm welcome :)

Lisa[spoiler] http://lisanaylor.zenfolio.com/

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Posts: 4345

A warm welcome to the site Lisa, I am sure you will enjoy it here as Ian runs one of (wink) the best birding sites in the NW if not the whole of the UK smile

I am based in Cheshire and help co-ordinate sightings for the Marbury CP area. If you need any info about Cheshire birding or are popping out this way & need my help please feel free to message me. I photograph birds too so can put you on to a few subjects as well!! Hope to see you out our way soon smile


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Hi Lisa, I'm the webmaster for the LOS.

We're a friendly bunch and always look forward to meeting new members, many of which are currently on a two week birding trip to Lesbos. Have a look at the website (address below) for details of the meetings and fieldtrips we've had this year - we have a break from June to August and the indoor programme starts again in September, when we will also be having a sponsored bird race. I'm also a member of our LOS Young Birders' Club team who visit schools spreading the message about nature, wildlife, conservation and birding in particular.

We'd love to see you at our next meeting. Cheers, Martyn.


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i go to the leigh ornithological meetings, they have some good slide show photo presentations and also organise trips out too smile

Did you see it? It was small and brown and flew that way.........................

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Thankyou everyone for the welcome smile

Thankyou for your comments on my site also, they are much appreciated.

Norfolk was amazing - the weather was really not favorable but managed to still have some lovely moments - I just can't wait to get back there... biggrin

Im looking at joining Leigh Ornithological Society - is anyone one here in that please?

Annette, thankyou for the welcome :) It is good to see other females out there enjoying birdies smile

Lisa[spoiler] http://lisanaylor.zenfolio.com/

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Posts: 155

Hi Lisa, Welcome to the forum. I'm a newbie to the forum only a couple of months now and I've been put back in contact with a few old friends, met some new ones and found the resourc a fantastic source of info. Happy birding

I Love Birds

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Hi Lisa, welcome to the forum. The good news is that it's frequented by helpful and friendly birders ( in the main). Have to say your photos are superb. I look forward to seeing the results of your Norfolk trip.


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Hello Lisa and welcome to the forum. Always good to hear of another woman with passion for birds and photography. There are too few of us around in a very male dominated past time. I have enjoyed looking at your website. Not only are you a good photographer and but you also have an artistic eye. I hope that you enjoy Norfolk it i a wonderful inspiring place for both birds and photography.




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Welcome aboard Lisa. Some superb photos on your site smile

Did you see it? It was small and brown and flew that way.........................

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Posts: 11

Just to say Hello :)

I don't really know many people on here so this is me introducing myself :)

Im a bird lover firstly, I also often have my camera in tow.

Off to Norfolk tomorrow for the first time, can't wait. Usually though Im around the Wigan / Merseyside areas.

I popped into Pennington Flash the other week and had a lovely morning, not been for ages :) Sparrowhawk hunting, grebes displaying, chiff chaff singing and beautiful bullfinch and Jays showing.

Anyhow, Ill be trying to get more involved with the forum as I hopefully get a bit more time off work to get out in the next few weeks :)



Lisa[spoiler] http://lisanaylor.zenfolio.com/
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