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Post Info TOPIC: Dukinfield (other wildlife)

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RE: Dukinfield (other wildlife)

Plenty of fungi in the front garden of next door but one, including my first sighting of Fly Agaric of the season.

The people here have only moved in quite recently so it will be interesting to see how often they mow their lawn!

Only the obsessed understand!

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Active mole hill around Dukinfield golf course this morning, with the earth guarded by a Blackbird. Adjacent to the pond

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Monday 25th of January 2021 01:04:29 PM


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Red Admiral in a neighbour's garden today

-- Edited by Karen Foulkes on Wednesday 9th of September 2020 05:10:33 PM

Only the obsessed understand!

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A few sightings from this morning when I was on the way to the supermarket

Sow Thistle
Hoary Willowherb
Broad-leaved Willowherb
Greater Bindweed
Herb Robert
Herb Bennett

A couple of small nettle patches near the river too, suitable for insects

7-spot Ladybird
Harlequin Ladybird larva

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A walk down to the river early evening.

A late Orange Tip was unexpected
Two large Whites also

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I was in the queue this morning at Morrisons in Dukinfield when an insect flying close to the wall caught my attention. I was pleasantly surprised to see a Ruby-tailed Wasp, certainly not something I was expecting to see or maybe they are more common locally than I thought!

-- Edited by Karen Foulkes on Thursday 28th of May 2020 02:30:17 PM

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Wildlife seen between home and the cemetery today

Two Speckled Wood

Flora included Forget me Nots, Sow Thistle, Bluebells, Ragwort and the usual Dandelions and Daisies

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Mink and Grey Squirrel seen along the River Tame around lunchtime today.

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A female Orange Tip was flying along the grass verge opposite the house this afternoon and I also found a nice clump of Ivy-leaved Toadflax in the garden.

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A Red Admiral was seen flying near Dukinfield Park yesterday afternoon.


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18 Fly Agaric in a neighbour's garden today

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Fly Agaric in a neighbour's garden today.

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Two Red Admirals in my back garden.


Blessed is the man who expecteth little reward ..... for he shall seldom be disappointed.

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Some garden sightings from today

Forest Shieldbug
Brown Hawker
Large White

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Brown Hawker flew over the garden late afternoon today

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Fri April 24th.

2 Speckled Wood butterflies on Lodge Lane.


Blessed is the man who expecteth little reward ..... for he shall seldom be disappointed.

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2 Small Tortoiseshell in the garden today

A few tadpoles in the ground level bird bath too!

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Brown Hawker along river Tame this afternoon
5 Speckled Wood

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5 Pipistrelle Bats flying around the garden last night

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Plenty of frog spawn in the garden pond and some doesn't look far from hatching

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A large Red Fox by the River Tame this afternoon

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The garden pond was full of mating frogs today. I didn't get a chance to count them, unfortunately

-- Edited by Karen Foulkes on Thursday 20th of February 2014 11:20:44 PM

Only the obsessed understand!

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A Comma was in the garden early afternoon today

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Speckled Wood Butterfly in back garden.
One or two seem to turn up every year in the same spot .... a metre sq patch of gravel under a prostrate cotoneaster.


Blessed is the man who expecteth little reward ..... for he shall seldom be disappointed.

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A Hummingbird Hawk Moth was buzzing around the honeysuckle in our garden this morning.
Also a Meadow Brown butterfly a few days ago.
Not seen either of these previously in the garden.


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This evening in the garden

Snout moth
Silver Y
Lots of froglets

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I checked the pond in the garden out this evening when I got home from work and it has plenty of frog spawn and mating frogs in it. I know the pond was frozen up until almost the end of February. It looks like they couldn't wait to get started!

Only the obsessed understand!

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A beautiful dog fox spent a few minutes in the garden this afternoon and then left us a rather unkind present!

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2 Pipistrelle Bats flying over the back of the garden

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Small scruffy adult fox, maybe the mother of the two cubs from last night, seen in the garden tonight.

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Two small fox cubs seen late last night on the street I live on

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This morning:

Cinnabar moth along canal towpath, also 7 spot ladybird
Speckled Wood in cemetery

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1 Orange Tip on Coopers Ride

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Pine Ladybird this evening on Astley Street.

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