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Egerton area (other wildilife)

3 Roesels Bush Cricket near Horridges Farm this morning and a good showing of Harebell there.

-- Edited by dave broome on Sunday 6th of August 2023 01:51:11 PM


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Cox Green farmland this morning.

1 Green-veined White
1 Small Copper
3 Small Tortoiseshells
2 Red Admirals
1 Painted Lady

2 Silver Y

1 Black Darter


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1 Red Admiral flying across the top of Turton Heights


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Plenty of butterflies around various meadows, but mainly Meadow Browns, Gatekeepers, & Small Skippers.
A few Green-veined Whites & Small Tortoiseshells the other only other species found.

Common Hawker the only dragonfly seen, & no damselflies even though I checked the pond near Lynwood.


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Dead Field Vole at Horridge's Farm.

Green-veined Whites, Peacocks, & Small Tortoiseshells around farmland, quarry, & Cox Green Meadow.


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Pair of Roe Deer and a few Grey Squirrels at Dimple Hall. Plenty of Snowdrops also here.

Grey Squirrels also seen at Walmsley Church, Dimple Chapel, and Cox Green Clough.


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Pair of Roe Deer at Dimple Hall. The buck stood in the middle of the track looking at me as it waited for the doe to catch up. As soon as they were together they bounded off through the adjacent woodland.


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3 Roe Deer at Dimple Hall this morning


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3 Small Tortoiseshells & a Carder-bee on Cox Green Meadow at lunchtime (made up for a lack of birds on the reservoirs this morning).


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Cox Green farmland this morning

2 Red Admirals
1 Brown Hawker
Common Green Grasshoppers


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Butterfly count around the two meadows at New Butterworth/Lynwood.
Minimum counts :-
340 Small Skippers
36 Large Whites
15 Small Whites
180 Green-veined Whites
12 Small Tortoiseshells
1 Peacock
90 Meadow Browns
63 Gatekeepers

Hundreds of grass moths (only the usual species seen), Antler Moth, Silver-ground Carpet, Straw Dots, Udea lutealis, 2 Narrow-bordered Five-spot Burnets (looking very worn now).

Finally found a dragonfly on the pond near Lynwood. a striking male Emperor.


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Cox Green Meadow this morning to start the Big Butterfly Count. What a difference to last year's counts.

I counted at least 300 Skippers, the vast majority being Large Skippers, with numerous Small Skippers. They covered every part of the meadow.
Also 65+ Meadow Browns, 20+ Gatekeepers, 3 Green-veined Whites, 1 Small Tortoiseshell.

Moths :- hundreds of the commoner grass moths, Common Plume, Celypha lacunana, Udea lutealis, Straw Dot (20+), Narrow-bordered Five-spot Burnet, Silver-ground Carpet,
Latticed Heath (7), Blackneck (3), Shaded Broad-bar (5), Beautiful Golden Y, Gold Spangle (a lifer for me), Antler Moth.

7-spot ladybirds, Common Green & Field Grasshoppers.


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About 4 hours around Cox Green farmland this morning.

100+ Large Skippers, 2 Small Skippers, 1 Common Blue, 1 Small Tortoiseshell, 40+ Meadow Browns, 11 Small Heaths.

60+ Narrow-bordered Five-spot Burnet, 50+ Silver-ground Carpet, 3 Common Heath, 2 Northern Spinach, 1 Blood-vein, 1 Straw Dot, 1 Beautiful Golden Y, 2 Silver Y,
Celypha lacunana, Agriphila straminella & tristella, Bactra lancealana, Chrysoteuchia culmella, Crambus lathoniellus, Capua vulgana.

No dragonflies on the pond near Lynwood, just Large Red damselflies.

Half-eaten Mole.


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Cox Green Meadow this morning.

17 Large Skippers (normally 100+ at their peak, being more open country than Dunscar I think they may be a bit later all coming out), 3 Meadow Browns.

17 Silver-ground Carpets (some very bright & fresh indicating they may also have appeared later than the Dunscar ones), 14 Latticed Heaths, 8 Narrow-bordered Five-spot Burnets,
1 Blackneck, 1 Silver Y, 1 Beautiful Golden Y.
Numerous Nettle-tap, Timothy Tortrix, Celypha lacunana, Bactra lancealana, Agriphila tristella, Agriphila straminella,

7-spot ladybird.

Common Green Grasshoppers, Field Grasshoppers.

Meadow full of the common species of Bumblebees.

A cracking 90 minutes, and the next couple of hours in The Flag Inn watching The Lions stuff the Aussies wasn't bad either !


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Overcast morning with a couple of showers, so no butterflies, but I managed to disturb a few daytime moths.

Cox Green Clough & Quarry :-
Numerous Bactra lancealana, 10+ Common Heaths, 2 Clouded Borders, 1 Common Wave.

Cox Green Meadow :-
Numerous Bactra lancealana, Celypha lacunana, & Silver-ground Carpets. 1 Clouded Border.
As a kid this was a quarry and later on a council tip. Years after the landfill was completed wild flowers were introduced a few years ago, instead of the usual tree planting, which has benefited the area instead of seeing a decline in species. Well done Red Rose Forest.
It has taken a while for the flowers to appear this year, but things are looking pretty good now.
Black Medick, Broom, Bush Vetch, Common Sorrel, Common Spotted Orchid, Creeping Buttercup, Creeping Thistle, Cuckoo Flower, Dandelion, Meadow Buttercup, Meadow Vetchling, Ox-eye Daisy, Red Campion, Red Clover, Southern Marsh Orchid, Tufted Vetch, White Clover, Yellow Rattle.


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Thin cloud and a breeze this morning (the sun only broke through as I finished off at lunchtime) meant it was not as good as expected.

Only one Orange Tip and one Small Tortoiseshell amongst numerous Green-veined Whites.

No damselflies or dragonflies even though I checked all the Cox Green & Dimple ponds (Common Pond Skaters only).

Better for moths, with some expected common species :-
Numerous Common Heaths
1 Latticed Heath
Bactra lancealana
Crambus lathoniellus
Crambus pascuella
Cydia ulicetana
Neofaculta ericitella


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Highlight was a Stoat at Dimple Chapel. It ran across a field towards me, stopped briefly when it saw me, and scarpered off before I had a chance to focus my camera.
Grey Squirrels in Cox Green Clough
Rabbits at Horridges Farm
The owners of the farm said there were quite a few Pipistrelles out there last night
Lots of Green-veined Whites
1 Small White
A few Orange Tips
1 Peacock
Only two Large Red Damselflies. One in Cox Green Quarry, and one at the pond behind Lynwood.
Toad & Frog tadpoles in the ponds at Dimple Chapel


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This morning in Cox Green Quarry :-
1 Roe Deer, 1 Peacock butterfly, and a few Buff-tailed Bumblebees.


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Roe Deer in Cox Green Quarry this morning, plus lots of frogspawn.


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Small Tortoiseshell on Cox Green Road this morning


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Cox Green Quarry :-

Muntjac. A strange deer sound compared to the usual Roe Deer. A book description of "a coughing bark which sounds like an animal in distress" was spot on. I still could not find it, but as my only sightings are of their backsides disappearing into undergrowth I was not surprised. They have been around for at least 15 years, and the last sighting I heard of was one walking along Smith Lane early morning a few months ago.

Rabbits at New Butterworth

Green-veined Whites, Small Tortoiseshell, Speckled Woods, Gatekeepers, Meadow Brown.
With steady drizzle all morning I was surprised to see any butterflies.

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