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Post Info TOPIC: Holcombe Hill and Area (Other Wildlife)

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Holcombe Hill and Area (Other Wildlife)

2 Green Hairstreak landed on the continuation of Moorbottom Rd this morning, up near the firing area

-- Edited by dave broome on Saturday 24th of April 2021 08:00:38 PM


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Origlnally posted by Craig Bell:

Green Hairstreaks. Holcomb. 18th April ‘21.

2 prob 3 Green Hairstreak butterflies on heather/ bilberry off Moorbottom rd this afternoon. My 1st ones this spring.


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2 Speckled Woods & a Small Tortoiseshell on track below Peel Tower.

1 Painted Lady near Red Brook.


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12 Green Hairstreak Butterfly today


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Large white,Small White,Green veined White,Peacock,Gatekeeper,Small Copper, Meadow Brown, Small Tortoiseshell,Speckled Wood


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Reddisher Wood in Flower

Yellow Pimpernel, Cuckoo Flower, Bilberry, Common Dog Violet, Dogs Mercury, Few Ramsons, swathes of Wood Aven and Bluebell, Marsh Marigold, Lesser Celendene

Two Roe Deer, Quite a few Orange Tipped Butterfly, Green VienedWhite, Large white

Bullheads Minows in brook

Moor and Moor Bottom Rd; water Cricket, Common Pond Scater, diving beetle Ilybus Ater, two Common Toads, lesser Water Boatman, Green Hairstreak and Orange Tipped Butterflys


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Common Newt, Common Frog, Common Toad all Lark view, with tadpoles and frog spawn, Pond Water Crowfoot in flower t Lark View lots of red and black ant nests Heather Beetle, ground beetle Loricera pilicornis harvestman Nemastoma bimaculatum spider coalotes atropos and Amaurobius fenestralis and Water Cricket moor bottom road

-- Edited by Ian Boote on Monday 29th of April 2013 12:41:52 AM


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Some curious things to ID but
Reddisher woods Marsh Ragwort, Valerian,
End of Reddisher woods Gatekeeper Small and Large Skipper Meadow Brown, Several Southern Hawker
Just below Moor Bottom Rd the site of Lark Farm is a species rich stream plants include Marsh Thistle, Water Binks, Lesser Spearwort, Water Crowfoot, Water Violet last seen last year
In the stream and associated pools at least 100 Lesser Water Boatman adult and nymph, at least hundred Common Water Skater adult and nymph, Water Measurer, and Diving Beetle Agabus guttatus ID by four spots on wing case common Toad and Frog which was in comparision to middle reaches of Red Brook which was sparse.
Plants rifle range Southern Marsh Orchid finishing, Harebell, Sneezewort, bilberry Wild Privet, Devils bit scabious, Yellow Rattle, Tormentil, Ling, Autum Hawkbit, Hedge Woundwort, Lesser spearwort, Foxglove etc.and a toadstool growing under a rock
Some good finds apart from Devils Bit Scabious, cracking flower but marks the end of summer. Ten weeks and Halloween........


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Wood Aven and huge bunch of water aven in a ditch first for me in Bury
lesser spearwort marsh thistle Cuckoo flower
Brown Hare on the moor tops
lots of different click beetles on the wing buzzing past and many to ID
long horn beetle Rhagium (Hagrium) bifasciatum huge great thing lives in trees for two years
Green Hair streak butterfly spread both sides of valley, Small Heath both in good numbers a few Orange tip
In Moor ponds and streams Red Damsel Fly, one or two types of water boatmen water cricket, pond scaters two types common and moor, caddis fly larvae, Stone fly as well as several water beetle
And evidence of motorbikes on the tops causing significant erosion


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From Yesterday on the moor tops

There were a lot of bugs of all sort flying directly over the moor. I assume they flew up the valley and just carrried on enroute for blackburn. There were butterflies, bees, beetles and hoverflies too quick to ID and clearly on a mission.

There was other bugs flying but clearly intending to stay around various flies and wolf spiders again many were hard to ID as they were fast moving.

Then a puddle stuffed fulled of all sorts at least 4 different water beetles, Caddis Fly, curious pond skaters and a large frog.

previous years have led to some good bog plants around Moor Bottom Rd and the Green Hair Streak Butterfly.

clearly an area with plenty to offer and one to revisit and also fairly dog walker free

Ground Beetle notiophilus germinyi

scavenger beeetle Helophorus brevipalpis

Diving Beetles Helophorus two types one 8mm one 3mm still trying to ID lots of these in two locations right on top.

Cuckoo bees Nomada leucophthalma
Mining Bee Andrena clarkella
Bombus Lapidarius Red Tailed Bumble Bee

pond skater pretty sure not Gerris lacustris Common Pond Skater but need better specimin to photo some of these flying between ponds.

lots of Peacock and other common butterflies

-- Edited by Ian Boote on Tuesday 27th of March 2012 12:42:24 AM


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went up onto the moors
lots of micro beasts
money spiders, springtails-some common some unable to ID, frog hopper nymphs, gelis wasp. So plenty for otherwildlife to feed on.
In particular
Pterostichus niger large black ground beetle under the cairn at the summit of harcle hill six found. livingin its own excavated cavity.
Banded Centipede - Lithobius variegatus same place
some type of ensign fly
wolf spider Pardosa lugubris
and a very distintive but unID rove beetle 2 off.
Velia caprai, known as the water cricket found in a ditch near summit 4 of


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More than last time
Huge number of Black ant nests very few other insects on Moor Bottom Rd
Various Rove beetles in all sorts of places spagnum moss on rifle range, under a rock on moor bottom road, and in a grass tussock but ID of these is very difficult.
Spiders Sac spider clubiona corticalis common harvestman Nemastoma bimaculatum black and common on Moor Bottom Rd
Best find Globular Spring Tail Dicyrtoma fusca size of a money spider so big for this type of collembola found under a rock Moor Bottom Road. Reports are infrequently scattered over England so assumed common if overlooked.
Huge Common Frog Lark rise on moor and spawn in nearby ditch plenty in rifle range
Two Roe Deer Rifle Range

Common Water Crowfoot Lark Rise and Golden Saxefrage Woods in Flower

-- Edited by Ian Boote on Tuesday 13th of March 2012 12:23:10 AM


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Reddisher Woods
blunt-tailed Snake Millipede - Cylindroiulus punctatus
Haplophilus subterraneous centipede
Banded Centipede - Lithobius variegates
Brown Centipede - Lithobius forficatus
Tachypodoiulus niger White Legged millipede
Ichneumon suspiciosus parasitic wasp

Moor Bottom Road Only found the folowing
Pogonognathellus longicornis the only springtail found. Complete absense of other insects all along Moor Bottom Road assume due to cool weather.
Plecoptera - Stonefly nymphs found in two fast running streams straight off the moor. These are an excellent indicator of clean water and like running water. ID by two tails instead of three as on most other fly nymphs. Two specific species reported to Manchester Nemurella picteti & N cinerea but these are not reported in Bury area on NBN Adults, never mind nymphs, need detailed examination for definitive species ID. 30 species in uk.

Lark Rise Rifle Range
Common Red Ant - Myrmica rubra
Small Black Ant - Lasius niger
Lichen Oakmoss - Evernia prunastri
coelotes atropos spider female
Mole hills

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